Warrior Babes
Sunnydale 5 and 6

The Minion
Dracula came to town
Needing an emissary
For the daylight hours
Worked his mojo
Your Spookiness
Controlled Xander
A spider eating man bitch
Eating bugs
Obeying his command
No more butt monkey
He made it clear
When he was free


Spike On Dracula
Dracula pouncey bugger owes me eleven pounds for one thing. We're old rivals but then he got famous forgot about all his foes. I'll tell you why that glory hound's done more harm to vampires than any Slayer. His story gets out and suddenly everbody knows how to kill us. The mirror bit. Nothing but showy gypsy stuff.
Tough talk cowboy but you're not gonna catch him napping in a crypt. No the Count has to have his luxury estate and his bug eaters and his special dirt doesn't he?
I have searched the world over for you. I have yearned for you for a creature whose darkness rivals my own. You have been tasted. Unworthy he let you go. But the embrace his bite you remember. Do not fight. I can feel your hunger
Dracula Factoids
Turnoffs: wood, fire, crosses, garlic
Turnons: nice duds, minions, long and slow bites that last for days, not the lay low type
Willow With The Knowledge
Dracula's modus operandi is different from other vampires. He will kill just to feed but he'd rather have a connection with his victims. And he has all these mental powers to draw them in. He can read and control minds, appear in dreams.
A good Sunnydale rule of thumb avoid light skinned men in capes. Willow 


Out for some slaying
All by herself
Catches the eye of Count Famous
Dracula wants her
Under his thrall
Takes a taste of her
Offers her his wrist
She is able to break away
Staking him not once but twice
Buffy Wants Her Watcher Back
You haven't been my Watcher for a while. I haven't been training and I haven't really needed to come to you for help. And then this whole thing with Dracula. It made me face up to some stuff. Ever since we did that spell where we called it, and he was right. He understood my power better than I do. He darkness in it. I need to know more about where I come frmo, about the other Slayers. Maybe, maybe if I learn to control this thing, I could be stronger and I could be better. But I'm scared. I know it's going to be hard and I can't do it without you. I need your help. I need you to be my Watcher again.


The Pest
Trying to train
She gets in the way
The little sis
Getting on her nerves
Writing in her diary
Makes a mistake
Inviting Harmony in
Getting herself captured
Locked in chains
While big sis slays
Buffy Rant
So then my mom goes off on me about how I'm supposed to watch out for Dawn and make sure she's shielded from stuff that might upset here. She didn't see him. A foot maybe. A dead foot whichi s bad ok but hello I see dead stuff all the time and you don't see mom shielding me. Thank you logic boy did I mention this is a rant. Sense really has no place in it.
Harmony's Woes
They don't respect me. They pretend they do but deep down they think I'm nothing. I mean I'm the one who put this group together me but they treat me like I don't even matter. Do you have any idea what that feels like. They have no idea how much pressure I'm under. I have to make all the hard decisions. And it's hard.
Buffy On Harmony
Harmony when you tried to be head cheerleader you were bad. When you tried to chair the homecoming committed you were really bad. But when you try to be bad you really suck.


Seeing Double
Off to the dump they went
Tracking down a demon
His creepy stick thing fired
Buffy pushed out of the way
Knocked Xander down
Helped up and they left
In the morning light
Xander woke in the dump
At home he found
Another him inside
With socks all matchy
Goes to Will for hel
Snoopy dance as proof
That he's really Xander
It was revealed
That both were he
In a blink
Xander was restored
To Anya's dismay
Who wanted to play
Buffy Critiques The Fighting Movie
Oh give me a break. This is all wrong see first you would get the big guy with a flying kick. Then you would take out all the little ones bam, bam. See now with the flying kick now at a dead stop what's powering it raw enthusiasm?
Xander Proves He's Xander
Let's see stuff only you and me know. Ok on my seventh birthday I wanted a toy fire truck and I didn't get it. And you were real nice about it and then the house next door burnt down. And then real fire trucks came. And for years I thought you sent the fire for me. And if you did you can tell me. For a while last year I thought I was lactose intolenrant but it was just some bad brie. Oh every Christmas we watch Charlie Brown together and I do the Snoopy dance.
Xander Walks Down Memory Lane
I don't know. At first it's just a place then you start to make memories. Then you're like that's where Spike slept. And there that's where Anya and I drowned a sapavro demon. And oh right there that's where I got my heart ripped out. I really hate this place.
Riley On Buffy
Buffy's like nobody else in the world. When I'm with her it's like I'm split in two. Half of me is just on fire going crazy if I'm not touching her. The other half is so still, peacfeful just perfectly content just knows this is the one. But she doesn't love me.

I will know your blood Slayer. I will make your neck my chalice and drink deep. Spike
Don't Feel A Thing
Feeling no pain
Out to kick some ass
All super charged
Something is wrong
Heart beating way too fast
Needs an operation
But doesn't trust them
Kicks some major ass
Off to be alone
Finally agrees to be helped
Fixed by the doc with no tricks
I read in a magazine that some women think a man's real sex organ is his brain. Ugh no conetest. I mean look at it it's so prink and wriggly looking. Harmony
Bathe in the Slayer's blood. I'm gonna dive in it, swim in it. I'm gonna do the bloody backstroke. Spike


Crazy Demon Lady Rant
You know when you think about it, I'm the victim here. First off I didn't even want to be here. And I'm not talking about this room, city or the state, or this planet. I'm talking about the whole mortal coil now you know it's disgusting. The food. The clothes. The people. I could crap a better existence than this. But ok and feel free to tell me if this next part gets a little too personal because I'm told I have boundary issues. But I'm hurt. Yes by your incredibly selfish behaivor. News flash hair do it's not always about you. All I want is the key. Why, why can't you call me where the key is? Forgive me monkey. Sometimes I just get so anxious like there's something deep inside that's swelling up and it's making me crazy. But I forget there's all that duct tape on your face. Now tell me where the key is or I'm going bowling. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. The stutter's sexy keep it coming. We're in the new world now, so please for God's sake speak American. Fine you know what I wish. I wish that you could feel what I'm feeling right now. Cause I don't know how much more of this I can take. I bet this is fun for you. Is it? Do you like to torture me? Why you don't even own the damn thing and I want it. I need it. I've gotta have it now. And you keep refusing to tell me where the key is and it's typical. It's typical. It's typical. The whole mortal meat sack comes complete with stinking sweat and protein. Yes I said humans prowling, crawling, clowing and covorting doing it over and over and over and over and over until someone's gotta sit down own their tub and make this hurting stop. So much better.
A Secret
Wanting to know what's wrong
She pulls back the curtain
To find out what's making mom sick
Another discovery is made instead
Little sister Dawn isn't real
Later the truth is revealed
The key made flesh
In the form of a sister
An innocent that needs protecting
Given into her care by the monks
Not knowing the truth
Just a scared girl
Worried about her mom
Crazy Demon Lady Rant
And another thing I just want you to know this whole beat you to death thing I'm doing is a sizeable time out of my life that I'm never gonna get back. Wait I've always wanted to try this you know that thing with worms where if you have one you rip it in half you get two worms. Do you think that'll work with you? You hit me. What are you crazy? You can't go around hitting people. What were you born in a barn? Fine be that way. Just noticed something you have super powers. That is so cool Can you fly? Hey! Hey hands off my holy man!


The Key
The Key is energy. It's a portal. It opens the door. For centuries it had no form at all. My brethren its only keepers. The the abomination found us. We had to hide the key. Gave it form. Molded it flesh. Made it human and sent it to you. Human now. Human and helpless.

A Secret
Wanting to know what's wrong
She pulls back the curtain
Find out what's making mom sick
Another discovery is made
Little sister Dawn isn't real
Later the truth is revealed
The key made flesh
In the form of a sister
An innocent that needs protecting
Given into her care by the monks
Not knowing the truth
Just a scared girl
Worried about mom



Once upon a time there was a kitty. She was very little, and she was all alone, and nobody wanted her. One day the kitty was running around the street, and a man came and swooped her up and took her to the pound. And at the pound there are lots of other kitties and there are puppies and some ferrets and many dolphins at the pound. There was the front of a camel, a half camel. The kitty got chosen by some nice family.


Told all her life that she was part demon
Finds a good life and love in Sunnydale
Never revealing her secret
She suffers in silence
Hoping it won't come to pass
For her birthday her family came
Wanting to drag her home
A spell was cast out of desperation
Evil couldn't be seen
Spell broken in the nick of time
The truth was finally revealed
She had no demon in her
Punched in the nose led to pain for both
A happy birthday was had
In the arms of the one she loves
Anya's Thoughts
I'm just excited. They come in I help them. They give us money in exchange for goods. You give me money for working for you. I have a place in the world now. I'm part of the system. I'm a working gal. Oh no that's boring I just want to do the money parts.
Willow's Thoughts
See that's where you're a dummy. I think about what you grew up with and I look at what you are. It makes me proud. It makes me love you more.



Scooby Gang Goes Out Patrolling Minus Buffy
1. No munchies: eating especially chips will warn the vampires that you are coming since they have such great hearing.
2. Work out hand signals: do this before you go out so someone doesn't yell which again draws the attention of vampires.
3. Don't yell: This is so obvious but sometimes the obvious needs to be state clearly. Use a whisper when speaking since talking will occur.
4. Go out in a group: It is not the best idea to pull a Rambo and take on a vamp of nests by yourself since it could be very dangerous.
Out for some slaying
In the best shape ever
Instead of staking the vamp
She gets the pointy end of the stake
Confused by being kobobbed
She searches for the answers
The Watcher Diaries are a bust
Too painful to write about
With money in her hands
Seeks out the one with answers
The vamp who killed two Slayers
Fills in the blanks for a price


Look I realize that every Slayer comes with an expiration mark on the package but I want mine to be a long time from now like a Cheeto. Buffy
Dru Sees William And Turns Him
And I wonder what possible catastrophe came crashing down from Heaven and brought this dashing stranger to tears. I see you a man surrounded by fools who can not see his strength, his vision, his glory. That burns baby fish swimming all around your head. Don't need a purse. Your wealth lies here and here in the spirit and imagination. You walk in worlds the others can't begin to imagine. I see what you want something glowing and glistening something effulgent. Do you want it?
Spike On Becoming A Vampire
Oh please don't make it sound like something you flipped past on the Discovery Channel. Becoming a vampire is a profound and powerful experience. I could feel this new strength coursing through me. To make a kill make me feel alive for the very first time. I was through living by societies rules decided to make a few of my own. Course in order to do that I needed to get myself a gang.
The King of Cups expects a picnic but this is not his birthday. Dru
Angelus On Killing
No a real kill, a good kill, it takes pure artisty. Without that we're just animals.
Spike On Slayers
After that I was obsessed. I mean to most vampires the Slayer was this subject of cold sweat and frightened whispers but I never heeded. Hell I sought her out. I mean if you're looking for fun there's death, there's glory, and sod all else but I was young. Funny you should ask. Lesson the first a Slayer must always reach for her weapon. I already got mine. Good thing too you become a vampire you have nothing to fear but one girl.
Lesson the second ask the right questions. You want to know how i beat them. The question isn't how'd I win the question is why'd they lose.
The thing about the dance is you never get to stop. Every day you wake up it's the same bloody question that haunts you, "Is today the day I die?" Death is on your heels baby and sooner or later it's gonna catch you. Part of you wants it.

I for one didn't want to start my day with a slaughter which really just goes to show how much I've grown. Anya
Helpful Tip: Look through the pages and look busy.
Off to the hospital
For a test
Causing the headaches
Not nothing at all
Filled with dread
Anxiously awaiting news
Shadow is found
Needs a biopsy
To find out what it is
A tumor is found
In her brain
Feeling utterly helpless
Glory's Ranting
What is taking so long Dreg? You told me snakey wakey would find my key. Now why isn't he back here with a beautiful message for me? Everything takes time. What about my time? Does anyone appreciate that I'm on a schedule here? Tick tock Dreg. Tick frickin tock.
Needing something to slay

Alien beauty queen

Alien beauty queen

Alien Nation
By Erik J Martin
If you were alive 62 years ago, the chances are good that you spent Halloween hiding under a table and crying your scared little eyes out. After all, ruthless Martians were taking over the planet. At least that's what thousands of Americans believed while listening to Orson Welles' infamous radio dramatization of H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds on October 30, 1938.
Welles' clever hoax underscores an essential truth about the entertainment hungry public in the modern media age we want to believe in extraterrestrial life, and the media, which continues to saturate our collective consciousness with science fiction films, TV shows, books and other offerings, is very good at making us believers.
Literay visionaries of the 19th century like Wells, Mary Shelley and Jules Verne sparked the cosmic curiousity of the masses. In 1902, George Melies created a landmark sci-fi short called A Trip to the Moon providing our first look at fictional aliens on the big screen a genre that explosed in the 1950's along with America's fears of communism and nuclear annihiliation.
If you want to know how popular extraterrestrials are these days, just open the movie section of your newspaper, stroll down the video game aisle at Wall-Mart, or turn on your TV. Practically everywhere you look for entertainment these days, a big-eyed alien is starring right back at you.
Why this growing cultural obsession and consumer feeding frenzy over UFOs and their otherworldly occupants? For one, there are more supposed alien encounters and UFO sightings reported today than ever before. Word of mouth, however fantastic or ridiculous in nature, gets around. And recent outer space explorations and scientific discoveries including the possibility of life on Mars are stoking our interest in uncovering the unknown truths of the universe. Hollywood, book publishers, television producers and other savvy media powers have their fingers on the pulse of what the public wants: Namely, more xenomorphs, interplanetary predators, little green men, x-file conspiracies, and even suffocating Queller demons known to cling to ceilings when the visit Sunnydale from outer space.
Media Make-believe
Psychologically speaking, why is it that we are so intriqued by aliens and their craft, especially considering we have no proof of life beyond this planet? Dr James E Gunn (no relation to Charles), Emeritus Professor of English and Director of the Center for the Study of Science Fiction at the University of Kansas, has his own theories.
"I have the feeling that the ready acceptance over the years of flying saucers and the aliens they involved was a kind of replacement religion," says Dr Gunn. "If God (was) dead, as some theologians claimed, then we had to look elsewhere fro some kind of superior creatrues that might save or damn us."
The notion in popular science fiction that aliens might covet our planet, our women or our bodies (even one like Eric Cartman's) is an old one, says Dr Gunn.
"It makes good fiction, but it isn't logical. In fact, it isn't even rational that aliens would ever come to our solar system or our planet. The distances are simply too great to make such a trip practical, even if it is practicable," he says. "We like to speculate about such matters because it is a great burden to imagine that we are the only intelligent creatures in the universe, and on our shoulders is the responsibility for making our existence matter."
"Believing in UFOs and aliens has a lot to do with our openness to identifying reality and asking the simple question, 'What is real?'" says Patricia Baker, a psychotherapist and sociologist who has investigated UFO cases and worked with people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. "To think that there is life out there on other worlds is a sign of our culture's intelligence. It's also a reflection of our yearning for 'wholeness,' the feeling that something call it a higher purpose or a deeper connection to explain the mysteries of life is missing in our lives, something bigger than ourselves."
Baker asserts that the media has the power to influence our image of and beliefs about aliens, and it certainly makes a lot of money off our enjoyment of science fiction. "But the consciousness of our culture has created the media's obsession with science fiction entertainement," she explains. "Once the media gives us a quality, credible program like The X-Files, the public respons and interest in extraterrestrials and making contact with them grows all the more. But the interest was there long before those savvy TV and film creatives introduced their sci-fi products."
The evolving face of aliens
We've seen all manner and species of aliens illustrated over the last hundred years everything from slimy martians to Klingons and Wookiees. And though their appearances vary wildly and their attitudes range from bloodthirsty to benevolent, we just can't get enough of them, no matter how boring the outer space stereotypes get.
"Hollywood has difficulty with aliens. To keep audiences watching, aliens are usually virtually human or monsters," says Josh Calder, consultant with Coates & Jarratt, a futurist consulting firm. "Most movies depict aliens as funny looking foreigners with different emotinal tendencies..We will share no DNA with aliens. Given the course of life on Earth, most aliens should either be primitive life forms, or fantastically advanced."
"The trend in the eighties was definitely more toward the benevolent alien, as you see in movies such as E.T., Starman, Brother From Another Planet, and The Abyss," says Ann Crispin, science fiction author of many Star Wars and Star Trek novels. In the late eighties and early nineties, Crispin says, aliens became more malevolent hence the Alien sequels and The X-Files.
"I think the science fiction genre is constantly redefining itself and going in and out of phases," says Crispin. "For a while there, books with fantastic stories set on Mars were all the rage. Today the focus of science fiction has shifted more inward. Instead of showcasing aliens from strange worlds, the spotlight and setting is more on our own planet and solar system. Movies like Contact, The Matrix, and Mission to Mars in which the aliens are dead or not shown demonstrate that."
Sci-fi tends, says Richard Schickel, film critic for Time magazine, "depend on what zeitgeist of the moment is whether or not we're feeling nervous or in control as a society. Like westerns, science fiction entertainment tries to plug into the themes of the day. That's why I believe we'll be seeing more movies like The Matrix and Contact, which explore virtual realities and alternative universes."
"Books about solar system exploration, robotic misisns, and the military are very popular nowadays because their themes mirror the recent news and scientific advancements we read about," says Crispin. "But the truth of the matter is that fantasy fiction is outselling written science fiction today, and we're seeing a shift toward more fantasy features in theaters."
Sneak Previews
Indeed, the future of the science fiction genre in entertainment appears to be at a crossroads. does it hold infinite possibilities, or will consumers eventually get bored with it all as sci-fi writers scramble for fresh settings and more fantasitc aliens and plots? And, as we learn more about the limits of time, space, and the laws of the universe, will this restrict sci-fi writers from penning creative yarns that science says aren't possible?
"I'd say the future of science fiction is infinite," says Dr Gunn. "Every advance in scientific understanding has had two consequences: either people suggesting that science fiction no longer has anything to write about, or the raising of new questions that made for even more dramatic and insightful stories. We have to go with what science says isn't impossible, not what it says is possible, and even the impossible looks more possible all the time, what with the uncertainty principle, quantam physics, nanotechnology, genetic and biological insights and techniques, and new discoveries in space and with advanced instrumentation."
As for the possibility of alien conceptualizers running out of ideas and sci-fi lovers running out of interest, Crispin says to relax. "Consumers and science fiction creators will continue to have wild imaginations that won't let the genre suffer."
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Five must see movies and the real life UFO cases they're based on
The UFO Incident 1975
This TV film tells the allegedly true story of Betty and Barney Hill (played by Estelle Parsons and James Earl Jones) and their purported abduction by aliens in September 1961. The E.T.'s who allegedly probed the couple's bodies (inside and out) on their spacecraft, are depicted as resembling the classic "Grey" alien.
Roswell: The UFO Cover-Up 1994
This film, broadcast as an original Showtime cable movie, is loosely based on the famous Roswell story, which made headlines across the world in July of 1947. Kyle MacLachlan stars as Jesse Marcel, an intelligence offer troubled by having been made to lie about having seen the debris of a crashed flying saucer in the New Mexico desert. Rumor has it that four classic Grey alien bodies originating from teh Zeta Reticuli system were recovered.
Fire In The Sky 1993
In the American northwest in 1975, Travis Walton and his timber-cutting coworkers claim they encountered an alien vessel. Walton supposedly was zapped up into the UFO and his buddies were accused of murdering their missing partner. The abductee returned days later, telling of his experience with Grey aliens. James Garner plays a skeptical police officer trying to debunk the account.
Communion 1990
Based on Whitley Streiber's alleged encounters with possible alien beings who have been abducting him throughout his entire life, as detailed in his wildly popular book Communion. Christopher Walken portrays Streiber in this choppy adaption of the bestseller that helped spark a interest in UFOs.
Alien Secrets: Area 51
A strange two-part Learning Channel documentary (also on video), Alien Secrets explores some of the most intriguing UFO cases of the 20th century. Bob Lazar's account of Area 51, the infamous military base outside of Las Vegas that the Air Force continues to deny even exists, is detailed in depth (he claims to have worked there reverse-engineering, UFO propulsion systems). Stanton Friedman, Glenn Campbell, and Bruce Maccabee are among the prominent figures who lend commentary.

I'd rip it in half and stick it in bed with me.
Tara's Stars
*The big pineapple*Short man looking uncomfortable*Moose getting spongue bath*Little pile o crackers*
Xander With The Knowledge
Primitive people used to believe that the moon was a cause of insanity. Sometimes they would pray to the moon to send a special meteor to fix the problem the moon had caused. The meteors were expected to quell the mad man.

Dirty Little Secret
The distance deepens
A love not returned
Needing to feel something
He slips away
To a brothel he goes
He was followed
The secret was revealed
An ultimatum given
Stay or go
Choice was heres
Got there too late
Up and away he went
Riley Has His Say
I just need you to hear me out. I think this thing started it was just some stupid immature game. I wanted to even the score after you let Dracula bite you. I know on some level I know that. But I was still spun. I don't know. I wanted to know what you felt. I wanted to know why Dracula and Angel have so much power over you. I wanted to get it Buffy. I wanted to get you. This isn't your fault it's mine. I feel like hell for what I put you through. It's just these girls...They made me feel something Buffy something I didn't even know I was missing until...You need to hear this. They needed me. No on some basic level it was about me my blood, my body. When they bit me it was beyond passion. They wanted to devour me all of me. It wasn't real I know it was just physical. But the fact that I craved it that that I kept going back even if it was fleeting they made me feel that they had such hunger for me. No I know exactly what they feel when they bite me because I feel it every time we're together it's like the whole world falls away and all there is you. You keep me at a distance Buffy you didn't even call me when your mom went into the hospital. It's about me taking care of you. It's about letting me in so you don't have to be on top of everything all the time. It's hard sometimes but that's not it. You say that but I don't feel it. I just don't feel it. They want me back Buffy the military. It's deep undercover no contact with civilians. The transport's leaving tonight. I'm telling you now. I don't know. If we can't work this out.

Xander Wisdom
See what I think you got burned with Angel and then Riley shows up. But you missed the point you shut down Buffy and you've been treating Riley like the rebound guy when he's the one that comes along once in a lifetime. He's never held back with you. He's risked everything and you're about to let him fly because you don't like ultimatums. If he's not the guy if what he needs from you just isn't there let him go. But if you really think you can love this guy I'm talking scary, messy, no emotions barred need if you're ready for that think about what you're about to lose. Run
Declaring His Love
I got to say something cause I don't think I've made it clear. I'm in love with you powerfully, painfully, the things you do, the way you think, the way you move. I get excited every time I'm about to see you. You make me feel like I've never felt before in my life like a man. I just thought you might want to know.

Wanting to help out
In the magic shop
Working on a ball of sunshine
A very delicate spell
Bickering with Anya
Let it out
Out pops a troll
With insane troll logic
Anya's old flame
How she became a vengeance demon
Sent away to the land of trolls
Anya Wants A Warning
Xander if you ever decide to go I want a warning. You know big flashing red lights and one of those clocks that count down like a bomb in a movie and there's a whole bunch of colored wires and I'm not sure which is the right one to cut but I guess the green one and then at the last second no the red one and then click it stops with three tenths of a second and you don't leave. Like that ok.
Spike Practices With His Dummy
Um there's something I want to tell you about showing you Riley in that place I didn't meant to...Anyway I know you're feeling all betrayed by him not me. I was trying to help you know it's not like I mad him be there after all actually trying to help you. Best intentions. You know pretty state you'd be in thinking things were all right while he's toddling halfway around the bend. Oh I'll insult him if I want to. I'm the one who's on your side me doing you a favor and you being dead petty about it. Me getting nothing but your hatred and your venom and you ungrateful bitch. Bitch! Buffy there's something I want to tell you.
Helpful Tip: Don't call the girl you like a bitch because it just isn't a turnon.
Xander Shares With Spike
They get into these fights and they're both looking at me like I'm the referee. Also I'll sometimes say something about Anya and Willow will get this look this uh what the hell do you see in her look. Now it's like well I get all torn because Willow's my best friend and I really value her opinion you know but uh Anya's my girlfriend you know. 


Looking For The Key
Long day Sweetie? So this is where the Slayer eats, sleeps, and combs her hair. So cute can't even stand it. Personally I need more space but uh this is good for you. It's It's so quaint. Psst! Buffy if I wanted to fight you could tell by the being dead already. So play nice little girl. They key why else do you think I'd come here. See I think you know where it is. That's a good thing. Well it's the only thing keeping you alive right now. Cause you may be tiny Queen in Vampire World but to me you're a bug. You should get down on your knees and worship me. But oh no you still think it's neat having Slayer strenght. Whoo! Big deal I'm stronger than humans. Who isn't? I could crush the life from you as easy as you'd break a nail but I need the key. Kid come here a sec. I'm not asking twice. No this is between me and my key. And you are just the darlingest thing I ever did see in my life. What's your name honey? Dawn did you know that your sister took my key Dawnie and she won't give it back? I bet you know where she put it don't you? I bet she takes your stuff all the time without asking doesn't she? Where's my key Dawn? Ooh I like her she's sassy. And I'll kill her. I'll kill your mom. I'll kill your friends and I'll make you watch when I do. Just give me the key. You either have it or you know where to find it. Obviously this is a one time only deal. Next time we meet something you love dies bloody. You know you can't take me. You know you can't stop me.

Now Rasputin was associated with a certain obscure religious sect. They held a tenet that in order to be forgiven one first had to sin. Rasputin embraced this doctrine and proceeded to sin presently and repeatedly. The notion that he was in fact evil gained strength years later when the conspirators who set out to kill him found it nearly impossible to do so.
Buffy's Say
Nearly impossible I uh about you know killing him. You know they poisoned him and they beat him and they shot him and he didn't die.
Until they rode his body in a carpet and drowned him in a canal.
Buffy's Say
But there were reported sightings of him as late as the 1930's aren't there?
I can assure you there is near concensus in the academic community regarding the death of Rasputin.
Buffy's Say
There is also near concensus about Columbus you know until someone asked the Vikings what they were up to in the 1400's and they're like discovering this America shaped continent. I just I'm only saying you know it might be interesting if we came at it from you know a different perspective that's all.
Well I'm sorry if you find these facts so boring Miss Summers. Maybe you'd prefer I step aside so that you could teach you own class. Speculation 101 perhaps, Intro To Flights Of Fancy?


They blew into town
Giving out orders
Closing the shop
Info to share
Must pass the review
Questions are asked
From those who know her best
Threaten to deport Giles
The perfect thing
Powerless they come
No review is declared
Share the info
Wanted back in
She had her say
Understanding at last
They go away

Gavel Banging

Gavel Banging

The Watcher's Come To Town
Anya: Anya Emanuala Jenkins. 20 years old. Born on the Fourth of July and don't think there weren't jokes about that. My whole life mister cause there were. Who's our little patriot they'd say when I was younger and therefore smaller and shorter than I am now?
Phillip: So you spell it A-N-Y-A then.
Anya: Yes
Watcher Guy No Name: Fine. Now we can get to the questions.
Willow: Questions great.
Tara: We can answer questions.
Watcher Guy: Well I need to know a little more about the Slayer and the both of you, your relationship, whatever you can tell me.
Tara: Our our relationship?
Willow: We're friends.
Tara: Good friends
Willow: Girlfriends actually.
Tara: Yes we're girlfriends.
Willow: We're in love. We're lovers. Lesbian gay type lovers.
Watcher Guy: I meant your relationship with the Slayer.
Tara: Um just good friends.
Xander: Best friends. Willow and me and Buffy the three of us have been together from the beginning. We're always gone on patrols and uh done demon research with her and everything.
Phillip: Have you mastered any fighting disciplines over the years?
Xander: No.
Phillip: So you have no special skills or powers or knowledge that you bring to the mix. Neither of you.
Anya: Just enthusiasm for killing the demons. Go deadness for the demons.
Xander: I don't have any powers but I do help.
Phillip: How? Be specific.
Xander: Last year Willow, Giles and me combined our essence with Buffy which isn't as weird as it sounds. We merged and I was the heart part of a super Buffy. Again let me stress the not as weird thing.
Anya: I'm told it was all very professional.
Watcher Guy: Are you saying that the Slayer needs that level of help from you often?
Willow: No, no she doesn't need help.
Tara: She'd be fine without us. Sometimes she goes off and does stuff without even telling us.
Willow: Not that she's a weird loner or anything.
Tara: I'm not sure we're saying this right.
Willow: See here's the thing we we can help because we do magicks. I'm working on this ball of sunshine thing. See I have this theory.
Tara: It's very cool.
Willow: And if it works easier slaying for Buffy. Not that it's hard for her now.
Watcher Guy: Interesting. What level are you at?
Tara: Level?
WIllow: Oh uh high level very high. One of those top levels.
Tara: Five.
Watcher Guy: And you're registered as practicing witches under the names as you gav them to me?
Tara: Rrrregistered?
Willow: Oh yes of course we're...
Tara: Registered.
Phillip: Do either of you know anything about the key?
Anya: No sounds demony to me. I don't hold with that demon nonsense. Muffin I cooked them myself.
Phillip: So Buffy sometimes protects you from the dangerous elements of her work?
Xander: Yes she saved my life lots of times. The vampires in this town hate her.
Watcher Chick: But we understand that you help the Slayer.
Spike: I pitch in when she pays me.
Watcher Chick: She pays you, She gives you money.
Spike: Money, a little nip of blood out of some stray victim whatever.
Watcher Chick: Blood?
Spike: Well if they're gonna die anyway. Yeah come to think of it though that's a bit scandelous isn't it? Personally I'm shocked the girl's slipping.
Watcher Chick: You noticed a decline in her work?
Spike: Oh yeah the poor little twig can't keep a man. Gets her all down. A few more disappointments she'll be crying on my shoulder mark my word.
Watcher Chick: Is that what you want? I'd think you'd want to kill her. You've killed Slayers before.
Spike: Heard of me have you?
Watcher Chick: I wrote my thesis on you.
Spike: Well in't neat? Tell me pet now that we're such good friends how's the Slayer doing is she ok high mark in all categories.

Quinten's Test
Agility, clarity, stamina, and strength these are the qualities that the Slayer must possess to do her job. Getting the best of Phillip will require agility. Listening to my instructions at the same time that will require clarity. And stamina and strenght will be the long fight. Good luck. Yeah I'll be telling you what to do how to counter Phillips thrusts. I assume you're familiar with the Japanese names for Akido Du Jitsu.


Putting The Watchers In Their Place
There isn't going to be a review. No review. No interrogation. No questions you know I can't answer. No hoops. No jumps. No interruptions. See I've had a lot of people talking at me the last few days. Everyone just lining us to tell me how unimportant I am and finally I figured out why. Power. I have it. They don't. This bothers them. Glory came to me house today just to talk. She told me I'm a bug, I'm a flea. She could squash me in a second only she didn't. We had what in her warped brain probably passes for a civilized conversation. Why? Because she needs something from me. Because I have power over her. You guys didn't come all the way from England to deterimine whether or not I was good enough to be let back in. You came to be me to let you back in to give your jobs, your lives some semblance of meaning. I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions. You're Watchers. Without a Slayer you're pretty much just watching Masterpiece Theater. You can't stop Glory. You can't do anything with the information you have except publish in in Everyone Thinks We're Insanos Home Journal. Here's how it's gonna work. You're gonna tell me everything you know and then you're gonna go awan. Contact me if and when you have further information about Glory. The magick shop will remain open. Mr Giles will stay here as my official Watcher reinstated at full salary to be paid retroactively from the month he was fired. I will continue my work with the help of my friends. We're talking about two very powerful witches and a 1000 year old ex demon. The boy's clocked more field time than all of you combined. He's part of the unit. Now you all may be very good at your jobs. The only way we're going to find out is if you work with me. You can all take your time thinking about that but I want an answer right now from Quentin. Cause I think he's understanding me. See no begging.

Giles On Glory
Being in human form must be severly limiting.  Now all we have to worry about  right now she's immortal, invlunerable and insane. From what I have been able to gather her living in this world has seriously affected her mental state as well. She's only been able to keep her mind intact by extracting energy from us well from the human brain. She absorbs the energies that bind the human mind into a cohesive whole. Once drained all that's left behind is crazy people.
Never send a minion to do a God's job. Glory
Truth's Out
Decided it was time
Told them about Dawn
She's the key
Acting a bit weird
Makes a plan
Goes snooping around
With Spike at her side
They break into the shop
The book was found
Where it was hidden away
Now she knows too
A bit of a freak out
Drawing some blood
Sharing the Summer's blood
Part of the family



Tarnis 12th Century- One of the founders of the Monks of the Order of Dagon. Their sole purpose appears to have been as protectors of the key. The key is not directly described in any known literature, but all research indicates an energy matrixx vibrating at a dimensional frequency beyond normal human perception. Only those outside reality can see the key's true nature. The key is also susceptible to necromanced animal detection particularly those of canine or serpent construct. The monks possessed the ability to transfomr energy, bend reality, blah bladh blah. They started work, but the council has suggested to us that they were interrupted, presumabley by Glory. They obviously did not accomplish the task. They had to be certain the Slayer would protect it with her life, so they sent the key to her in human form, in the form of a sister.
The Key is almost as old as the beast itself. Where it came from, how it was created the deepest of mysteries. All that is certain is that it's power is absoulte. You were created to open the gates that separate dimensions. The beast will use your power to return home and seize control of the Hell she was banished from. Once the key is activated, it won't just open the gates to the beast's dimension. It's going to open all the gates. The walls separating realities will crumble. Dimensions will bleed into each other. Order will be overthrown, and the universe will tumble into chaos. All dark forever. That is what you were created for.


Cotton could a fabric be more annoyingly pedestrian? Now this is what I'm talking about. Ahh that makes your skin sing. Uh it's an eensy more complicated than that. Family always is isn't it? You'd never make it. I'd rip out your spine before you got half a step. And those little legs, they wouldn't be much good without one of those. Would they, Dawnie? Now, what I'm trying to noodle is what in the world the Slayer's little sis is doing here with gentle Ben? Remember what? You were talking to him, not me. Oh, he wasn't being naughty was he? Rude! I was talking. What do you say we find a nice place off the beaten where you and I can have a small talk over. I'm in a bit of a crunch here, so let's cut right to the ooey gooey center. You sister, the Slayer, has the key. It's mine. I want it. Do you know where she squirreled it away? There's ice cream and puppy dogs in it for you if you start singin. Well the last time I caught a peep, it was a bright green swirly shimmer. Really brought out the blue in my eyes but then those sneaky little monks pulled an abracadabra, so now it could look like anything. You see the predicament I'm in? Yes? Ok. Well, not as along as me but yeah just this side of forever. Totally. Well no not really I guess it depends on your point of view. Yes. We have a winner. I smell a fox in my henhouse. Is that why you've been playing sugar n spice with Uncle Ben trying to get a peek at Glory's unmentionables? Shh. I kinda want to hear me talking right now. Me talking. You know what I'm starting to think? I'm thinking that maybe you don't have any idea where my key is. Very irritating. Irrational. You know what I mean tiny snapdragon? Like like bugs under my skin. And say, I'm feeling a little...Hey. Hey. This doesn't have to be a complete waste of my precious time. I've been meaning to send the Slayer a message and I could use a little pick me up. Two birds, one stone, and boom. You have yummy dead birds. Hey, we were just talking about you.


Night Out
Out to have some fun
Doing some dancing
Out with friends
And her girl
With an aching head
No more teleportations
Talk not of Glory
Erase from the evening
Willow And Tara On The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Will's Thoughts
I just don't see why he couldn't end up with Esmerelda. They could have had the wedding right there. Beneath the bell tower where he labored thanklessly for all those years.
Tara's Thoughts
No, see Quasimodo's actions were selfishly motivated. He had no moral compass, no understanding of right. Everything he did he did out of love for a woman who'd never be able to love him back. Also, you can tell it's not gonna have a happy ending when the main guy's all bumpy.


Well I had hubby by the throat didn't I? Promised her he'd live if she did the invite. And I kill 'em right quick. The whole lot. But there's someone missing. There's supposed to be this little girl. So I get real quiet and I hear this tiny noise coming from the coal bin. This little sigh. So, I listened harder. It's very, very quiet. So, uh, I knew the girl was in the coal bin. And I rip it open very violent. Haul her out of there and then I gave her to a good family in a nice home where they're never ever mean to her and didn't lock her in a coal bin.
The Lecture
What doesn't that register with you? Crypt pluse vampire equals bad. Hanging out with Spike is not cool, Dawn ok. It is it is dangerous and icky.
Dawn's Not Crush
No I don't It's just he's got cool hair. And he wears cool leather coats and stuff, and he doesn't treat me like an alien.
Spike's Feelings For Buffy
It's not so unusual. Two people in the work place feelings develop. You can't deny it. There's something between us. Heat. Desire. Angel was a vampire. And I can be, too. I've changed Buffy.
Something's happening to me. I can't stop thinking about you. And if that means turning my back on the whole evil...I damn well do! I lie awake every night. Yeah, but you are missing the point. This is real here, I love...


A Happy Memory
She popped up
Eager to claim
Her darling Spike
Out for the kill
Things got turned
All tied up
One in chains
The other a rope
Revealing his feelings
Harmony stepped in
With her two cents
A fight broke out
Dru took off
Unable to bring him back
Her precious killer
In love with the Slayer
A happy memory pretty Spike. Look who's come to make everything right again. Mm-hmm. It is. Like lollipops at the circus. Althought didn't care for Angelus setting us on fire. I want us to be a family again, my dear William. Come back with me. Naught. Shh. You needn't make up stories. I already know why you'ren ot coming. Poor boy. Tin soldiers put funny little knicknacks in your brain. Can't hunt. Can't hurt. Can't kill. You've got a chip. I don't believe in science. All those bits and molecules no one's ever seen. I trust eyes and heart alone. And do you know what mine is singing out right now? You're a killer. Born to slash and bash and oh bleed like beautiful poetry. No little tinkerbtoy could ever stop you from flowing. All in your head. I can see it. Little bits of plastic spiderwebbing out nasty blue shocks. And every one is a lie. Electricity lies, Spike. It tells you you're not a bad dog, but you are.

Spike Declares His Love For Buffy
There she is. You didn't think you'd sleep the night away? Simple I'm gonna prove something. I love you. Hey look at me. I love you. You're all I bloody think about, dream about. You're in my gut, in my throat. I'm drowing in you Summers. I'm drowning in you. You can't tell me there isn't anything there between you and me. I know you feel something. You still don't believe. Still don't think I mean it. You want proof. How's this? I'm gonna kill Drusilla for you. Don't mock this. This is Drusilla girl. Do you have the slightest idea what she means to me? It's the face of my salvation. She delivered me from mediocrity. For over a century we cut a swath through continents. A hundred years she never stopped surprising me, never stopped taking me to new depths. I was a lucky bloke just to touch such a black beauty. So you see it means something. Heres why if you don't admit that there's something there some tiny feeling than I'll untie Dru and let her kill you instead. Just give me something a crumb, the barest smidgen. Tell me maybe someday there's a chance. 

Spike Ranting About Women
What the bleeding hell is wrong with you bloody women? What the bloody hell does it take? Why do you bitches torture me. You know I'm at the bleeding end of my tether you know. I don't know why I even bother. It's your fault you're the one to blame for all this you know. Bloody right you are! If you hadn't left me for that Chaos demon I never would have come back here. Never would have this sodding chip in my skull and you wouldn't be able to touch me becaus this with you is wrong. I know it. I'm not a complete idiot. You think I like having you in here destroying everything that was me until all that's left is you in a dead shell/ You say you hate it but you won't leave. You know what I should just do is get rid of you both. Burn you. Cut you into little pieces so there won't be any more bits to carp up things... Oh great.

Harmony Tells Off Spike
What about me Spike? You forget about me again the actual girlfriend. I gave you the best months of my life. I thought I could change you Spike. I thought maybe if I gave and I gave and gave maybe you'd come around. Maybe be a little nicer. Stop treating me like your dog. But now I see it's you. You're the dog who needs to be... Oh Spike and you can say goodbye to this. Because you're not going to see it anymore unless you run into me somewhere and it's me walking away from you. But even then I'll probably just you know back away.

A little oversensitive
Of things of love
Trying to keep it together
Fighting with a troll
Has a slight meltdown
Kicks the green horny troll's ass
Steals away his hammer
Bursts into tears again

Feeling Better
Going out on a date
With a guy named Brian
Not looking momish at all
Works at a publishing house
Met at the gallery
When she came back
A nice and normal guy
Had a long chat
Out for dinner and a movie
Or a movie and dinner
A little bit nervous
Asking for some advice
Sharing The Knowledge
Will's the computer whiz
Tara not so much
Anya's online trading
Tripled her money
Created a website
With a huge photo of her
On the Magic Box's site
She designed it herself
Offered to show how she did it
Sparked Tara's interest
Anya On Computers
Oh at first it was confusing just the idea of computers was like whoa I'm 1100 years old. I had trouble adjusting to the idea of blueprints. But you have to try online trading it's great. The secret is avoiding the tech companies everyone was jumping on and going for the smaller firms that supply the basic components. Anyway I took the money from working for Giles and I tripled it. Yes I'm thinking of buying something very expensive. Maybe an antelope.
Giles and Dawn
Together for the evening
While mom's on a date
Only so much he can take
Fourteen's too old
No need of a sitter
Listened to music
Ate some cookie dough
Talked about boys
Must go off quickly

Xander's Thoughts On The Robot
She's a sexbot. I mean what guy doesn't dream about that beautiful girl with no other thought but to please you, willing to do anything. Too many girls. I miss Oz he'd get it. He wouldn't say anything but he'd get it.
Tara Chimes In
But it's so weird I mean everyone wants a nice normal person to you know share with but this guy if he couldn't find that I guess it's kinda sad.


A girl comes to town
Searching for Warren
Pretty but talking strange
Tossed Spike out the window
No one touches her
Only her boyfriend
Looking through the night
A sexbot built for his pleasure
It was custom built
He lost interest
Real girl entered the picture
Warren Explains
Yeah I mean I felt like I deserved to have somone. You know I mean everyone deserves to have someone. Kinda. Oh no she's not a toy. I mean I know what you're thinking but she's more than that. I made her to love me. I mean she cares what I care about and she wants to be with me. She listens to me and suports me. I didn't make a toy I made a girlfriend. Yeah I really thought I would be. I mean she's perfect. I don't know I guess it was too easy and predictable you know she got boring. She was exactly what I wanted and I didn't want her. I thought I was going crazy. But then something happened Katrina was in my engineering seminar and she was really funny and cool. You know she was always giving me a hard time real unpredicablt. She builds these little model monorails out of magnets and anyway I fell in love with Katrina. Ok I didn't so much as dump her as went out and didn't come back. I left her. I left her in my dorm room. Well I figured I could just get away until her batteries gave up which should have been days ago. I didn't need to fix anything I mean her batteries were supposed to run down really they should be completely dead by now.


The Loss
Bad news came to Joyce
A shadow was found
The Catscan revealed
An operation was performed
Told all was well
Joyce went on on date
Looking lovely and happy
A good time was had
Flowers came the next day
A second date never came
Found on the couch dead
A life snuffed out too soon
Wonderful mom and a great lady
Missed by all who knew her
Xander Rants
Are they sure this was natural? I mean, Glory. But, I mean, she said she was gonna come after Buffy's family. I mean, we should be going after her. Imean, she could have donei t and covered her tracks. I'll tell you what it is. It's the frickin doctors. I mean, they just let her out, you know. Clean bill of health. Dig a hole in your skull. Here's a bandaid. Next! They should have checked her over, they should have had her in. We don't have enough monsters in this town the doctors got to help them out. Things don't happen! I mean, they don't just happen. Somebody's I mean somebody's got...
Helpful Tip: While punching a hole in the wall gets your mind off the loss of a loved one it only helps for a second and isn't really a good thing to do. Although it does show how crappy the walls are.
Anya Doesn't Understand
Are we gonna see the body? Are we gonna be in the room with the dead body? Are they gonna cut the body open? What am I doing? Am I supposed to be changing my clothes a lot? Is that the helpful thing to do? Nobody will tell me. But I don't understand! I don't understand how this all happens, how we go through this. I mean, I knew her and then she's there's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And Xander's crying and not talking. And I was having fruit punch and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever. And  she'll never have eggs or yawn or brush her hair. Not ever. And no one will explain to me why.

The Funeral
We commend to almighty God our sister Joyce Summers. And we committ her body to the ground. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The Lord bless her and keep her. The Lord makes his face to shine upon her and be gracious to her. The Lord lift up his countenance upon her and give her peace.
You make a place for her in your heart. Sort of like she becomes a part of you. Tara
Anya's Thoughts
It's because of Joyce. Well she got me thinking about how people die all the time, and how they get born too, and how you kind of need one so you can have the other. When I think of it that way it makes death a little less sad and sex a little more exciting. Well, I think I just understand sex more now. It's not just about two bodies smooshing together. It's about life. It's about making life. Breathe. You're turning colors. I'm not ready to make life with you but I could. We could. Life could come out of our love and our smooshing, and that's beautiful. It all makes me feel like we're all part of something bigger. Like I'm more awake somehow you know.
Tara's Wisdom
This is different. Magick can't be used to alter the natural order of things. But we don't mess with life and death.
It's Bad
Because witches can't be allowed to alter the fabrrice of life for selfish reasons. Wiccans took an oath a long time ago to honor that. Maybe they could, but we can't.

Preparations are made
A casket was chosen
No wake at her request
Pot lucks depressing enough
Flowers were given
He liked the lady
No ulterior motives
Didn't include a card
Just standing there waiting
At dusk he approaches her
There by her side
Holding and comforting
All through the night
Buffy's Thoughts
The funeral it was brutal. But it's tomorrow that I'm worried about. That's exactly what I don't know. Up until now, I've had a road map. Things to do every minute. Having to do with mom. And everybody expects me to know how to do it because I'm so strong. Time's not the issue. I can stick wood in vampires, but mom was the strong one in real life. She always knew how to make things better, just what to say. I don't know. I keep thinking about it when I found her. If I had just gotten there ten minutes earlier. They said probably it wouldn't have made a difference. The exact thing they said was probably. I haven't told that to anyone. I didn't even start CPR until they told me. I fell apart. That's how good I am at being a grownup. It' be ok if it was just me I had to worry about but Dawn...
The Book
Wanting to do a spell
Told it can't be done
Pulls a book out
Not realizing what she'd done
She looks inside
Finds a spell of resurrection
Determined to bring mom back
Gets all the ingredients
With the help of a vamp
She casts the spell
Risen from the grave
Making her way home
Just outside the door
She rips the picture
Breaking the spell
The right thing to do
Although quite painful


Turning to stone
Is what she feels
Love sounds strange
On a quest she goes
Looking for answers
A case of mistaken identity
Robot looks like her
Although she can't see it
Captured vampire tortured
Pretty trashed
Didn't say a word
Sexbot taken away
A kiss and gratitude
For protecting Dawn
Won't forget what he did
Buffy's Thoughts
I mean I can beat up a demon until the cows come home and then I can beat up the cows. But I'm not sure I like what it's doing to me. Yeah. Strength. Resilence. Those are all words for hardness. I'm starting to feel like being the Slayer is turning me into stone. Think about it I was never there for Riley not like I was for Angel. I was terrible to Dawn. No. Before that Riley left because I was shut down. He's gone and now my mom is gone. And I loved her more than anything. And I don't know if she knew. I don't know. To slay, to kill, it means being hard on the inside. Maybe being the perfect Slayer means being too hard to love at all. I already feel like I can hardly say the words. Giles I love you. Love, love, love, love Giles it feels strange. Ten serious to the amount of ten.
Weird love's better than no love. Buffy
Borrowing Will's Notes
It's got last week's notes too. Just get it back to me by Thursday. And uh don't write in it, or uh put a coffee mug down on it or anything and don't spill ok. Oh and don't fold the page corners down.
Helpful Tip: If you're protective of your notes and someone wants to borrow them just have them photocopy the sections they need so you can get it right back fully intact with no stains or folded edges.
Vampires are monster. They make monster movies about them. Xander
Vision Quest Talk
You think you're losing your ability to love. You're afraid that being the Slayer means losing your humanity. You are full of love. You love with all your soul. It's brighter than the fire, blinding. That's why you pull away from it. Only if you reject it. Love is pain and the Slayer forges strength from pain. Love. Give. Forgive. Risk the pain. It is your nature. Love will bring you to your gift. Yes. Death is your gift. Is your gift. Your question has been answered.
No one is judging you. It's understandable Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well muscled. Xander



Religious persecution of supposed witches commenced in the 14 century. Trials, convictions, and executions became common throughout Europe and reached a peak during the 16th and 17th centuries. Under the authority of the Spanish Inquisiton, as many as 100 persons were burned as witches in a single day. The auto-da-fe, as this mass burning was called, took on the qualities of a carnival, where one could buy souvenirs, rosaries, holy images, and food. Suspicion also fell on many who were interested in scientific expermentation. The colonies of North America shared in this fanataicism, especially in Salem Mass where in 1692 20 persons were executed as witches (The state exonerated all the men and women in 1711.)
In the 20th century there has been a revival of witchcraft known as Wicca, or neopaganism. This form of witchcraft has nothing to do with sorcery and is instead based on a reverence for nature, the worship of a fertility goddess, a restrained hedonism, and group magic at healing. It rejects a belief in Satan as a product of Christian doctrine that is incompatible with paganism.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia


Hell God
She's a brain sucker
Leaving crazies behind
With hobbity like minions
With a major case of leprosy
Traped in a mortal
Tied together with Ben
Her prison cell created
Totally insane
Searching for the key
To find her way home
Ben her vulnerable state
Killed to end reign of terror
No longer a threat of bleeding dimensions
Bringing chaos and despair
I have a riddle for you precious. How does a vampire that won't talk like an apple? think I can do it in one long strip? That better? Do you think you can talk again now? Good because I'm tired of these games! I need time. I need a drink. You're a very needly little bloodsucker and it's not very attractive. So start talking.
Spike's Thoughts On Glory
Yeah but it was fun. And guess what bitch I'm not telling you jack. You're never gonna get your sodding key cause you might be strong but in our world you're an idiot. The God of what bad home perms? Yeah ok sorry but I just had no idea that Gods were such prancing light weights. Mark my words the Slayer is gonna kick your skanky lopsided ass back to whatever place would take a cheap, whorish fashion victim ex God like you!
Helpful Tip: Bots aren't made to play checkers with. Come up with a better excuse if you don't want to tell the real reason.


Stompy Feet
Called into school
Needing to discipline
Has to be a guiding force
Put her foot down
Her focus on little sis
Trying to keep it together
Not sure what to do
Piles of stress on her
A touch of grumpiness
Fears of losing her
If she doesn't shape up
First Fight
Just talking away
Turns into something else
A slip of the tongue
Voices her fears
Walks out the door
Off to the fair
Both quite upset
Alone and vulnerable
Too late to save her
Needs full time care
She will give it to her
Loving her always
Determined to get revenge


This is nice just hanging out just us girls. You like this sort of thing don't you? Don't make a sound. Nah they won't help you. I'd kill them you know that. There's no one here that can stop me. I'll kill her and them. I'll kill him and her and her. And it'll all be your fault. Kinda funny isn't it? All these people here and no one who can do a thing. Not a person who can help you. But that's people for ya. They're pretty worthless. But keys on the other hand are worth a very lot.  You lying little tramp. You're not the key. You're nothing. Just another worthless human being. I hate being lied to it makes me feel so betrayed. Hey you wanna make it all better? If you tell me who the key really is I'll let you go. Think about what you'd feel with my fingers wiggling in your brain. Doesn't kill you. What it does is make you feel like you're in a noisy, little dark room. Naked and ashamed. And there are things in the dark that need to hurt you because you're bad. Little pinching things that go in your ears and crawl on the inside of your skull. And you know if the noise and the crawling would stop that you could remember how to get out. But you never ever will. Who is the key? Fine let's get crazy. 

On The Run
Truth comes out
Need to run away
No other way
Off they all go
A set of wheels
To fit them all
RV with Spike at the wheel
Going down the road
At a brisk pace
Men on horses appear
With crossbows in hand
Firing away at those inside
Stabbing with his sword
Fighing up on top
Skewered the driving Giles
Sending them crashing down
Tipping them on their side
Running to find shelter 


Locked Inside
Unable to save
She goes catatonic
Won't respond at all
Reliving events over and over
Trapped deep inside
Feelings of guilt
Of killing her sister
Red takes charge
Goes inside her head
To bring her back
Snaps her out of it
Guys I'm not gonna kill you not in the moood. What do you think that's about? No brainless in torture, death, and chaos does my power lie. So tell me why am I not popping your head like a zit right now? Maybe I'm just hungry. No I'm not hungry. Just a little tight in the skin is all. I've been waiting an eternity well twenty-five human years and it all comes down to tonight. To the hell I cam from where I'm gonna rain down more super sized portions of slaughter, mayhem, and blood shed than any of you scabs can dream about. So how come I ain't happy? I got everything I've ever wanted. But still something's off. I don't know. What do you think?
You nervous? I know how you feel. It is your last night. As you know a human. This body it's just a rental Dawnie. Being a human is like a costume for girls like you and me. Being something else that's what we are? What? Wow. You know that actually hurt my feelings. Not the point. I'm just thinking here I am trying to make you feel better when comforting others is not part of my life and I'm doing it so I can stop feeling so help me out. Guilty that's it but I'm not supposed to feel anything. I'm, I'm, I'm a God. I'm above it. I'm...You! You did this to me didn't you? Some sort of spell you've been hanging with the Wicca you could have...No, no magick something else. Still it is you doing this. We'll see. Annoint this thing now. You know what they're all chanting for out there Dawnie? What? We found out blood is the key to the key. All I got to do is bleed you dry, the portal opens up and I can go home. So knock yourself out girlfriend make me feel bad as you can cause tomorrow you bleed little girl.
How do they do it? People. How do they function here like this in the world. With all this bile running through them? Every day it's whooo you have no control. They're not even animals they're just meat bags of slaves hormones and phremones and and their feelings hate them. I mean really is this what the poets go on about this? Call me crazy but as hard core drugs go human emotions are just useless. People are puppets. Everyone getting jerked around by what they're feeling. Am I wrong? Really I want to know. Gonna bleed you either way. So you're saying that some people like this. Funny cause I look around at this world you're so eager to be a part of and all I see is six billion lunatics looking for the fastest ride out. Who's not crazy? Look around everyone's drinking, smoking, shotting up, shooting each other or just plain screwing their brains out cause they don't want 'em anymore. I'm crazy honey I'm the original one-eyed chickled in the kingdom of the blind. Cause at least I admit the world makes me nuts. Name one person who can take it here? That's all I'm asking. Name one?
When you're immortal all this crap you've been carrying around inside the guilt, the anger, the crazy making pain oooh it all just melts away like ice cream.


Giles With The Knowledge
Glory plans to open a dimensional portal by way of a ritual bloodletting. Once the blood is shed at a certain time and place the fabrice which seperates all realities will be ripped apart. Dimensions will pour into one another. With no barriers to stop them. Reality as we know it will be destroyed. And chaos will reign on earth. The portal will only close once the blood is stopped. And the only way for that to happen is, Buffy, the only way is to kill Dawn.

Giles Explains Again
The key was living energy it needed to be channeled, poured into a specific place at a specific time. The energy would flow to that spot. The walls between the dimensions break down. It stops, the energy's used up the walls come back up. Glory uses that time to get back into her own dimension, not caring that all manner of Hell will be unleashed on Earth in the meantime.
The blood flows the gate will open. The gates will close when it flows no more. When Dawn is dead.
Spike On Blood
Cause it's always got to be blood. Blood is life lack brain. Why do you think we eat it? It's what keeps you going, makes you warm, makes your hard, makes you other than dead. Course it's her blood.
She's Not Your Sister
She's more than that. She's me. The monks made her out of me. I hold her, and I feel closer to her than it's not just the memories they built. It's physical. Dawn is a part of me the only part that I...
Giles Knowledge
If the ritual starts, then every living creature in this and every other dimension imaginable will suffer unbearable torment and death including Dawn.


So what's the hubbub bub? What do you got against old Benjy? Don't be so hard on the boy. He just wants to live. Most guys would do the same. Besides, he's probably the reason your sis and her little cartoon pals are still alive. That little nagging pinch of humanity that makes me go for the hurt instead of the kill. Lowering myself to trade blows with the Slayer when I should have just put my fist through her heart. It's gotta be Ben. Ooh. Funny thing. You've been here for a few hours now. And I haven't seen big sis galloping in to save you. She probably knows what a terrible mistake that'd be. Oh, no sweetie baby, I'm talkin about the ritual. Cause you know I bleed you, the portals open, but once you die they close. The faster you die, the better for your sorry species. I'm bettin Buffy knows that. Since she's not really your sister, I'm guessin she isn't gonna show. And if she does might not be to save you.


Lost within herself
Taking care of her
Vows to bring her back
Has an idea
To get her love back
Zaps the Hell Bitch
Gets her girl back
Found herself again
Fall into a kiss
Working in synch
They prepare for battle
Giles Thoughts
I love Dawn. But I have sworn to protect this sorry world, and sometimes that means saying and doing what other people can't, what they shouldn't have to.
Buffy's Thoughts
I've always stopped them. Always won. I sacrificed Angel to save the world. I loved him so much. But I knew what was right. I don't have that anymore. I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world, if these are the choices, if everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point. I just wish I just wish my mom was here. The spirit guide told me that death is my gift. Guess that means that a Slayer really is just a killer after all. If Dawn dies, I'm done with it, I'm quitting.



In dire straights
He chooses his moment
Declaring his love
Pops the question
No world ending
Believes it so
She says yes
But afterwards
When the world remains
And doesn't end
Ring goes on the finger
A Proposal
Anya you wanna marry me? I'm proposing to you Anya, because it's not. I believe it. I think we're gonna get through this. I think I'm gonna live a long and silly life and I'm not interested in doing that without you around.


The Arrival
One day Dawn appears
Formed into a human
She is the key
Glowing green energy
A total innocent
That must be protected
A little sister was added
A new member of the family
Her blood opens the door
Breaking apart the dimensional walls
The walls close when it stops
Death will be the only way
Buffy finally figured it out
Death is your gift
She jumped to save the world
Last Words
Dawnie I have to. Listen to me. Please there's not a lot of time. Listen. Dawn listen to me listen. I love you. I will always love you. This is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles that tell Giles I figured it out and I'm ok. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live for me.

Brought Back
The Slayer is dead
But that's kept secret
A bot in her place
Poor subsitute
Plan in place
To bring her back
Mums the word
All was ready
To do the deed
Spell interrupted
Had to dig out
Clawed from the grave
Having to deal
With being back
Ripped out of Heaven
Into this Hellish place
Harsh and bright
And oh so violent
Helpful Tip: Use your lighter to set vamp on fire and your cig. It's a good idea to let the other person know about that especially if they are being choked.
That'll put marzipan in your pie plate bingo. Buffbot
Zombies don't eat brains anyway unless instructed to by their zombie masters. Anya
Giles Goodbye Note
I've gone. Not one for long goodbyes. I thought it best to slip out quietly
Love to all
Parting Gifts
Apple Pie: To remind you of all the good food you won't be eating. Anya
A monster: A Sunnydale Souvenir. Grr Argh! Tara
And I wanted to buy you a can of Old English 800 cause you know England and you. And cause at the time it sounded really funny but the guy who lives in the box behind the store he uh he wouldn't buy it for us. Xander
A spell was cast
To bring her back
It was interrupted
Bunch of ugly demons
Left all alone
Clawing her way out
Hands scratched and bloody
Sees her own grave
Lost and confused
Visions of Hell
Everything so loud
Sees the bot ripped apart
Back to the place she died
Reunited with little sis
Helpful Tips: If your best friend dies pick a cute outfit. Make sure you're actually following the North Star and not a blimp. Don't announce your engagement when you run into your newly risen from the grave friend. A male witch is a witch and not a warlock.

Thank god you scared me half to death or more than death. You I could kill you. I mean it. I could rip your head off one handed and drink from your brainstem.
Demon They Made
Buffy Copy
What did you do? Do you know what you did? You're like children. Your hands smell of death. Bitches! Filthy little bitches rattling the bones. Did you cut the throat? Did you pat its head? The blood dried on your hands didn't it? You were stained. You still are. You know what you did.
Helpful Tip: Two brains tend to not have the same dreams.
Dawn Possessed
Idiot! All of you did it. You stupid children. Did you think the blood wouldn't reach you? I smell the death on you. Look at what you've done.
I mean evil things have plans. They have things to do. Anya
Made Demon
You don't belong here. Did they tell you, you belonged here? Did they say it was your home again? Were you offered pretty lies little girl or did they even give you a choice? You're the one who's barely here you sit on this earth like a bubble. You won't even disturb the air when you go.

Buffy's Confession
I was happy. Wherever I was I was happy. At peace. I knew that everyone I care about was all right. I knew it. Time didn't mean anything. Nothing had from but I was still me you know. And I was warm and I was loved and I was finished complete. I don't understand theology or dimensions, any of it really but I think I was in heaven. And now I'm not. I was torn out pulled out by friends. Everything here is hard and bright and violent. Everything I feel. Everything I touch. This is Hell. Getting through the next moment and the one after that. Knowing what I've lost. They can never know never.
Torn Out
Back to life
By her friends
A demon made
Price for the spell
Chopped off its head
Trying to go on
A confession made
Pulled from Heaven
Can't tell the others
Just trying to take it one day at a time
A Hell on earth
What she left behind
Is something she must keep hidden


But I haven't spent any money. I was all dead and frugal. Buffy
Money Troubles
A leak is sprung
Pricey to fix
A loan is needed
Turned down flat
He comes back
Arriving from England
There to help out
Alone once again
Able to get a grin
Off to meet Angel
Somewhere in between
Spiderman: Action is his reward. Xander
Buffy Practices
There's a first time for everything is my philosophy. This is my first big loan. Collateral no problem. No problem. No problem. I love that tie. I'm a problem solver. Let's crunch those numbers. Stupid skirt.


Stuff That Will Make You Go Huh!
Social Construction of Reality
A concept involving a couple of opposing theories. One stressing the externality and independence of social reality from individuals.
That every individual participates fully in the cosntruction of his or her own life.
Because social phonomena don't have unproblematic objective existences. They have to be interpeted and given meaning by those who encountered them. 



Tips On Adjusting To Life After You've Been Dead
1. Take time to get used to being back. Clawing your way out of a grave is a very traumatic experience.
2. If you plan on going back to school try something non overwhelming like Introduction to Pies or Advanced Walking. Stay away from Mike's Sociology class. Sure he may be a great guy but it's a bit heavy on the brain and makes you feel totally stupid when you don't have a clue what's going on.
3. Confiding in someone is only natural even if that someone is undead. Sometimes they are the only one you can talk to and they have that whole digging themselves out of their grave thing in common with you.
4. Eventually the truth will have to come out about not being in Hell. Face facts people the world itself is a type of Hell.
5. A Thank You is most appreciated. After all they did bring you back to save you from a Hell Dimension. They were wrong but they did it out of love.
6. Be prepared to fight the being that was created as a result of the spell.

Cone Leaning Left

Cone Leaning Right

Buffy On Construction
So basically I'm trying to learn everything I can you know because I don't just want a job I want a career I can really grow into. I mean I never thought I'd be working in construction but when you think about it it kinda makes sense.
Helpful Tips: Don't mention blacking out and exploding lint. Also remember that you get paid by the hour so slow down.
Finding Her Way
Unable to focus
School doesn't work out well
Left feeling stupid with evil lint
Next she tries construction but gets fired
Demons that go all melty when killed
Next up retail not her first choice
A day that just won't end
Repeating over and over again
Looking to relax she gets drunk
Hanging out with Spike 



Giles Advice
While I was running the store I found it useful to imagine myself back in the library. Um if you concentrate on service and not on making a sale you're more likely to have a satisfied customer.
Candles: Lemon Seduction- for humans, Essence of Slug- for demons
Aromatheraphy is healing with the use of aromatic substances. It is a caring, hands-on therapy that combines body and face massage using highly concentrated essential oils extracted from wild or cultivated plants. The essential oils' organic substances that give plants their smell produce a wide range of theraputic responses. This is called holistic aromatherapy. In clinical aromatherapy, these oils may also be taken internally when prescribed by an herbalist or a medical doctor. Aesthetic aromatherapy uses these oils as a relaxing beauty treatment.
Don't be nervous do what I do picture yourself naked. Anya



Spike's Thoughts
Damn right hit the demon world. Ask questions. Throw punches. Find out what's in the air. It's fun too.
You're not a school girl. You're not a shop girl. You're a creature of the darkness like me. Try on our world see how good it feels
Listen these guys talk while they play. You get more information out of their mouths than out of gapping holes in their corpses.
Buffy's Drunken Rant
What's wrong? You were gonna help me. You you were gonna beat heads and fix my life. Well you're completely lame. Tonight sucks! And look at stupid Buffy. Too dumb for college and freak Buffy too strong for construction work and my job at the magic shop I was bored to tears even before the hour that wouldn't end. And the only person that I can even stand be be around is a nuetered vampire who cheats at kitten poker. And also I think you're drunk.


Willow's Invective
I'm just saying you might want to rethink the stereotype before someone turns you into a toad. And while you're at it why don't you try removing the broomstick form your...If I see one more idiot that thinks witches are all hairy moles and rotten teeth...Oh look at you. You are just the cutest thing. I know but look with the hat and the wart. Oh let's fill your tummy with sugar and nibblets ok.
Helpful Tip: There are exceptions to every rule. Adding burba weed to blood makes it hot and spicy. Make sure you meet the cute guy in daylight to avoid running into a vampire. Bring a cross with you and do a cross check to see if he starts steaming or pulls away from it.
Trick Or Treat
Out for a little fun
Used a total classic
I'm staying at
And she does the same
Just roaming the streets
Out with two cuties
But both sporting fangs
A first kiss that comes with a bite
Not such a dead night
Vamps all around
Staked her first
Using a handy pencil

Anya On Wedding Plans
So I was thinking maybe a June wedding but then I remembered that they always have the highest percentage of calls for vengeance. So now I'm leaning towards as soon as damn possible. I mean mortal life being so short we gotta cram in as much marital bliss as we can before we wither and die. I mean there's just so much to consider though planning the wedding, new cars, house, babies. You have to plan for babies otherwise they'll run rough shod over your entire existence.


Bursting into song
Affecting all in town
No one is safe
From these outbursts
Revealing things not meant to
Declaration of undying love
Where she really was
Not Hell at all
But in Heaven
Dancing until self combusting


The Betrayal
Happy and in love
Under her spell
Singing and dancing
Out for some fun
On this beautiful day
Found out the truth
Been messing with her mind
Hurt and betrayed
An ache in her heart
The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Dawn

Spell Gone Wrong
Woke up with no clue
No idea who they were
A room of strangers
Figure out their names
Discoveries are mad
In a magic shop
With many strange things
Two are British
One with glasses
Members of the Nancy tribe
A father and son
With a fiancee half his age
Boyfriend and girlfrined
Curled up snuggly wuggly
Two are sisters
Randy Giles! Why not just call me Horny Giles or Desperate for a shag Giles. I knew there was a reason I hated you. Spike
Helpful Tip: Don't just open a book and start reading from it because you may end up summoning your greatest fear like bunnies.

Airplane Flying

Airplane Taking Off

Randy's Theory
And I bite yours. So how come I don't want to bite you? And why am I fighting other vampires? I must be a noble vampire a good guy on a mission of redemption. I help the helpless. I'm a vampire with a soul. I'm a hero really I mean to be cast such an ugly lot in life and then to rise above it to seek out better nobler things as inspiration. And the two of us natural enemies thrown together to stand against the forces of darkness a lot of trust. No thought of me biting you. No thought of you staking me.
Just one week
Is all she asked
Couldn't last a day
A spell was cast
To make them forget
It backfired big time
So she walked away
The only thing she could do
A dear trusted friend
One of the family
Decides to leave
Claims to be for her own good
Alone and miserable
Kissing him in the dark


That's right. You should scream. Creature of the night here yeah. Some people forget that. She thinks I'm housebroken. She forgot who she's dealing with. Just cause she's confused about where she fits in. I'm supposed to be too cause I'm not. I know what I am. I'm dangerous. I'm evil. Yes, I am. I am a killer. That's what I do. I kill. And, yeah maybe it's been a long time, but it's not like you forget how. You just do it, and now I can again all right. So, here goes. This might hurt a little.
Hitting Again
Chip in his head
Migraine when hurts humans
Something changes
Hits her back
With no pain
Gave biting a try
Roaring pain hits
Gets it checked out
Still working right
Not him at all
She came back wrong
Is what he thinks



She's Back
Turned into a rat
Saving her life
From a flamey death
Unable to undo it
A lot of time passes
Finally changed back
Taking time to readjust
A bad influence
Encouraging magick use
Delving into darkness.
He has this thing that owning a book makes it like his property. Anya
Diamonds are excellent for cursing. Anya
If rats could dance they wouldn't gnaw so much. Amy

Delving into the black magick
Lost her love
Has a new playmate
Human again after a rat
Deeper and deeper she goes
Into the darkness
Gets a fix
Can't get enough
A price is paid
Summons a demon
Making a getaway
Off they go
Crashing the car
Realizing she needs help
Promises that she's finished
No more magicks
Helpful Tips: Peanut butter and bananna quesadilla's are a bad invention. If a person's eyes go black that is a major sign of not being ok and certainly don't get in a car with them unless you are driving otherwise you end up with a big case of the owies. Throwing candles at the sleeping vampire work better than yelling since it doesn't seem to phase them.
Confused at what she'd done
Brought down a building
Lost in her own stuff
Not noticing her friend's prob
Eyes are finally opened up
Knows what's going on
Wants to be there for her
Unable to reveal her sitch
Spike's Thoughts
You gave me a run for my money Slayer. I admit it you've had me by the short hairs. I love you. You know it. But I got my rocks back you felt something last night. Not yet but I'm in your system now. You're gonna crave me like I crave blood. And the next time you come calling if you don't stop being such a bitch maybe I will bite ou. Too late for that you invited me in already. And as for your work you need me like tonight. You really gonna put your little sis in danger just to spite me.


So Long Goldilocks
Trying to resist temptation
Decides to make a change
Hacks at her hair
Goes to get it fixed
Ends up with a cute do
Leaving the salon
Zapped by the ray
No one can see her
Gives into the desire
Some upsetting news
Nearly turned to mush
Back to being seen
A first step is taken
Buffy On Candles
Yeah to you and me they're just candles but to witches they're like bongs.
No No's For Recovering Magick Addicts
Birds with charms hidden inside
Helpful Tip: Don't mention voices and dancing coffee cups.
A man shouldn't use immortality as an excuse to let himself go. Gotta keep fit for the killing.
Buffy's First Step
When I got Xander's message that I was fading away I actually got scared. Me I wouldn't. Not too long ago I probably would have welcomed it. But I realized I'm not saying that I'm doing back flips about my life but I didn't I didn't want to die. That's something right?

Go Money Go
Ok see this is why demons are better than people. When I was a vengeance demon I caused pain and mayhem certainly but I put in a full day's work doint it and I got compensated appropriately.
Flipping Burgers
In need of money
She gets a job
Working at Doublemeat
Feeling like a tool
In her goofy hat
Fears about the food
People go missing
Something not right
A crazy wig lady
With a nasty underneath
Eats the employees
Knows the secret ingredient
Was able to keep her job
Xander On Fast Food
It's fast food. I've swum these murky waters my frined. There's the assorted creepiness. There's staring. There's the enthusiastic not showing up at all. I think you're seeing demons where there's just life.


Pros And Cons Of Working At The Doublemeat Palace
 1. It's an easy job that anyone could do even a monkey.
 2. The training video is disturbing with the cow and the chicken going all swirly.
 3. Beyond lame uniform with not so flattering stripes with a cow and chicken hat to wear.
 4. Wearing the uniform makes you feel like a tool.
 5. Finding out the secret of the secret ingredient. Knowing this gives you leverage and job security.
 6.  You get paid but those doubleshifts can be a real pain.
 7. Free food is always a good thing but make sure to vary the food since the Medley burgers every night can get tiresome.
 8. There is a chance of turning into a mindless drone. The eyes glaze over and you go mute.
 9. Having a guy that spouts philosophy and rubs your nose in the fact that he's in college and you're not really sucks. Like you need someone around to make you feel like a dummy.
10. The lighting is not very flattering to a person. An unexpected person could show up and see you in all your dorkitude.
11. Getting the jingle stuck in your head can drive a person nuts.
12. Vampires can be turned off by those that work here. Like a person that eats the food no longer has good enough blood.
13. The smell lingers but it goes away after many bathings.


Doublemeat Palace
In small towns across the northwest you've ordered our delicious food from our happy employees but now you're seeing it in a new way. You're seeing it from behind the counter because you've just become part of the Doublemeat Experience. This cow and this chicken don't know it yet but they're destined to become part of it as well. What happens when a chicken and a cow get together? Why that's a Doublemeat Medley. Let's take a look now at the process of harvesting these two special meats. (MOO CLUCK MOO CLUCK) Washing your hands thoroughly after each visit to the restroom. Follow these rules and you'll be a happy part of the Doublemeat family for a long time.
The kitchen is the beating heard of the Doublemeat Palace.
The Drive Thru=High Stress
Doublemeat Medley- A classic double decker with a twist. A pure beefy pattie above the mid bun and a slice of processed chicken product below the mid bun, plus pickles and the secret ingredient.
Working  The Register
1. There are little pictures of the food on the buttons.
2. Hit the button with the picture: for example hit the coffee button then hit the small button and then cherry pie. There's a picture of a little fried pie.
3. Then hit the total button, put the money in the drawer. (Don't forget to get the change before closing the drawer.)
4. Close the drawer which resets the system. A Cocker Spaniel could do it.
5. Say Welcome to the Doublemeat Palace. May I help you? Spice things up when they leave by saying Doublemeat is Double Sweet!
Downtime robs us all.
How To Grill
1. Put the beef on the grill and hit the button then it beeps.
2. You flip the beef, hit the other button and it beeps.
3. Put it on the bun. There's not a button for that.
It elminates variations. Every burger at every Doublemeat Palace is the same. People don't like variation.
Variety is the spice of bad.
Getting Greasy
Using the grill will get a person greasy in the following areas: skin, hair, eyelashes, nostrils, inside your ears.
If the creepy guy training you asks you if you want to look inside his ears just politely turn him down. Since he could snap and do who knows what.
On Grease In The Ears
Once I noticed I couldn't hear and went to the doctor. He said it was grease that made a plulg. I got me a kit. A kit for cleaning my ears. It's got this little bulb mechanism.
Might Be A Good Investment
The Secret- It's a form in texturized vegetable based meatlike products suitable for grinding. It's blended with large amounts of rendered beef fat for flavor.
The Doublemeat reputation is built on a foundation of meat.
Doublemeat Knowledge
The thing you got to learn about the Palace and this takes a while is that job security all boils down to one simple thing politices. Now I'm not a political but you learn fast around here or wham, "Hello glass ceiling." I mean it's not like we work at Burger World or the Happy Bun where the power structure is simple. No here at the Palace you got to keep your friends close but your enemies closer like Macheveli says.
Don't forget to lock up before you go. And the gum under the tables you should give it a good scrape.
Doublemeat Jingle
Get the Double Treats
That's the Double Sweet
Oh it's hard to beat when you eat...
The jingle may get stuck in your head.
Buffy's Theories About DoubleMeat Palace Meat
1. Cow
2. Rat
3. Kangaroo
4. Goat
5. Cat
6. Human
7. Demon Meat
So it turns out that she was totally wrong!



Resisting Temptation
She swore it off
Going cold turkey
Taking so long
Not able to focus
Magick thrown her way
Makes things even harder
A gift from a so called friend
Vowing to be strong
Doing things the regular way
Helps kill a demon
Tells the friend to stay away
Anya On Xander
He's very kind and brave and he has the sweetest smile and a nice body. He loves me. Sometimes it isn't easy but he does. Well you know I'll do something, say something and then he has to say stuff like it's incorrect for you to appreciate money so much or other here's how a real human behaves.

Feeling something's wrong
Asks about the spell
Checking it out
Wondering why she does
What she does
Allowing him to hurt
Wracked with guilt
Visions of death
Death of an innocent
No blood on her hands
Just the Nerd Herd
Pains in her butt
Going too far this time
Spike's Thoughts
You see you try to be with them but you always end up in the dark with me. What would they think of you if they found out all the things you've done? If they knew who you really were? Stop me. No. Don't close your eyes. Look at them. That's not your world. You belong in the shadows with me. Look at your friends and tell me you don't love getting away with this right under their noses.
Helpful Tip: You only have a monkey problem if you don't stretch first.
Buffy Vents
You  can't understand why this is killing me, can you? I am not your girl! You don't have a soul! There is nothing good or clean in you! You are dead inside! You can't feel anything real. I could never be your girl!
Buffy On Spike
He's everything I hate. He's everything that I'm supposed to be against, but the only time that I ever feel anything is when...

That time of year again
A party is planned
Some unexpected guests
A wish was made
Locking them inside
Can't get out
A demon on the loose
Injures a guest
Harsh words fly
A secret found out
Firm on no magick
Able to finally leave
Two remain behind
Spending time together
Steps Made
Run into each other
A little ackward
So obviously in love
Did a little talking
While trapped in the house
Didn't give in
Stood up for her
Proud of her
For not giving in
Resisting temptation
A new beginning
To find their way back
To one another



Wedding Plans
Up to their ears
In wedding plans
Decisions to make
The big day coming soon
Relatives coming in
Getting the munchies
Grumpy with his chips
Both keep snacking away
Determined to make it perfect
Even if she has to kill the guests
Along with half the town
To pull it off
Xander On Family
I hate my uncle. I hate my whole family. That's why I'm marrying you to start a new family, to have children, make them hate us and one day they'll get married and we'll sleep on their couch. The circle of life.


Got Hitched
Into the jungle
He met Sam
Fell in love
Made her his wife
Tag team demon hunters
Failed to mention her
Living the married life
Giving helpful tips
Kinda hard to hate
Good at what she does
Happy and in love
Never will tell the truth
Some things best kept hidden
Never know about that night
Came to stop him
Left not knowing
All for the best
Helpful Tips: If you come back to town seeking your ex's help mention the whole being married thing. Fill in all the details. Also the best friend's job is to hate the wife of your ex.
Sam's Thoughts
Back in the jungle we had not one but two hard core shamans working for us. They were working the dark magicks and got addicted. And now they're gone. Gone as in there's nothing left. I've never met anyone with enough strength to quit before.
Sam On Buffy And Herself
Gotta tell you Buffy I'm a little bit intimidated. I mean patrolling with the real live Slayer. You're like Santa Claus or Buddha or something. Legendary. And it's not just Slayer status I'm talking about it's you. He didn't say anything for a long time but I could tell he was ripped up inside. More like miraculous. I went down to Central America with the Peace Core. One night my entire infirmary got slaughtered by I didn't know what they were. I got saved, quit the core, and joined the squad. My first fire fight I met Riley. We started talking you know first about tactics, missions, stuff like that. And then about you. 


She's a working girl
Can't get the jingle
Out of her head
Rejected by a vamp
Because she's stinky
Trying to resist him
Can't stop herself
In he comes
While she's working
Back from the jungle
Tracking down a demon
Came with a surprise
That he forgot to mention
Caught in the sack
With her vamp lover
Makes a decision
To stop sleeping with him
Tells him what she feels
Helpful Tip: Put out the garbage the night before.
Spike's Thoughts
Well that's bloody funny coming from you. No more games. That's all you've ever done is play me. You keep playing with the rules you make up as you like. You know what I am. You've always known. You come to me all the same.
Buffy Ends It
It's over. I know that. I do want you. Being with you makes things simpler for a little while. I'm using you. I can't love you. I'm just being weak and selfish and it's killing me. I have to be strong about this. I'm sorry William.


Cosmic Joke
Dressed in radioactive green
Duty schmuty
Look at these arms
It's just not right
Cosmic joke but a duty
Maybe the larvae and burlap
Would have been an improvement
Will On The Dresses
Buffy it's hideous. Oh my god Buffy. Look at it's arms.


Wedding Vows
I Anya promise to love you, to cherish you, to honor you, but not to obey you. Of course because that's sacrosanctic and misogyntistic and who do you think you are like a sea captian or something? However, I do entrust you with my heart. Take care of my heart won't you please. Take care of it because it's all that I have and if you let me I'll take care of your heart too. I'll protect it and tend to it like a little stray. Wait no like a little mangey stray that needs a home. No that's not it either.
I Anya promise to cherish you. No not cherish I promise to have sex with you whenever I want and uh pledge to be your friend, your wife and your confidante and your sex poodle.
I Anya  want to marry you Xander because I love you and I'll always love you. And before I knew you I was like a completely different person. Not even a person really. I'd seen what love could do to people and it was hurtful and it was sadness. Alone was better and then suddenly there was you and you knew me. You saw me and it was this thing, you make me feel safe and warm, so I get it now. I finally get love now Xander, I really do.
Hymens Greetings! Hymen the God of Matrimony. His salutations upon you. May the love we celebrate today avoid an almost inevitable decline. D'Hoffryn
Helpful Tip: If you bring a squirmy gift put a warning label on it and put it in a secure package so it doesn't escape.


About to get married
Faced with an old man
Claiming to be him
Shown the future
Tapping into his fears
Deep down inside
It wasn't real
But his doubts were
Off he ran into the rain
Came back again
Called off the wedding
Needed some time alone
Helpful Tip: Cover the dead demon with flowers if he doesn't go poof.


Searching for the nerds
Called up a demon
While fighting it
It pokes her in the arm
Shifting back and forth
From Sunnydale to LA
Locked up in the psych ward
Not all bad there
Her parents are together
And mom isn't dead
But no Dawn to be found
Nearly killed all her loved ones
Brought back to reality
Helpful Tips: Don't jump to conclusions if you see your ex girlfriend getting kissed on the cheek by another girl. That is a definite friend thing. Worry if she had her tongue down her throat. Don't go out alone searching for the Nerds because you'll end up nearly killing all your loved ones.
Xander's Thoughts
I don't know how stuff got so mixed up. I blew it. No it wasn't about breaking up. I love here and god I miss her so much. I guess. I know I'm a better person with her in my life. But things got so complicated with the wedding and with my family and with her demons and what if it all goes to Hell and forever. But then I left and ever since I've had this painful hole inside and I'm the idiot that dug it out. I screwed up real bad.


A group of severe mental disorders characterized by reality distortions resulting in unusual thought patterns and behaviors. Because there is often little or no logical relationship between the thoughts and feelings of a person with schizophrenia, the disorder has often been called "split personality." However, the condition should not be confused with multiple personality, a disorder in which the individual has two or more distinct personalities that dominate at different times. In 1896, the German pyschiatrist Emil Kraepelin grouped what were previously considered unrelelated mental diseases under the term dementia praecox. It was not until 1908, however, that an influential essay by Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler corrected Krapepelin's theory that the disease was an organic brain deterioration and thus incurable. Bleuler introduced the term schizophrenia to replace dementia praecox, emphasizing the dissassociative phenomena in the mind and avoiding the implications of early onset and progressive brain deterioration. Schizophrenic disorders generally begin in the late teenage years or early adulthood and tend to occur in withdrawn, seclusive individuals. The lifetime prevelance worldwide has been estimated to be just under 1%, and the disorder affects 1.5 to 2 million people in the United States alone. Symptoms include disturbances of thought, both in form and content and disturbances of perception, most commonly appearing as visual or aural hallucinations. There are five major types of schizophrenia listed by the American Psychiatric Association in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The most severe are disorganized hebephrenic schizophrenia, characterized by hallucinations, delusions, inappropriate laughing and crying, incoherent speech, and infantile behavior, and catatonic schizophrenia, characterized by physical rigidity or hyperactivity. Paranoid schizophrenics can often function relatively normally, although they may be disturbed by persecutory delusions and hallucinations, and they tend to exhibit argumentaive behavior. The presence of a combination of symptoms from other types is classified as undifferentiated schizophrenia. Residual schizophrenia is constituted by minor symptoms, which occur as an active episode diminishes. The cause of schizophrenia is unknown. Genetic factors appear to be involved in producing susceptibility to the condition, with studies among identical twins showing a 50% concordance rate, a figure that has been confirmed by the results of adoption studies. Biochemical research suggests that high levels of the nuerotransmitter dopamine, or excessive numbers of receptors for dopamine, may be at the root of schizophrenia. Medical imaging studies have revealed various physical and physiological anomalies in some patients. Other research has focused on mistiming of neural responses to stimuli in the brain. Many researchers maintain that a combination of influences, including such environmental factors as viral illness, or malnutrition in the patient's mother during pregnancy, may lead to schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs, sometimes inconjunction with pyschotheraphy, have greatly improved the treatment of schizophrenia. Hospitalitzation is sometimes needed to provide basic personal needs (safety, food, and hygiene) while acute sympots are treated. Most patients return to the community with varying degrees of independence and with good prospects for long-term remission of symptoms.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia


Buffy's Confession
I feel so lost. It's more than that. Even before the demon I've been so detached. Every day I try to snap out of it, figure out why I'm like that. Yes I have. Back when I saw my first vampires I got so scared. I told my parents and they completely freaked out. They thought there was something seriously wrong with me. So they sent me to a clinic. I was only there for a couple of weeks. I stopped talking about it and they let me go. Eventually my parents just forgot. What if I'm still there? What if I never left that clinic?
Spike's Rant
So she's having the wiggins is she? Thinks none of us are real. Bloody self centered if you ask me. On the other hand it might explain some things this all being in this brain of hers yeah fix up some chip in my head to make me soft and fall in love with her then turn me into a soddin sex slave. Nothing. Alternative realities where we're all little figments of Buffy's funny farm delusions. You know in a different reality you might not have left your bride at the altar. You might have gone through it like a man.
Spike's Thoughts
I hope you don't think this antedote is gonna rid you of that nasty martydom. See I've figured it out luv you can't help yourself. You're not drawn to the dark like I thought you're addicted to the misery. It's why you won't tell your pals about us might acutally have to be happy if you did. Did I learn to understand and help you god forbid or drive you out where you can finally be at peace in the dark with me. Either way you'd be better off for it but you're too twisted for that. Let yourself live already. Stop with the bloody hero trip for a second all be the better for it. You either tell your friends about us or I will.


Faced with him
In serious pain
Loves her so
Doesn't understand why
In touch with her inner demon
Unable to pull it off
Someone else has to do it
Finally the chance comes
In he comes
Looking for a spell
Something to numb him
Seeking some solace
Drinking with Spike
End up sleeping together
Caught on film
Stops the wish from being made
Anya Gets In Touch With Her Inner Demon
I wish you were never born. I wish you felt the pain of a thousand searing pokers boiling in your heart in its own juices. I wish you had tentacles where your beady eyes should be. I wish your intestines were tied in knots and ripped apart inside your lousy butt.
You can't exact justise against someone on behalf of yourself silly. Halfreck
Men need a little vengeance now and then too. Halfreck
Helpful Tips: Get someone else to make the wish for you. Make sure this person is creative since you want the best vengeance ever.
In living color
On the computer
Hidden camera captures
Hurt at what they see
Out to stake h im
Confronts the undead
Doesn't take it well
The news about them
Sickened by what he saw
He finds out a secret
About his best friend
Goes off into the night


Kiss And Make Up
Things fall apart. They fall apart so hard. You can't ever put them back the way they were. I'm sorry it's just you know it takes time. You can't just have coffee and expect.. There's just so much to work through. Trust has to be built up again on both sides. You have to learn if we're even the same people we were. If you can even fit in each other's lives. It's a long important process and can we just skip it. Can you just be kissing me.




Anya's Rant
Well gee then he must have meant it because hey guys never say anything they don't really mean do they? They say I love you and you think it's true. They say oh Anya I want to be with you for the rest of my life and you believe them. You believe they feel the same way about you because that's the way love's supposed to be right? And then you get all excited with the tingly anticipation but wait not so fast there's the apocalypse and the back from the grave and the blah, blah, blah, blah and by the time you're finally standing there in that beautifully expensive white dress you've dreamed about ever since you became human he gets all heebie jeebie and decides you know I'd rather just go steady. The thing is you know he said it isn't me but how can I believe him. I mean he knew he didn't want to get married deep down he knew but he lied to me every day for months. He lied and lied and lied some more because hey who's gonna notice with all the other lies flying arouund like little monkeys. Then he thinks he can sweep the carnage under the rug by saying oh...
Xander's Rant
Good thing I'm part fish. The part with the hook in it.  Yeah then there'd be the flopping and the gasping. Sure maybe it'd work out but chances are I'll up and leave you at the helm in your white dress. Then find you spawning with another fish who turns out to be spawning my very good friend night and day behind my back. And then comes the fighting and again with the flopping and the gasping. Hey chicken of the sea here isn't doing too good with the women these days. Sorry I'm just looking to curl up with a quiet alone tonight.
Spike On Trust And Love
Trust is for old married Buffy. Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes.
Helpful Tips: It's so not good to attempt rape after you go on about love. That just isn't a very loving thing no matter the occasion. If you have a jet pack that you plan to use for a quick getaway make sure there isn't a overhang before powering it up because you end up with a nasty bruise on your forehead which hurts.


Shots Fired
Into the backyard he comes
Waving around a gun
Shots were fired
Two were hit
One died instantly
Unknown to those below
Other one was saved
Full of rage and out for blood
She tries to save her
Feeds on blackest magicks
Thoughts on killing them all
Hunting them down
Wanting them dead
Skins him alive
Leaving behind nothing
But a bloody forest
One down two to go
Running on pure fury
Off she goes


Her love returned to her
They made up and were happy
For one day and night it was bliss
Till she was taken away
Her light went out
"Your shirt," was all she said
Before falling to the floor
Dead instantly
Willow makes a plea
Flame red eyes but she's rejected
Sending her into destruction
Buffy On Being A Slayer And The Rules
Being a Slayer doesn't give me a license to kill. Warren's human. So the human world has its own rules for dealing with people like him. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. We can't control the universe. If we were supposed to then the magick wouldn't change Willow the way it does. And we'd be able to bring Tara back. There are limits to what we can do. There should be. Willow doesn't want to believe that and now she's messing with forces that want to hurt her, all of us. I know and now it has to stop. Warren's going to get what he deserves I promise. But I will not let Willow destroy herself. 

Anya's Thoughts
There's nothingin this world that would give me greater or more lasting satisfaction than to wreak bloody vengeance upon you, Xander Harris, but I can, not officially, not magickally. So smile. It's your lucky day. You got away with it. I can't hurt you.
Xander's Thoughts
You think I don't know that? You think I'm the hero of this piece? I saw the gun before Warren raised it. I saw it and I couldn't move. He shot two of my friends before I could even...You want me to know how useless I am that it's my fault thanks I already got the memo.


Reasons Not To Delve Into Black Magick
1. Makeover of the Damned just doesn't flatter a girl.
2. Once you taste blood you yearn for more
3. It really drains you so so you search for more.
4. Obtaining even more power isn't good for the skin since veineness ensues.
5. You could very well end the world which isn't fair to those who actually like it here.
6. The loved one you lost wouldn't want you to destroy yourself and everyone else because of what happened.


Wanna know what a bullet feels like Warren, a real bullet? It's not like in the comics. I think you need to feel it. It's not gonna make a neat little hole. First it'll obliterate your internal organs. Your lungs will collapse, feels like you're drowning. When it finally hits your spine it'll blow your central nervous system. I'm talking! The pain will be unbearable but you won't be able to move. Bullet usually travels faster than this of course but to die seemed like it takes forever. Something isn't it? One tiny piece of metal destroys everything. It ripped her insides out, took her light away, from me, from the world. Now the one person who should be here is gone and a waste like you gets to live. Tiny piece of metal. Can you feel it now? I said can you feel it? Bored now!


Opposite Sides
Driven by rage two best friends fight
Consuming black magicks
To exact her revenge brutally
Death to those responsible
Losing her humanity
Even for her loved ones
Fighting all who get in her way
Getting more and more magicks
Consuming Rack's magicks
Leaving behind his dead body
Wanting more and more
Briefly channels her evil twin
Killing Warren in the most brutal way
The other two got away
Stealing Giles' magick gave a great high
Feelings crept in and overwhelmed her
Bent on destroying the world
Have to stop all this pain


Let me tell you something about Willow. She's a loser and she always has been. People picked on Willow in Junior High School through High School up until college. With her stupid mousey ways and now Willow's a junkie. The only thing Willow was ever good for, the only thing I had going for me were the moments just moments when Tara would look at me and I was wonderful. And that will never happen again.
Willow if you let this control you then the world goes away and all of us with it. There's so much to live for. Will there's too much... Willow if you let loose with the magicks it'll never end. You don't want that. Because you'll lose everything your friends, yourself.
You trying to sell me on the world. The one where you lie to your friends when you're not trying to kill them. You screw a vampire just to feel and insane asylums are the comfey alternative. This world. Buffy it's me. I know you were happier when you were in the ground. The only time you were ever at peace in your whole life is when you were dead until Willow brought you back. You know with magick.

The Return
A dear friend arrives
Just in time
With a major dose of magick
Wanting to help
He fought bravely
Magick was ripped away
All part of the paln
Beaten and bloody
Hope is not lost
Reached out a helping hand
To a lost soul


It's incredible. I'm so juiced. Giles it's like no mortal person has ever had this much power ever. It's like I'm connected to everything. I can feel and it feels like I can feel everyone. Oh my god. All the emotion and the pain. No it's too much. Oh it's just too much. I can't I have to stop this. I'll make it go away. Oh you poor bastar your suffering has to end.


Always the Slayer right to the last and it is the last ya know. For all your fighting, thinking you're saving the world, and the end I'm the only one that can save it.
By killing us?
It's the only way to stop the pain. I can't take it anymore but I know you Buffy, you're a warrior. You won't go out without a fight. I don't really have time for one but you should go out fighting. It was me who took you out of the earth. Well now the earth wants you back.

The Quest
Left town on a mission
Went to a cave
A series of tests
To get what he desired
Flamey hands afire
Snapped his neck
Went on to the next stage
Two demons heads ripped off
Entered the final stage
Creepy crawlies everywhere
Passed the test
Got what he asked for
Restored his soul

Inner Demon
Jilted at the altar
Got in touch
With her demon within
Unable to lash out
She tries to make a wish
Can't do it herself
No one else will
Feeling the sting
Hurting and alone
She finds solace
In the arms of Spike

The Hero
Love saved us all
Xander was sent to Willow
His best friend since the age of five
Wanting to be with her at the end
Feelings not changed
Struck at him and slashed
Won't change his love
Offered to be the first she kills
After all he's earned that right
His love touched her deep within
Reached that spark of humanity
Tears flowed and the red returned
The world still goes on
Crying a flood of tears in Xander's arms
Her grief comes pouring out

New Eyes
Eyes were opened at this tragedy
No more protecting little sis
Show her the world
Not a little girl anymore
A new Slayer in the making?
Tears of happiness come flowing
A brand new start for the sisters
Impressive in battle
Learned a lot just by watching