Warrior Babes
The Slayer Handbook


Never underestimate yourself.
A good solid policy because you need confidence to do things and sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
You've got abilities you've only begun to tap. Reserves of mental and physical prowess you've never dreamt of.
In other words you are a super chick with powers and you never know what you're capable until you just go and do it and you may just surprise yourself.
Be aware of your surroundings. Never corner yourself.
Well that's a good policy because that way no one can sneak up on you and of course you don't want to be backed into a corner since that really limits your options.
Being a Slayer is sort of like winning the lottery only it sucks because you don't get a big cash reward. Sure you save many lives which is good but it would be nice to at least be thank or compensated in some way. That isn't too much to ask.
Life is short. Not orginal I'll grant you. But it's true ya know? Why waste time being shy, worry about some guy and if he's gonna laugh at you? Seize the moment. 'Cause tomorrow you might be dead.
Don't leap before you look because you could wind up as a meal for some vampire.
If a guy is wearing very outdated clothes run away fast.
We saved the world. I say we party. I mean I got all pretty.
After all everyone deserves to have a little fun sometime even a British guy who is a bit uptight at this point. Let your hair down especially when you've averted an apocalypse.
I think anyone who cuts dead girls into little pieces does not get the benefit of any doubt.
Remember what happened with Frankenstein? Don't mess around with that because it  will bite you on the ass in the end just ask Maggie Walsh. Oh yeah you can't she was poked by her monster.
Love makes you do the wacky.
Yes love can make you do some strange things and can screw with your thinking. It also could force you to kill the one you love to save the world so proceed with caution. Also it could cause you to lose your boyfriend because you made with the smootchies only with another guy that you have been in love with since the sandbox.
Sorry I'm an old fashioned girl. I was raised to believe the men dig the corpses and the women have the babies.
It's the least they can do since it's a girl that keeps saving everyone's butts anyway so what's a little dirt compared to oh your life.
You know it's just like nothing's simple. I'm constantly trying to work it out who to hate or love who to trust. It's like the more I know the more confused I get.
Supposedly knowledge is power but sometimes it can really mess with your head because you think too much or know too much and after all they do say that ignorance is bliss whoever they are.
Loneliness is about the scariest thing there is.
Talk about a no brainer since no one wants to be alone. Everybody needs somebody.
There's moments in your life that make you. That set the course of who you're gonna be. Sometimes they're little, subtle moments. Sometimes they're not.
It's up to you to make the choice about which path you are going to go down. Some choose the wrong path but make their way back.
My emotions give me power. They're total assests.
Yes emotions can give you a much needed boost but they can have the exact opposite effect as well so tread with caution.
You talk about slaying like it's a job. It's not it's who you are.
True to an extent but it's not the sum of your parts since there is more to a person than the whole slaying thing.
Power alone isn't enough. A good fighter needs to know how to improvise, go with the flow.
You won't always have a weapon handy so be able to spot anything around you that can be used as a weapon.