Bad Dreams
Haunted by dreams
Sure his friends are in trouble
Went searching for them
Got the terrible news
About his best friends
Determined to take them
Asked for help
Back to Greece he wants to go
To bury them together
The War Between Good And Evil
There's a war going on between good and evil not only on earth but here in eternity as well. Once there were only angels and then one of our number rebelled and he and his allies were thrown down from Heaven. They've never given up their desire to capture paradise and twist it into their image.
Going To Hell
If you go down to Hell voluntarily you'll be doomed to everlasting suffering. Gripped with an unbearable thirst and hunger you'll be tempted to eat the fruit of Hell and when you do that you're well on your way to becoming one of them.

A bodiless, immortal spirt, limited in knowledge and power, accepted in the tradtional belief of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and other religions. Angels appear frequently in the Bible, often in critical roles, e.g., visiting Abraham and Lot (Gen. 18;19), wrestling with Jacob (Gen. 32.24-32), and guiding Tobit (Tobit 5). The Bible also speaks of guardian angels, protecting individuals or nations (Dan. 10.10-21; Mat. 18.10). In the Gospels an angel announced the Incarnation to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1), and an angel at the empty tomb revealed the Resurrection (Mat 28.1-7). While Judaism has no fixed ordering of classes of angels, Christianity has a specific hierarchy. Codified in its classic form in the 5th cent. by St. Dionysius the Areopagite, in The Celestial Hierarchy. In descending order the ranks of angels of seraphim, cherubim, thrones; dominations, virtues, powers; principalities, arch-angels, and angels. Roman Catholics and the Orthodox venerate angels, and the cult of guardian angels is especially extensive in the West (feast of Guardian Angels: Oct. 2). Protestants have generally abandoned the cult of angels. In Christianity, the angels of Hell, or dark angels, or devils, are the evil counterpart of the heavenly host; the chief of them, Satan (or Lucifer), was cast out of Heaven for leading a revolt. They are often viewed as the inititators of evil temptations. Famous literary treatments of angels are those of John Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Divine Comedy. Angels pklay an important role in many other religions. Later Zoroastrian theology has numerous classes of yazatas "worshipful beings." Zoroastrian notions of angels influenced the intricate theories of heavenly beings of Gnostic systems and Manichaeism. In Islam the four archangels Jibrail, Mikail, Israfil, and Izrail (the Angel of Death) often act in place of Allah. The Kiram al-Katibin are the recording angels. According to a popular tradtion, each person has two scribe angels, the one on the right side recording good deeds, the one on the left taking not of transgressions. A lower order of angels is the jinn.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia

A demon is a supernatural being, generally malevolent in character. In general, the more civilized Pagan societies came to consider demons as powerful, supernatural beings who lacked the dignity of gods and who, depending on the circumstance might be either benevolent or malevolent in their dealings with men. Some demons, like the Greek Pan were nature spirits; others were guardians of the home or fields or watchers over travelers; still others were spirits of disease and insanity or dream spirits. Some demons were considered to be intermediaries between men and the gods. It was not until the development of late Herabic and Christian thinking that demons came to represent the unqualified malevolence so common in European demonology of the 16th and 17th centuries. This period was a high point in the study of demons, in the speculation on their nature, number, and specific fiendishness. The list compiled in 1589 by a demonologist named Binsfield was considered to be highly authorative; in it he listed the following major demons and their partiuclar evils: Lucifer (pride), Mammon (avarice), Asmoedeus or Ashmodai (lechery), Satan (anger), Beezlebub (gluttony), Levithan (envy), and Belphegor (sloth). The widespread and ancient belief in demons is still a strong force in many regions of the world today.
Source: Columbia Encylopedia

I will never stop hating you Xena do you hear me? Never! You killed my family, my soul, my reason to live and love. And I will spend eternity seeking revenge.
Self Sacrificing Gesture
Got set up with a pair of wings
She went to Hell for Gabrielle
Ran into an old enemy
Switched places with Callisto
Unable to bear the suffering
From demon to angel
Cleansed and reborn anew

Amarice's Vow
Xena they say the dead can hear the thoughts of the living so hear this I'm picking up where you left off. I may never be as good a warrior as you and I know I'll never be as wise but I promise with all my heart and soul to honor the memory of the Warrior Princess.

Taking Charge In Hell
It's time for us to launch a full scale attack. These hit and miss conflicts have done me no good. Why should we suffer we didn't ask to be created. And Heaven should belong to those of us strong enough to take it. Why are we groveling in the slime while they live up there in purity and grace? Someone up there decied that we were evil. Well we're not going to take that. It's time for us to do the judging. Paradise will be ours.
Her Plea
Gabrielle we shouldn't be fighting. I want to spend eternity wtih you. Won't you join me? Callisto is a trick. They decieve you Gabrielle. Callisto can't change you know that. Our master is greatly pleased when a soul joins him of its own free will. Come with me now. What do you say? Why not? Gabrielle the love that we have it's stronger than Heaven or Hell. It transcends good or evil. It's anend in itself. Our souls are destined to be together. Gabrielle you can't let me walk through Hell alone.

My friends are dead because of my teachings. The Way of Love wasn't for Gabrielle I was too proud to see that. What good is this gift is I can't at least protect the ones I love? Why did you even give this to me? What am I supposed to do? You show me! What am I supposed to do? Eli
Fallen Angel
Died together side by side
Nailed to crosses
Left as a reminder
Waiting on a cliff
Down came the angels
To guide them to Heaven
From Hell they came
Down Gabrielle went
Upon hearing of her friend's fate
Xena jumped off the cliff
To get her back
Given a test to make worthy
She becomes an angel
Meanwhile Gabby gets a little demony
Once her enemy on earth
Couldn't bear to see her suffer
Saved Callisto's soul
Took her place in Hell
She returned the favor
Helped restore them to life
Love is the way

Brought Back
Died side by side
Brought back to life
Lacking their clothes
Did a little shoppiong
What a change
Instead of stocking up on scrolls
She appears with sais
Warrior Princess no longer
Going for a very different look
No ass kicking clothes for this girl
Unable to recall any violence
Purified in Heaven
Only one able to touch
The chakram of light
A new chakram balanced
Restores her memory
Gabrielle's Way
Before Xena and I died I realized that my path is not the same as yours. I tried. The Way of Love is not for me. It's ironic right now Xena is everything I've always wanted her to be but without her dark side she's lost. She's off balance. My path is with Xena helping her however I can. I'll do whatever I have to do to protect her.

Joxer Gets Advice On Declaring His Love
1. Just speak from your heart and keep it simple. Love is the most powerful force on earth.
2. Just tell her and don't attach any strings. Make it unconditional.
3. You could just kiss the girl.
4. Best not to declare your love during a fight but if you're afraid that she'll die on you just tell her.
Hair like sunshine
Sweet lilting voice
Sends chills through me
She used to fight with her little stick
A beautiful Amazon Queen
And really smart too
Just like me
Side by side us warriors
Now she fights with her sais
I Joxer the Mighty
Will love Gabrielle for all eternity
I can't have you dying again without letting you know. Brother I had this all worked out in my head and now...I love you. I'm in love with you.

Ares On Destiny
It's all about you and me Xena. Not Kell not even Zeus just the two of us bringing peace and order to the world through force. Something you and I were destined to do together.
War Gods
Each wants the chakram of light
One of the ways to kill a God
Still trying to get to Xena
A temporary truce is made between the two
Only she can touch the chakram
To save her friend she kills Kell
Decides to balance the chakram
Brought back to herself
Xena's Prayer
I can make no sense of this. Whoever you are? Whatever you are that brought me back like this I need to know why? I don't know how I'm supposed to be but the others say I'm a warrior that I kill so that innocent people may live. They want me back the way I was. Do you? Is that your plan? Send me a sign. How will I know what's right unless you do? I can't help wondering if we're doing the right thing restoring this darkness my violence can that really be good?
Gabrielle's Wisdom
I think you have to know the darkest part of yourself to be whole.
You have this balance of lightness and darkness. Without both of those the very best in you is defenseless.

Gabby's Rant
There were five bandits. Five of them. She could have handled four and I would have been happy with just one. But no no she had to take them all.
Wanting to be Ares heir
Asked to be tested
Decided to kill Xena
To impress Ares
Determined to take her place
Sent off through a portal
A hot temepered diversion
Wants to be his right hand girl
Made a costly mistake
Asked for his help
Causing her downfall
Not her successor after all.
Mavican Declares Herself Sane
I'm not crazy Gabrielle. Haven't you ever been struck with the difference between us and the Gods? They're immortal because we make them that way. Don't you think there was a moment when Xena just did it all for destiny?
Through the portal
Alone in the dark
Unable to find her
In the light
No weapons around
Just a fight with a crazy
When the sun goes down
Gabrielle appears
Both in one body
Working as one
Came through it together
Note On The Tree Bark
If you read this you'll know that I'm here. Ares has merged us into the same body. With the same way the world shares day and night never to see the same two together. Mavican is tough but we can defeat her. A lot of it depends on you though. You figured out part of Ares riddle but you can't kill her Gabrielle it's something that Ares wants to see and I don't know why yet. Together we can get out of this.

Ares Looking For An Heir
You're not quite there yet. Maybe I've been dismissing you too easily over the years. Maybe the heir to Xena's throne has been right in front of me all along. How's your wound ok. Here's the deal I've learned a few things from Xena and perhaps my way of peace through power isn't quite what I thought it was. No now that is Xena's problem these days she's so set in her ways. She won't even make an effort to see change. Now you should know that more than anyone. It's ok you don't have to answer it's obvious. It's painfully obvious so please don't do to me what Xena does to you just hear me out honestly ok. What I need what I think I've always needed is someone strong enough to lead people. I think the key is to find someone who's learned how to fight but has the discretion not to. Now that's something Xena never had.
I want you to look beyond our past. I know how you feel about me you got good reason. Maybe um maybe Gods can change too. Xena, Xena goes home lives with her mother and spends the rest of her years safe in the knowledge that someone she trusts in in control. I want you to think about this but don't think too long. Mavican is really intent on killing Xena of course her destiny is in your hands with this you can kill Mavican. You do that and I'll know you're ready.
Years ago Ares said that anyone that asked for his help doesn't deserve it. Xena
Tell you what the next bad guy we come across the next seven little bad guys we come across. They're just harder for me to reach. Xena

You know what if I ever go ga ga like that over anyone you have my permission to kill me. That is so guy. I know you don't have to live with pigs to recognize one. Amarice
What do you know about guys you're an Amazon? All you know is shopping for bows and arrows and esmascalation. Joxer
We don't need a man to get along. In fact as far as they're concerned you guys are totally dispensible. Amarice
Wake Up And Smell The Diapers
Keeps dozing off
Going for a rest
Eating strange things
Doesn't feel good
Getting a bit puffy
Off to a healer
For a second opinion
Gets unexpected news
Having a baby
Even though she's been a love free zone
Not sure how but ultimately happy with the news
I feel like some raspberry jelly and some raw fish what do ya say? I'm buying.
On Getting The News
It's impossible I can not be pregnant. If you weren't such a quack you'd know that getting pregnant involves certain physical requirements that I haven't had in a long time and I mean a very long time. No one, zilch, zippo. I am a love free zone. Therefore it is utterly impossible that I'd be up with the duff. So what's your diagnosis now?

A New Friend
Caught in a trap
A horse in pain
Talking to calm him
While he's set free
Tending to his wound
She gets an idea
A horse of her very own
Time spent bonding with him
Nearly gave up
But he pulls through
A beautiful relationship begins

A Little Clumsy
Into the spa she goes
With an unpleasant sight
That greets her
A man with a very large belly
Not watching where she's going
Knocks over a guy
Pulls him out of the water
Saves his life
So begins an attraction
With a really cute guy
Off she goes and slips on the floor
Laughs at her which pisses her off
Gives him a few choice words
Back and forth they go
But they part with a kiss
Xena's Advice
Either you kiss him or you kill him but either way it doesn't seem to make a difference.
Now I know that any fool can risk his life. It takes a hero to risk his heart.

A Vision
Her unborn child's in danger
Off to the Northern Amazons they go
For Yakoot's help
Someone's trying to steal the soul
An old enemy who's back
Steal's the baby's soul
Wanting back into the world
Causing a distraction
Fighting on the spirtual realm
While the others wait for a sign
It comes and the amber is used
Trapping Alti's soul
The baby is back where it belongs
Xena's Promise
There aren't many guarantees in life but I promise you this if you harm my child I will hound you. I will hound you throughout all time and between worlds. I will be your eternal damnation. I'd kill myself before I'd let your soul replace my child's.

Chia The Amazon Mystic
No need for me to appear frightening my child. Facing one's self can be crippling even for the most hardened warrior.
You and Xena were right what you see isn't always what you get. I thought that if I denied that enough times I'd make it true. I had no identity so I created one. The thing I always wanted to be an Amazon. You know I just wanted to feel like I was part of something.
Gabrielle's Wisdom
Look for many years I walked in Xena's shadow. I wanted to be her. She taught me something it's warmer standing in the sun.
 The hawk and the dove must be made one with the wisdom. Lao Ma
A man who does not honor his ancestors is a man without morals. And that makes him most dangerous indeed. Pao Su
Black Powder: Legend says a Chinest cook discovered it by accident.
A word of caution before you cut off the dragon's head you must be sure it can not grown another one more deadly. Kao Sin
The ancient warriors of Chin believed that in order to achieve ultimate victory you must annihilate your enemies completely.
Lao Ma's Book Of Wisdom
Warning: The more that each of us uses the power the stronger we all become.
The entire world is driven by a blind will, blind and ruthless. In order to transcend the limitations of the physical world, one must cease desiring and become what we desire. To conquer others is to wield power. To conquer ourselves it to know the way.
Knowing the way is like being a child. Laughing and crying all day without being hoarse. Small people hate loneliness, but the master makes it her home, her source, her mother for she knows it allows her to be one with the universe. The master knows no expectations. And therefore no disappointments. And thus, she stays young forever. To conquer yourself is to know the way.
To achieve perfect stillness, one must cease to will and submit to the greater whole. If something can be imagined, it can also be realized. Anything is possible.
Fear is the weapon of the wicked, but a tool of the righteous. End the war between the mind and the heart. Peace must be found within before it can be actualized.

Black Powder
It's black powder an ancient Chin formula. The Kings of Chin have forbideen it's production for many centuries but now an evil warlord named Go Kuu has rediscovered it and broken the taboo. A man who does not honor his ancestors is a man without morals and that makes him most dangerous indeed.
Black Powder: Sulphur, Charcoal, and Saltpeter
Xena On People
There are people you meet who move in and out of your life like ghosts. And after they're gone you find they've left a part of themselves with you. It's as if in some small way their spirt helps to define who you are and what you want to bring to the world.
Joxer On His Flight
Xena you won't believe it. It was incredible. I was like a bird. I could see the trees. The ocean.
You weren't high enough to see the tops of my socks dummy. Xena
It takes a great strength to show compassion. Xena
Smart Guy
Never underestimate a cook
Off they go on a mission
To find the ingredients for black powder
In the market place looking for spices
Soaking up the local culture
He knows his spices but not how to haggle
Got some new clothes to blend in
Made a very bad mistake
In for a little Chinese water torture
With her foot she got creative
Got the pouch of black powder
With a rock created a spark
Setting them both free
Came through in finding the recipe

Absolute Stillness
Trying to recapture the power
Instead the rabbit turned to stone
Unable to control it
Can't harness the power
After the fight with Pao Su
Black powder in Joxer's pocket
Touching it triggered a vision
Watching those she loves die
Death all around her
Must go back there
To finish it once and for all
Stopped a way with the power of love
An army of one hundred thousand all turned to stone
Got back in touch with the power big time
Saving many innocent lives
Souls Not At Rest
The ancients believed when a soul is not at rest it lingers in the realms between the living and the dead.
Lin Chee's Thoughts On Gabrielle
When you're born with the gift of the bard you die with it. I think you're selling yourself short. I know that someone who's willing to die for a cause greater than herself is a merciful bard and that's where all great stories come from.

Off to destroy the powder
Trapped in a net
Surrounded by the powder
Flames licking away
Calling out for Xena
Such a strong connection
Feeling her fear
She calls on the wind
Air being sucked away
Take a deep breath
Flame blows out
Both are safe and sound
Finish what they came for
You know sometimes people think that a home is a place. It can be a person. Gabrielle
Kao Su's Words
You always have and always will walk the Way of the Warrior but remember there are many ways to win a war. They do not all involve a sword.
Helpful Tip: If you have trouble pulling your sword out of it's scabbard for the Gods sake practive to prepare for when you'll need to use your sword in a hurry.
Joxer's Version Of The Events
Who was gonna pull their swords first me or them? I looked them in the eye than whang ten of 'em wnet down right then and there before me. Well bravery isn't really the word for it it's more like incredible chilvary because right then and there wave after wave came wham hah blood everywhere and then right in fron of me Kahn's entire army hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands came at me. I wham ten of 'em went down. Whang wham spurting blood everywhere and they ran I dropped my sword but then Kahn came right towards me. I looked at him and took my hand and reached into his chest and pulled out his beating heart.

Trading Places
A little girl unconscious
Sisters don't hold much hope
Wanting to help her
Says she'd trade places
Aphrodite made a switch
Just wanting to help out
She awakens with a glitch
Xena is sharing Daphne's body
Switching back and forth
Looking for a way to set things right
The oil that Castor and Pollux use
Will set things straight
A rose is the crown of your garden but the daisy is its heart.
You can eat flowers: Not true in fact you can and that includes daisies.
Getting Into The Gemini Club
Seeing Double
1. Wear the same outfit and be attached to one another. A toga is a good choice.
2. Wear wigs so your hair looks the same.
3. You are new in town and have a accent and place in mind to say you came from like Vahallan.
4. Just nod when Castor and Pollux talk in your "language".
5. Have names read like Brunna and Hilda.
6. Have explanation ready for the difference in height. I got the looks and me sister got the muscle.
7. Mention that you wrestle in oil and you are so in.
8. Once you get what you want leave quickly.
9. Don't forget the real reason you've come to the club.
Fighting should always be a last resort. Xena
Fisherman turned Fighter: Just think of them as really mean trout.
Xena On Being A Kid
You know some people think it's easy being a kid but in a lot of ways it harder than being an adult.

For as long as we can remember we've been slaves to the Gods. It's time we took our lives back into our own hands. (Destroy us if we defy the Gods) That's what they want you to believe. The Gods rule through fear but it is they who are afriad. Afraid we'll realize the truth. Our teacher will show you the way as he's shown us. Some of us don't want to live in fear anymore. I'm sure your hear is in the right place but we're doing this to save you too.
All right ease up you'll all be much more comfortable walking without a limp. Xena
The Way Of Love
And so you must cast all hate and violence from your heart. Mine is the way of life.
The Truth
It's life that we must revere it wherever we find it. To bring peace to this world I have to teach mankind a reverence for life. (If knocked down) Then I'd get up. Then I'd get up again if I could. But under no circumstances would I fight back if I did I would simply be perpetuating the cycle of violence that has ravaged the earth for centuries. That cycle has to be broken and the truth is that it can only be done through non violence.
It's hard the Way of Love. It may not be right for you but if you choose to follow it you must do so with all your heart. You'll fail more than once but don't give up hope in the end will redeem the world.
But if you love with all your heart and soul if you become love itself then you can heal. Selfless pure love is the only divine expression of perfection we have in this world. It's the greatest power one can possess.
In order to become a perfect vessel for love one has to cease all activity not only physical but mental as well. It's only when you've reached that state of emptiness that you're ready at least to be filled with love.
We don't need a sacred dagger. Love is the only weapon we need. The weapon that Gods neither have nor understand. And so they can't defend themselves against it. True love can not exist without the risk of loss. The Gods are immortal my friends. What can they possibly know about loss? We don't need to fear them anymore. It's their turn to fear us. The war against the Gods is not a war of violence it's a war of peace. The time of the Olympians is over. The Gods have no choice but to give us what is rightfully ours. Let them come. Love will be our shield and our weapon. I never ask them to do anything that I'm not prepared to do myself including dying.
For as long as we can remember we've been slaves to the Gods. It's time we took our life back into our own hands. The Gods rule through fear but it's they who are afriad. Afraid we'll realize the truth.
We are united in the spirit of love and no one can stand against us. If we are joined in peace and friendship then we have no need of the Gods.

Eli has a destiny to fulfill. He's brought hope to the world and if that's to survive he's gonna have to face this challenge alone.
The kingdom of Heaven is beautiful Eli. The new world can only be built on the foundation of the old one. The order of the Gods must fall. And you Eli are the hammer.
Remember in everyting you do we are always with you.
Eli lived and died by his message. And as long as you keep it in your heart his spirit will live on.
I've spent my time in Heaven trying to recouncile the monster I was with the being that I am now and I've come to realize that we are all born of two natures Xena good and evil. The side we choose to nurture defines who we are.  

9 times out of 10 the first strike means victory. Gabrielle
Tip: Don't be so quick to pull out your weapons since it could be a hanky.
The Twilight
The Fates spoke of a time when mankind would no longer need the Gods. And they would lose their power.
Full Circle
With child unexpectedly
The truth comes out
Impregnated by an angel
Callisto gave this gift
Time for her to be reborn
Could think of no greater mother
Old wounds are healed
Giving back what they once took
From each other

Talking To Eli
Is this your big accomplishment Eli? If I hadn't listened to you I wouldn't be talking to your ashes. You probably think that I'm betraying you by standing with Ares but I'm just trying to use his knowledge for the greater good. I keep telling myself that. You believe in me Eli. You always knew we were always on a separate path. Have faith in me now.
Where Xena Comes From
It's easy to preach abou peace when you live in heaven. Where I come frm you've got to fight for what you believe in.
Your enduring faith in one another is the greatest miracle of all. Eli

Draco's Love
How can you say it's a spell when I would gladly tear out my own spleen and carve your initials on the side of it just to prove my undying love for you.
Playing Match Maker
Upon hearing the news
Went looking for her
Found out it was true
About to become a grandma
She makes it her mission
To find a man for her daughter
A father for the child
Wonders who the father is
Driving her daughter crazy
But her heart's in the right place
Xena: Single Greek female seeks marriage and stable provider to raise a child and to dote with an exceptional mother who doesn't look a day over twenty.
Three in all
Identical in looks
Different as can be
Jace the eldest
With his flashy ways
Quite the etertainer
Next comes Jett
An assassin for hire
Off to jail with dad
Joxer the youngest
Delusions of grandeur
But with a really good heart
And such a dear friend
Do birds fly? Do bees buzz? Do I take a bath once a month whether I need it? Joxer

Writer's Block
It was the kind of night when you could feel time flow over you llike the Amnesiatic waters of the River Styx.
May cause you to make up words which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Gabrielle's Scrolls
You see these. These are my scrolls. I wrote all of them. It's like a like a diary of my travels with Xena. When I wrote them I just felt so complete. I don't know why I sopped. Something keeps telling me that I have to start writing again. It's not that easy. I I I don't have time for it for one thing.
Talking About Today
Today started like any other day. Xena, Joxer, and I were trying to find a name for Xena's baby. I came up with the best one. "How about the name Rochelle?"
I haven't been cranky for years. Xena
I'm in full control of my mood swings. Xena

Taking Care Of Argo
You take good care of my baby. Make sure you rinse her down with cold water and hitch her to something. She'll probably come looking for me.
It doesn't take a genius to wash a horse. Gabrielle
Tip: Be careful where you get the water or you could end up with a shrunken horse and later may get shrunken yourself.
Just Add Water
Went to wash Argo
Didn't see the dedication
An honest mistake was made
Divine retribution struck
Argo was shrunk
By the God Lachromose
The God of Despair
Only one way to restore her
Make him laugh
Storytelling VS Writing
It's similar but with writing it's like talking to yourself. It's a way that you can work thing sout. Of course I know now exactly who I am. Haven't you every had an artistic impulse that's like a bad itch and you have to keep working on it until you get it out?
Joxer Helps Out
Oh Lachromose God of Despair. Hear my plea and appear. Life is so awful. It all started when I was a child. I was a happy kid at first but then mom and dad started fighting. He'd get tanked and take the chariot. No matter who tried to stop him. One day he lost control of it. Mom took it hard and then took a couple arrows from dad's creditor's.
Some wounds never heal. Lachromose
Never pie a pregnant woman.
Gabrielle Figures It Out
That's the answer. Ever since Xena became pregnant I have been trying to find a way to make the world a better place. And I've allowed no time for those things I love like my writing. I think I've been too afraid that I've lost that part of me that's a bard. Anyway maybe my writing will help Xena's baby figure out who he or she really is.
And the day ended as it began along side my friends.

The Fates
As it has been since time beyond the memory you will continue to rule supreme among supreme. Until such time as a child will not be gotten by man is born. A time that is fast approaching.
Nonesense everything that breathes upon this earth breathes because we've given it life. Our dominion is eternal. Because I have always been the master of fate. I'm not about to become its servant.
Peroxicidicae- kill one and the rest grow stronger-Zeus's secret guard
Zeus On Hercules
He has managed to do something that we Gods have tried and failed to accomplish. He has earned humanity's love in every gesture except fear.
Hera On The World
In order to let sunlight into the world Kronos removed one of his ribs and crafted it into a dagger. With it he pierced the blackness and light spilled from the heavens like blood.
Look you stalking me isn't helping the trust factor. Xena
This isn't your standard God obsession. I'm having urges that I'm not real proud of. Ares
I have feelings for you. Ok I care about you damn it. I see your face everywhere. Ares
I am pregnant not brain damaged. Xena
The birth of Xena's baby approaches bringing about the death of the Gods. The Fates

The Birth
The time is approaching
Running into some trouble
Fighting for Xena's baby
Who has been sentenced to death
Into Hades domain they go
To get the helmet of invisibility
A heart breaking sight
Solan in Tartarus
Watching the times past
That he spent with his mom
Only way to be with her
Took him to where he belongs
Before he goes off he whispers
Giving his sister a name
In the Elysian Fields where he belongs
Tip: Fighting during labor helps keep your mind off the pain.
Every time a God dies the ground shakes.
Zeus' Final Words
You may have sworn never to call me father again but you will always be my son. Every son must eventually take his father's place like I did mine. Hercules you've never disappointed me especially today.
All my life I've told people that they can live without the Gods. I guess we'll find out. Hercules

The Three Magi
A new day. A new life for us all. Your child ushers in a new world without Gods. A world where every man is master or his own fate and a birth should not go unremarked. Or uncelebrated though the gifts we bring are humble.
Grain: to nourish
Fruit: to sweeten her days
Oil: to soothe your way
I think I just don't show it. Joxer
The Uses Of Diapers
1. You can throw a dirty diaper at the bad guy coming towards you.
2. You can use the pins to kill by throwing them at their heads.
3. You can use a clean diaper as a whip to knock around the bad guys.
Ares Plans
All I want is to end myhy life the way it really started riding side by side with you. Then so will I a fight is a fight no matter whic side you're on.
Enough said perhaps I've been a tad overzealous but all I want is to have you back. To have things the way they were before but all that's changed. There is no going back you've seen to that. I have a short span of time and then I'm gone. The question is will you forgive me? I want to be with you Xena and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen. To prove myself. To make you trust me.
Xena On Dreams
You can't trust any of them not dreams, not visions, not even premonitions. No, none of them mean what you think. They're either all symbolic or they play on words that you only half remembering hearing. Well sometimes they're quite literal but the best thing to do with a dream is just to ignore it. I think it was Autolycus that said, "Sometimes a dream is just a dream." I seem to be looking for hidden meanings in things or secret messages that your God is trying to send you. It's just ludicrous. It's crazy. Crazy.
Give Me A Child
Facing the end
The God comes up with a plan
Fear a brand new feeling
Soon a God no longer
Asks for a child
To continue his line
Live out his days
At the side of Xena
The woman he loves
Even saves her child
As proof of his love
On The Run
Running for their lives
Hunted down by the Gods
Blamed for the death of Zeus
Determined to kill an innocent child
Wanting to stop the Twilight
They throw everything at them
Worshippers dedicated to their Gods
Attempt to kill the baby
Joxer catches up to them
Accidentally bringing some trouble
In the fight he gets hurt
A poison that will kill
Racing to the mandrake tree
To save his life with the antidote
All ends well this round
Will all four of them safe and sound

Maybe you won't mind finding your head lopped of next to your feet when you wake up in the morning. Joxer
Poisoned by Apollo
A red line will move from the wound to the heart.
Why don't you love me?
Heart filled with such love
All for you
Feelings not returned
You make me feel special
I'll love you always
You're so beautiful Gabrielle. Did I ever tell you that? I kind of miss your long hair you know. You used to wear it up like a princess braided like a warrior. Sometimes you'd have it down and you'd look like an angel.
Fly scroll in the air if you can't make a fire. Tie it to a tree so you can be found.
How come there was never an us Gabrielle?
On Love
I know why because you made me feel special. Not special enough. Why didn't you love me?
Xena's Words Of Wisdom
Perhaps the greater wrong is to never fight at all.
You know what I think that it doesn't matter where we take a stand as long as we take one.

Xena Comes Home
All right listen up. The last thing I wanted to do was bring an army down on your heads but I'm not sacrificing my child. Not for the sake of a selfish pack of Gods who don't give a damn about the human suffering they cause.
Cyrene Stands Up To Athena
Hasn't this village given up enough of its children? I've already lost a son and a grandsom I never even met. Well I won't give up this child not even for the Gods themselves.
Making A Stand
Not willing to give in
Ready to fight
Even against Athena
And her army
They all band together
Singing the anthem
Bring about the word of Eli
The only God who was worthy of respect
A great commander always looks beyond what their opponent is doing to see if there is a deeper strategy. Athena
If you see someone with Greek Fire run like Tartarus.
It's useless to hide behind a barrel although a Warrior Princess can cathc the arrow with the greatest of ease.
Xena On Warriors
Warrior likes us make our own fate. I have a proposal for you a fair fight no tricks, no godlike powers and if I win you spare Even and leave these people in peace.

An Offer
In an effort to save her child
She bargains with Ares
Offers herself to him
Her body and the sword that wields it
Thinking with his codpiece
He agrees to the deal
His fondest desire
The woman he loves is waiting
But things get cut short
Helps out even though
The deal was never sealed
A timely explosion stops the fun
Outsmarted once again
But she did feel something
Maybe a little something
The Deal
I believe we discussed a deal. Cut the crap I'm ready to bargain. You fight beside me and we can defeat Athena. What's in it for you? Me. You help me defeat Athena and I'm yours. For years you've been wanting me to be your Warrior Queen. Well I'm offering you my sword and the body that wields it. Olympus is doomed. Zeus is dead and whatever happens here their reign is over. You want immortality a child is immortality. A legacy. A lineage. You help me save my daughter and you'll be her father. Through her we can live forever. I'm offering you everything you've ever wanted. Take it.
No no you don't. You're up to something. I've desired you from the very first time I saw you in battle and now after all these years, after all the games the cat and the mouse will I won't I Ares take me I'm yours it's too easy. No you don't but you always come up with some way to mess with my head.
They say blood is thicker than water but blood runs hard when love is involved. Ares

Gabby's Rant
Do you want to give Eve to Athena? Does anybody else feel that way? We give up the baby and go back to our fields in peace until the next God comes along and they want your child or yours. We're not fighting for Xena we're fighting for ourselves for our right to be treated like human beings not game pieces. If any one of you is willing to give up their own child then speak up because I will not have you fighting next to me.

Helpful Tip: Don't refer to the baby as an it also baby back ribs aren't baby food. Babies don't have teeth.
Dueling Goddesses
Ruined someone's fun
Throwing a love bolt
Plans for him
Now he's plucking petals
Sitting with a bunch of daisies
Hurling bolts back and forth
Knocking Gabby into the water
Meeting at Olympus to settle the score

Hagar's Speech
And so wise memebers of council if elected President I promise that I will not rest until I have established schools for our little fishes everywhere.
Helpful Tip: Have the kids untie you before ordering them to their rooms.
Under The Sea
Fell into the sea
Sinking deeper and deeper
All turns black
Eyes open to see
A whole new world
Under the sea
A tail instead of feet
A mermaid is she
Fins in sea
Feet on land
A family is found
Three strange kids
A strange husband too
With a touch of a pig in him
But kinda sweet in the end

Out to catch Hagar
The two fight it out
Get Crustacea out of the way
With the potion causing amnesia
Decides to stop giving it
An accident is planned
Accidentally on purpose
Proves a bit of a challenge
Nothing seems to work
Fighting like cats
Hissing and scratching
Wanting Hagar to be their man
Helpful Tips: If you get too close to you edge you just might get knocked into the pool. A knife comes in handy when attacked by an escaped octopus. Hair pins can come in handy when looking for a weapon to knock some skanky hoes around that are pretending to be your best friends.
How Hagar Met Crustacea
Sunny Day
It was a beautiful sunny day
When first we met
Bucket struck me down
It came out of nowhere
Fell to the ground
Pretended to be unconscious
So he could kiss the girl

Mermaid Tales
One night a man was walking along the beach and saw a group of Mermaids and mermen dancing in the moonlight. Their sealskins, which enable them to live at the depths of the sea, were piled up on the sand beside them. After the danced each Mermaid and merman picked up its skin and dove into the water. One of the Mermaids forgot her sealskin, and the man found it and took it home. The next day when he returned to the water he saw a beautiful maiden crying on a rock. She was weeping over the loss of her sealskin; without it she could not live in her home beneath the sea. The man had never seen such a beauty and he fell passionately in love with her. When she beeged him to return her skin, he refused, asking her instead to live with him. He promisded to lvoe her so much that she would forget all about her watery dwelling. She realized she could not change his mind, and so agreed. The two were married and had two children. The man was happy but his supernatural wife wanted nothing more than to return to the depths. Every day she would sit on the rocks and gaze sadly at the water. One day her son found the sealskin that his father had hidden, and he innocently brought it to his mother to ask her what it was. She wept with joy. She kissed her son for the last time. "Farewell!" she called, as she ran across the sand. At that moment the man saw his wife running towards the water, sealskin in hand, and hurried to stop her. But he was too late and she never returned to him again.
The German Tale Of Undine
A fisherman and his wife lost their beloved daughter, Bertha, who fell into the lake and presumably drowned. During a tempestous storm the following evening, the grief stricken couple heard a knock on their door, and in from the winds and torrential rain came a pretty laughing child who said she did not know where she had come from but she had fallen into the lake and her name was Undine. The couple raised her as their own and tried to ignore her wayward disposition and her habit of running wild through the rain and singing, although it caused them great anxiety. One evening when the child had grown to young womanhood, a knight named Hildebrand passed by the cottage. He was lost and seemed quite sad because of his hopeless love for a proud young woman named Bertha. A sudden storm raged outside and the knight was forced to stay for several days until it had subsided. He became enchanted by Undine, and finally proposed marriage. (The true story: When Bertha fell into the lake, the sea fairies decided to send their own Undine to be raised by a human family, marry a human man, and thus gain a soul. They delivered Undine to the bereaved couple and sent Bertha farther down the lake to a childless noble couple who raised her as their own.) Undine worried at the wedding ceremony that "there must be something extremely awful about a soul," but out of love she went on with it and seemed to undergo a radical change. She became oddly tender, meek, and helpful and even seemed content doing domestic chores. But after a short time there was a reunion of Bertha and Hildebrand and he realized he loved Bertha still. He spoke angrily to Undine, although she warned him never to speak to her harshly especially near water because the result could be dreadful. In response to his cruel outburst as they were out boating, she fell into the lake, saying only "Woe" as she vanished into the water. Hildebrande made plans to remarry, but on his wedding day he saw the door of his bedroom chamber open very slowly and watched in terror as the spirit on Undine entered. "You will die," she said quietly. Then she took him in her arms and kissed him to death.
Merman Tale
Once there was a Merman, who befriended a neighboring farmer, say a miller, and invited the human being to dine with him in his underwater palace. The neighbor accepted the invitation, and found himself fathoms deep, enchanted by the magnificent rooms all filled with golden treasures, the floor made of pearls, emeralds, rubies, and the walls of shells studded with jewels, all blazing with light from huge crystal chandeliers. After a sumptious meal, the man was about to leave when he noticed many pots overturned on the floor in the long halls. He asked what the objects were for and the merman replied casually that they held the captive souls of the drowned he was known to keep. The neighbor said nothing, but he was deeply disturbed by the proof of such rumors and could not forget it. Sometime later, when he was sure the Merman had gone out, he carefully descended and again came to the enchanting palace. He retraced his steps to the long halls and there, one by one, he overturned the pots and all the souls floated up through the water to finally be delivered.

A sea dwelling creature commonly respresented as having the head and body of a woman and a fishtail instead of legs. Belief in mermaids, and in their counterpart, mermen, has existed since earliest times. They are often described as having great beauty and charm, which they use to lure sailors to their deaths. In some legends they assumed human shape and married mortals. The origin of the mermaid is thought by some to be the dugong.
In Greek mythology, one of three nymphs, usually represented with the head of a woman and the body of a bird. Daughters of Phorcus or of Achelous, the Sirens inhabited an island surrounded by dangerous rocks. They sang so enchantingly that all who heard were drawn near and shipwrecked. Jason and the Argonauts were saved from them by the music of Orpheus, whose songs were lovelier. Odysseus escaped them by having himself tied securely to a mat and by stopping the ears of his men.
A large aquatic mammal of the order Sirenia. Living sirenians are the dugong and the manattee, both found in warm, shallow waters in sheltered regions, where they feed on seaweeds and sea grasses. Sirenians are the only marine animals, outisde of the whale order, that spend their entire lives in the water, and they are the only marine mammals that feed exclusively on vegatation. Thier heavy, thickset bodies are fishlike in form, the tail ending in a horizontally flattened fin. There are no hind legs, and the forelegs are modified into weak flippers. The gray skin is completely hairless, except for the bristles around the fleshy lips; the upper lip is cleft, and holds the pup in her flippers while nursing. It has been speculated that the manatees, which nurse on the water's surface, are the source of mermaid legends.
Source: Columbia Encylcopedia
Mermaids (Global)
A species of human size and are rapacious. They live in salt water though they've also been sighted in lakes and as far inland as many coastal fishes. The mermaid always has shining hair streaming in wavelets over ample breasts and very fair skin. The skin is so strong that it could be used for making soles of boots that would last for three years or more. Her seal-like lower torso that ends in one or two fish tails is conviently hidden by surf. The species is long necked and comely with distinctive voice and luring song. From ancient Greece come three supernatural spirits whose images and attitudes contribute to the developement of the Mermaid: Skylla ("Bitch"), the six headed monster with triple rows of teeth in each canine mouth who could devour six sailors at a time when their ships sailed close enough to her cave; the Sirens with women's heads and bird bodies, later seen with fish tails, who sand irresistibly. They are irresponsible rather than malevolent.
Mermen (Global)
The male of the species is said to have a powrful, attractive upper torso, a fish bottom and a hollow look in his eyes. He is reputedly always lusting after human females and carrying them off whenever possible. It is said that the Merman keeps the souls of the drowned sailors under pots or in cages under the water palace at the very depths of the sea, lake, or river.
Xena's Thoughts
I used to think that I had to go through life alone that anything else was a sign of weakness. So I traded my home and family for violence and blood so much blood.
A Precious Gift
Wanting to gift Eve
Gives her the Rite of Caste
Making her an Amazon Princess
Loves her like her own
A place for her to belong
Bringing life to the tribe
Cermonies oh so bloody
A time for change
Otherwise they face their destruction
Making new traditions
Samsara: cycle of continuous rebirth
Helpful Tip: You don't eat horses. Horses aren't food. You ride them to travel to places.
Northern Amazons
Even when my people mourn they think of nothing but revenge. Xena it's ingrained in our culture even when new sisters join the tribe they're base in blood.
Domestic Bliss
Safe and soung
From the Greek Gods
Thoughts of staying
Among the Amazons
One's found a place
The other not really
Bored at the quite
Whittling is fun
A friendship so dear
As immortal as the Gods
After a brief stay
Off they go together
Awaiting their next adventure
Xena says it's good to have a balance of work and play. Ariss
While Gabrielle Is Queening
play with daughter
hunt and kill something
reading Gabrielle's scrolls
get the sidekick wannabee to clean so you don't have to

Helpful Tips: If you see Amazons bathing don't hide and peep in the bushes since it coems with dire circumstances. Being caught can also cause your self esteem to take a beating not to mention the stuff thrown at you can get pretty messy and smelly. Some names you might be called are: pervert, loser, fat prick. Also being locked in the stocks isn't a fun way to spend the day and it's murder on the spine.
The Peeper
There he came
A bunch of girls bathing
Hiding in the bushes
Peeping away
For his crime
Put in the stocks
Bad luck struck
Eye gouged out
Is the punishment
Shown mercy
Turn for the worse
Was caught kissing
Out of season
Sentenced to death
Declared dead
Didn't need to stay dead
Some laws were changed then

I need to use the little warrior's room. Look you can either take me to those bushes over there or help me by dropping my pants right here. Joxer
What Xena Looks For In A Sidekick According To Joxer
1. Lots of flips would be good. It is essential to be flexible.
2. A good war cry is always tops on the list. Sounding like a yak in heat isn't a good war cry. So experiment before revealing your war cry.
Joxer On Men
Hey listen we're not just machines you know you can use to besides you know we can't just do it on command. We need stuff like uh cheap motel rooms and dirty pictures and lingerie and stuff like that. We're not animals. But I can get those things.
Joxer The Stud
Oh I get it I was a sexual object. Use and then toss away the baloney pony a disposable stud. All right. 

Full Moon
A ceremony so important
Part of becoming Queen
Wearing no clothes at all
Paying tribute to the moon
Covered all in mud
Howling at the moon
All the night through
The Return Of Callisto
I sing of the wrath of Callisto
The pain of Gabrielle
And the courage of Xena
And the inevitable mystery
of a friendship as immortal as the Gods.
Xena's Thoughts On Gabby's Writing
I think that anyone who writes like you can who can find grace and meaning in everything that happens she's sure to make a wonderful queen. And that's worth sticking around to see.

I am Xena the ultimate woman versus Joxer the ultimate meat boy. And I will crush his head like a peanut between the thighs of doom.
Many call her Xena the champ but I call her Xena the chump. In round one I will mash her between the jaws of death. In round two I'll crush her in the ultimate hold. In round three there is no round three.
What constitutes death? For instance I just shut off the flow of blood to his brain. Xena

Confident of herself
A crisis arises while naked
Seems to always happen
When she's bathing
Sure all will be fine
A scroll is delivered
Urgent message from Rome
With a nasty surprise inside
A snake strikes her down
The milk she bathes in runs red
Her life blood spills forth
Utters her final words
Send for Xena

Getting A Guy's Attention
1. Roll yourself up in a carpet naked and in chains.
2. To spice things up even further ask him to release you and give him the key with a kiss. "I am Cleopatra Queen of Egypt and slave of Rome.
3. Invite him to the palace and dress the part.
4. Be careful of the bad boy.
5. Take a bath and invite him to join you. You may as well get a little pampering in while pretending to be a Queen.
6. Sometimes you just have to take a risk. After all you are in complete control of the situation.
Just Her Type
On a mission
But he walks in
Searching for a killer
Just her type
A bad boy so sexy
She's in complete control
Getting under his skin
A touch of the romance
Ending up on the pointed end of a sword
His feelings were true
But he enjoyed spilling blood too much

Antony Wants Her Love
The first time I saw you I knew a man would give up a kingdom for such a woman. There's nothing that I've learned since that would change my mind.
Tip: Don't kill everyone that attacks you since one could prove useful as a messenger.
Octavius' Idealism
Tears are for boys. I need to put them behind me and think of my people.
My uncle exploited the peoples of the world for his ambition. I want to correct that to bring them Roman peace. Pax Romana.
Xena's Soft Spot
You're right Gabrielle I do have a soft spot for bad boys. Even worse is a bad boy who loves like a fool.
Antony's Plans
Perhaps when we have dealt with Brutus a journey on the central borders of the Nile. On a golden barge with oars of silver which will keep stroking to the tune of the flutes and make the waters which they beat follow faster. As though amorous of each stroke. With Egypt's navy we can not lose.
Death has no respect for rank. Octavius
Remember Cleopatra
It cost Cleopatra her life make sure it was worth it. Cleopatra always put the well being of her kingdom ahead of her own. Respect this. She died inthe hope that the Egyptian people might for the first time choose their next great leader. She was Egypt.

Here celebrations in Thebes and Egypt were cut short because Xena the mighty Warrior Princess fought both night and day for the life of her newborn child. As she continued to sing the rage of her Olympian foes. The ceaseless battles finally drove her to the Fates to search for answers.
The Fates
You wish us to speak of your child. Your child Xena will bring forth the Twilight and usher in a new beginning. The Twilight will occur in time. The time depends on you Xena. You must die Xena. Only in the essence of death will the child find salvation and the Twilight be set in motion. Until then a storm without end lies upon your path and hers.

It is not in death's nature to discriminate. As long as my flame continues to burn death will remain a part of life forever Athena. Prophecy or not is it forbidden for any mortal to be taken before their rightful time.
Always With A Plan
Trying to save her daughter
She pays the Fates a visit
Gets a brilliant idea
In the essence of death
The only way to save her
Picks a fight with Hephasteaus
Summoning death herself
Wipes away her tears
The cart goes over the cliff
Appears that Gabrielle and Eve died
Full of grief Xena takes her life
But all is not as it seems
Even giving birth to a child isn't enough to sway someone so grounded in their beliefs. By holding me here you're condemning to eternal suffering those who otherwise would find their peace. Death is nothing to fear Xena for I only visit those who's rightful time it...
Xena Makes Death Cry
Solan my only son his rightful time came when someone else decided it should and you came running no questions asked. It didn't end the suffering of my little boy Celesta. You stole his life and Marcus and Lyceus. Lyceus Lyceus he wasn't just a brother he was my best friend. You know growing up he was everything to me. He accepted me for who and what I was. And if you hadn't take him he would have grown up to be...

Each to his own you to yours and me to mine. Ares you can't stop me this time. It's over. It's over. Join your family tell them that they get me too.
You're with her now. I handled you all wrong I know that. She knew what you needed unconditional and unselfish love and I couldn't give that to you. But I appreciated you in ways she never could your rage, your violence, your beauty. When you sacrificed yourself for others you were hers but when you kicked ass you were mine. I love you Xena.

I'm Livia
A fierce warrior named Livia
The emperor's bitch
She's all grown up
Enjoys the shedding of blood
Slaughtering Eli's followers
Engaged to Augustus
Ares is her lover
Name changed to protect her
Has no idea who she really is
Next in line to rule Rome
Embracing her dark side
Face to face with her mother
A fight to the death
Xena showed mercy instead
Gabby's Advice To Xena
If I were you I'd lay off the starches.

Twenty-five years have passed by
He went on with his life
Got a wife and kids
Married the wench Meg
Searched for years with no luck
One day everything changed
The tavern he ran with his wife
In honor of his dear friends
They walked in the door
Untouched by the hands of time
Such a happy event
Was turned upside down
Struck down by Livia's sword
A dear friend was laid to rest
On The Road Again
1. Get your armor.
2. Delouse your sword.
3. Don't forget the prunes. After all what is life without prunes.

I sing of Joxer
Not a mighty warrior
Brave as a lion
With a very big heart
A great companion
There through some really tough times
Got the happy ending he wanted
Married with children
Living a happy life
Briefly together with dear old friends
Killed while trying to save one
A sweet and loving man
With a most gentle soul
Brought joy to all who knew him
In loving memory of a dear friend

What a great surprise
Joxer and Meg had a son
A fine strappin lad
Also a writer
Writing epic poems
Has his own shop
Good with a sword
Taught by dear old dad
Fortune favors the brave. Virgil
If you were motal I'd cut out your heart. Xena

Livia The Bitch Of Rome
Followers of Eli don't forget to turn the other cheek. Why Xena is determined to protect you sheep is beyond me. And I should care why? Eli's follwers are vermin. They hide amongst true Romans spreading like a sickness. If a few innocents must die to spread their heresy so be it and if it vexes Xena so much the better. Callisto she did good work but I'm not Callisto.
Tragedy Strikes
Daughter's all grown up
Missed seeing it happen
Sleeping in a cave
A blood thirsty killer
She now faces
Pained by what she sees
Burdened with guilt
Trying to get through
She tries to talk to her
Declares their love for her
About to kill her dearest friend
Joxer unable to bear it
He charges at her
Ending with a sword in the guts
Another dear friend dies instead

Joxer's Confession
I always wanted to be a great warrior. It didn't work out. I tried to join every army from here to Egyp but nobody ever wanted me and uh well that's all.
Joxer's Last Words
I didn't didn't want to disappoint you. What? What's the matter with you guys? I'm gonna be fine. I'm a little cold but it doesn't hurt anymore.
Virgil's Grief
Is this what it means to follow Eli? I knew my faith would be tested but never like this. How can I love when my heart is filled with vengeance?
Gabby's Words Of Wisdom
When you're pushed you just want to push back but you have to ask yourself is that what Eli would want?
Xena's Plea To Eli
Eli wherever you are I know you can hear me. I'm having a little trouble understanding your message Eli. I'm a warrior I have a warrior's heart. And yet you told me to fight my enemies with compassion instead of a sword. Well now I find I have to kill my own daughter. My own flesh and blood. Is this what you meant when you said I must love my enemy? Show me another way. Where's your infinite love?
Mixed feelings
Helping her find her way
Wants to help
The Gods come for her
Baptized in the Way of Love
Forgiveness for her past
A new way of life
Comes with a surprise
Xena is given a power
Able to kill Gods
The first to go down is Poseidon
Which came as a great shock to all
Faced with the unknown
Next goes Hephasteaus followed by Discord
Ending with the death of Athena

Initiation Into The Way Of Love
Do you admit your tresspasses? I now cleanse your body in the sweet waters and intiate you in the way of love. You must die to the things of the flesh and be reborn in the way of love.
How's it feel to smell your own mortality? You know there's nothing more pathetic than a dead God. Xena
The Transformation
Deprived of her mother
By a cruel twist of fate
She grew up as Livia
The name Eve was cast aside
To savethe life of this child
Raised by a Roman once an ally
Wanting to marry her
Hooked up with Ares
Tapped into her dark side
Not knowing who she was
Full of bloodlust
Craving ultimate power
Comes face to face with mom
Not able to stand the truth
She keeps shedding blood
Till that moment when all was revealed
Realizing what she'd done
Experiencing great pain and guilt
Reborn into the Way of Love
She's absolved of all her sins
Eve is back and embracing her destiny
She is the Messenger of Peace
Xena's Power
Eve will prepare the way for the rule of the God of Love. I was chosen as the mother of the messenger. As long as Eve lives I have the power to kill Gods.
Eve's Burden
What's happened to me is all so confusing. When I was being initiated I felt one load being lifted only to be replaced with another just as frightening. Where should I begin?
Virgil On His Dad
You know my entire life I never saw my father be cruel to a man, woman, child nor beast. He brought joy to everybody who knew him and you killed him.
Xena's Wisdom
That kind of reaction coems with the territory.
Tip: Don't expect happy reactions when face to face of family members of those you've killed.

In Her Head
The Furies came
Buzzing in her ear
Whispering away
Ever sinking low
Using Joxer's death
To push her over the edge
Next her daughter Hope appears
Must make the kill
Spare Xena the pain
With sai in her hands
She stabs Eve in the back
The chakram hit her
Knocking her down
The two Xena loves most
Weak and dying
Continuing the fight
Against overwhelming odds
Their lives are saved
By an unexpected source
Niether of you is gonna leave me. Gabrielle you're the most pure thing in my life. And you're my great hope. So I'm not gonna let either of you go. Xena
You shot me. I'm the God of War. Nobody shoots the God of War. Ares
I gave up my immortality to save them. I'm sorry but I got a thing for her. Ares
A Great Sacrifice
Even though his family
Were nearly all dead
He can't bear to have her killed
The woman he loves
Fighting for her life
He heals Eve and Gabrielle
Giving her back the power
No greater sacrifice
Gave up his immortality
All in the name of love