The Watchers Of The Watchers
Guardians of Eternity: unceasing vigilance and unswering loyalty.
The Watchers Council
It has existed for many centuries and one tradition is at least 1200 years old. The Council would track all Potential Slayers, trained and assigned a Watcher to each Slayer and Potential, and regulate the entire tradition of the Slayer. The Council also kept a vast library of scholarship on Slayer tradition and all kinds of evil beings. Most of the council along with the library minus the books were destroyed when it was blown up by Caleb except for a few that Giles took beforehand.
Quintin Travers
Being a Watcher is like guarding the door to your child's nursery while wild animals roam the halls of your home.
The head of the Watcher's Council demonstrates with his every word and action his determination to make sure that the Council controls the Slayer and her Watcher and that everyone follows the Council's orders, rules, tradition and obedience are the best way to fight evil. Unfortuantely he made the decision to get off his ass and do something too late because the building blew up shortly after he made his announcement.
The Slayers
The Slayer is the champion of the human world against the forces of evil, the one girl in all the world born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampire. She is part of a long and ancient tradition. Each individual Slayer is just a link in a chain ofl ives that has spanned thousands of years. The Slayer tends to have a short life span since many don't make it to the age of 20 or even 18 when they are tested. Thanks to Giles that test has been eliminated.
The blood of the Slayer has special powers both magical and medical. The Slayer's blood released the Master from his prison and it also cured Angel when he was poisoned by Faith. Also it is considered a aphroadiasac by Spike but consider the source and take it with a drop of blood.
The Slayer is invincible not as an individual, but as an ancient force for good, which is renewed with every death. Kill a Slayer and another rises again or in Buffy's case rises again.
Most Slayers work alone and die alone. In a world with only one Slayer to fight a whole universe of badness, the Slayer can use all the help she can get. Buffy is unique because she has friends and family.
The First Slayer
I have no speech, no name. I live in the action of death. The blood cry, the pentetrating wound. I am destruction, absolute, alone. That pretty much sums it up but this girl is much into the hygiene thing since she could use some shampoo and conditioner not to mention a bath and the brushing of her teeth.
980 Japan
(Lady Shobu) Kish Minomoto
Watcher: Bennin (his brother killed him and took his place Migoto)
New Watcher: Great Lady Ankima-in
1320 Beauport, Brittany
Eliane Ward de Shaunde
Watcher: Michel de Shaunde
Got married and had two children Gervais and Isabeau
New Watcher: Gaston Roux
Her son Gervais was turned into a vampire so she had to kill him. Her husband was taken back to England. She refused a new Watcher and the whole village with the exception of Isabeau died in the fire. She was raised by her father who was safe and sound in England.
1661 Caribbean
Robin Whitby
Watcher: Dr William Henry Pratt
She disguised herself as a man and was a captain.
1670-1673 The Dutch Slayer
Carissa Avenhaus who died at the age of fifteen
Watcher: Hayward H Muzzlewit
Died after ten months
1843 French Slayer
Marie Siegre
1843 London England
Catherine Hogarth
Watcher: Charlton Muzzlewit (was a total sexist pig)
1864 Atlanta
Frankie Massey
Real name Pauline Francis Barnard
Watcher: Reed
She went under the guise of a male in the army. Her Watcher joined her until he was killed and turned into a vamp. She staked him.
Rejected New Watcher: Edward Landers
Unofficial Watcher: Major General Tecumseh Sherman
1897 London, England
Angelique Hawthorne
Watcher: Professor Peter Van Helsing (old fashioned even by Council standards)
She had a group of friends sort of like a pre Scooby Gang.
Love: Gordon Mycroft
Patch: A street kid
Molly Carrington: An ex nun that later gets killed and before she could rise Angelique has to cut her head off. At that point she left behind her friends to keep them safe.
The Chinese Slayer 1900
She fights like a Hong Kong martial arts master, but she still dies at Spike's fangs in a temple during the Boxer Rebellion.
1922 Ardita O'Reilly
Was a dancer
Watcher: Mr Whiskers who owned the club where she danced.
Lucy Hanover During America's Civil War
Sophie Carstensen 1940 Killed by Spike
Yanna Narvik
She was a seer. She was also one of the younger members of the council since she wasn't even forty. She was killed by Spike.
Kate Hutchins
Collette Bolsvert
Alessandra Cavallaro
Marya Bajdek Watcher: Jozeff Strakus
Rita Gnecco Watcher: Arthur Cabot
Eleanor Boudreau Watcher: Bertram Martin
Ariana de la Croix Watcher: Charles Rochemont
Valerie Vourtas Watcher: Donald Morgan
Isabel Cortes
Ilse Skovgarrd
Beatrice Lizotte
Isabel Cortez becomes the Slayer when Sophie is killed.
Eleanor Boudrea becomes the Slayer when Isabel dies. Her new Watcher was Marie-Christine Fontaine.
Watcher's Council Members
Trevor Kensington
Sir Nigel Rathbone
Marie-Christine Fontaine
Edgar Somers
John Travers
Mrs Giles
Harold Travers
Operatives: Mr Rubie and Mr Kenneth Haversham
Ariana de la Croix became the first potential slayer to ask to become a Watcher. Many are asked that aren't chosen but have never asked up to this point.
1943 Chicago
Betty Winters
Ran a detective agency with her husband Robert (Bobby) Winters who was clueless about her being the Slayer.
Watcher: Marcus Redmond who owned a used bookstore.
Nikki Wood 1970's
During the 70's the Slayer was in New York. She lived in Harlem with her man who was a police officer and their child Robin. Unfortunately he was killed but Nikki continued with her mission. She died at Spike's hands in 1977 leaving behind a four year old boy who was raised by her Watcher and later turned up in Sunnydale.
India Cohen 1993-1996
The Slayer right before Buffy. She only lasted for three years and died in San Diego.
India's Watcher
1996 Buffy Summers
Spike put it best into words so here is his take on why this Slayer is different from the others. Every day you wake up to the same bloody question that haunts you: Is today the day I'm gonna die? Death is on your heels, baby, and sooner, or later it's gonna catch you. Part of you wants it, not only to stop the fear and uncertainty, but becasue you're just alittle bit in love with it. Death is your art. You make it with your hands day after day...Part of you is desperate to know what's it like, where does it lead you? Every Slayer has a death wish. Even you. The only reason you've lasted as long as you have is you've got ties to the world, your mum, brath kid sister, the Scoobies. They all tie you here. Buffy's friends are her emotional refuge whenever the life of the Slayer becomes to violence, too scary, too painful.
Buffy's Watchers
Killed before Buffy lived in Sunnydale. He is the one that informed Buffy that she was the Slayer after India died and she was activated in 1996.
Rupert Giles
Looks like a scholar but is also a seasoned and ruthless demon fighter. Fired because he was too close to Buffy and broke one of their many dumb rules. A few years later he is reinstated.
Wesley Wyndham-Price
An ideal Watcher: scholarly, slavishly obedient to all the Council's rules and traditions, and has no experience at all in the real world. He actually screams when he sees a vampire. He gets a little better after the whole mess with the mayor and Faith although he never actually did any fighting since he was knocked out cold right away but hey points for effort. He was fired from the Council because of his royal screwup with Faith. He becomes a rogue demon hunter and ends up in LA where he now works with Angel and his crew.
Kendra AKA She-Giles
Activated when Buffy breifly drowned. She is highly trained, focused, and disciplined, knowing no life but that of the Slayer. As a baby her parents turned her over to her Watcher to raise her. She was killed by Drusilla.
Kendra's Watcher
Roger Zabuto
Activated after Kendra's death she becomes the anti-Slayer, reveling in power and lawlessness, turning rogue and committing a whole series of crimes until she is finally redeemed by Angel and goes to jail. She has since broken out of jail to help.
Faith's Watchers
Unnamed Woman
She was killed in Boston by Conquistos one seriosly ugly vamp that needed a giant sized stake to poof him.
Gwendolyn Post
A rogue Watcher who came to Sunnydale to trick the Slayers into leading her to a mystic glove. She was fried by the Glove's energy when Buffy cut it from her hand. She is also another one of those in a long line that has knocked out Giles.
Wesley Wyndham-Price
He was briefly her Watcher after the Bogus Watcher was blown to bits. He really screwed up big time and made a bad situation worse. He was fired for his incompetence but he's doing much better where he is and is much sexier since he was pretty dorky there for a while.
Faith's Take On The Life Of A Slayer
Want, take, have.
She has since stopped believing in this philosophy since she is one of the good guys.
The Potentials
While they do not possess the full power of a Slayer they do contain certain powerful abilities: a small fraction of the power along with a Slayer's instinct.
Killed because she was stupid.
The only one of the lot that actually had some skill and knew what she was doing.
Killed by the First.
Hung herself courtesy of the First.
A girl that had no idea of what was going on when she went to Sunnydale.
Chou Ann
A girl that didn't even speak the language and was scared of the flash card monsters.
Living in Sunnydale under everyone's noses and always getting into fights. A little strange but not in a bad way.