Warrior Babes
The Amazons




Thousands of years ago all the men in our village were wiped out in a single battle. From then on our ancestors knew that our women needed to be strong so as for men we just learned to live without them. They're returned to their fathers. The girls stay with us and they're raised as Amazons. Although I only speak for the Delaquar Amazons my tribe. Yeah twelve of them we were separated during the Great War witht he centaurs. One day we do hope that we'll be reunited. Cyanne
How To Become An Amazon
1. Well you must be female since it's an estrogen only tribe although sometimes there are exceptions to the rule as in the case of Ephiny and her son.
2. Be able to fit in one of those skimpy outfits since Amazons like showing lots and lots of skin.
3. Dancing is a must so if you have two right feet start practicing.
4. A sword is an essential accessory since there will be fighting so the sight of blood shouldn't make you go all queasy.
5. Of course you need to know how to use the sword since you'd look pretty sill swinging it all willy nilly not to mention the whole getting dead thing. Also excessive sword use can cause sword elbow so be careful.
6. Invest in a good pair of boots and have a whip handy since you're likely to need it.
7. Perfect your tree climbing skills since it's a common form of travel.


The Amazons
Tribes of women warriors
With their own way of doing things
Where girl power originates
Don't require men to survive
Living together as sisters
Some silly traditons
Howling at the moon
While covered in mud
Wisdom in some of the traditons
Only some tinkering required
Not big on marirage
Enjoy to dance
Queen Melosa
Queen of the Amazon tribe
Loses her adopted daughter
Must avenge her death
Gabrielle must make the kill
Not loving the centaurs
Fought the royal challenge
Has a blind side
Not a fight to the death
Opened up her eyes
Fighting side by side
With those who were once enemies
Took over as Queen one again
Amazon Princess
Walking through the woods
Completely changed her life
Met some Amazons
Fascinated by their ways
Eager for more knowledge
Arrows started flying
Up they went into the trees
But one fell down
Rushing to her aid
Without thought to her safety
Attempted to save the Amazon
The heart of an Amazon
Before her death she bestowed a gift
The rite of caste
Making Gabrielle an Amazon Princess


An amazon brave and true
Curly locks of golden hair
Rough around the edges
Not liking the centaurs
Opens up her heart
Love blooms in an unlikely place
A centaur captures her heart
Tragedy sadly struck
Her love was killed so horribly
But a great gift was left behind
An adorable baby boy named Xenan
Came home to the amazons
To find Valasca as Queen
Killed Melosa in combat
Supposedly a fair fight
Hungry for power
Asks for the crown
Sure it's her's for the taking
Enraged at being denied
She finds some ambrosia
Becomes a god
Totally out of her mind
Intent on destruction
Hunting Gabrielle
Who is topping her list
Knocked off the bridge far below
Landing in a pool of molten lava
Where she has firmly remained


Looking for a place to belong
She becomes an Amazon
Joins up with the Greeks
With stories about her tribe
She is accepted
A deception later uncovered
But she earned her place
It was made official
Gabby added a bead to the necklace
Representing all the sisters
Realizing she had much to learn
She stays with the northern tribe
Later on she dies in battle
Queen Marga
Showed Eve mercy
Who had saved her life
Invites them to come
Gone for days
Makes her way back
On the verge of dying
Asks for Xena's help
The fate of the Amazons in her hands
Teach Varia the warrior ways
A message on her body
Challenging all warriors
A fiery temper has she
Ready to wreak vengeance
Needs a little guidance
To take over as Queen
Many things learned
From the Warrior Princess
Who made her see the truth
Forgiving actions of the past
Allows Eve to live
So she can atone for her evil deeds
And forgive herself for not saving his sister
A betrayal for the good of the tribe
Her leadership is taken away
Given back by Gabrielle's wisdom and forgiveness
For a strong Amazon Nation
She must now lead


Greek Amazons
The Amazon symbol of peace is hands clasped above the head.
Philosophy and history are among the first things Amazon children are taught. From birthy every Amazon is taught to use weapons.
The Amazon World
It is based on truth and a woman's individual strength.
They burn their dead to send them on their way to Artemis. They also walk in trees. They use bird calls to communicate with each other.
The Rite of Caste- Upon dying the person bestows all rights and possessions to another including their position in the tribe. This person avenges the murder of the person with the sword of the slain. It is burned
Using A Staff
(This lesson took place when Ephiny was anti-Centaur but this logic can be applied to anyone.) Centaurs are fast and agile. As they pass at full gallop the staff cracks the knee at the joing, splits the leg forward and they drop to the ground. As they fall a strike to the lower shoulder disolcates the two front legs. Once the Centaur is on the ground an overhead strike breaks the neck. Death is immediate if they're lucky.
The Royal Challenge- It must be honored by someone of royal blood but they can pick a champion to fight in their place. It is a fight to the death and the one that makes the challenge can choose the weapons.
Queen Gabby Speech
Queen Mawu-ka, Queen Gwyn-teir, your friend Bame. Their blood on the shores of this land. Our sisters have died but death is not an end to their spirits. Death it's a pathway to an afterlife. And when it is my time to join them, I want to know that I can grasp them by the hands, I can look them all in the eyes, and tell them that their blood was not shed without purpose, that we finished the job that they began. More of us may die today but the Amazon Nation, it will live on forever. That is the duty that we carry and the everlasting honor that we will hold. 



Northern Amazons
Amazons Birth And Rebirth
It was the birth of the Amazon nation and their legendary warrior Samsara whose lust for blood perverted their history for eons. Then Xena brought her daughter Eve to receive the Amazon Rite of Caste.
A Queen is a chalice. Let us fill you with visions of our history fragments of a time before we were Amazons. When cannibals slaughtered our men, and warriors like the  great Samsara called on the Shaman for a savior from the future. An Utma the first Cyanne. Behold the legendary Samsara! Tonight, your coronoation continues a ritual passed down through the ages. A ritual of music and movement, a celebration of community and joy, for we are a family united in sisterhood. We are the creators and our own creations. The words and the music. Both singer and song. Our traditions stretch back to the great Gaia herself, Mother of us all. A tradition of dance...of music...of sacrifice...of blood. Witness our legacy, embrace the Amazon Way. As our fore sisters honored the first Cyanne. Give your spirit kiss to our new Queen Gabrielle.
Force of life send us to the land beyond time and death the Utma. Our savior, our greatest warrior.
Spirit Kiss- Both hands pressed to lips and bring outward toward the person.
Rite Of Caste Ceremony- Eve is my rightful heir. I give her my Rite of Caste.
Behold Eve she'll forever be called after our sister in life and in death. Eve, we welcome you. By this blood I initiate you in the sisterhood of a tribe as a full Amazon Princess.
White horse with symbols painted on it would have its throat slit and the person would be bathed in its blood.
A prisoner, Cyanne touched her enemy's heart. But Samsara's heart was too hard. See the truth and be guided by it.
Tretomlec women I prosed a new mission for us. In honor of our lost fathers, sons, brothers, and husbands. We take no more men in our tribe but dedicated our lives helping others. I saw we lay to rest with our beloved men the name Tretomlec and embrace the name given us by the Utma. From this moment on we are Amazons.
A Ram's Horn is used to call the Queen to the ceremonies. What a lovely sound it makes to you could listen to it for days.
Sacred Amazon Law- It is a terrible offense against our honor to be spied upon while bathing by a man. The offender must face the wrath of Amazon justice. The offender is placed in the block to await judgement.
Amazon Code for spying- If a male should look upon an Amazon's natural grace without her permission he shall lose an eye. Caught kissing an Amazon out of season the male must face the Royal Challenge. The Amazon that he kissed is banished.
Amazon Scroll- If an accused man pledges allegiance to the Queen he may be pardoned for a first offense.
Remeber our heritage sisters. Our customs are steeped in traditions passed down as far back as the great Cyanne herself. To dishonor them is to shame us all.
Full Moon Ceremony (Done nude and covered in mud)- As Queen you must pay tribute to the full moon. You must show the glory of your form to Sister Moon so that she will smile on you. It will bring us great good fortune. It's an important Amazon Tradition. Sister Wolf must talk to the moon. Howl! Sister Wolf howls at Sister Moon till Sister Sun Sun chases Sister Moon away. 
Spiritual Realm
Nature is composed of several planes of reality and they are all united by one thing the mind. Think of it this way in the day when you're awake is one reality. At night when you dream is another. And what all these realites have in common is your awareness of them
The Ritual Of Crossing Over
To do battle with Alti on the spirtual plane you must be unified with one who's recently passed over. Choose a creature of the forest. This being killed with the ceremonial dagger of a Shamaness will be your bridge to the realm of souls.
Rub blood on face and do the dance thing.
Just as daughter becomes mother the student becomes the teacher. Their strength will be their unity. Their courage will be their guide.
Cut the palms of each person's hand
The stag's blood mingled with your own will carry you over to the other side. My blood mixed with yours will be your link to the physical world.
Blood on forehead- Wearing headress out of animal.
When you drink you will begin to cross over. Carry the dagger with you. By no account should you let it go of it. It's our only chance to kill Alti in the spiritual realm. If we can destroy her there we destroy her soul.
Drink the blood- dance until go all trancey
The Burial Ritual for Restless Souls
A tree of amber grows in the Temple of Chea. If we cover the remains and the amber hardens the soul will be trapped.
A word of warning. The tree is guarded by an Amazon Mystic named Chea. She has the power to see the truth in your heart. You may lie to yourself but you can't lie to Chea.


Amadzon is a greek word that means without a breast.
Amazon in Armenian means moon women.
Some believe that the legend of the Amazons came from the communities of women that the Inca maintained. They were called Akalakuna and were sacred. They belonged to the emperor and the sun. They were devoted to weaving and were unable to have lovers since the woman and her lover would be killed if they should be found out. Their fine cloth was used for gifts to other states. At Jauja the Akalakuna fought the Spanish.
Amazons were the first warriors to ride horses. They were associated with mother-goddess cults which had primitive fertility and war rites that included orgies and maybe male sacrifices. They may have been priestesses of the moon goddess Ma and had powers of enchantment connected to the heavenly body. They were beautiful and lived at the edges of the known world Libya, Scythic, at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains. The Amazons that lived at Caucasus Mountains met Gargarensians (a male tribe) each spring on an appointed day where they performed a joint sacrifice, and lived together for two months. When an Amazon found out she was pregnant she would go home. The girls became Amazons and the boys were sent to the Gargarensians.
Amazons were one of a tribe of warlike women who lived in Asia Minor. The Amazons had a matriarchal society in which the women fought and governed while the men performed the household tasks. Each Amazon had to kill a man before she could marry and all male children were either killed or maimed at birth. It was believed that the Amazons cut off one breast in order to shoot and throw spears more effectively. They were celebrated warriors, believed to have been the first to use cavalry, and their conquests were said to have included many parts of Asia Minor, Phrygia, Thrace, and Syria. Several of the finest Greek heroes proved their mettle against the Amazons: Hercules took the golden girdle of Ares from their queen Hippolyte: Theseus abducted Hippolyte's sister Antiope and then defeated a vengeful army of Amazons at Athens. A contingent of Amazons fought with the Trojans under Penthesilea.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia