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Countess Elizabeth Bathory
She was born in 1560. She had a twisted family with a uncle that worshipped the devil and her brother was a sex fiend. When she was older she started practicing magic. She carried a piece of parchment with the following incantation on it to protect against the police: "Isten, hjelp me! You little cloud, help me too! Give me health, protection and long life to Elizabeth. You little cloud, when I am in danger, send ninety-nine cats! I order you to do so beause you are supreme commander of the cats. Give orders to the cats. Tell the cats to gather from wherever they be, on mountains, water, rivers, seas. Order ninety-nine cats to come with speed and bite the heart of King Matthias. Order them to bite the heart of Moses Cziraky, and to bite the heart of my cousin the prime minister. Command them to claw and bite the heart of Red Megyeri. And keep Elizabeth safe from harm. The incantation never came true but the priest that came with the police for a raid to the castle was mauled by six cats followed by a group of mice as he started walking up the stairs. The Countess was beautiful with black hair and a pale complexion with high cheekbones and amber eyes like a cat. She married at fifteen to Count Frencz Nadasedy who changed him name to Bathory. The marriage resulted in three boys and a girl. One day when the maid was brushing Elizabeth's hair she accidentally tugged on it. Elizabeth slapped the girl so hard that blood was drawn. She rubbed the blood between her fingers and smeared it into her pores. To maintain her youth she would bathe in the blood of young virgins. Elizabeth had men go out to lure girls to the castle with the promise of a job. When none of the girls returned no one would go near the castle. So they started kidnapping girls. Elizabeth drained forty to three hundred young women of blood before she was captured. One of Elizabeth's prisoners escaped and relayed what was going on at the castle. The girls would pierce their veins to make the blood flow. If a girl fainted a piece of paper that was set on fire would be put between her toes to awaken her and so she could feel the horror. Elizabeth's reign of terror went on for ten years. A priest on behalf of a parishoner who's daughter fell victim to Elizabeth demanded that King Matthias raid the castle. On New Year's the castle was invaded by her cousin and governor of the province Count Gyorgy Thurzo and soldiers. Elizabeth was confined to the castle and her accomplices were taken to jail. The girls that were still alive were set free. Elizabeth stayed locked up in her castle while the trial was going on. The servants confessed everything. Johannes Ujvary's testimony revealed that as far as he knew thirty-seven unmarried girls were killed and that six of them he got by himself by telling them about jobs at the castle. The girls were tightly bound and tied with tourniquets. Their veins were then slashed with scissors. Some of them were tortured by two old women named Dorottya and Illona who were rewarded if they did it well. The girls were whipped and cut with knives and sometimes they were frozen in icy water. Elizabeth mainly tortured her victimes alone. Illona testified that forty girls were tortured and killed. All involved except Eliazabeth, Illona, and Dorottya were beheaded and cremated. Illona and Dorottya had their fingers torn off one by one, and then they were burned alive. They declared Countess Bathory to be insane. She was sentenced to life imprisonement in her walled up room. She died in 1614.
Count Dracula
Vlad the IV became known as Dracula. He was a traitor and he betrayed the Christians to the Turks in his quest for wealth and power. He was given control of Ciglesz Castle where his own crest of black and red flew. It became a prison for a large number of Christians. In black velvet attire with a dragon emblem on his chest and back, Dracula began to torture and kill about twelve people a week. Dracula would impale them on stakes and cut off their hands letting their blood drip into large copper vats. He would drink the blood straight or brewed with herbs and often with alcohol added. A year before he died he enjoyed bitting women's jugular veins with his teeth. That was the method of killing he enjoyed most. Believing that drinking human blood made him invulnerable he rode out to meet the Turks who were sent to destroy him for everyone's safety. He was killed in 1477 during the Battle of Oradea.
Fritz Haarmann
Fritz was born on October 24, 1879. He hated his father who was a locomotive stoker. Fritz didn't do well in school so he joined the service and was a good soldier. When he returned to Hanover he was accused of molesting children. He was placed in a mental institution but he broke out and went to Switzerland. Fritz eventually came back to Hanover where he fought with his father so he enlisted in the 10th Jager Battlion at Colmar in Alsace. He was released with a medical discharge. Fritz again went home to his father but the fighting turned physical. WIth no legal cause to commit Fritz to an asylum he lived on the streets. He survived by stealing and other crimes for which he was sent to jail. He was released from jail in 1918. Fritz butchered and sold meat. He then became a spy and police informer where he got the nickname Detective Haarmann. Fritz would stroll before dawn through the railway station at Hanover and awaken a sleeeping boy demanding to see his ticket. When the boy didn't show a ticket and told his sad story Fritz would offer the boy a place to stay for the night. Fritz's first victim was a runaway named Friedel Rothe who was seventeen. The police followed his trail and found him in a sexual act with another boy which violated Section 175 of the German Code which was punishable by nine months in prison. Four years later when he was awaiting trial for twenty-four killings he confessed. Fritz bit into his victim's throat and tasted the flowing blood. All of Fritz's victims were between the ages of twelve and eighteen. He actually sold the flesh of his victims for human consumption. The Hanover Vampire was found guilty and sentenced to death. He said "I want to be executed in the market place. On my tombstone must be put the inscription: Here lies Mass-Murder Haarmann. And on my birthday, Hans Grans must come and lay a wreath on it." He was beheaded on April 5, 1925.
John George Haigh
John was born in 1910. He had a strict family so he was denied the pleasures like friends his own age. He became obsessed with thoughts of his salvation. John believed the only way to become happy after death was the blood of Jesus Christ. If he didn't get salvation God would punish him. His mother was ignorant and superstitious. She made him believe that dreams prophesized the immediate future. John had recurring dreams of the crucified Christ bleeding to death. He killed his victims quickly so they wouldn't suffer like Christ. John was a successful vampire until he murdered his ninth victim. On February 18, 1849 he lured Olivia to his lab to see a experiment in manufacturing artificial fingernails. He shot her in the head. He made an incision on the side of her necke and collected tthe blood in a glass then he drank it. John took her clothes off and put the body in a forty-five gallon tank with thirty gallons of sulphuric acid. John made a mistake when he took the victim's fur coat to the cleaners and pawned her jewelry. A friend of the murdered woman who was acquainted with John and told him she was concerned that Olivia was missing. They went to the police but the police thought something was wrong with his story. The police found out that John had pawned the missing woman's jewelry and on February 26 he was taken into custody. After being questioned John admitted everything even murders the police didn't suspect. John then said he couldn't be convicted because there were no bodies for evidence. The police talked John into writing down all the details of his crimes. John told them where to find the remains from the acid baths. Investigators from Scotland Yard went to the spot and took their findings to the police lab. The Police Comissioner announced that the following items were found: false teeth, a handle from a purse, three gallstones, pieces of bone, melted fat which was human. John wasn't affected by the charges brought against him. Only one person testified on his behalf while thirty witnesses spoke against him. As the trial wen on John confessed that what he did were acutally religious ceremonies commanded by God, and the drinking of the blood was so he could live forever. He was found guilty and was hung.
Peter Kurten
Peter was born in 1833 in Mulheim on the Rhine River. He was one of ten children and his father was a drunk. Peter made his first kill at nine by pushing a friend off the raft to drown. Another boy tried to save the other boy and he was pushed overboard too. When Peter was seventeen he was able to lure an eighteen year old girl in the woods where he tried to have sex with her and started strangling her. She escaped but Peter stalked her for days. The police arrested him before his threat came true and he spent four years in prison. He was jailed again for seven years and was convicted of thirty-four thefts and twelve attempted burgalries. He wasn't charged for his four acts of arson. Peter was released from jail on May 13, 1912. He claimed to have poisoned two inmates in prison. Peter's first murder was committed in 1913 during the summer. He took a ten year old girl and grabbed her by the throat and she struggled until she lost consciousness. He slit her throat and orgasmed as the blood splashed out. That same year he was convicted of theft and fraud. Peter was released in 1921 and married a woman in 1923. On Febrary 3 he grabbed Frau Kuhn and warned her to stay quiet, he stabbed her twenty-four times. She was still alive when the police came but was unable to give a description of the attacker. Five days later the mutilated corpse of an eight year old girl named Rose Ohlinger was stabbed thirteen times. Her clothes were soaked in kerosene and then burned. On April 2, 1929 Peter changed his MO. He lassoed a sixteen year old girl from behind and yanked her off her feet. The girl was able to fight him off but never saw her attacker's face. The next day another attempt was made but got thwarted by two bystanders and once again they couldn't describe the attacker. Rudolph Strausberg confessed to the murders and was committed to a mental institution. On July 30 the mutilated body of a prositute was found. The next day three girls were slashed nearly to death. By the end of August Peter had savagely killed nine victims in one month and added drowing to him MO. In September he smashed skulls with a hammer along with choking and cutting. Some of his victims survived. On May 14 he met a young woman at the railroad station. She trusted him because of his manners and agreed to let him help her find a hotel room. Maria even stopped at his apartment. He took her to the woods and started strangling her. He stopped and asked her if she remembered his addredss. She lied and said that she didn't. He let her go and twenty-four hours later the police showed up at his place. Maria identified him and he ran out the door. Ten days later Peter's wife turned him over to the police. He finally confessed and in a calm state he revealed that shedding blood was a release of sexual tension. He apologized to the surviving victims and admitted that he would keep on killing if he was released. On April 23 he was condemned to die nine times for each kill. On July 2 at six in the morning he was beheaded.
Mary Lensfield
William Seabrook ran into a girl he knew named Mary Lensfield. She had red hair, pale skin, and had green eyes. He had come to the shore to take a swim. William cut himself when he dived from a rock on a stone below the surface. His shoulder glistened with fresh blood. When Mary saw the blood her eyes went wide open in a trance-like state. She bit his shoulder and sucked his blood like a leech. A truck driving by brought Mary out of her trance. They sat down and looked at each other. Mary begged to know what was wrong and what she should do. William was reminded of the first time he met Mary. A Madame Ludovesy claimed to heal wounds supernaturally. She tried to prove this by putting her mouth on a cut of the host. Mary was so upset she fainted and now Mary's mouth had blood smeared on it. William told her to see a psychiatrist which she did. Within a year she died of anemia. When her condition was discovered it was too late and transfusions wouldn't help her.

Folklore: Vampires
Stories about vampires have been around in one form or another since the dawn of time. Many cultures showed the vampires as female. The Greek legends about the lamia portray them as attacking babies and young children. Lamia were believed to be descendents of Lamia, a queen that Zeus fell in love with and Hera who was jealous and enraged by this stole Lamia's children. Lamia who was grief stricker hid in a cave and took revenge on children and was eventually turned into a hideous beast. Some believe Lilith to be the very first vampire of myth. She was Adam's first wife and after an argument over sexual domination she went to the Red Sea where a variety of demons lived. She mated with several demons and had many children incubi and succubi that preyed on infants. Children laughing in their sleep were said to be playing with Lilith as she stole their souls. Ancient Greek folklore talks of a Vyrkolakas at first a benign entity, usually a family member returning from the dead to finish some unifinished business. Sometimes it would reclaim its position in the family and on rare occassions it would move to another village to start a new life. If one was violent it was for a reason like exacting revenge for a murder. In Eastern Europe the risen corpse of a human whose bite and appetite for blood could turn others into vampires. They remained the age they were at death. Able to pass through small areas and control animals: rats, moths, foxes, wolves and hypnotize poeple. They weren't hurt by the sun but they preferred the night. They could transform into wolves and rats. When they were driven by hunger they killed slowly and usually started with their family. Anyone that turned into this suffered a violent or unexpected death, dying under a curse, anyone excommunicated or not buried according the Church tradtion. In China and Macedonia vampires were caused by a cat jumping over a dead body, a person born on days of religious observation or born with red hair, blue eyes, harelip. In Poland it was anyone who was born with a caul or with two teeth.
Place objects in the coffin: religious articles, a branch of hawthorn or ash or a piece of iron.
Bury them with seeds or grains of sand so they wouldn't roam the world because they would be too busy counting the seeds or sand.
Throwing a net over a body or nail the clothing to the inside of the coffin using a stake of ash or iron that is driven through the body to keep it in place.
Pour hot boiling water over the grave after burial or drive a stake into the ground to stop a vampire from rising.
Detection Methods
Cemetaries searched for graves with small holes. White virgin stallions that have never stumbled would be set loose in a cemetary since it was believed that it would not step over a vampire's grave. Bodies exhumed since vampires corpses didn't decompose. The nails and hair would continue to grow. Blood might be around the mouth and would bleed when pierced long after a corpse could be expected to be bloodless. When a corpse was believed to be a vamire a stake of ash, juniper, hawthorn or iron would be driven through the heart. It would then be reburied with religious rites and sometimes the corpse would be decaptiated and less often burned.