The Beginning
I'm more than flesh, more than blood. I'm you know I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh my name will be on everyones lips assuming their lips haven't been torn off. Not just yet. That's all right though I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be and so are you number 17. You're right where you belong. So what did you think you'd get your soul back and everything would be Jim dandy? Souls are slippier than a greased weasel. Why did you think I sold mine? Well you probably thought that you'd be your own man and I respect that but you never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me singing our little songs. You like our little songs don't you? You've always like them right from the beginning. The next few months are going to be quit a ride and I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn that you're a pathetic schmuck if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you trying to do what's right just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right, not about wrong. It's about power.
I have to admit that I'm glad it worked this way. I was going to bleed Andrew but you look a lot better with your shirt off. To be honest I'm getting a little tired of subtle. I think it's about time we brought a little authority to our presence. Now Spike you wanna see what a real vampire looks like? Kick a dolly when he's down. That was always your style. As buckets of energy poured dear. He'd lay in wait for his moments just before the buzzard. There, there pet as soon as the moon comes you'll have your carnage. Little girls tear so easily like pink paper. Till then we'll have our way with this one.
You don't know hurt. This last year's gonna seem like cake after what I put you and your friends throguh and I'm not a fan of easy death. Fact is the whole good versus evil balancing the scales thing I'm over it. I'm done with the mortal coil. But believe me I'm going for a big finish. From beneath you it devours. Oh not it me.
The First
Predates any written history and it rarely shows it true face. It can change form. It only appears in the guise of someone who has passed away. Also it's not coporeal, it can't touch or fight on it's own. It only works through those it manipulates and it's followers the Bringers. (Freaks in the blood robes with the hoodies and the alphabet eyes.) The first is unlike anything we've faced before. There's evil and then there's the thing that created evil. The source. That's what it is. It has eternities to act, endless resources. How to defeat it I honestly I don't know. We have to find a way. For if the Slayer line is eliminated than the Hellmouth has no guardian. The balance is destroyed.
That's why our kind make such good dollies. Hard to kill Tried to enlighten little Buffy didn't you? Spill, spill, spill our secrets like seed. But you forgot I say what you tell and what you know. I say when this is over. And I'm not done with you yet. Not nearly. Think of it as a game. A fun, funny game without all the rules or any of the bothersome winning part, but still there are sides. You have to choose a side Spike. Then we can fly be free and visit all our friends as they come squirming up from out the earth. I know you like a good wriggle and a giggle and a squiggle. No, I'm really not. Daddy, no kicking. It's almost Christmas day today and you've gone spoiling it. I've been so very good all year. But I could be bad if you like. Bad daddy needs a caning. Never learned his headmaster's lesson while all the school bells ring and ring and ring and ring and ring. Choose a side. Choose our side. You know it's delicious. What do you say? Stupid stubborn daddy ring ring ring. Do you know why you're alive? You're alive for one reason and one reason long because I wish it. Do you know why I wish it? Because I'm not done with you. And what makes you think you have a choice? What makes you think you'll ever be at all good in this world?
Beljoxa's Eye
It cannot be fought. It cannot be killed. The first evil has been and always will be since before the universe was born long after everything else. It will go on. What am I talking to myself here there's no way. The eye sees not the future, only the truths of the now and before. The opportunity has only recently presented itself. The mystical forces surrounding the Chosen line have become irrevocably altered, become unstable, vulnerable. The first evil did not cause the disruption, only seized upon it to extinguish the lives of the Chosen forever. The Slayer.
Ooh, ahh it burns as it intersectionally passes through me. I'm not corporeal remember. Also not a vampire so the cross. I have an assignment for you. You're know we're headed for a fight don't you? What do you think the world's gonna be like after that? News flash there's not gonna be a Slayer gang anymore but there is gonna be evil. And as long as there is evil I live. And as long as I live you can dwell at my side. Your assignment won't be hard they're just little girls. No not all of them. Not Dawn, not Anya, not Willow, not your friend Buffy just the potential Slayers. She can't see me. I'll still be here and I'm gonna keep talking until you hear what I have to say. So listen up ok. The girls must die. You don't have to stab. This will be easy. Andrew I want you to think. Willow brought something into this house. Something good. Something you can use. The gun. I want you to think hard. Where did they put the gun? You think you can trick the First. You think you could squirm free. I hold you Andrew. I made you do this. Jonathan suffered. He was your friend and he trusted you. And now he spends eternity in pain because of what you did to him. Took away everything he was and left him like this. You started down a road with that action you have to keep going. You're gonna pay for more than that. You know why because the biggest, baddest First Evil is angry with you. You think this was smart. You think you could trick me. You only hear what I want you to hear. You only see what I want you to see. So many dead girls. There'll be so many.
Psycho Preacher
You were born dirty. Born without a soul. Born with that gaping maw wants to open up and suck out a man's marrow. It makes me puke to think too hard on it.
More From The Psycho Preacher
Drink of this for it is my blood. You know I always loved the story of the Last Supper. The body and the blood of Christ becoming rich red wine. I recall as a boy though I couldn't help but think what would happen if you were at the last supper and you ordered white a nice, hokie Chardonnay or White Zin would he make that out of his limb for some of them. Never did bring it up suppose there was a reason why I never spend too long in one parish. Just looking for answers. Just looking for the Lord in the wrong damn places and then you showed me the light. I certainly do not. I am beyond concepts like that. A man can't turn his back on where he came from beside's black is slimming everyone says. Just another dirty girl and since you only dress up as dead folk I'm guessin one has already been paid our way. Strength and the loneliness that comes with real strength. You're her. I'm blessed all this time, all the work I've done for you blowing up the council, organizing the Ray Charles brigade and sticking all those splits you've never shown me. Oh yeah she got the message. Curiousity a woman's first sin I overheard an apply but what can she do but take it.
Psycho Preacher Babble Continues
Well the truth is like a sword isn't it girl it cuts deep. The words they use got a power to them. Power now not just words there truth. They called you know why because you're human. You got your urges a woman's got hers, a man's got his. Our whole race can be damnably weak. That's why we seek the strength, the power. Oh no child it's not wrong just human. Heathens no appreciation for life's pleasures.
Well now you girls are just burning with righteousness aren't you? The problem is you think you're blazing like suns when really you're burning like match sticks in the face of the darkness. Ya having fun? Now I hope my boys haven't worn you out too much I need you fit for when I purify you. Well I do now. You liked my little message did you? You know I ruined a perfectly good knife on that girl got her soiled blood all over the place. I may need to get a new truck. So you're the Slayer. The Slayer. The strongest. The fastest. The most of came of that most precious invention of all mankind the notion of goodness. The Slayer must indeed be powerful. So what else ya got?
Caleb On The Bible
Oh it has its good moments. Paul has some good stuff for instance but overall I find it a tad complicated. I like to keep things simple good folk, bad folk, plain folk, dirty folk. What can I say I work in mysterious ways. Also some very straight forward ones.
Before The Eye Gouging
You're the one who sees everything aren't you? Well let's see what we can do about that.
Caleb Tells A Story
Now it's a simple story stop me if you heard it. I have found and truly believe that there's nothing so bad it can not be made better with a story and this one's got a happy ending. There once was a woman and she was foul like all women for Adam's rib was dirty just like Adam himself for what was he but human. But this woman she was filled with darkness, despair, and why because she did not know, she could not see. She didn't know the good news, the glory that was coming that'd be you. The kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours. Now and forever. You show up they'll get in line cause they follow her. All we have to do is take one more step and I'll kill them all. See I told you it had a happy ending.

Good thinking but on the other hand why rush. Up or down I'll still be dead. Well neither is she anymore. Now she's just Chloe's body. Nothing we just talked all night. Well I did most of the talking. But Chloe is I'm sorry was a good listener till she hanged herself. Like when you called her maggot. She really heard that. Oh let'em. The only reason why Chloe offed herself was cause she knew what you're not getting. I'm coming. You're going. All this it's almost over. But wait I thought you're not all gonna make it. Some will die and there's nothing I can do that will stop it. Hey I didn't say it. I'll be seeing all of you one by one. TFFN!
Oh now look thing's don't go exactly your way so here comes the water works. Ain't that just like a woman? Now, now little girl manners but I do imagine that fire brand tongue of yours has left enflamed many a man weak as they are. This here is a public school ain't it? Kinda deserted. I'm a just I suppose folks work so hard keeping the Lord out look what happens in return he abandons you. Not that he could do you much good now anyway. Uh uh uh wouldn't do that were I you sweetpea. Fighting back didn't do you much good last time did it? And how is poor Xander? Let him know he's in my prayers. And any time he's willing I'm ready to finish the job. Mind your manners. I do believe I did warned you once. You're angry, frustrated, scared, I like that in a girl. You really should relax a little. Look at where you are. History's gonna look back at you. at me, at this place and they're gonna see the glory. Great things are happening now right here this school, the seal's it's all gonna be part of the big sweeping tide of change and you're gonna be part of it. Now why would you want to miss that? More importantly why would you want to get in its way? Oh I knew you'd be a wild one. I'm gonna do such sweet pleasure in taming you. I'll see you soon little lady.
Psycho Preacher
You know what I figured out tonight every high school in this country from one end to the other smells exactly alike. Now why do you suppose that is? They always think they should put up a fight. That I did. Reckon she got the message even though if she don't know it yet. So now the big strong Slayer goes back to those girls. She's just so ready to walk them right into it and all we have to do is give her that one final gentle nudge.
The First And Caleb
When this is all over and our armies spring forth and our will sweeps the world. I will be able to enter every man, woman and child on this earth. Just as I enter you. I'm trying to make you a God.
The First sounds like a big ole slut.
I am thy humble servant and I'm ready to serve thee.
Caleb Babbles More
So you found it not impressed. Cause the question now girlie girl is can you pry it from solid rock before I come over and...Darn. Now before you go hurting yourself with that thing why don't you do yourself a courtesy and hand it over right now. You don't even know what you got there. You think wiedling some two sided doodad's gonna make a difference. I let her go she slices me up with that thing. I'm not letting her out of here with that thing.
Caleb's Final Words
You're not slippin out of this fire girl. Can't you see you can't stop me. I can just keep going back for more. It's like being reborn. Now I gave you ample warning. Told you not to interfere. You chose not to heed. Kind of hoping it would go this way.
I was never much for preachers. Angel
A priest blows into town
Things aren't as they seem
A minion of the Firs
Likes the killing a lot
Gets dosed by the First
Giving extra strength
Totally out of his mind
Finally split in two
With a nice shiny axe
He's fallen and can't get up
The First Taunts Buffy
Big Mistake!
Oh no ow mommy this mortal wound is all itchy. You pulled a nice trick. You came pretty close to smacking me down. What more do you want?