Entry One
Dear Diary
I'm in LA working at a diner. I just need time to be away where no one knows me. I keep having dreams about Angel. It's almost like he's not really gone. For a moment it's good but reality sets in and it all comes flooding back. Here I'm anonymous and going by my middle name. It took quite an effort not to smack that guy when he smacked me on the ass. Men can be such pigs and then I run into that girl that recognized me. I remember that she was one of those vamp groupies. Maybe she won't figure out who I am since she just thought I looked familiar.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
Well Lily did recongnize me after all. Oh fun I got hit by a car pushing that guy out of the way. It was strange that he said I am no one and looked like he was not all there but this is LA after all. I bumped into some guy with fliers but I guess he had a point about what he was saying. This can be a lonely place if you're stuck on the streets. At least I have a place to stay. I do have the despair thing going for me but I'm doing the best I can.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
I decided to go home. Lily is taking over my job at that diner. At least now she'll have a place to stay. I can't run away from who I am and what I do. I went to a lovely Hell dimension and killed that creepy Ken demon. So much for my Ganhi impression. I wonder how things will go with Mom. I had to leave it's not like I had a choice and maybe over thiese past months she came to accept that I'm the Slayer. She was upset and things get said in the head of the moment. She must understand that I had to leave or the would would have gone straight to Hell in a literal sense.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
I'm home but things are a bit ackward. I wonder how long it'll take to get back to normal. So I'm back and I can't go to school. I actually want to go back to school. It would give me something to do during the day. So Mom decided to invite the gang over. I still don't get why she wants to use to company plates. I guess I'll get ready for tonight. I guess it'll be nice to have some time with my buds over for dinner. I wonder what we're going to eat.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
So much for a quiet dinner. It turned into a party and the dead crashed. Dirty laundry got aired in the living room which was a bit embarrassing. I even heard someone say that I just got out of rehab. I suppose that's better than the truth. That certainly wouldn't go over well. Sure I'll have it announced for all to hear. At least things are back to normal with Will. I so didn't enjoy getting the icy treatment. Wow she's really getting into the witchy thing big time.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Oh great a new Slayer in town. Hasn't she heard of personal space? It's like I'm being stalked our single white femaled. Xander and Will are my friends and Giles is my Watcher. I'm not liking this girl at all. Just what I need a girl that pummels a vamp while I'm fighting off two. She is liking the whole violence thing way too much. She is not all there. Maybe Giles can help with the insane girl. She has no right to even mention Angel. Who does she thing she is? She knows nothing about this sitch at all.
She even was eying my not boyfriend. Hello get a life and stop trying to steal mine.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
I totally wigged when Scott gave me that claudaugh ring. It was sweet of him but that just hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe I was a little hard on Faith. She had a lot to deal with and she did come thorugh. We kind of bonded when we were fighting that Conquistos guy. We even had a pigout session afterwards. She does have a point about slaying making you hungry. I think I'll talk to Scott. Seize the day and all that.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
Well that worked out well so now I have a date with Scott. It'll be nice to date a guy with a pulse and who is able to go out in the daylight. I'm going to take the ring Angel gave me to the mansion. I guess it's my way of letting go. He's gone and I have to accept it. I have the chance to have a normal relationship with a nice guy so I'm going to go for it.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
My appointment with that counselor Pratt wasn't as bad as I thought. He was ok. I hope that Oz wasn't the killer. This is the Hellmouth full of tons of demon fun. Talk about a shocker. I'm out patrolling and I come across Angel. He was all wild like an animal and had no idea who I was. I chained him up at his place. There was like a scorch mark of his body in the spot that I put the ring. So I've decided to hit the books and try to figure out what happened and why he's back.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Yikes that was intense. It was same old same old fighting a bad guy and Angel just swoops in. He saved me and finally recognized me. I don't know what to do about this. He seems to be back to his old self. How am I going to break this news to the gang and especially to Giles. I'll just wait and see what happens. I don't think they'd understand and I'm not even sure if I get it myself. I wonder how and why he came back.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
I'm going to help Angel but I can't tell anyone he's back. Great I go dumped by Scott. I was hoping we'd go to the dance but my distracted self got me dumped. So much for my getting on with my life with a stable guy. Maybe a workout will help. Punching is always a good way to work out the frustrations. I think I've figured out what teacher to get that letter from that the troll wants. Damn his ugliness!
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
Typical of Cordy to be totally self absorbed. I won't even have a crappy school picture in the yearbook. I'm gonna run for Prom Queen. I want to wipe that smug look of her face. Besides I look really cute in a tiara. I can use this to keep my mind off my lack of a social life. I'll be going to the dance with Faith. the tickets are bought so I may as well use them. Cordelia is such a bitch. I'll find a way to get Will to let me take a peek at the data base she made for her. I'll work the guilt angle to my advantage.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
Oops I got busted. Well Giles and Mom have been smothering me all the time. Giles seemed a little odd when they ambushed me after walking in the door. I need some breathing room but instead he tells me not to freak out. It's not like I could say that I was with Angel who by the way has returned from Hell. I'm sure that would go over real well.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Oh great Mom gives me the car and some idiot crashes into me. On the plus side Synder wasn't such a troll. It was disturbing to see those adults enter teendom again. That is so wrong to use chocolate for evil. That had to be the scariest thing I've ever seen. Now I'm stuck paying for the damage which sucks. I'm just glad that this nightmare between Mom and Giles never went beyond killing. Ewwww! I did like that coat she was wearing. I'll remain blissfully ignorant regarding those handcuffs.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Well the cat's out of the bag. They all know about Angel. It's not like I planned to never tell them. Great Xander spying on me. Well it's out and it was going to come out eventually so I have to deal with it. I just hate that Giles was so hurt. I just didn't know how to tell him especially after what happened. I'm not liking this Post chick but she certainly put him in his place. Giles too American? Not! Faith got stuck with a lemon. Actually Giles seems way loose compared to her. Me and Angel kissed but it was a total accident. It just seems so natural but it can't ever happen again. This so sucks that I can never be with the one I love unless I want all Hell to break loose or I become a vampire which isn't happening. I was able to stop myself though.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
So the Watcher was evil. Poor GIles got knocked out again. He really should wear a helmet. Well Willow's ok with Angel since he saved her life and all. He was in Hell for who knows how many hundreds of years and was tortured so doesn't that sort of balance things out. I guess not but he has suffered greatly for all that he's done. He has his soul back and it's going to stay that way. I can do this. I just need to keep telling myself that. We can be friends sure no problem at all. Another Wastcher is on the way to Faith and a real one this time. I now know that if it came down to a fight that I could totally take Faith if I had to.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
I got my SAT scores back and it's 1430 which has everyone all happy and wanting me to leave. I guess it's good but I never really thought about college and all that kindo f stuff. Would I be the first Slayer to make it to college? It's not like I have to make the decision right this second. It would be nice to go to college I supposed but can I slay and do the school thing. Faith's around so maybe this isn't such a crazy idea. So it's a thought that could come through although I'm not liking this go away theme. I'll go talk to Angel and see what he thinks.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Well the verdict is in Angel wants me gone too. It hurt me when he said it although I know that wasn't his intent. They all have a point although my Mom has been driving me nuts with all college talk. It would be nice to have the college experience and since I've got the good score I may as well take advantage of it.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
How strange that Spike of all people knew the truth. I can't believe that he saw what no one else saw and what I wanted to deny. I can't be friends with Angel since it would lead to badness and pain. Maybe if he has been able to say he didn't love me but I probably would have known that he was lying. It's crazy that a vampire was able to see what I was trying to hide. For some strange reason I wasn't able to fool Spike. What a bad sitch! All of my friends are all miserable. I'm glad that Cordy's going to be ok. Yikes I feel for the girl. She finds her boyfriend in a liplock with another girl and she loves him. Why couldn't the whole smooching thing with Will and Xand happen before other people were involved. So now everyone's miserable or feeling guilty.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
I wonder what's up with Faith. I haven't seen her much lately. I'm kind of worried because she shouldn't be alone. Poor Will and Xand. It'll take time but they'll get through it. I think that Will's odds are better than Xand's. Of the two Oz strikes me more of the forgiving type. It was an extenuating sitch but it sounds like it would have eventually happened. Now Cordelia is more the type to hold a grudge. She's had a hard time so I'm a little torn because I feel bad for her too. So we are the trio of miserable in love.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
Just another fun night at the Bronze with a vamp to be slayed and Cordy landing in the garbage and having her friends turn up at that way bad moment. Nice friends she has there. She should look into getting some new friends that are actually human. So tonight was a total bust in the having of fun. If only Cordy had have moved out of the way in time. I think I'll call it a night.
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
That was so weird. Angel just bailed and had a strange look on his face. It was almost like he'd seen a ghost or something. On the plus side I got all my shopping done. Tonight me and Mom are planning to get a tree. I'm so not going to go to Giles about Angel since it's a sore subject. It's still too hard for him after what happened. I don't want to bother him since it may be nothing. Vamps with insomnia could get the holiday blues just like the rest of us.
Entry Twenty-three
Dear Diary
Now that was bizarre. It was like I was doing a guest spot in Angel's dream. I think there's something wrong with him. As much as I don't like this I'm going to have to go to Giles. I have no choice now. It was so strange to see him in the past. We have to help him because he's so lost and probably wonders why he came back. I wonder why and how myself. He did land in the spot where I left the ring Angel gave me last year. Maybe that has nothing to do with it but the ring is gone.
Entry Twenty-four
Dear Diary
I'm happy for Will since she has a second chance with Oz. Gotta love my buds for wanting to help and Giles too. The fact that Angel went to him just shows how very wrong things are. I wonder when this heat will end. Maybe Faith will turn up tonight. I know she said she had a party but I think she was lying. I had another dream with Angel. I hope we can find where these priest guys are. So the first evil whatever guys probably brought him back. Are they trying to make him go evil or something?
Entry Twenty-five
Dear Diary
That was a close call. When I saw him there waiting for the dawn just broke my heart. I guess the whole snowing thing was a sign that Angel wasn't meant to die. It was nice walking down Main St hand in hand with Angel. I guess someone is trying to tell us something. I just know that there is so much good that he can do. He can make amends for what he's done in the past. He has the time to do it and he has helped me and the gang to avert apacalypses. I think those first evil things wanted him evil because they knew he was going to fight evil and of course they don't want that. I'm just glad that it started snowing and most importantly no sun since he'd be dust. I don't even want to think about that. I'm not sure if I could handle his dying again. I'm just glad that it was a happy ending. A Christmas Miracle is what it was.
Entry Twenty-six
Dear Diary
So not a good night at all. If only the worst part was Mom showing up while I was out patrolling. I can't get the image of those poor kids out of my head. I have to get the monster that did this. Good thing I've got Giles to figure out what that symbol thing is. I hear Mom pacing so I'm going to go to her. This is going to be a very long night.
Entry Twenty-seven
Dear Diary
So much for a small gathering. How weird things are between Giles and Mom. I guess it's just residual strangeness from the candy incident. Great Willow's mom calls me Bunny. She's not much with the noticing. This didn't turn out good with the whole talk about Witches and Slayers. Slayers are the good guys and being a Witch doesn't make you evil. Trouble is brewing and Mom is strirring the pot.
Entry Twenty-eight
Dear Diary
Well I certainly don't reccomend burning at the stake. Oh the joy of having my Mom being behind this with her very own Hansel and Gretel. Moo could that be a lamer acronym. Thankfully Giles came in the nick of time and Cordy had the hose. Unfortunately me and Will weren't able to change Amy back. It's a good thing she didn't change us too or we'd all be sharing a cage fighting over who gets to use the wheel. That was one evil demon. Children the only thing that made people sit up and take notice but it went seriously bad. So the town has gone back into blind eye mode.
Entry Twenty-nine
Dear Diary
I can't wait till the ice show. It's dumb but I love it plus i get Dad time. It'll be nice after that freaky night I had. That was so odd not to mention scary how I was nearly stake with my own stake. I don't understand what happened. Everything was fine until I got all dizzy. That was no fun at all. Maybe Giles will be able to help me out. This is not good since I'm not feeling the whole Slayer strength thing.
Entry Thirty
Dear Diary
That was so beautiful what Angel said. It's kind of ironic that it was love at first sight for him and I didn't think much of him. How things have changed. Talk about being a moron not letting Angel walk me home. I was rescued by Cordelia today but no I told Angel that I could take care of myself. Moronic much! I can't believe that Giles stuck a needle in my arm. He knew all along. Thank god that my Mom is ok no thanks to him. That was too close of a call. Slaying and Mom's don't mix. They are supposed to be separate. I never realized my strength until this nightmare. Note to self no more birthdays. Sleep the day away to avoid the badness that seems to always come on my special day. I'm just glad that this is temporary. I don't do helpless well. Damn that stupid council who do they think they are? They have no idea what's going on here and that test which put my Mother in danger was so very wrong. I'm not too thrilled with Giles either but at least he came clean about the sitch and did come to help. I'm just glad that the Holy Water did the trick. Ding Dong the pyscho vampire is dead. So Giles has been fired. I really don't like that Traver's guy. That's nice to fire a guy because he cares about me.
Entry Thirty-one
Dear Diary
This isn't good another apocalypse. Oh the fun! So we'll do the research thing. I'm really wigged about this. I'm in the mood for donuts so I'll have Xander get some. It's best that Xander stays out of the way safe and sound. He could have gotten seriously hurt or dead by those culty chicks. They were pretty strong. Oh fun I guess I better head off to the library before I get scolded for shirking my duty.
Entry Thirty-two
Dear Diary
Well the world didn't end which is good and no major damage was done. Giles was absolutely amazing. I'm so glad that Angel's going to be ok but that's the benefits of being a vampire you have that extra healing power thing. He gave me quite a scare. Well we all came out alive. My arm hurts so no more talking.
Entry Thirty-three
Dear Diary
Oh joy a new Watcher arrives. The only word that comes to mind is total dork. Great Faith bails so I get stuck with going to the crypt for an amulet. What fun to hang out with dead people. Faith showed up and just had to go down the man hole. At least we ended up with the amulet. Faith may have had a point on the slaying thing. It was a rush. Bummer no studying of the chemistry. But I'll live having been deprived of that fun.
Entry Thirty-four
Dear Diary
Ok that was intense. I think Faith's a bad influence on me. Stealing and causing an accident. To much wacky fun for me. We are so not the law only of the creatures of the night and stuff. Sure there was a little excitement going on there but being a Slayer isn't for breaking the law even if it did add a thrill to things. I'm still not liking the new Watcher. I bet he would scream if he came face to face with a vampire.
Entry Thirty-five
Dear Diary
I can't believe it even though I saw it with my own eyes. Faith killed a man a total 100% human. Maybe my first instinct about her wasn't far off the mark. That Balthazar was way ugly and in serious need of exercise. Well he's fired although I don't know what the hell he was talking about someone rising. I wonder where Faith is. It has to be tearing her up inside with her having killed a guy if she has a conscience. I'm going to check on her tomorrow to see how she's doing. I bet dealing with this isn't covered in the Slayer's Handbook.
Entry Thirty-six
Dear Diary
That was disturbing. My visit to see Faith didn't go quite like I thought it would. She killed him and said she doesn't care. The scary thing is that I think she's serious. She also did seem to like the slaying a bit too much but that was demons not people. Even though I cried out to her she didn't stop. This can't be good and Wes just isn't manly enough for the job. Maybe I'll just ask Angel for his advice since he used to do the killing for kicks thing. I need a nap before I go out tonight.
Entry Thirty-seven
Dear Diary
I'm having nightmares about that guy so sleeping was out of the question. Color me stunned when I find my Mom watching the news that was talking about the boyd found. So much for the body being gone like Faith said and I'm the one haunted by it. What the hell am I going to do about this? I'm not going to Wesley for sure since I don't know the clown. No one to talk to about this nasty sitch. I think I'll try to get some sleep. I guess I could go to Giles since I trust him but I am going to sit on this for a while.
Entry Thirty-eight
Dear Diary
Great Wesley wants us to investigate this guy's murder. I want to help Faith but I have no clue how to do it since she doesn't want to tell him. Maybe I can convince her to do the right thing. I'm not sure if it'll work. This isn't good this whole keeping stuff locked up. I'm going to Giles if she doesn't smarten up. I'm tortured by this but I'm not so sure that she's feeling anything. It was like she was trying to blame me for the murder. She was the one with the stabbing even after I told her no. I do feel guilty but I didn't murder that man she did.
Entry Thirty-nine
Dear Diary
That's just great Faith trys to put the blame on me. Thank god Giles knew she was lying. So this has happened before with other Slayers. Well maybe she can be helped. It's possible that she's in shock. Xander slept with Faith! I certianly never saw that coming. Will seemed to take it well at least in front of us she did. It has to hurt even though she's with Oz sicne Xander was her first love. I think a piece of her heart will always belong to him.
Entry Forty
Dear Diary
Thank god Angel got there in time before Faith strangled poor Xander. God that boy has lousy taste in girls well except of course for me. The fact that Faith saved me shows that there is hope for her. I can't give up on her since I could have wound up like her. Although a part of me kind of doubts that since I don't get off on the slaying like she does way too much. I guess time will tell. Just wonderful Wesley made a bad sitch even worse. He really should go back to England since I'm getting the impression that he's a moron. Unfortunately I really doubt that he'll jump on a plane. So we're stuck with him. Who knows he might grow on me yeah like a fungus.
Entry Forty-one
Dear Diary
I hope Will's ok. She got a tad bit worked up when I called her reliable. Just having an off day maybe she'll feel better later. Tonight she'll be back to the Will I know and love. It probably didn't help that Synder is bullying her. I'd like to have a few rounds with that rat. It'll be nice to go to the Bronze for a little fun. I have more than earned that. I guess Faith is making an effort and since competition is healthy it's good that I want to beat her. I'm ahead of her in the running in the sanity department. Ok not to self try to be patient when it comes to F. She is trying so I'll just wait and see what happens. I hope I can get that tape of history class without sticking my foot in my mouth even further.
Entry Forty-two
Dear Diary
Now that was utterly bizarro. I'm just glad that Willow isn't dead. I can breathe again because that was horrible. So strange with two Willows but as different as night and day. I'm not sure if I could have staked her since she was Willow even though she really wasn't. Well we sent her back and Will is safe and sound. The scream is always a good signal. I just love it when I'm fighting side by side with Angel. Well the other Willow did help with the Percy sitch so we'll be going to out since those guilt coupons just blew away.
Entry Forty-three
Dear Diary
Well seeing that movie wasn't the best idea in the world. It is nice to do the smoochies but Faith interrupting wasn't so nice but a Slayer's job is never done. How nice a demon wanting to bargain. We need to get our hands on those books before the mayor gets them. It really irritates me when Faith mentions Angel since it's no business of hers. We're not exactly close and with all that's happened I'm not so sure we ever will. I guess time will tell.
Entry Forty-four
Dear Diary
Great Faith all snuggly with Angel. Whoever killed that demon sure had fun and one name came to mind. So much for change. I'm bneing paranoid at least I hope so. I just couldn't talk to him and chance having Faith see me. It was probably her but they do have a lot in common. I need to stop driving myself nuts.
Entry Forty-five
Dear Diary
Good thing Giles knew that creepy guy to fake Angel's losing his soul. I have to keep reminding myself that it was just an act. I know it wasn't real but when I asked him to do it I didn't realize how much it would affect me. I need a break from him and just spend some quality time with my buds. I'm going to go talk to him. What I need right now is to watch movies in Hindu with people singing into their phones. I have nothing to feel guilty about since I didn't kill that guy. I'm not a killer that would be Faith's territory. She likes killing now that she's gotten a taste for it. I guess some people are just wired that way. Ok that was creepy but Ted line or not it's true. I tried my best to help her and so did the others but she didn't want it. Sadly not everyone can be saved. I know that all too well but it doesn't ease the sting. Only in Sunnydale would we have the same mayor for a century.
Entry Forty-six
Dear Diary
Those were some funky demons. Well at least I got one of those scabby demons. My hand is itchy for some reason. It was weird how they had no mouths. That is creepy. Hmm I think I'll have a snack. I wonder if Angel like pretending with Faith. She has that bad girl thing working for her. I wonder if he was tempted. Maybe some ice cream will help cure me and take my mind of this damn itch.
Entry Forty-seven
Dear Diary
I'm wigged about this demon aspect thing. No horns as of yet. I ran into Angel while I was out. Maybe he's right about the whole exaggeration thing. I still have my mouth and no case of the bumpies as of yet. I'll try to stay positive about this. The aspect may not be an actual part or it could be a total myth. I only touched it and nothing else. It's pretty hard to kill a demon without some touching involved. It helps that Angel said he loved me but he had to add the slime to it. Well I'll be a little less wigged if I wake up in the morning with no horns or tail or other ookie things.
Entry Forty-eight
Dear Diary
Cool my aspect turned up and it's mind reading. It was cool impressing the teacher and making Nancy all jealous in class. I think this is going to be fun but some of those boys are seriously disturbed. I have a slight headache. Giles isn't sure how long it will last so I'm thinking I'll see what Angel's thinking. Besides I don't need to go to History and anyway Will will tape it. I can always count on my brainy pal to provide the knowledge.
Entry Forty-nine
Dear Diary
A major disaster has been averted and I did help Jonathan. Turns out he was going to kill himself. It feels good to have helped him but I'm afraid he might want to ask me to the prom or something. I'm so glad that I'm alone in my brain since that was not fun although it was at first.
Entry Fifty
Dear Diary
Great Mom's in denial about the whole college thing. She's proud of me which is greath. It doesn't look good with Faith all evil and the Acension coming. If I can stop it why not go to college. I'm not just the Slayer. I got into UC Sunnydale so Northwestern is not likely but UC is close and I can do both. Why not? That was really bitchy of Cordy but not surprising since it's Cordy. I wonder if she has a clue about the impact her words have on a person. That hurt because like everyone else I want a future. Here's hoping we all have one.
Entry Fifty-one
Dear Diary
Well Will rocks since she came through in a big way. She stood up to Faith which is way impressive. That Mayor has no idea what he's talking about the stupid evil guy. Why are evil people always trying to spout off about my relationship with Angel. It'll be good to do the college thing with Will. She's right about this being the perfect place to become a bad ass Wicca. So this is a good I'll be college bound and have my best friend and be close to Angel which is all good. I just know we'll beat the Mayor. Hmm I found the perfect dress for the prom. This would probably be a good time to ask Mom to get me that dress.
Entry Fifty-two
Dear Diary
Prom is nearly here and we all have dates. Ok some dates are demons but that's beside the point. If the world ends at least we'll have Prom. I can't wait till Angel see's me in my dress. Angel will look so hot in a tux. I'm thinking he doesn't have a tux in his closet but that's easily taken care of.
Entry Fifty-three
Dear Diary
Well I saved the Prom and got a prize too. I also got a dance with Angl. Hot in the tux just like I thought. SoI got a couple of good High School moments after all. Those Hell hounds had foul breath. I guess eating brains won't leave a creature with minty fresh breath. I know that Angel is right to leave because it could never work. It's just that I wanted it to work somehow but I have to live in reality though I'd prefer Fantasyland. I'm going to hit the ice cream.
Entry Fifty-four
Dear Diary
I caught some quality sleeping which I more than earned. It's been a crazy time. Angel shot with a poisoned arrow and nearly dying. My knock down drag out with Faith who is now in a coma but she was a help in that dream I had. Making Anel snack on me so he wouldn't die was the only thing I could do. Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap since it was so exhausting. Mom decided to pay Aunt Darlene a visit so she won't be back for a few days. I was so impressed with Giles going up and beyond the call of duty with Angel. There will always be that tension which I get but it just shows me what the people that love you will do. We made it through with some casualties but it could have been so much worse with all dead. It was cool to see the whole class pitching in to fight. It was really brave of them. So I guess the Mayor wasn't too fond of Snyder either since he made a snack of him. I wonder if Snyder wa human. As humans go he was bottom of the slime heap. I really shouldn't speak ill of the dead but he was such a troll and he always made my life that much tougher. The gang is stopping by with pizzas and vids. We so deserve some quality veg time. Well the world has been saved and I graduated so I deserve a break. I don't think everything has totally hit me yet. Angel left after he saw I was ok so he's gone for good. I'll need to schedule a girl's night with Will to drown my woes in yet more ice cream. I can't believe he's gone. Where? Knocking on my door which means food.