A Good Deed
Left all alone
Due to his betrayal
Knowing it was right
He found Angel
At the bottom of the sea
Opened a vein
Gave him some blood
Drove him home
Walked out the door
Vamp Knowledge
A vampire can exist indefinetely without feeding, but the damage to the higher brain function from prolonged starvation can be catastrophic.
Angel On Life
Life should be beautiful and bright. But no matter how hard I try, everything I touch turns to ashes. I have to stop him. I have to do it.
One Pissed Off Fred
I can't imagine what you've been through, Connor, being taken away by Holtz, raised in that place. It must have been horrible. I know you're still hurting but I promise it's not gonna to nearly hurt as much as what you did to your father. You think that's what Angel felt? When you did it to him? Did he scream like that?
Angel's Summer
So how was you summer? Mine was fun. I saw some fish, went mad with hunger, hallucinated a whole bunc.
The Truth
The truth has a better sound to it. Less nasal you know?
What you did to me was unbelievable, Connor. But then I got stuck in a Hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a 100 years so a few months under the ocean actually gave me perspective. Kind of an M.C. Escher of perspective, but I did get time to think about us, about the world. Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh and cruel. That's why there's us. Champions. Doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world were as it should be. To show it what it can be. You're not part of that yet. I hope you will be. I love you, Connor. Now get out of my house.
All that talking takes it out of you.
Axis Of Pythia
Forged from the tripod of the Delphic Oracle. The axis has a metal arch set into a marble base and stands at approximately two feet high and weighs eighteen pounds. The axis is said to have been imbued with many mystical qualities, one of which is finding souls or entities across dimensions. Currently the axis is being held in a vault in the Chandlers Auction House, an establishment firmly rooted in the black market. Black market means money. Money means security.
Security Devices
Survelliance cameras
Electric gates
Laser sensors
Hand print sensors
Armed Guards
Chance In Hell Operation Shopping List
Repelling hooks
When in doubt pull all wires.
Behold the power of positive thinking.
Fibbing: It's lying only classier
Fred's Rant
I am so sick of holding up everything around here. First Wesley leaves, then Angel and Cordy. I'm sick of taking care of everything and paying bills and making peace and plans and keeping my chin up. God, I am so sick of my chin being up. I thought it'd get better when Angel came back. I thought I would finally be able to breathe again. Well, who else was gonna do it? Who else was going to hold everything up when you left me all alone? You died and left me all alone.
Fatherly Advice From A Distance
You're talking too much. Gives him time to... Watch it! Don't let him box you in. That's it Connor. Don't go toe to toe he's too big and faster than he looks. Wait for an opening. Stay sharp, you can do it. That's it.
From The Higher Plane
Of course he can do it. He's his father's son. Same dark good looks. Same lost boy sweetness. And the broodiness boy, he's got that down stone cold. You really don't have to worry about him Angel. But maybe there's something you could be worrying a little more about like for instance me. Remember me stick in magic misty land for like eternity. You've got to get me out of here Angel. Help me!
Held Captive
Off to Vegas he goes
Starring in his own show
There was a glitch
Prisoner in a gilded cage
Reading a person's destiny
For the owner of this hotel
Destroying lives is his trade
To prevent another death
Lorne would sing
Fluffy he would say
Figured it out finally
He was rescued by friends
Home they all went
Destroying the scam
Destinies all restored
Fluffy: Fluffy the dog you don't have. The universally recognized code for I'm being held prisoner. Send help!
Fred's Scary Tale
Oh, my god! It was horrible! He attacked me with these um laser beams that shot out of his horns and he escaped! He's gone! Right! No! Cause he went through some sort of demon metamorphis thing and he spit out his entire skeleton like like bwah! Like that, and the he just he slithered away! Down the drain in the sink in the bathroom, hurry!

Memory Lane
Cordy's Yearbook
Cordelia, homeroom was fun. Too bad it burnt to the ground.
Hey, how about that giant snake?
Dear Cordelia, thanks for the flaming arrows.
Learning The Truth
It all makes perfect sense now. I was a cheerleader, a princess, and a warrior and I have visions and super powers, and I'm the target of an evil law firm because I've spent the last three months living on a higer plane fighting for the forces of good, who wage a battle against demons and evilies and squishy bug babies cause all that stuff's real and that's the world I live in, and and I think I know why I don't remember any of this, cause hey who'd want to?
Supersymmetry and P-dimensional Subspace by Winifred Burkle
In multidimensional superstring theory, distance scales inverted by a t-duality apply to heterotic theories.
W.I.M.P.S: Wimps are weakly interactive massive particles.
Fred's Introduction by Professor Seidel
There have been many recent insights into string theory, but few have so elegantly tied together the disparate threads as the one you will hear tonight. As a student, Winifred Burkle showed outstanding intellectual rigor. Her work continues to exemplify the highest standard of academic excellence. Ladies and gentlement it is my honor to introduce Winifred Burkle.
Fred's Speech
Thank you, professor. This one just says open with joke. But I forgot to think of one. Of course it's possible that my theory'll take care of that. There are, um there are several competing dimensional theories. And while each provides insight, physicists have long searched for a unifying theory, one that can account for the behavior of the smallest subatomic particles and the largest forces of nature. If spacetime can undergo massive rearrangement of it's structure, which I believe it can. Tearing and reconnecting according to a predetermined disposition, then t-duality would allow for the compactification of extra space dimensions. Consider the non-perturbative properties of superstring theory. In D-branes especially as applied to dirichlet boundary conditions with dual open strings that are t-transformed this, in turn, leads to the conclusion that strings can only end in P-dimensional dynamical....
Writing On The Walls
P versus NP where NP is nondeterminative polynomial time. This is NP. Lost time. Time spent.

He's gonna die. I don't know yet but it's gonna be about pain. The halberd could work. Acting like I'm all addlebrained talking about other dimensions. Pylea? Never heard of it. Right! How about a flail whipping? Would that take a nice long time? He's a killer and he's just sitting there smiling. Telling me I'm so gifted and how he wants to teach me. Oh, there's gonna be a lesson all right. I idolized him, and he sent me to Hell, me and god knows how many others who didn't make it back. So, so sure I'll calm down when he's dead. We kill monsters every day.
Wes On Vengeance
Vengeance will have a price and once you've acted you can't go back. You'll have to live with your actions forever.
You know what they say about payback. Well I'm the bitch.

Raining Fire
Burst out of the ground
Big horny guy
With a head of rock
Not to mention his whole body
Setting things aflame
The skies open
Pouring down flames
All hell breaking loose
Death sweeps through the town
Smell of blood in the air
Look out in horror
As the fire rains down
From the other side
A most disturbing sight
The one he loves
In the arms of his son

I'm not brooding. I'm researching. I work better alone.
Little Girl: Mesektet
One of five enormously powerful beings which are linked to an embodiment of the ancient god Ra. Totems- symbolic manifestations. Totems which together form an order called the Ra-tet. Their origins have been shrouded in mystery since the dawn of time. Only the totems themselves know their true purpose.
Statistically it's still a coincidence 2 points make a line not a pattern.
Angel's Pep Talk
The Powers are sending us a wakeup call people. Sure we've been I don't want to say demolished, beaten, and sure it's slightly demoralizing but from here on out we're on the offensive. We're gonna find out this thing's weaknesses. We're gonna go in prepared. We're gonna fight smart. It's time to take down the beast.
The Ra-tet
A mystical order. Each totem representing a stage in Ra's journey across the sky. The midday totem is man, the neutral totem, the potential of every human soul. Well there's more to me than meets the eye. For example I'm immortal unless I'm ritually murdered of course.
A good thief is a master of body language. Gwen
The Ritual To Blot Out The Sun
3 pieces from the totems that are put together in the shape of wings along with the orb.
Ket shav Ma'at.
Ket shav Masktet.
Ket shav Ma'at.
Ket shav Masktet.
Ket shav Ma'at
Ket shav Mesktet
Ahmun Semket
Vash ra'at Manjet
Ket Mesktet
Eat orb and the sun will will blotted out to create a Devil's Playground fun for all the evilies.
The Heavy Load
Cursed for his crimes
His soul was restored
All the slaughter
Left an imprint
Horrors inflicted
Through the centuries
Now a champion
One of the good guys
Battling the darkness

Electra Girl
Little girl isolated
Kept away from others
Electric shock kills
With a simple touch
Her deadly hands
Made a life in crime
Stealing for a living
Out for number one
Headed for the hills
Jetted off to Tahiti
To escape the blotted sun Preparing For Angelus
You're gonna need a cage. A strong one about 10 by 12, steel reinforced, 2" bars maybe 3. Add a second lock
Final Words
Connor I know you like to think that I'm the enemy. But if this works I will be. I'm gonna become the one thing you were raised to believe I was. The thing I never wanted you to see. Uh huh well just keep in mind that whatever Angelus says whatever he does remember he's not your father I am. No matter what happens or happened I love you. Look one more thing since I'm gonna be out of comission for a while. I want you to you know take care of everybody. Keep'em safe. That means if anything should go wrong with Angelus you're gonna to have to kill me. If anything goes wrong.

Just A Dream
Forgive Me
I'm sorry for what happened. What I let happen. I was lost and frightened. I thought it was the end. I wanted to be with you but I couldn't. Oh god what I did. No you need to know that I can look back and see every horrible thing you've done as Angelus and it doesn't matter anymore because when I'm with you all I feel is the good you've done as Angel. I know I've hurt you. I know I don't deserve forgiveness.
Yeah I can really see why she wants you. You don't know anything Dad except how to take things away from me. Why nothing in this world is the way it ought to be right? It's harsh and cruel because of you. It's your fault. It's all your fault. You should have been... She was mine.
Bash Mahad: Pretty Sword
Pierce the beast's brain. When the beast is dead the energy used to block the sun should be released. Took a whole lot of power to pull off permanent midnight. Nothing human would survive at that close a range.
Parting Words
There's no choice not for me. I have to do this. You've made a difference each of you not just to me but to the world. We've been pushed to the edge so many times, done things we were of never being forgiven. But we're always there for each other when it counts. We've never let the darkness win and it's not because of the Powers That Be or the super strength or the magickal weapons. It's because we believe in each other. Not just as friends or lovers but as champions. All of us together.
Help Arrives
Like I'd let you take all the credit for saving the world. You're right it is harsh and cruel. She was the only thing that made it hurt less. But it's not me. I could feel in her touch, in her eyes. She loves you. It's always been you. She was too old for me anyway. So is this what it feels like being a champion?
Sheer Bliss
It must be hard seeing everyone so happy because of what you did. Bringing the light back and not being able to go out into it. Whatever it is. Whatever the reason, or excuse or the logic we're here now together. Everything is the way it's supposed to be for once. Angel haven't we waited long enough.

The answer among you
Was finally revealed
The only hope
Awaken Angelus
Sacrifice made
Cast out his soul
Reveal the darkness
A evil laugh
Announces his return
Angel is gone
Transformation to evil
So it begins
Wesley's Good Advice
There's only one thing Angelus will be focused on. Getting free so he could slaughter us. Watch the monitor when I go down. Pay attention to everything he does. Everything he says. He'll try to confuse you. To play on your emotions so you'll drop your guard. If he succeeds even for an instant we're all dead. I spent my life training for this and I'm still not ready. He's smarter than I am and a great deal m ore focused. He'll exploit everything Angel knows about me and go for the jugular. Whatever he's got I'm not gonna see coming.
You must be armed at all times and don't drop your weapon.
Hey open book. Anything you want to know. How sweet that virgin gypsy tasted. The special smell of a newborn in the neck. My first now that's a good story.
Interview With The Vampire
W: Did you know the Beast?
A: Well now that's a question. Not a great question. Not even an insightful question. Not a Wyndham-Price worthy question.
W: If you know the beast why wouldn't Angel remember?
A: I don't know. Maybe he doesn't remember the good times. Maybe he won't let himself. So like him. Here's one for you. What's the deal with Angel and The Raiders Of The Lost Ark?
W: The movie?
A: Perfect day fantasy you came up with caves, booby traps, the requisite phallic story.
W: He fought the Beast in the fantasy?
A: Real candy ass.
W: The Beast?
A: Angel. Not enough to be the hero. Couldn't be happy unless the whole gang's pitching in.
W: So he killed the Beast in his fantasy?
A: Had to to get what he wanted. We all want something Wes. It's the way of the world. Everybody's got an agenda.
W: And you're gonna tell me mine?
A: You want to come down here. Get your vital stats on Lava Boy. Play the big hero.
W: I want to know how to kill the Beast. It has nothing to do with being a hero.
A: Sure it does. But why now? Can't be because there's an apocalypse coming. Always one of those around the corner.
W: Enlighten me.
A: Foul rag. Bone chop to the heart. That's where you live.
W: Meaning?
A: You want to impress the girl. Move in. Get her to love you. After a couple days of flowers and chocolate covered cherries. You'll bend her over the kitchen counter.
W: Is that supposed to rattle me?
A: Kinda bony for my tastes but different strokes.
W: The Beast called you an adversary.
A: Bet he loves to rub that shiny bald head against her soft milky skin. Mmm good. Come on Wes it's not like your schoolgirl crush is a secret.
W: You found the vulnerability and exploited it. Well done. Can we move on now?
A: I'm just getting started. Tell you this all that digging you're been doing on the Horny Giant wrong place.
W: And the right place?
A: I could tell you. It wouldn't be sporting.
W: But you were adversaries you and the Beast?
A: Guy like me friends, enemies. Hard to keep track.
W: If he was an enempy I'd be doing a favor in destroying him.
A: You know you're not fooling anyone. Get some new clothes, cool haircut, hit the gym. You're still the same loser none of the other kids wanted to sit with at lunch.
W: Yet you're locked in that cage and I'm out here.
A: So. You've got no leverage. What are you going to do kill me?
W: If I have to.
A: Ha Ha Ha Wait'll they drop Wes and try that line again.
W: I'll put your soul back. You won't talk no problem. We'll bring Angel back and be no worse off than we were.
A: Making you a failure again.
W: You want to waste my time you can rot down here.
A: Nice stamina Wes. No wonder Fred's not interested.
W: Whatever your connection the the Beast clearly you don't know anything that could help us.
A: Is this the part where I'm supposed to get defensive? Start talking to prove you wrong. What else you got?
W: You must hate that Angel fights evil.
A: Eats you up inside doesn't it? Seeing all those idiots flock around him calling him a champion. Anyone ever call you a champion?
W: I do my part.
A: Right like letting Lilah suck Lorne's brain. Or here's an oldie but a goodie Faith. Good job being her Watcher. She turned out to be a peach.
W: And you managed to get your soul back not once but twice saving the world several times in the process. Nobody's perfect.
A: Then there's kidnapping the fruit of my loins. Smooth.
W: He survived.
A: Guess you just can't understand that special bond between dad and son. Given that your own father's ashamed of you.
W: And Connor's ashamed of you. The universe's way of maintaining order I guess.
A: Twerp really gives me the creeps. You?
W: In Cordelia's vision you and the Beast were standing on a field.
A: Oh god yeah. Let's talk about Cordy shall we? Too bad about the personality though yap, yap, yap, yap. Oh Angel, Angel we can't. I love you but you were so bad. You ate babies. Chicks! Which do you think is worse Wes stealing my kid like you did or banging him like Cordelia? All that bumping and grinding. Fire raining in the sky. Quite a picture. Well more of a snapshot cause Connor. At least you thought you were doing the right thing. Hey who's a guy gotta kill to get a drink around here huh.
W: Shall we start from the begining?
A: Why not.
W: The year?
A: 1789
W: So you were in Prussia?
A: You have been doing your homework. Mmm those Prussian girls. Must be the pastries. Worth the trip. All that sweetness gets into their blood.
W: Very interesting. At some point the Beast would appear?
A: Patience Wes. I was taking a shortcut on my way to Vienna. I started feeling like someone was watching me. There were troops around. I'd run into them now and then. Not as sweet as the girls by the way but the little massacre I ran into. Seriously lacking in military precision. Bodies, bodies everywhere and not a drop to drink. So I followed the trail and there was friend the one you so cleverly call the Beast. We had a lot in common but he already knew that. He'd been watching me. He staged the carnage to impress me.
W: So he sought you out. Why?
A: Girl trouble thought I might be able to help him with his situation.
W: How?
A: You heard of the Svea Priestesses. They're powerful. Big into banishing. The Beast was next on their list. He couldn't touch them. Some kind of mojo. But a vampire could.
W: So he wanted you to kill them?
A: We had it all worked out. I'd scratch his priestesses and he'd scratch my back somewhere down the line. A limited partnership.
W: And?
A: I declined. He didn't ask twice. I probably could have been more diplomatic with my refusal but I'm not big with teamwork. I thought that was gonna be the end of me. But like I said girl trouble. So they just started up the whammy and there you have it.
W: The Beast was banished. How?
A: Don't know. I was busy with the passing out.
A mystical order all descendents of a powerful Nordic Priestess Sevea.
Cordy On Dead Humans
It's different isn't it? Dead demons are just a big blob of oozing mess. Vampires turn to dust like they were never anything at all. But humans it's different.
Angelus Gets Under The Skin
Smacking your girl around. I bet you Wes would never hit her. He's all proper and English and that accent. Makes em all buttery in their nethery regions. Isn't that right? You know I had a bit of an Irish brogue back in the day. If you like I can use it when I rip you to death or...
Evil doesn't have to mean sloppy.
What Lilah's Been Up
Working the sewers. The Beast took everything. Killed em all. Not just at the office. Everybody field opps, liasons, people out sick that day. Not me. Not yet. Why's he picking on us? We're the bad guys. And yet I'm not the monkey in the box.
I jut want my life back. All my pretty things. I'm selfish that way.
The Last One
Into the sewers
She hid away
The only one left
A hole gouged out
Desperate to save her skin
Attempted to make a deal
Joins up with the good guys
Running for her life
She fights off Angelus
Trying to make her escape
Grabbed by the neck
Now she is gone
Dead on the floor
Fang marks on the neck
But with a twist Cordy's the killer
While Angelus only took a sip
The Forbidden
An overwhelming love
Unable to resist
He kissed the girl
His fondest desire
She pulled away
A bit of confusion
Boyfriend entered the room
All is not well
Letting Go
A love so deep Never felt this way
Would do anything
Even kill
Can't get past it
Distance just grew
Further and further away
Those stolen glances
Then there was a kiss
From the other one
Letting her go
No other way
Breaking Up Again For Real This Time
I've never felt so much for anyone. I would do anything for you but it's not enough is it? We can't do this anymore Fred. Tired of you looking everywhere but at me. Like that.
Angelus On The Beast
The beast I knew was big into smash and slaugher. Had the brawn to be really good at it too but the big picture not his strong point. But whoa flash forward he's all rain of fire, destroying the Rah-tet, blotting out the sun. Big moves for a guy who's head is made out of rock. And maybe I'll sprout some wings and flutter away. There's something else out there. More powerful. More viciosu. Pulling all the strings. Don't know about you but I'm just dying to find out what it is.
Wes On What They Need To Bring Angel Back
1. Skill
2. Perserverance
3. Luck
Lilah The Succubitch Gives Advice
Forget about the goody goody. You want to kill the Beast and give his boss a run for his evil the answer's downstairs in a cage. Sic Angelus on him.
Lilah's Postive Outlook
Kill you all in a bloody shower of violence but hey greater good. What hold hands and sing a hymn. That might be a little hard when the Beast is ripping your guts out.
Lilah Shares
You don't get it do you Twinkie. I'm what I believe in. God you think I got this far by sticking my head in the sand. The Beast that eviscerated me has a boss and that boss is gonna end life as we know it and nobody is coming to save us. Not Angel. Not the Powers That Be. And not the 40 damn second calvary. So if anybody has scales on their eyes it's you.
Angelus On Wesley
Mmm I'm telling you man if I swung that way. Look at him all rugged and handsome and brain. Man he's damn near perfect except the part about banging Lilah for the past six months. That kinda takes the shine off.
The Beast Gives A Gift
I am honored you've come. Fire, death, and darkness have I bestowed in your name. Now this humble token I offer forged of my unworthy pals. A tribute to your power.
Just like being at work except suits by Liberace. Lilah
Lorne Shares His Feelings For Lilah
Wesley would you please warn this walking infection that I have't forgotten how she poked my head open like a Caprisun and while my love for humanity allows me to tolerate her presence if need be I will smack her down. Be a doll thanks.
Well I would have but um it's Thursday which means everyone who should be in the weely briefing is um dead. Lilah
Just waiting to prove that your Powers That Be are all hat and no cattle. And if they do pull us through well then braid my hair and call me Pollyanna. The upside of being in it for yourself Wes you always end up being on the winning team. Lilah
10 to 1 the entire hotel gets sucked into a Hell dimension. Lilah
Angelus And His Winning Personality
Let's be realistic hmm. Even if your precious champion makes another appearance you can't stop the apocalypse. Bottom line is you're going to lose. Last thing you'll smell will be each other's blood. I like heroes so tangled up in your own crap you can't even find the world to save it. Hell even Angel knew you never stood a chance. You wanna know why he really let me out. Cause he finally gave up. He knew you were all too weak and selfish to stop what's coming. He gave up his soul cause he gave up on you.
I'm no different then the next guy. I put my victim's skin on one leg at a time. Angelus
Lilah Talks Beyond The Grave
Why so glum? It is kind of what you wanted isn't it? I mean deep down me out of the picture utterly finally. It can't get hotter than this. It makes your life simpler, clean. Come on what are you worried about Wesley. You hated yourself for being with me. Maybe you just hated yourself for loving being with me. He semantics. In any case we both knew sooner or later it would come to a messy end for one of us anyway. So ease up on that furrowed brow. You're free now. No longer encumbered with the secret shame of our relationship. There's a signed dollar bill in your wallet I think proves different. You knew how I felt. The only true thing I ever...We'll never know now will we. I know what it is. The reason you're having such a hard time with this. Why you're taking so long to you know ckkkt. The awful truth you couldn't save me and this is the exclamation point. Wesley you know that's not what I'm talking about. You couldn't save me from me. Me lover I'm not even here. I'm just a figment in your devilisly handsome head. So clearly it's what you thought. For all your supposed darkness edge of the razor mystique there was always a small part of you that thought you could pull me back from the brink of my evil, evil ways, help me find redemption. Angel's influence I suppose the whole not giving up on someone no matter how far he or she has fallen. Oh well too late for me. So let's just get it over with. That body's not gonna dismember itself you know. Oh Wes we don't have that word in our vocabulary. Not people like you.
Is this how you treat an old friend kill the chick I was chasing then lure me here with the scent of her blood? I don't take grocery lists from messenger boy.
Angelus Taunts The Beast
What you don't like lackey? How about toadie or lick spill. Lick spill's nice. Oh wait I got it flunkie that's it. You're just a big stupid, butt ugly flunkie. Come on, come on Rocky that's all you got you better throw in the towel and call it a night. When the Beastmaster's ready to pick out from behind your skirt have him give me a call.
The Beastmaster Aka Cordy
Well you handled that brilliantly. What about you? Letting him bait you into a fight like that. I haven't spent all this time and energy so you cuold mess it all up with your petty jealousies. You know Angelus is crucial to my plan. You need patience. He'll come around when he sees what I have to offer and if he doesn't you can pull off his head and tear him to bits. Now give mama some sugar.
Sanctuary Spell
(If you don't have blood root you can substitute burnt cloves)
Violence restrained
Demons disarmed
For mortals within these walls
No harm
Protection and safety
This charm doth endow
To make this shelter a sanctuary now
Connor On Magick
Cause it's not. Like every other lame spell you people try it didn't work. It never works. I've pretty much concluded that magick sucks. I mean if I were you guys I would...
Jail Break
Up in Stockton is where she stays
Paying for her many evil deeds
430019 is Faith's number
Doing time for murder two
With a sentence of twenty-five to life
Busts out because she's dearly needed
What with the missing sun and all
Gets back into the biz of staking vamps
It's like riding a biker is her reply
Faith On Slaying
It's like riding a biker.
Faith Takes Charge
Cordelia you have every right to feel that way about me. You have no reason to trust me but I don't have loads of time so why don't we save it until after this is over cool. Ok let's get down to it. We're gonna keep this hunting tight. Gunn right? Love the name. Hear you're a good fighter. That's a shame. You're with me, Wes, and the kid. Connor. Arm yourself how you like but I want you to carry the tranq gun. If I can't take him down I want you to be ready to take the shot. Yeah. In case anyone has any ideas this is a salvage mission not search and destrooy. Ok. Listen up junior when I need a blood hound I'll call you. If Angelus needs putting down I'll be the one to do it not you. So is there antyhing else you're not ok with? Good, show me the weapons.
Faith's Advice
Eyes and ears peeled. Watch the periph. Ok nobody make a move till I...Are you deficient? What did I just say? You thought it was Angelus. You can't listen you're no good to me.
I guess we'll have to take a rain check on that whole eviserating thing. Angelus
Voice In Angelus' Head
Hello Angelus it's time we had that talk. I'm where it's warm and soft. Playtime's over you've been a bad boy. Kill my favorite pet. Initiative I like that but you need'nt have bothered. I've had my eyes on you for some time. One of the many things we have in common
I'm more of a hands on guy. Ok come on you got a pair or is the wind up my windpipe is all you can muster? Hey here's a kooky idea now that I've killed your little pet rock have a little face to face assuming you've got one.
Don't worry we'll meet when you're ready.
Oh come on why the stall huh? You whipped up the rain of fire, blotted out the sun, earthquakes, all to maneuver the Brady Bunch into releasing Angel's inner me huh. Don't you wanna kick the tires.
So beautifull thing but the whirlwind doesn't always resolve around you. Destruction is sometimes its own reward.
Hey you're preaching to the guy who ate the choir. But wait it was you wasn't it huh? You pulled just the wrong strings to make them think it was their own idea. Got 'em to yank that white fluffy soul and stuff it in a jar and then gone baby gone.
Couldn't risk them putting it back in you. I have wonderful plans for you my sweet boy.
Oh yeah but the thing is as far as plans go I make my own. So you know stops for stopping by my head.
You would dare to defy me!
Defy who? A big scary voice whoa! Hey I got one of those too. You wanna hear it? You can kiss my vampire ass. That do anything for you? Hello! Hey I got places to go friends to kill. Well not actually my friends but you get the idea. You got any more bluster you want to blow up there? That's what I thought.
Just Like Old Times Sort Of
It's never just between you and me Faith. Wes will always be in the middle. That's it. Do the math. Can you get to me before I snap his neck? You still that fast? Wes is just dying to find out aren't you Wes? That's it come on do it. Take your shot and save the world. Come on what are you waiting for? All about choices Faith the ones we make, the ones we don't, oh and the consequences those are always fun. Don't worry about good old Wes. What's one more dead body to us. Come on where's my girl.
Cordy On The Joys Of Pregnancy
Sure except for the morning sickness that can't tell time.
All I'm saying is he tries dancing in here and pulls a Dark Shadows again he's gonna get a dart up his ass. Gunn The Beastmaster Is Ticked
Angelus I am not well please.
Yeah well I'm not well deaf.
Do you think me blind little man? That I don't see every move before you decide to make it. Dare to seek me out again and you're insolence will be punished tenfold.
Yeah what are you gonna do huh give me a migraine? You etheral types with your big swinging omniscience. When push comes to shove through you gotta send some overgrown slag heap to do your dirty work. Ooh that's real spooky. Oh that's great you made me lose my shopkeeper.
Now this isn't the way my sweet. We should be friends you and I. No and I'll tell you why one because you know I'm evil so the friends thing that's out and two if I did have any friends they sure as hell wouldn't be living inside my head.
Like you're forced to live inside Angel's. Because you're the voice in there aren't you? Just beneath the surface buried under all that goodness fully conscious, fully aware but trapped unable to move or speak. Powerless to act on your desires. So thirsty. So helpless. It must be agony.
I'm getting real bored with this game.
Then how about a round of show and tell? Soul, soul who has your soul? Oh right me.
More smoke and mirrors.
Only a glamour yes I assure you my sweet this very moment I hold the real thing in the palms of my very coporeal hands and I will restore it if you don't behave. I'll put you back in your box Angelus and bury you so far inside Angel you'll never claw your way out again.
All right. What do you want me to do master? Fred Wants Charles Back
All I know is that I miss you. Can't we just go back before any of this? I just want to go back Charles. Just want to...
Wes With The Knowledge
They shoot up. The vamires feed. Use 'em like a filter. I read the effects could be quite intoxicating for both of them.
I avoided the main arteries. She'll live if that's what you call this.
So what torturing human's part of the new makeover. Faith
Wes Gives Faith A Piece Of His Mind
Oh you have a problem with a little torture now. Seem to recall a time when you rather enjoyed it. Nice to have this along though just in case. I remember what you did to me Faith the broken glass, the shallow cuts so I would remain conscious. Is this the part where you tell me you've turned a new leaf, found god, inner peace? We both know that isn't true. You haven't changed. You can't because you're sick. You've always been sick. It goes right down to the roots rotting your soul. That's why your friends turned on you in Sunnydale, why the Watcher's Council tried to kill you. No one trusts you Fiath. You're a rabid dog who should have been put down years...See wasn't so hard was it? It's what you'll need to beat him you have to be wiling to take it all the way Faith.
Angelus On Faith
Wow you really have gone soft now haven't you? Hey you remember that time you tried to get Angel to kill you because you felt all weepy over being such a bad little girl? Do you still feel that way? Do you still want to die? What's that? I can't hear you. Too bad cause you're gonna. Not like this. Looks like we've got a live one. For now. A little tired sweetie wanna take a break? Now this is disappointing. You never used to bleed so easy. Hmm maybe after I like my girls to lie still. Hey buddy how's it goingin there? Good old Wes always count on him to tackle a bad situation and make it worse. I mean hey look how you turned out but then again I guess he didn't really have much to work with now. Oh don't tell me the rousing stiff upper lip speech huh. Rah rah! Good over evil. Do what must be done. Hang in there kitten it's almost Friday. Is that what the scraggly little ponce armed you with to fight the big bad boogie man. That hurt baby but I liked it. How about you? There's my girl I knew she was in there somewhere dying to come out and play again. I know how it feels forced to be someone that you're not. Hurts to the bone. Try to bury the pain but you can't get the hole deep enough can ya? No matter how much you dig it's till there broken shards stabbing every time you breathe cutting you inside. You know there's someone else. Come on Faith you're not even trying. Is that why you really came back not enough to punish yourself in prison? Is that it still looking for someone to beat the bad out of you? You know what the funny part is darlin. I could beat you to death and it wouldn't make a difference. Nothing can change who you are Faith. You're a murderer an animal and you enjoy it just like me.
Faith's Definition
You know what the definition of insanity is baby performing the same task over and over and expecting different results. Learned that in murder rehab.
Angelus On Angel
Do you know what that's like? Every time he gets close I fell it wanting to tear their flesh apart. The hunger it's like a blade in my gut. You think it's that cut and dry don't ya? That if Angel gets his soul back you'll just hang up your spurs and ride off into the sunset knowing you put the monster back in his cage. But I'm always here Faithie deep down.
Trying To Hack Into Angelus' Head
Hear me Angelus heed my warning. Awaken at once. Return from the darkness or just lay there and let that red headed meddler put your soul back whichever.
The Struggle Within
Took a bite
Blood didn't agree
The drug Orpheus
Working its mojo
Forced to relive the past
All is revealed
From good to bad
Giving into temptation
Watching only
At first anyway
Both sides fighting
Soul is restored

The Witch
Into town she appears
To lend a helping hand
Doing what she does best
Fighting the evil
Closer than she knows
Just upstairs
A force of darkness
Looking like Cordelia
Carrying a demon inside
A struggle ensues
Scored for the good guys
Soul back where it belongs
 Willow On Jars
Good things come in jars peanut butter, jelly those two headed fetal pigs at the natural history museum. Come on everybody loves fetal pigs.
Angelus On Angel
It'll all be worth it is that what you try to tell yourself Faithie? Is that the nasty little lie that kept those thighs so nice and warm in your prison bunk? No but I ate her wit it. And now for a poem. Faith goes gently into that good night. You're fading fast baby. I can feel it. Or not I have friends in high places. Him not being one of them. Whenisn't it? Twenty years after that stupid donut shop and his fingers never smelled of anything but rats. I'm so sorry. I give up. I'm gonna live in the sewer. He's hiding from what he is which may be a big psych 101 revelation for you cupcake but I already knwo this crap. Why do I have to go through it again?
Maybe it's not about you jackass. Angel
Cordy Pulls Connor's Strings
You have to kill your father. You have to now before anything else goes wrong. You know I have fought harder than anyone to save Angel's life but there comes a time when you have to weigh risk versus reward. And as much as I love Angel as a friend killing Angelus now is the only way to guarantee our family's safety. I know it in my heart now. You're not just protecting me you're protecting the world. Sometimes one death can spare infinite pain.
On Finding Out That Cordy's Pregnant
Put me on the short bus and send me to clueless school. Lorne
Congratulations you're gonna have a grand spawn. Gunn
Connor Speaks
You don't know what its like, how scary it is. I'm gonna have a child and all you can do is joke cause you don't like me.
Cordy's Slip Of The Tongue
I know it's hard to understand. None of you have ever had a growing being inside of you. This my sweet baby we're connected. I feel what it feels. I can't explain it but I sense its goodness it's love. You'll see my baby will be here soon and you'll all see.
Gwen's Tips To Being A Better Thief
1. Do your homework in case you need to lie or fib to get help.
2. Know the risks and how far you're willing to go.
3. Don't wear a trench coat since that's a rookie mistake.
4. Don't act shifty you want to appear like everyone else since the key is not to be noticed.
5. Have a cover story.
6. Buy the guy a really sweet suit so he's all Double O 7 guy which makes a guy very cooperative.
You see the thing is there's a girl she's in trouble that's what you guys do right? So I'm in a jam can't get out of it alone need someone suave a guy who can handle himself in a tight spot.
Gunn's History Lesson
Two vampires hook up and for the only time in vamp history have a kid our boy Connor. And Connor grows up and knocks it out with Cordelia a part demon former Higher Being and as quick as you can say Easy Bake Oven there's a gignatic bun in the oven.
I don't skulk. Angel
Reliable as a cheap fortune cookie. Lorne
Cordy Sweet Talks Connor
Connor what they said you can't let it bother you. Really is that why you retreated to the fortress of solitude? Freaking out over pregnancies pretty much the MO with the gang around here.
Everything happens for a reason even if it doesn't always seem that way. Think about it you sinking Angel to the bottom of the ocean, getting kicked out of the house, me not knowing who I was and coming to you for help. All of those moments and a million others led to this miracle. I thought our baby was in danger and all my instincs told me that killing Angelus was the only way to protect it. What's important is that when I needed help you were there for me. Now I know I can trust you completely. No matter what see everything happens for a reason. Connor before our baby comes I might ask you to do some things for us and I want you to remember there's always a reason.
Gunn's Collection
Yeah I uh got a big ole scar on my thigh from Boyle Heights, piece of vamp stake I picked up a while back in El Hambra and uh a couple of burn marks on my hip from Encino. Yep name a town I'll show you the souvenir. Nah I'm not complaining hell I've seen more hee than most people see traveling around the world someday maybe.
Feels good to be doing good. Gunn
Kumm ba wan: Hello
Resheki: proper etiquitte at all times, never underestimate the value of a thoughtful gift.
Gwen's Thoughts
I'm a freak being a thief makes me a part of something and not a part at the same time. What you saw tonight that's as bad as it gets but even at its best that thing might let me be well not normal but hold hands maybe. So yeah guess I was willing to die even...
How Lisa Works
Place on the spine to turn off the sparks
Unable to touch
Without causing sparks
And stopping hearts
Lisa could be the answer
Does what she does best
Steals it away
It works for now
Touch of skin
Makes with the kissing
Could be only a temporary fix
Enjoys it while she can
Evil and pregnant I'm guessing it ain't cookies. Gunn
Cordy's Thoughts
What does that mean being good, doing the right thing, by whose judgement? Good, evil they're just words Connor concepts of morality they forced around your neck to yank you wherever they please. You're with me now. You don't have to live by their rules. You remember why. That's right. We're special. And our baby is going to be extraordinary.
Skip's Rant
You know the worst part about signing on for this gig was having to take a dive when you rescued that runt Billy from his box of fire. I mean come on do you really think a guy built like this would be so easy to drop. This time I'll do it fo real champion. This time you lose. You know I've always wondered how many chunks you gotta hack off a vampire before he goes all dust bunny.
Cordy Gets Connor To Kill An Innocent
You have to trust me. Be sad. Mourn for her. But never forget the truth she's one of them. One of the average normal people that fill this world. But what we're doing will elevate her life beyond that and give her death meaning. Her blood for our baby that's more than fair isn't it?
Fred's Bluff
Sphere of the infinite agonies every second a lifetime. Should be able to whip one up in um 20 minutes.
Skip Fesses Up
That thing which has turned your life into a burning rain of fire she is the real Cordelia as at least she is in there somewhere. This whole thing. Oh it's here she just ain't driving. Drill a little deeper hoss. How do you think she got there in the first place? No Cordelia was chosen to become a higher being because she's such a pure, radiant saint please.
Connor's Visited By Mom
Listen. I've always been here close to your heart. After all isn't that where a mother belongs? The Powers have sent me to give you a message. I have her memories, her feelings. Isn't that what makes a person who they are? I know that sound. The look in her eyes. The smell of fear. I've nurtured it a thousand times and all the people that I've murdered. But I'll always be a part of you. You shared your soul with me once when you were growing inside of me when I'd lost my own. You brought light to my shadow filled my heart with joy and love. I never felt so close to any living thing as I did to my beautiful boy. Baby, no. I wanted to be with you more than anything. Did what I had to. My life for yours. I did so many terrible things Connor so much destruction so much pain. You were the one good thing I ever did. The only good thing. I'd die every day for the rest of eternity for you. And this is how you repay me. By annointing it in the blood of an innocent? You really think that safety can be plucked from the arms of an evil deed. Don't let this happen Connor. Don't let my death mean nothing. They're scared because of what you've done what because of what you are. But that changed when they saw you held you in their arms felt the warmth of your skin the goodness in your heart. You have a choice Connor that is something more precious than you'll ever know. Because you're acting like one. As a vampire I killed without mercy or remorse because I didn't have a soul what's your excuse? I feel the anger the pain the hurt like it were my own. But most of all I feel the good in you. And no matter how much you're beaten or twisted or lied to it's still there in your heart. I know it and deep down you know it too.
Gunn Wisdom
The final score can't be rigged. I don't care how many players you grease that last shot always comes up a question mark. But here's the thing you never know when you take it. It could be when you're duking it out with the Legion of Doom or just crossing the street deciding where to have brunch. See you just treat it all as if it were up to you a world unbalanced cause you never know when it is.
Higher Plane
Up in a higher plane
Is where she sat
She was a higher being
Memory is finally restored
But things are vastly changed
Having sex while fire rains down
With the boy she helped take care of
When he was just a baby not that long ago
Causing an unexpected surprise
A mystical pregnancy with a whoosh
Blood of an innocent
Causes her to appear
Commanding everyone's will Is finally given a name
Her name is Jasmine
A pretty face with horrors behind the mask
Glowing green as she snacks on people
Fred's Tips To Getting Out Blood
Club Soda
Angel's Thoughts
Sometimes when I look in her eyes I've see it too. It's overwhelming the lies, the deceith. It just melts away nothing left but the beauty.
Fred On Mind Control
So you don't worry that it's possible for someone to send out a biological electronic trigger that effectively overrides your own sense of ideals and values and repalces them with an alternative coervicse agenda that reduces you to little more than a mindless meat puppet.
Why should we be the only shiny happy people? Fred
Any monkey business and I'll chop you down like a cherry tree. Fred

All Alone
Saw what the others couldn't
The creature's true face
Forced to run off and hide
Confided to Wes but he didn't believe
Must make them see the truth
Was able to figure it out
The blood of Jasmine is the answer
Reveals the truth lurking beneath
Blood and creepy crawling maggots
Everything was a lie
A bunch of mindless drones
Stripped of their free will
Gunn Stays Positive
Yeah they'll be happier when they're gouging out our eyes and stompin us till their shoes get sticky.
Angel's Advice
Hearts get in the way. If we don't gut ourselves it'll burn out everything inside that gave her the power over us and we're lost.
Wesley And Gunn Remember Jasmine
Still I miss her. I miss the warmth and knowing what's right and that you're doing it just by loving here.
I remember the first time she took me aside that night at the bowling alley. Me pale frail Winifred Burkle sitting with a goddess she was asking me what her name should be.
Lorne's Lesson
And that's why when we use words like ugly ass and beastie we can sometimes do more damage than we intend to. It ain't all about sticks and stones my young friends. That's all little life lesson one to grow on knowing knowing it...
Connor Rants
What did you think you could do poison the whole city with your hate, your tricks? Now I have no choice but to kill you. Shut up. All your talk about saving the world well now somebody's gone and done it made everything right and good and you can't stand it cause you're all so full of yourselves. Don't you get it you're all alone now. All of you you're the ones left out in the cold. You don't belong.
If belonging means following some bogus god and killing in her name then you're damn right we don't. Gunn
I'm not listening to your lies. Connor
Connor Talks To Cordy
It started Cordy a new beginning. I just wish you'd wake up and see it. Just waht you wanted I mean it's what you wanted right why you came to me? You know what this was all about protecting our baby Jasmine so she can be and make this world the kind of place you want. And it is better not harsh and cruel the way that Angel likes it so he has a reason to fight cause you know that's what he's about him and the others finding reasons to fight like like that's what gives their lives any meaning the only damn thing. I'm not like them. I just want to stop want to stop fighting. I just want to rest. God I want to rest but I can't. It's not working Cordy I tried. I tried to believe. I wanted it. I went along with them. Jasmine she's bringing peace to everyone purging all their hate and anger but not me. Not me! I know she's a lie Jasmine. My whole life's been built on them. I just I guess I thought this one was better than the others.
Never give up never surrender. Gunn
Angel On Choices
Hey I didn't say we were smart. I said it was our right. It's what makes us human. Working on it.
Why Angel Hates Jasmine
1. Rain of fire
2. Blotting out the sun
3. Enslaving mankind
4. Eats people
The Price
The price was too high Jasmine. Our fiath has to be our own or we're nothing. Look we've all done horrible things all we can do it try and make up for it. So ok you know it's not the world you wanted but maybe you can still help us make it better even if you have lost your powers.
End world peace? You already took care of that. Congratulations. Lilah
Lilah Back From Hell
What's the matter Ace didn't think you were the only one that got to come back from Hell around her did ya?
Always read the fine print.
No game in fact game over guess what you win.
This is the offer of a life time just not mine.
LA Branch Of Wolfram & Hart
Oh it's back restaffed and zombie free. We're bigger, better and shinier than ever and we want to give it to you.
To do with as you see fit
Controlling interest: building-assets-personnel-letterhead-paperclips all of it
We ain't lawyers or evil currently. Gunn
What we're offering you is a turnkey state of the art multitasking operation. What you do with it well that's up to you. I thought that was obvious you earned it. Think of it as a reward. Ending world.
Right where the slaves are full of giggley joy and love. Oh what a nightmare.
Lilah On World Peace
World peace at a price Jasmine understood that. She consumed what a couple dozen souls a day. Now weight that against ending the suffering of millions but you fixed that.
I'm dead and running late.
An Offer Made
For destroying Jasmine's reign
Someone dead came back
Lilah with an offer to the gang
As a reward the LA branch is their's
Wolfram & Hart fully restaffed
And zombie free
To do with as they choose
Many advantages to be sure
Help for Cordelia the best in care
Also windows wide open don't make him poof
Dust proof windows so Angel can see the sun
We ended a nefarious world domination scheme not world peace right? Fred
You decaptitate a loved one you don't expect them to come visit you. Wesley
What are the odds the humans would be the most corrupable. Wesley
So it's an evil limo I get that. Does that mean you don't restock the cherries. Lorne
Priority Personalizing
Just because we tried to kill or corrupt each and every one of you at one time or another doesn't mean we can't be trusted. Lilah
Lorne's Guide: Prest E
Wesley's Guide: Rutherford Surke (Former Watcher)
Charles' Guide: Lacey Shepart
Fred's Guide: Star of Science Division Knox
Angel's Guide: Lilah
Wolfram & Hart has a dungeon.
Ancient Prophecies
Talk to book with a special chant and tell it what you want to see and voila it's there. The template provides access to anything stored in the firm's locked archives relating to prophecies, omens, revelations, and such.
Money, clothes, women did I mention we have a juice bar? Lilah
Angel's Office And Perks
Private elevator-12 cars-windows necrotepic glass-helps to keep those uplifting rays from charbroiling the boss also 30% more energy efffient.
Feels even better when you're naked. Lilah
Goodbye Mr Sunshine hello Gloom Avender. Lilah
Lilah's Pitch
Think of what you can do with the resources of Wolfram & Hart at your fingertips the dfference that would make. Nothing in this world is the way it ought to be it's harsh and it's cruel. That's why there's you Angel. You live as if the world were as it should be with all this you could make it that way. People don't need an unyielding champion they need a man who knows the value of compromise and how to beat the system from inside the belly of the beast.
While you've been namby pambying around for the past 90 seconds 6 innocent people have died oh but don't worry there's always 6000 more just around or up the coast.
Dead not stupid. Lilah
Phone that provides whatever you want, Cool TV
Watch the head it comes off kinda easy. Lilah
Charles: White Room with a black panther
The answers you seek lie within the room.
Lilah's Touched By Wesley
So you finally made it got behind the facade and here it is every dirty little scheme every secret all that evil great and small. Just imagine what you could accomplish with that kind of information.
Flames wouldn't be eternal if they actually consumed anything but it means something that your tried.
Angel On Jasmine
We all felt that perfect love and when we had to give it up.
Didn't Feel Anything
I didn't feel anything. I can't feel anything. I guess I really am your son cause I'm dead too. No, no you just weren't there before. Do not say you're sorry. Doesn't fix anything. It's a lie. It's always a lie. My dead mother couldn't even love me. No, no she knew she couldn't. You tried to lvoe me at least I think you did. But not enough to hang on dad. You let hime get me. You let him ge me. Cordy you swore you loved me. Where are you now?
Connor On Jasmine
People like you people like this none of you deserved what she could give you. She wanted to give you everything.
Angel's Sacrifice
I know how that feels cause I want to give you everything. I want to take back the mistakes help you start over. We can. I mean we can change things.
Connor's Thoughts
There's only one thing that ever changes things and that's death. Everything else is just a lie. You can't be saved by a life. You can't be saved at all.
Lorne's Singing
Could be who knows?
There's something due any day
I will know right away
Soon as it shows
It may come cannon ballin from the skyy
Gleeming inside
Welcome back Fred
Connor's New Life
Since it's my special day and I'm all brilliant and everything I'm forced to spend at least a few more months wit you freaks I get to make the toast ok? To family.
A Home
Never had a real place to live
No family to love him
Grew up in a Hell dimension
By a psychopath
Who forgot how to love
Lost his humanity
Came back and never adjusted
Had a child named Jasmine
Just another lie in a long list
Only wanted a family of his own
Killed Jasmine and spiraled down
Looking oh so lost
Ready to pack it in
Explosives all around
A sacrifice was made in love
Gave his sone his fondest wish
A family of his very own
Happy with parents and a sister
Ready to go off to college
All those scars washed away
Erased from everyone's memories
But Angel knows it all