Warrior Babes
The Quill 3 And 4

Quill, Writing with Ink Well


My Best Friend
You are my best friend
You are my muse
I think of you when
I wonder what to do
What will my raven haired
Warrior Princess do
to get out of this latest mess
A shining top and sparkling eyes
Wise and much beloved
Is my Warrior Princess
Haunted by her past
Making amends in her goodness
She is who I love with all
My heart and all of my soul
Sure we may at times clash
But in the end what counts
Is the deep love that we share
Friendship in the purest sense
Through laughter and tears
You are the dearest and
best part of my life
From this life to the next
Till we meet again in our next life



The Furies
Hear me Gods and Goddesses, Xena Warrior Princess has committed a terrible crime.
She will be punished with persecution and madness.
Oh, demons of the soul, over Xena's reason roll.
Replace Helicades' sweet illusion with the poison of delusion.
To Xena's head do not be kind for it's your job to make her lose her mind.
 The Furies
Three daughters of Mother Earth, conceived from the blood of Uranus when Kronos castrated him. They were powerful divinities that personified conscience and punished crimes against kindred blood, especially matricide. They were usually represented as winged women with serpent hair. Their names were Megaera (jealous), Tisiphone (blood avenger), and Alecto (unceasing in pursuit). When called upon to act, they hounded their victims until they died in a "furor" of madness or torment. In the myth of Orestes they appear as Clytemnestra's agents of revenge. After Athena absolved Orestes of guilt in the murder of his mother she gave the furies a grotto at Athens where they received sacrifices and libations and became euphemistically known  as the Eumenides (kindly ones).

Losing It
A bounty placed on her head
Enlisting the Furies as his latest trick
Punished with persecution and madness
Loving the smell of warrior sweat in the morning
Finds a new use for her weapon
Acting very strange but still able to fight
Going back and forth from lunacy to clarity
Still able to come up with a plan
The Furies listen to the wackos
Battles it out with Ares
Restores his sanity
The Furies
Legend has it they punish with persecution which explains the bount and the madness. There are many crimes the Furies punish with madness.
Signs That Your Best Friend Is Mad
1. During a fight she stops the fight to give the guy back his sword because she accidentally knocked it out of his hand.
2. Kissing a guy up his arm before knocking him out is also not a normal fighting method.
3. She goes for a new looks that is so very not her.
4. She takes off her clothes and scares a village and threatens to burn them all to the ground since she sees women and children crucified but that's all that's really in the village.
5, She ties you up although her being insane doesn't do a very good job of it.
6. Instead of talking to you she talks to an invisible friend.
Breech of duty the Furies are bound to punish. Avenge the death of a member of his familly.



Xena's Ranting
You know to the Gods we are nothing but dirty little beatles and they'll kill us for their sport. Well I'm sorry Gabrielle can't come with me but I can't be trusted you know.
The Death Of Xena's Father
Xena was seven. Her father came home from the temple of Ares drunk and angry. He told me Xena had to die. He was so confused Xena. The priest at the temple must have told him to sacrifice you to Ares. Your father was very dedicated to the God of War. I told him I wouldn't let him do that. He said he'd kill me too then. He went to the stables to sharpen a knife. He was so methodical the way he planned to kill his own daughter. I took an axe and I stopped it.
Xena's Ranting
Did you know that sanity is just a veil the Gods throw over our eyes to stop us from seeing the truth? That life is a joke. It's a bar room joke at that. You know what the punchline is the punchline is that no matter what we do we still end up as food for the worms. Mother there is only one way out of this. Oh no no you don't get out of it that easy. I leave you now to entertain the Gods I am retiring from the stage. Mother I am a lunatic with lethal combat skills. If I stay around here much longer some innocent people are gonna get killed. I'm doing them a favor.
Madness is a rotten way to go through life. Xena
Ares On Life
No life isn't worth living. It's to be taken and beaten and wrestled and formed in your image. That'w where the meaning lies in what you can twist life into. For those who just endure life it is a very nasty joke but for those who form it with their will the joke is on thoese who get in the way.
Satisfy the Furies and give your mother to the worms. You are on the brink of ultimate freedom Xena. Do it and you'll be reborn into a world of true choice beyond good, evil. Not only will you regain your sanity but you'll see the world as few have seen it as a playground to your will. Now do it.

Yeah I'm completely out of my gourd and I might cut up mama later just for fun but not because she killed my father because you're my father. Xena
Gabrielle Does The Bard Thing
The legends say that Ares takes the form of his warriors and he visits their wives while they're away at battle.
The night Xena was conceived my husband came home unexpectedly from war.
Xena's Theory
Now here's my theory. Ares and mom do their thing. She gets ripe with me and then shortly after that her husband comes home from war and he thinks that his manhood  did the trick. Well I pop out and he thinks he's my father. Things go on like this for years and then one night at the temple of Ares someone maybe a drunken priest maybe you spills the beans. A jealous rage ensues. Mom does the thing with her axe and here we are. Because a mad Xena would be more sympathetic to his quaint world view. And you were right I meant it when I said that you were beginning to make sense to me. But the best bit the best bit of all and this is a proud daughter talking is when I kill mom thereby dooming myself forever to insanity and complete dependence on you. I have ways to prove it. We fight. If I'm half God I should be able to hold my own and if not then surely the God of War would win. Me. Cause he knows that I'm half God and all crazy.

Today Again
A day like no other
Seems like any day at first
Fights breaking out
Some major fued
Death greets him
The tears flow
His body in flames
Finally going to sleep
Awake to the same day
He's alive and well
The day keeps repeating
Granted by Cupid
Waiting for a hero
To set things right
A new day finally comes
The best time to stop a fight is before it starts. Xena
Joxer's Thought
I knew this would happen some day. You and me on the same wavelength. Two great minds, one thought.
Hear me cowards! I we are your true enemies! We spit on your houses! We curse your names! We laugh at your ancestors! Now is when they bond.
This is a sure fire way to get yourself and your friends killed.

Xena Rant's
The first day everything seems normal except for that Joxer gets killed. The next day I fix that and then Argo gets killed. On the third day I know that there was something I am supposed to do and somehow it's tied in with this blood fued. So I find out all about the old man getting hit by the card and I save him and the fighting breaks out anyway and Gabrielle gets killed. So somehow I am supposed to save the old man, stop everyone else from getting killed, and make peace between the two houses. It's too much. So I find out every stinky little thing there is to know about these people. I save the old man, stop the fighting, and then use the information I got to make peace between the houses. And still, it isn't enough. I'm missing something. I'm missing something small. I think I know what it is. Thanks, I just need to say that out loud.
Today is going to be a very busy day tomorrow. Xena
Gabrielle you've got to seize the day, cause who knows tomorrow may never come. Xena

The Six
Going up against Ares
Rescues some old friends
Each with certain skills
Given a chance to start over
None trusting the others
Betrayal as expected
They all didn't make it
Fresh starts for the two remaining
Your reward is in your freedom and the choices that you can make afterwards. Xena
Helpful Tip: Knives and javelins are handy when you need to climb up a wall.
Xena On Gabrielle
And in spite of everything she doesn't carry hatred towards others good people don't.
Xena's Wisdom
You know you're so quick to blame everything on men. You have never once looked inside yourself for the answers. It's something that I had to learn. Gabrielle is a good teacher. Who knows, if I had met her back when I met you maybe it would have been me who changed.
Darnelle's A Man
Oh really? Well it should be because I am a man. A red blooded two-fisted we rule the world whether you like it or not man.
Xena On Gabrielle
You're Gabrielle, Bard, Amazon Princess, best friend. Nobody made you who you are. It was already there. Question is, who would I be without you?
I can aswer that. You'd still be heroic Xena. You were on that path when we met. You would have managed just not as well.

It's mortals that think this one God is so special. Discord
And don't mistake confident for casual. Ares
Gabrielle's Theory
And what is a mountain but just a bunch of boulders right? And what is a rock but a large grain of sand? And what is a large grain of sand...You see my theory here?
Xena Blows The Theory
Towns which are made up of houses which after all are just large huts, which are made out of wood which are made out of trees. And trees are bigger than huts so there goes that theory.

Khrafstar On His Religion
Some people call us a cult. I hate that but I understand. I mean, the idea of one God it's a little far fetched. When was the last time you saw love? Or friendship? You see it's effect. And you'll see the effect of our God when he brings his kingdom to earth.
Helpful Tip: Be weary if a person is hush hush about the name of their "God".
Xena On Bodicea
Bodicea and I were allies a long time ago in Gual. In a sense she thought I was a friend and I just needed an army. So I let her think whatever she wanted to until I took control of her men. I ordered her killed. She escaped and then she and Prasutagus joined forces. They attacked me, but I defeated them and they retreated north to Britannia. So you see I'm not the only one dealing with betrayal.
My God has taught me that direct confrontation is not always the right path. Khrafstar
Caesar's Thoughts On Xena
You see Xena's fatal flaw is her emotion. She feels, she cares. Not exactly good attributes for a true warrior.
The key to destroying Caesar is his belief in his destiny. Xena

Khrafstar's Story
I had a farm once in Gual. I went to the temple of the Gods, made my offerings. I did everything right. Then one day a warlord came. He destroyed my home and almost killed me. As I lay in the brush bleeding, I saw him walk over to the temple and make an offering to Zeus and Hera. The same man who destroyed my world was blessed by the very Gods I thought would protect me. I was found by some travelers from the east. They cared for me, made me well. They taught me about their one God. No I thought they were like sheep to believe. Then I met the warlord again. He was wounded from some battle already, and I was filled with so much rage. And as I was standing over him with a sword at his throat something happened. A light filled me and I knew he existed. Just the opposite I couldn't kill him. Despite all my rage and my hatred I knew it wasn't right that even the warlord had a purpose. That's what I mean by faith. I know it sounds strange.
Ares' Thoughts
There's no place for one God in our world. This is the world that we created Zeus, Athena, Hades, Poseidon it is our world. Whatever you might think of us Xena you know us. You might love us. You might hate us. But we are not evil this God is. Trust me Xena.

Ceremony For Joining
From the beginning of time the one has been waiting to complete the circle. The world that is his has reached a time of rejoining. The days of old are gone and the new is before us. Tremble at his arrival. But first the door must be opened the path of his arrival must be santified in blood, pure blood, innocent blood. This world will end today the hand of Dahak will sweep the earth bringing with it the winter of the thousand years killing everyone who stands in the way of his world. With this life the great Dahak the dark one...
Innocence Lost
Eager to learn
About the one God
Joined in a ceremony
Changed her forever
Not knowing what was in store
Tricked into killing
Needing her innocence and purity
Making the way for Dahak
Flames reached out to her
Bringing her to its fiery embrace
Left hurting inside
The one God. The dark force that will sweep this world the old, the crippled, the blind, the maimed, your so called Gods all will be destroyed. Dahak will bring the cleansing fire of war a war begun in innocence. 

Common name for the Irish Bean Sidhe. In Scotland the banshee is known as the caoineag (wailing woman) and although seldom seen, she is often heard in the hills and glens, by lakes or running water.
Bean Nighe
The Bean Nighe, the washer at the fords, is the Scottish version of the Irish Bean Sidhe (Banshee). She wanders near deserted streams where she washes the blood from the grave clothes of those who are about to die. It is said that Bean Nighe are the spirits of women who died giving birth and are doomed to do this work until the day their lives would normally have ended.
A Bean Nighe is thought to have one large nostril, onebig protruding tooth, webbed feet and long hanging breasts. A mortal who is bold enough to sneak up on her while she is washing and suck on her breast can claim to be her foster-child. The mortal can then gain a wish from her.
The Washer of the Fords is sometimes known under the generic name of ban nighechain (little washerwoman) or nigheag nah ha-ath (little washer at the ford).
Encyclopedia Mythica

The green dragon has become too big must be made small.
Many years ago as you know Caesar left his mark on me. With shattered legs and crippled soul I went east to lose myself in vengeance. Not against Caesar but the entire human race.
Reborn In Blood
Blood lust in her heart
Headed off east
Songs of deat
Blood happily spilled
Slaughtering all in sight
Heads on pikes as trophies
Overflowing with vengeance
No mercy for anyone
With Borias riding at her side
Heads as far as the eye can see.
Jeaslous over Borias you gotta be kidding. No Borias and I were just using each other. I wanted to kill Lao Ma because I knew in my heart that she'd be a civilizing influence on him and I like him wild like I was. An animal living from one moment to the next driven by desire alone.

The Hunted
Betrayed and handed over
Locked up a cage
Released to be hunted down
Beaten and half crippled
He finds most entertaining
Running for her life
With a stick to help her
Stumbling through the woods
Hunting dogs on her trail
Unable to go on any longer
An offer was made
Came with her for freedom
I have been blessed or cursed to see into the souls of others. You don't know it yet Xena but you're a remarkable woman capable of greatness.

Out to repay a debt
Eliminate the green dragon
Heads off to Chin
Prepares for the deed
Covers herself in mud
Under the cover of darkness
She makes her way inside
Gabrielle is there instead
There to stop her
Locked in a block
Thrown in a pit
Sentenced to death
An itchy nose
Mends the rift
Between two best friends
She breaks out
Finishes what she came to do
It's easy to serve someone you love. You feel it will make them love you more. It's like a good business investment. That's not what I'm talking aBout. More than that you need to serve someone you hate Ming Zsu. Yes the man that hunted you like an animal. He comes here tomorrow with his son. You've been a dead woman for a long time now Xena I'm offering you the chance to live.  

Gabrielle's Betrayal
Can we talk? Of course not I betrayed you. The pathetic thing is I thought I was saving you. My reverence for life kept a brutal tyrant in power and led to my best friend's execution. I know you hate me Xena no more than I hate myself.
Just Angry At Her
I know you only did what you thought was right. I was angry with you but I didn't hate you. I never could.
Xena On Lao Ma
She had such dreams of peace for her land and for my soul. I ruined them all. It was years before I understood finally what she wanted for me. Not long before I met you I was at the end of my rope. I was ready to give up and then I thought of her and what she taught me and I was reborn. That's the debt.



Making A Change
In jail for theft
He's Joxer the dangerous
Looking to make a change
Liberated a prize chicken
In the stocks for his crime
Nearly committed murder
With blood stained hands
Goes for a new look
The master of mayhem
Mistaken for his brother Jett
His assassin twin
Looking the same
But two very different men
The Black Sheep Of The Family
Cause I was embarrassed ok. You don't know the half of it. My whole life's been Jett stole some horses. Jett torched a village. Jett killed the neighbor. My parents were so proud. No I'm the balck sheep. My father's a warlor. My mother's a warlord's wife. My whole family's like that but Jett how do you compete with an over achiever like that.
Autolycus On The Plan
All right let me get this straight. You want me to sneak the murder weapon into a castle to stop his lunatic brother from assassinating someone we don't even know for no gain. I don't think so I'm not as dumb as he looks.
Helpful Tip: The R word gets him every time. 

There's a concept called personal space look into it. Autolycus
Helpful Tip: No one likes to be crowded so give a person some room. Also mimicing a person can be really annoying.
I think I bruised my brain. Joxer
A Good Deed
Teamed up for a job
In over his head
Not a killer
The r word was mentioned
Agreed to follow the plan
With a few doubts
Pulled it off
Had a few benefits
Bad guy was caught
Quality time with Cleo
A heart of gold
Doesn't want the word out
Has a reputation to uphold
A thank you kiss was given

Nothing is set in stone flexibility is the key.
Helpful Tips: Don't use a plate as a chakram since you'll only end up knocking yourself out. Pretend to be unconscious so someone will come into the cell and if the pinch fails hitting him over the head is always a viable option.
Joxer Practices Facing His Brother
You don't know how long I've waited for this moment. All the years of torment. All the teasing. It all ends her my brother and you know what I'm gonna give you the first move. But beware you're fighting Joxer the Mighty.
Jett Gives Joxer Some Brotherly Advice
Joxer you got a good thing going here. Don't blow it. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or who you could be that includes family. Hey hang on to that little blonde she's pretty smart.

Helping hands

Helping hands

Triple Vision
Three identical to the eyes
But with three very different personalities
Impersonations all around
A sheltered Hestian Virgin
Blindly devoted to her Goddess
A tramp playing the part of the priestess
Used to bring about a new religion
Unknown to her
Fooled him in the end
Learned a lesson in the end
Leah On Hestia
It's not my place to question the wisdom of the Goddess. We must all place our faith in Hestia.
I just think that you do better if you put more faith in yourself. Xena
Oh Hestia if denying the flesh is the path to true righteousness than what lessons can I learn from these two wanton strumpets. Leah
You don't have to be a virgin to be virtuous. Gabrielle
And how can I pass your wisdom on to these women of questionable virtue who so obviously disregard the purity of their own body. Leah
Disguising Leah As Meg
Rip the sleeves of the dress
Rip a slit up the dress on both sides
Rip fabric around the neck to form a plunging neckline
Look sexy and alluring to capture her essence
Leah On Being Chaste
A chaste life's not so bad once you get used to it. You simply have to follow the Hestian Rules. Rule 1: Know thy self. Rule 2: Whatever....
Gabrielle's Thoughts
Believe me if I had to go the rest of my life without companionship knowing myself wouldn't be a problem.  

Vestal Virgins
Main duties are to watch over the sacred fire on the state hearth in the Temple of Vesta and to care for the sacred object caught in the temple. Also made a special salt cake that was used in religious festivals through the year.
Plutarch states their obligations and privledges as the following:
They should take a vow of virginity for the space of thirty years, the first ten of which they were to spend in learning their duties, the second ten in performing them, and the remaining ten in teaching them and instructing others. Thus the whole term being completed, it was lawful for them to marry, and leaving the sacred order, to choose any condition of life that pleased them; but this permission few...made use of; and in cases where they did so, it was observed that their change was not a happy one, but accompanied ever after with regret and melancholy so that the greater number, from religious fears and scruples, forbore (getting married), and continued to old age and death in the strict observance of a single life. For this condition compensated by great privledges and prerogatives; as that they had power to make a will in the lifetime of their father; that they h ad a free administration of their own affairs without guardian or tutor...When they go abroad, they have the fasces (symbols of Roman power) carried before them; and if in their walks they chance to meet a criminal on his way to execution, it saves his life, upon oath made that the meeting was an accidental one...Anyone who presses upon the chair on which they are carried, is put to death.
They were chosen by Rome's chief priest (pontifex maximus) among the aristocratic girls that were between the ages of six and ten.
Aulus Gellius explains on who is exempted from serving:
It is unlawful to take a girl...whose father and mother are not living, or who has a speech or hearing defect, or any other bodily imperfection. She must not have been freed from her father's power even if her father is alive and she is in the power of her grandfather; likewise, neither of her paretns must ever have been slaves nor held lowly occupations. But they say that she is exempt if her sister was elected to the priesthood; likewise if her father is a priest...Also exempt are girls who are betrothed to a priest...Moreoever...the daughter of a man who does not have a residence in Italy cannot be chosen, and the daughter of a man who has three children is to be excused.
If a Vestal broke her vows she would be buried alive as punishment. 



My Little Donut
In he came to Meg's place
A hit with all the girls
Sings his little song
Bends over for a spanking
Thinking it's all a game
Puts his foot in his mouth
Goes to rescue the girl
Winds up in jail
Attempts to fight
Gets knocked out as usual
A case of mistaken identity
Ends up with his girl at his side

Leaning tree

Daily Declarations (Every day at same time)
It all started in the garden I was happily tilling the soil. When my eyes fell upon the summer squash. My mind raced surely the Gods wouldn't have given us such firm vegetables if they didn't want us to enjoy them. Well I can't even enjoy a sald without feeling guilty.
Look sometimes it's best to take matters into your own hands. Xena
Joxer's Plan
First of all got to get that big dumb looking guy with the keys to come over. Once he's lured in I'll wait for the right moment and whan then yeah I'll grab the keys from him stick 'em in the door turn it and let us out. I tell you it's so easy priestess any idiot can do it.


Gabrielle Talks Scrolls
I love starting a new scroll. The feel of it in your hands, the look so clean, so perfectly empty. Listen the way it crinkles the first time you open it and that smell. It's just a special untouched scent.
Tips On Using An Enchanted Scroll
1. While an enchanted scroll may sound great it can turn into a big mess so be careful with your wording. Don't have the drinks on the house because the drinks will literally start pouring from the ceiling which isn't good.
2. Don't write on the scroll in front of others because word will get around quick and you'll be hunted down because greedy types will want that scroll.
3. Don't leave it lying around for someone to write on it otherwise you may end up with three naked you's dancing and running around.
4. Don't use metaphors like she burst onto the scene in a blaze of glory unless you want them to actually end up as a big pile of ashes.
5. The end is a good way to end the scroll which may take on a life of it's own if others come after it. So be careful and have fun if possible and don't let anyone see it so you can write to your heart's content. Just don't say that war lost all it's power since Ares gets very cranky when he's mortal.


There was once a bard
Who loved to write scrolls
Enjoying the feel and smell
She is about to write
Fiction is suggested
Tricked by Ares
Aphrodite casts a spell
All that is written comes true
Mistakes quickly made
Gods stripped of their powers
The spell was broken
Setting things right



The Ball
A little girl with a ball
Drops it down below
The earth opens up
Out Callisto comes
Fresh from the flames
The two team up
With the same goal
An innocent's life is taken
As well as a good centaur
One mother's son is killed
While another does what she must do
Poisoning her child
Had no other choice
Flames surrounding the two
A friendship distanced
Went their separate ways
Gabrielle's Child
I had a child and she died. I named her Hope that's what she was. She was my hope and um despite everything that had happened this child was worth it all.
Callisto's Poetic Side
Stabbed through the heart
Pierced to the soul
With such exquisite pain
Hope's Thoughts
My father's kingdom is at hand. The age of darkness when Dahak will snuff out the people Xena loves till he's crushed her very soul. And as she goes so goes the world.
Callisto's Welcome
Well that's for me to know and you to find out but I didn't come here to talk about me I came to mee your precious little son Soland isn't it? Flesh of your flesh. Blood of your blood. Bone of your bone. Can't wait to see all that. You'll do what? Gonna make my life a living hell old hat dear.


Wrapped up in anger and pain
They try to kill one another
Over the cliff they go
Into a new land
Minus their clothes
With familiar faces around
The singing begins
Each greeted separately
Joxer appears to Gabby
Singing a merry little song
Gives her a dress to wear
Callisto greets with a kiss
Emphasizing the betrayal
A walk through Potedia
Time spent with Ares
Finally they come face to face
With murder in their eyes
Gabrielle was killed
In her arms she faded away
To only turn out to be an illusion
Love never left their hearts
Found forgiveness for each other
Solan helped find their way back


The Dance
Attraction that can't be denied
Even in this strange place
He sings a song
Oozing with sexuality
Dance the tango
Around the body
Dressed as a king
Complete with a crown
Final words before he fades
Ding dong the bitch is dead

Helpful Tips
1.Start with the right foot. (Use the left foot if you're left handed.)
2. If you start on the wrong foot you can end up with a painful sprain which means ruined boots because you're too stubborn to admit how much pain you're in and the boots won't come off.
3. On the plus side you get a new pair of boots.
4. If you have a sprain elevate it and add cool water to bring the swelling down.
5. Pace yourself in the heat or you could end up dead.
6. If you plan on lying to someone do your homework so you don't get caught in a lie.
7. Also be smart enough to realize when a person is lying to you.
Tried doing a flip
Without the staff
Used the wrong foot
Ended up with a sprain
Shot with a posioned arrow
In a real bind
It's moving through her
Time is running out
A tough decision to make
Up against an army
Willing to die
Not willing to let her
Medicine just in time
Going to live
Still needing those new boots

Xena With The Knowledge
Spartans from the age of eight carry around a wooden stake. They're constantly squeezing it between their hands to harden them.
Gabrielle's Last Wish
Xena in case this poison starts spreading faster I do have a last request. That's funny.. Reall after you've slowed down the Persiands if I can't make it I want you to save yourself. I don't want to be a burden to you. We're all gonna die eventually.
Lesson Learned
The first thing is the greater good you taught me that. You taught me that there are things in life worth dying for. Things that hold higher meaning than our own existence.
Fevered Ramblings
Xena you got to take me with you. Teach me everything you know. You can't leave me here in Potedia. I want to go with you. I've studied the stars, spoken with philosophers. I have the gift of prophecy. I can be very valuable to you. Take me with you. I want so much to be like you.
Don't you argue with me. I know that I'm going to die. I accept that why can't you? I accepted the consequences of our life together that it might one day come to this it has. I'm not afraid.
You've always said that I was the brave one look at you now. If this is to be our destiny let's see it out together. Even in death Gabrielle I will never leave you. Xena
But you're my source Gabrielle. When I reach down inside myself and do things that I'm not capable of it's because of you. Don't you know that by now? Let's just see this through together. Xena
All I want is to be with you right now. You're my best friend, my family. I love you Gabrielle. Until the other side then we'll be together. Xena


Worshippers of Apollo you have come to this temple on this day of cleansing to be purified for past misdeeds. This blessing is of no worth if you leave here and once again soil your souls with willful and selfish acts but if you truly desire to make a new start the blessed Urn of Appolo will annoint you with purity. Please come forward. You are forgiven for past misdeeds now go and do good.
The Urn Of Apollo
You see the urn of Apollo gives a new starts to so many people. Not all of us are strong enough to face the jaws of a conscience alone. People come to me who are close to being driven mad by remorse and guilt. Soldiers who have killed too often in battle. Rich men and women who have nightmares about what they did to accumulate their wealth. The urn gives them strength to face those demons within. Do you understand?

Helpful Tips On Becoming A Sidekick
1. Don't be a total bitch. People don't want a sidekick that annoys the Tartarus out of them not to mention the fact that you spend tons of time together.
2. Don't throw food at Gabrielle or the best friend since that so isn't a good first impression.
3. Don't bite a piece of Gabrielle or the best friend's ear off.
4. Don't be a BITCH!!!!!
5. Changing is good but it doesn't make you less of a bitch although it's a start.
6. Actually listen to the person if they tell you to stay put do so or you end up making the bestest bud enraged which leads to a much deserved beating.
Why not use your chakram. Ricchochet off a couple rocks, slice off a piece of her ear and scare her with it. Gabrielle
You want to do good do it than you'll be good. Xena
Xena's Past
When I was young before my village was attacked I used to hang with the young bucks in Amphipolis. I was pretty wild if someone had given me some guidance then maybe I would have been better equipped to handle what lay ahead.
Rules Of Giving The Pinch
1. It's ok to knock the person unconscious.
2. Don't kick them when they're unconscious and no smacking.
I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna rip out her throat. I'm gonna eat her eyeballs. She almost got us killed. I can't work like that.

You're Forgiven
Wanting to team up
Be the new sidekick
Not a good first impression
A real bitch
Bit off a piece of an ear
Running with a bad crowd
Not willing to listen
Decides to change it around
A little tough love
Fresh start to go down a different path
Helpful Tip: Never underestimate the power of a big stick since it's excellent for beating the annoying girl senseless.
You asked me how you know what's good and what's bad let me make it real simple. Acting like a selfish brat is bad. So you better start putting others first or I will leave you by the roadside in a flash. Xena
But I know this for people who need to forgive themselves in order for them to move on in life this urn can be very meaningful
Verbal, written, or acted representation of a word, its syllables, or a number of words. The object is to guess the idea being conveyed. Winthrop M Praed wrote many of the well-known charades, and a good description of the acted charade is found in Thackeray's Vanity Fair. In the United States a charade acted in pantomime and having a set time limit was popular in the 1930'3 and 40's and remains a form of home amusement.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia 

Mr Lucky
Won a lot of dinars
Caught the owner's eye
Not at all happy
Goes off to meet friends
Conned by two men
Stole all his money
Even took his sword
He was left defenseless
Against the gaming house goons
Sent to get back the money
Nearly beaten to death
Xena's Thoughts
No killing's too good for scum like you. I'm gonna take you down piece by piece til there is nothign left not your club, your pride, not even your stinking ruby. I'm gonna take it all and I'm gonna love every minute of it.
Helpful Tip: Bleeding on someone just annoys them and makes them mad so it's best to just lie down and relax when you're hurt instead of going after the guys that beat you to a bloody pulp.
Caring keeps you focused. Xena

Three warlords, rule instead of one. Power. Nothing more. Caesar, Pomey, and Carassas share control of Rome and all its provinces. Each serves to balance the other. They hate each other, but they can't live without each other.
Roman finery becomes you. It's never just business between us Xena. It's hatred, war, conflict, and it's love. Caesar
Helpful Tips
1. If the soldiers have shields don't throw all the spears.
2. Wait until they lose the shields and then poke them.
3. Don't leave a candle burning where your prisoner can get to it and burn his way through the ropes binding him.
4. Tie him to a post as well as tightly around the hands or better yet behind his back.
5. To get yourself arrested act like you're drunk and knock things around and be loud.
6. While visiting the guy that you're planning to get out of prison make a wax impression of the key that the guard standing next to you is wearing at his waist.
7. When throwing a spear at a man on a horse throw it a bit lower to allow for ducking.
8. If you have a gold ring don't toss it into the ocean do something with it for the Gods sake.

The Choice
Looking for another way
Saving a good man
Tossing aside a bad one
Agrees to do her part
The switch was made
But she kept the ring
After hearing about his deeds
A choice was made
Sentenced to death
Filled with guilt
Was no other way
Pompei On Weapons
If you're anything like me, you feel naked without a weapon. Whether, you use it or not, there's something reassuring about the weight and the feel of a solid blade.
I am but a servant of Rome. I want what is good for her. But if Caesar and Carassas weren't in the way I could do many things. For one, I could release the barbarian. The knife is a gift one that will safely get the owner past my army outside Rome.
Caesar's Thoughts
Look at those people. Look at them. Each one considers themself an individual with independent thought and movement. Yet together, they're like sheep. Today the want the death of Vercinix and I intend to give it to them.
Gabrielle's Thoughts
I don't know what's happening to me. Xena I did something that I never thought I'd be able to do. I played judge, jury, and executioner. You said Carassas living or dying wasn't the point. I had a choice. I made it.

Haunted by memories
Unable to eat or sleep
Looking for an answer
Has to do it on her own
Wanting to end the pain
Prepared to pay the price
Goes to the temple of Mnemosyne
Journeys through her memories
To find the answers she seeks
Priestess Of Mnemosyne
Your memories are like a body of water some flow deep out of your reach others flow easily on the surface.
Do not confuse dreams with memories. Your memory has three rivers to find the answer to your pain you must cross them all. Once you find the answer you must decide. On whether to keep your past or forever lose it. This bowl will hold everything you know if it is ever emptied so goes your memory.
Helpful Tip: If you're making a list it's a good idea to take names. When climbing up a tree make sure it's sturdy to avoid falling down since that's a painful thing.

The River Of Wailing
When you get wet the water hits you with memories and not the good king. You end up all covered in blood.
The River Of Woe
The river runs deeps and if you go back before you have the answer you get trapped underneath the ice.
Ares' Analogy
There's an analogy here of course the water representing our torments the ice the thin layer of control we'd like to believe that we have over it but it's a false confidence if the ice should suddenly develop a crack.
Ares' Thoughts
That's the spirit let it go. I mean what does it matter pain is just nature's way of saying, "Hey you're alive." Accept it who needs the truth.
Gabrielle Thinks She Has The Answer
I have the answer. Yes. I thought that I'd never come to terms with my mistakes but I did when I visited Xena in Ming Tien's prison. You see now I know. Yes I have come to terms with it. I just didn't realize it. That has to be the answer right? 

It's very strange in every story you tell me this thing I'm wearing gets smaller. Is it enchanted? Gabrielle
Joxer's Version Of How They First Met
Suddenly there he was he called himself Joxer a warrior but a warrior like not other so inept, so clumsy, so cleverly disguised as a bumbler that no one suspected his true warrior nature. Then I realized that I was completely taken by this handsome, mysterious, dark leader of men. So a thousand men attacked Joxer he battled them bravely one by one.
The Third River
It's all flamey and it engulfs you in flames and hits you with your memories.
The Answer Finally
I wanted to get there ebfore Xena so that I could betray her. I wanted to betray her. I gave her everything and it meant nothing to her. I hated her for loving someone else. I wanted her to hurt. I wanted her to be punished and I almost got her killed. My hatred and jealousy almost destroyed my best friend.
Bottom line Gabrielle you won't miss what you never knew. Ares
Just A Thought: Not exactly true because there will be an emptiness inside that isn't filled by what should be there.
Talking In Your Sleep Can Be A Good Thing
If I didn't have the painful memories then I wouldn't know what the good ones were like right? I just couldn't let it go Xena no matter what the pain. I'm sorry.


On a mission
To get the North Star
Mystic diamond so shiny
Cast a spell
First things the eyes see
Become totally obsessed with
The monkey man
Looking for his bride
Into the mirror she sees
Becomes enamored with herself
Picking up a fish
Develops a serious passion for fishing
Xena's Plan
I got it. I know what to do. The North Star is on the verge of extinction. The fate of the whole world lies in our hands. We've got no choice. We're going fishing.
Her Reflection
I was trying to kiss my reflection in the water. I couldn't resist it. I leaned over and tried to press my lips...It was like my reflection embraced me. I sank into it. I was surrounded by it. And then you pulled me up and I looked into your eyes and Xena I finally realized there can only be one person for me in my life me.
Helpful Tips
1. Excessive brushing isn't good for the hair since it just causes it to break so lay off the hair brush.
2. Putting a wig on a bent nail attracts Solarus the fish you're hot to get.
3. Crushed bugs are to be used for bait not for adding color to your lips. Use crushed berries instead.

Look your future is less in your palm than in your own two hands. It's what you make of it. Xena
Fortune Told
Went to get her palm read
Going on a journey
Tall, dark, and handsome
Beware of danger
Friend in a chain gang
End up on a ship
Run into some trouble
Hit by a tidal wave
It got flipped over
Making their way to the surface
Using wineskins full of air

A statue of peace
Disappears in the night
Wanting to reclaim his title
Has to do things his way
All in disguises
Escaped the locks
Resisted the temptation
Of killing the man
Who killed his brother
Ended up busting heads
Statue put back
Right where it belongs
Pax Speech
We are gathered today from many villages for our annual celebration of Pax the personification of peace. This statue was created twenty years ago at the end of a bitter war and serves as a reminder that we are truly one people bound by a spirit of cooperation and understanding.
In Roman religion, Goddess of Peace. Vespasin erected a temple to her at Rome. Her attributes were similar to those of the Greek Irene, the olive branch and the horn of plenty.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia
Autolycus became a thief to avenge a terrible wrong. He stole everything from the merchant who killed his brother. He left him with nothing just a broken man. You see that was Autolycus' defining moment he'll always think of himself as a thief. And if he wants me to help him regain the title of king then so be it. It's the least I can do the man did save my life. 

Helpful Tips: No staring at the mole and no touching. The ring of Apollo can be topped when you're in a bidding war. Some girls are into hunchbacks.
Tarsis' Story
A magician never gives away his secrets but I'll tell this it was the best work I've ever done. Course I haven't always been a thief oh no for many years I was a moderately successful merchant making a decent living. One day I had a disagreement with a competitior. I had to eliminate him as a rival. Unbeknownest to me the competitor had a brother rather than face me like a man he took his vengeance by stealing from me cleaned me out but in doing so he taught me a lesson. The world belongs to those who make it their own. A toast then to the man who has brought us all here tonight. To Autolycus the former King of Thieves. 

Opened the portal
Made her way out
Down she came
Not built to hold a real god
Pointing her fingers
Tells the pig to go away
Noticing something missing
The necklace no longer hers
Out to make a bargain
Fulfill her one wish
To cease existing
Not happy to see me are you? Neither am I really. Well I've got a plan to solve both of our problems. Oh Xena I tell you about it and the first thing you know you'll be trying to stop me. You just trust me. You're gonna love it well half at least half of it. You know it's funny I don't really need it just for decoration and for fun. I don't know if I'm toying with you or you're toying with me.

Ares On The Stupidity Of Mortals
Incredible a mortal so stupid as to believe Dahak would actually bring them peace. They all deserve what they get. I don't really know why you continue to protect them.
Anger clouds the mind it prevents focus. Xena
Determined to fight
Killing Hope his way
Assembling an army
Larger than anyone's seen
Refusing to end us as a footnote
In the annals of history
The unexpected happens
Fear for the first time ever
Wanting to save his skin
He teams up with Dahak
Becomes his loyal servant
Pregant with his child
A new race called the Destroyers

Seraphin The Priestess Of The Blood
And you have no idea the greatness of Dahak. When the Goddess is reborn she will return from the Sister Peaks. The Bringer of the Destroyer will wash the land of its sins. And the rebirth it will come to pass.
The Rebirth
It's the time when she becomes her destiny and she emerges stronger and more powerful.
The Betrayer
We had heard about the mother of the Goddess, Hope she's the one known as the Betrayer. The one who selfishly killed her own daughter. We were never told her name because it was said to speak it was obsene blasphemy. I didn't know it was you but I guess it makes sense. She's your daughter. She's a balance of Dahak's power. The Goddess Hope is a blance of good and evil. But born as a mortal she's one of us. She has a harsh father yes that's why Hope was born of a good person of you. She can stand as a champion for motals a leader for us all. Can you blame a child for not understanding a power that was given it? A child without guidance. Without her mother. After the rebirth the Goddess Hope will have the wisdom to know what's best. She's your daughter Gabrielle. How could your daughter be evil?

What Callisto Wants
I want oblivion. I want my life to end. I want it all to stop. No nothing. No memories, no Tartarus. Nothing!
In a vulnerable state
The rebirth of the Goddess
An ally in Callisto
Wrapped in the priest's flesh
The power of her father
Followers gathering like sheep
Without the slightest clue
Ares comes to their side
A debt is called in
WIth the blood of Seraphin
She emerges from her cocoon
The spitting image of her mother

Xena On People
That's the funny thing about people just when you think you've got them figured out they show a completely different side to their character.
Helpful Tip: If you slice off a god's hand it grows right back.
Nice try but that threat only worked when I was only a mortal. But I'm a god now Xena. Welcome to my world. Now get ready to leave it.

Can you hear me? Can you? You and Callisto killed Strife. You tried to kill me. As you've probably figured I forgive you. Xena's not finished you know. When she puts her mind to someone they generally get killed. I know I gave her that focus. I suggest you do something to discourage her.
Helpful Tip: If the sacrifice victim is really annoying punch her out and skedaddle. Better to carry an unconcsious person than hearing her pesky voice.
The Fates
In Greek religion and mythology, three goddesses who controlled human lives; also called the Moerae or Moirai. They were Clotho, who spun the web of life; Lachesis, who measured its length; and Atropos, who cut it. 
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia
The offering of the priestress of the blood. The rebirth of the Goddess. With this offering the Goddess awakens. The daughter of Dahak the Bringer of the Destroyer. 

It's strange the one I love most in all the world and the one I hate look exactly the same. Xena
Now that I'm back the faithful will come by the thousands. The blood of innocence will soak the holy ground and Dahak will enter the world. Hope
Ares Saves His Skin
The pantheon of Gods will fall once you enter the world Dahak. I don't regret joining you. I mean serving you oh Dark One.
Crazy Priest
If you understood what an honor it was to be chosen you would not be fighting us. Your innocence, your blood will welcome Dahak into the world.
Helpful Tip: Never give up even when it's hopeless.
Not A Slave
I consider it a partnership. You know he's not so bad once you get to know him. He's ruthless, decisive, we got a lot in common.

We'll save more people if we get to the source of the problem and snuff it out. Xena
Joxer's Mistake
That's far enough. Release these people or you'll be sorry. Joxer the Mighty. Dahak? One great evil Dahak? You working for him? Good benefits?
Jumped by a hundred guys: translation-knocked out by a girl
You can't have a bloodletting without the guest of honor. Ares
Faced with her daughter once again
A goddess preparing for slaughter
Pregnant with Ares child
Sorry she didn't finish her
When she had the chance
Unwilling to see Xena die
She shoves her aside
Ares calls in his debt
Life thread cut if Xena kills
Took Hope down and fell in the hole
With the rising flames
Sacrificing herself to save Xena
A love so very deep
Willing to die to save her
Ares Is About To Become A Daddy
Our child will be the first of what Dahak calls the sixth Destroyers. Insidious creatures with no souls who eat of the living and the righteous and lay waste to all Gods.

No way after all we've been through I'm with you until the end. Gabrielle
Xena's Goodbye
Then just one thing when I'm gone. I don't want you to feel any guilt. Listen to me a lot's happened to us over the past year and there were times when we were both very confused but I want you to know that I still think you're the best thing that ever happened to me. You gave my life meaning and joy and you will be a part of me forever.
Yearn For Oblivion
Wanting it to end
No Tartarus
No nithing
Once again released
From where she lay
An immortal wanting to die
Worked to bring Hope back
Back and forth she goes
Wanting that dagger
Laced with the hind's blood
A way to kill a god
Seeing Gabrielle fall to her death
Got a new lease on life
But it was too late
She laughed her last
No more living for you
Stabbed with the dagger
Fell to the floor dead

All Alone
North she goes
In search of her friend
Which land of the dead?
Must see her again
Feeling her presence
Hearing her voice
She does what she must
Makes a choice
After seeing the Amazons
Trapped in limbo
Unable to pass to eternity
Faced with her past
She must make it right
Gains a new word
Love allows them to pass
Before Alti is killed
Something is revealed
Gabrielle is alive
Sets off to find her



Gabrielle I'm entering a world of darkness I promised myself I'd never return to. It's the only way I can see you again. My mind has lost its center. It's turning, turning. I can't hold the candle. I hear you or is it the wind. As I travel along paths I left long ago, I'm engulfed by my memories. They consume me.
In The Past
I hate the dead you can't take vengeance on them. Xena
Come on Borias after all the people we've killed what's one more corpse?

Eyes rimmed with black
The color of coal
With an evil stare
Revealing her blackened soul
Once an Amazon
Expelled from the tribe
A shamaness of great power
Full of darkness
Craving ultimate power
Alti On Power
Your friend you told me about Lao Ma her powers come from denial, self sacrifice, the light. That's not for people like you and me. I want to tap into that heart of darkness the sheer naked will beyond all craving hatred and violence. I'll become the face of death itself capable of destroying not only a person's body but their soul. Help me and I'll make you Destroyer of Nation.



I can't Gabrielle I can't. You know would make me happier than seeing you again. You were my light but I just realized what it was you gave me a light of my own. There's something I gotta do. Something you'd want to do. I love you. 

An Amazon Queen
Beautiful yet fierce
Even when slightly nude
Taught Xena her ways
Backfired in the end
Killed by her hand
Forced to roam the land of the dead
Unable to pass into eternity
Nothing greater than courage
Was proven wrong
Love allowed them to pass
Finally allowed through the gate


Back Together
Upon having the vision
She sets out to find her friend
Goes off to Potedia
Sensing a presence
Turns around to find her there
So she thought at the time
Not the mother but the daughter
Along with her monster child
In the end they die in each other's arms
Daughter and grandson are no more
The Destroyer and Hope are finally dead


Mother Son Moment
Hello beautiful. Are you cut? Did she hurt you? Let mother see. Now, stop that. Stop it! Stop it! My child mother won't hurt you. No, no. There. We're too close to fulfilling my father's plan to fail now. Listen to me. Hold still. Be careful with mother. Let me see if she hurt you. Careful. Good. She was using you to get to me. Xena knows who I am. Yes. Good. Rest now. Tonight, I want you to enjoy every moment. Yes

What Happened?
I don't remember much. I remember the falling. I remember the fire and the rocks. I remember Hope screaming when she died. I just blacked out then and I woke up in this hospice. Apparently I had been there for a long time and I sent word to you.
It's Me
I know that thing in there looks like me but it's not. She wants to kill us all. No ssh just listen. Remember remember when we were kids? We got lost in the snow, and I promised you that I would give you my Solstice gift if you would just keep walking til we found help. And I kept my word do you remember? I gave you that rag doll. Don't you remember? Now do you believe me?
It's turned into quite the family reunion. What's it now, four generations? Your parents, there's you, me, my pride, my job. Your grandson mother the Destroyer.

My Way
I was trapped in a cycle of violence and hatred and no matter how I tried to break free soemthing always pulled me back until you. No, it's ture. You talking about trying to find your way, but to me you are my way. I'm searching for answers, too. But how we look for them doesn't matter as long as we look for them together you and me.

Gabby's Rant
It itches like crazy. No, no, no. It was your idea to traipse through a dozen swamps to get to this godforsaken place. Why couldn't you just leave your horse in a barn like a normal person? Plenty of bugs, lots of infestation.
I have not got lice. You think I wouldn't know if I had lice? Lice! I don't think so. Xena
Hey I'm not the one with a fungus among us. Xena
Fine. I'll give you a piece of me. Come and get it. Come on. Gabrielle

Helpful Tip: If you suddenly can't see chances are your hat is on backwards. Check before you freak out.
We're a team Joxer the Mighty and his mighty band of mighty men, uh girls uh Joxer the Mighty and his fighting mighty women fighters.
Helpful Tip: Red berries play tricks on the mind.
Gabrielle Goes Hunting
I'll catch the rabbit. Yeah! After all these years of watching you slaughter nature's creatures, I can do this. Look I don't want you near the food. A lice infested rabbit is not on my diet.
I don't have lice! It's, it's dandruff. It's a minor scalp irritation, that's all. Xena
Joxer Talks About The Town In Danger
Well uh they thundered into town on horse back, cutting down everything in their path. I tried to stop them, but, of course, I was outnumbered. Up close and personal? One fist, but it was headed toward my face at the time.
Scythians are pure evil. Xena
The warriors will stop at nothing. They're tough and ruthless. Xena
Helpful Tips
Don't eat Joxer's cooking since you're likely to get sick and it won't be pretty.
Don't scratch since that makes your fungus worse.
Don't drink linseed root since it causes your mouth to go numb.
Beware of bushes since you may end up attacked by one.
Your horse may go to another person if they get apples.
Cover yourself in goat poo to heal the fungus.
Put linseed root on your skin to help with the fungus.

Knight Pointing Left

Knight Pointing Right

An ancient region of Eurasia, extending from the Danube on the west to the borders of China on the east. The Scythians flourished from the 8th to the 4th cent. BC.  They spoke an Indo-Iranian language but had no system of writing. They were nomadic conquerers and skilled horsemen. They seem to be related to the Saka, another nomadic tribe that roamed the steppes of central Asia at about the same time. The so-called Royal Scyths established a kingdom in the E Crimea before the 9th cent. BC. They seem to have maintained themselves as a ruling class while others (probably native inhabitants) worked the grain fields. The Scythians are traditionally associated with the area between the Danube and the Don, but modern excavations in the Altai Mts., particularly at the site of Pazyrk, suggest that their origins were in W Siberia before they moved E into S Russia in the 1st millennium BC. Scythian power was maintained in the 8th cent. BC in obscure warfare with the Cimmerians. The Scythians, considered barbarians by the Greeks, traded (7th cent. BC) grain and their service as mercenaries for Greek wine and luxury items. They invaded (7th cen. BC) upper Mesopotamia and Syria. They threatened Judah but never actually occupied Palestine. They also made incursions into the Balkan Peninsula, and a century later the mysterious campaign of Darius I against the, (c. 325 BC) an expedition sent against them by Alexander the Great. After 300 BC they were driven out of the Balkans by the invading Celts. In S Russia they were displaced (2d or 1st cent. BC) by the related Sarmatians, and part of their empire became Sarmatia.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia

Brown horse

A Tough Week
Not at their best
Searching for Argo
Going through swamps
Bugs and infestation
One with lice
A minor scalp irritation
So she claims
The other with a fungus
With a constant itch
Peeling off bits of skin
Green and red and on the move
Fighting with a fanged bunny
It was one tough rabbit
Stuck with radish stew
Didn't go down well
Feeling like Monday morning in Tartarus
Made it through a tough week
On the mend and Argo's back
Don't make me hurt you Scabrielle. Xena
All right Eczema. What are you gonna do?
Greek Fire: Oil that's been heated deep in the ground. In the wrong hands it can be very dangerous. Xena
Hey girl. It's me. I know I smell funny, but I had kind of a tough week. I know you've been mad. I know that you've been avoiding me. But I've come back and I'm never gonna let you go again. So lets get out of here, huh? I'm not giving up on you girl. Xena



The Secret Weapon
You know I'm a graduate of the Royal Athenian Academy of Cooking. I cooked for the king before he died. Here you go. Oh, a little for you. A little for you. A little more for you big fella. I was the cook for the royoal Trojan army. Their legendary flatulence had nothing to do with me, of course.
Make Up
I missed ya. I missed you so much. I promise I will never leave you along for that long again. I thought I was never going to get you back. Just one thing how did Aecustus win you over? Apples you left me for apples. Thanks pal.
Joxer's Generousity
You know Gabrielle, it's moments like that that make a warrior's life worthwhile.
Yeah Joxer the Mighty
Immune to all diseases
Oh, Joxer the Mighty
Never gets a fever
He's eager as a beaver
He's Joxer He's Joxer the...
Tough Week
This week's been tough on everyone, I guess. But you know I'm always there for you, and you're always there for me. Friends ooh I got all the friends I need.  

A Good Day
Caesar and Pompey
Battling it out
Wanting that spark
That glorious war
Even if it destroys the land
Keeping them out of the way
Has a plan of her own
Taken them off the field
Fighting and chatting
Leaving them both
Fighting among themselves
The battle rages on
Full of bloodshed and death
The battle has ened
Finding their trooops
All dead on the ground
Lost in a very big war
War's a bitch
Don't Help The Romans
Destroy the village.
Raze it to the ground.
Kill all the cattle.
Poison the meat.
Leave nothing for the Romans to use.
Land must be worthless to them.
You can rebuild when you come back.

A Good Day
You want to know that what you did was for the right reasons. But with that pain in your gut and the weight on your shoulders the best you could come up with was that it was a good day of fighting. I've seen so many changes in you things that I never could have expected. But as hard as the changes have been, you've got to know it's for a reason. All this is for a reason. Otherwise what's the point? I was asking myself that same question when I met you.

The Forbidden
A terrible crime
That must be punished
Ten lashes for dancing
Banned in this town
Since it's forbidden
Wants to dance so badly
Everywhere there is a beat
New shoes for tapping
Decides to change the law
A little butt kciking
Along with some dancing
No longer forbidden
Dance all you like
The despair of winter is followed by the hope of spring. The infernal heat of summer abolished by a gentle autumn breeze. Life's brutal truths are softened by its tender mercies. Gabrielle
My writing has allowed me to express my most inner feelings. I don't know how I'd survive without it. Gabrielle
More hot sand. Touring the world is sure tough on the shoes. Gabrielle.

And so said Calliope the first among muses, and none shall dance before me nor in my house nor in my temples. 
The Nine Muses
Calliope- Muse of Eloquence and Heroic Poetry
Clio- Muse of History
Eratro- Muse of Love Poetry
Urania- Muse of Astronomy
Euterpe- Muse of Ordinary Music
Polyhymnia- Muse of Religious Music
Thalia- Muse of Comedy
Melpomene- Muse of Tragedy
Terpsichore- Muse of Dance
Ever since I heard that it's not allowed, I never wanted to dance so badly in all my life. It just feels so good. Gabrielle.
I travel a lot. I don't want some half hearted patch job. I just want something that will last. Gabrielle
Helpful Tips
It's a good idea to have a spare pair of shoes since you could end up with the ugliest loaner shoes ever.
Having metal on the bottom of the shoe is a good idea since it lasts longer but it may cause you to want to dance.

Introduction Of Philipan
In the name of Calliope, on behalf of all the citizens of Palios and all righteous people everywhere, I welcome a great man and a great prophect to our city. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Philipan the Reformer.
Xena's Intro
People of Palios I give you Philipan of Crete. Reformer of warlords, dancers, and evil people. It's even said that he once convinced the King of Thieves himself to do a good deed for no reward other than his own virtue.
Horse's Ass
King of Thieves that degenerate blowhard. Sinners like him never have the courage to be really successful. I'm sure he's a fraud and an idiot.
Philipan The Reformer
Good citizens of Palios heed my words. You know how it happens. It all starts with a tune rolling around in your head. Next thing you know you're humming at work ain't ya? Huh you've done it. You've heard it. We've all been there. And you know what your toe starts to tap and your heel followed by your knee 'cause they're all connected. You move on up and you start gyrating. The next thing you know you you just gotta let it hah hah. Trust me good peple for I know from where of I speak for I myself was on that rocky road to Tartarus. That's right brothers and sisters in my wild and mispent youth I too danced. Then an amazing event transpired the Goddess Calliope came into my life, and claimed it as her own. Praise her. Praise here. Praise her. That's right. That's it I know you can do it. Praise her.
I just wonder are you doing everything you can? Is it enough to simple eliminate dancing? What about singing, painting, flashy embrodiery? For shame! I'm telling you people extremeism in the name of piety is no vice. Give 'em up and praise her. Praise Callipe. Praise Calliope. Are you praising Calliope?
I see signs of decadence everywhere I go in this town. Do you realize that on my way here I saw two people holding hands. Do you know where that can lead?

The Reformer
Put on a disguise
As a favor
To seal the deal
Two pigeons were sent
Ruining his scam
Insulted by an ass
He plays his part well
Dressed in black
With a silly hat
Shows them a new way
In with the new
Out with the old
A new leader
No more narrow thinking
Xena's Wisdom
Runing away isn't a solution. It's what cowards do when they're not willing to stand up and fight for what they believe in.
The Art
All right now lets get this going. We're here to purify you. We're here to give you a little focus. Say it with me. Focus. Some of you think that dance is a way to express your inner feelings it's an art. Well Philipan has asked me to show you a real art. The art of war. The first move called advance of the perimeter ensures that anyone who gets in your face loses an arm, a leg, or a vital body part. Let us being.
Helpful Tip: Be careful when doing the splits. Instead you might want to do a flip.

I try not to overanazlyze my life like some people. Xena
Gabrielle's Wisdom
Some people say the unexamined life is not worth living.
Just because someone wrote that on a piece of paper doesn't make it true.
Giving A Massage
Don't search with your eyes.
Gabrielle's Defense
It was an empty threat. Look as violent as Xena was in those days there was a live even she wouldn't cross. This was a terrible waste of life but Xena, Xena has changed. If you're looking for perfection we all fall short.
She's Alive
I've been watching you since you came here Xena. At first I couldn't figure out what you were up to helping people, building that silly little shrine. And then I realized what I heard about you was true. You're trying to make up for all the evil things you've done. How pathetic! As if any of it could make up for what you did to me. You know Xena the thought of you has haunted me every moment of my life. Do you understand what that's like? Throw her in the pit. You finally have the punishment you sought but it's for a murder you didn't even commit. Don't you just love the irony.
Gabrielle's Wisdom
And if you continue to let that love be buried under bitterness and anger evil wins.

The Trial
A warrant for her arrest
Carrying the weight of the world
The death of an innocent
Goes back willingly
To pay for her crime
Sentenced to Shark Island
A most hideous place
Punishment she felt she deserved
No murder was commmited
Valasa is really alive
Saved her from the prisoners
Given a fresh start
Releasing the hate and anger
Xena is free to go
Helpful Tips: You have to show the rats who's in charge even if you have to bite into them and toss them aside. Speak in a firm tone. Don't show fear. Throw rat up to get the chakram so you can get the Tartarus out of that pit. A broom can be used for more than sweeping. It's pretty darn handy at beating on prison guards that so deserve it.
Xena On Forgiving Herself
Gabrielle that's not for me. I won't let that monster that I used to be the one sleeping so close to my heart destroy all the good I can do now.

Fierce in battle
Talks to the Djin
Sings slightly off key
Shows people the light
Fighitng against darkness
Gabrielle captures her eye
Hiding behind a mask
Traps her in her cult
Kills if you don't turn to the light
A complete and utter pyscho
Kicks some serious ass
Even up against a Warrior Princess
Danger and likes killing too much
Sent off to jail to rot
Great courage that can be a virture but only when it's used on the side of the light against the darkness. To capture and sell people is wrong. It's a shame for both the victim and those who profit from this evil. Slavery paves the path of darkness. We can offer you initiation into the way of the light. Let us help you.
Forgive those people. They're confused and misguided. Don't let hatred poison your heart. Now go to your homes and live good lives.
This must have been a very difficult time for you all. Don't carry it with you. Live life to its fullest. Seize every day as an opportunity to do good. And remember you're always free to turn to the light that drives away all darkness.
May the light illuminate your way.
To The Slave Traders
I want to forgive you and love you all as brothers but I can't do that unless you turn to the light. And there's no reason why you can't. We'll be glad to initiate you into the way. Just let the light in and the darkness will be gone.


Ritual observances involved in worship or, or communication with, the supernatural or its symbolic representations. A cult includes the totality of ideas, activities, and practices associated with a given divinity or group. It includes not only ritual activities but also the beliefs and myths centering on the rites. The objects of the cult are often things associated with the daily life of the celebrants. The English scholar Jane Harrison pointed out the importance of the cult in the development of religion. Sacred persons may have their own cults. The cult may be associated with a single person, place, or object or may have much broader associations. There may be officals entrusted with the rites, or anyone who belongs may be allowed to take part in them. The term cult is now often used to refer to contemporary religious groups whose beliefs and practices depart from the conventional norms of society. These groups vary widely in doctrine, leadership, and ritual, but most stress direct experience of the divine and duties to the cult community. Such cults tend to proliferate during periods of social unrest; most are transient and peripheral. Many cults that have emerged in the United States since the late 1960's have been marked by renewed interest in mysticism and Asian religions, but many others have had Christian roots.
Such major US cults as the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church and Hare Krishna, a movement derived from Hinduism, have stirred wide controversy. Cults' insularity and distrust of society sometimes lead to violent conflicts with the law. In 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana, followers of Jim Jones killed a US congressman who was investigating Jones, and then Jones and more than 900 others committed mass suicide. In 1993 a gunfighter near Waco, TX, between federal officers and David Koresh and his Branch Davidian followers led to a 51-day siege that ended in a blaze that left Koresh and 82 people dead. Other notorious cults have included the Japanese Aum Shinri Kyo, whose adherents were responsible for a number of mudres, including a 1995 nerve-gas attack in the Tokyo subway system that killed 12 and injured thousands; the Order of the Solar Temple, whose members died by murder or suicide in Quebec, Switzerland, and France in a series of incidents in the mid to late 1990's; Heaven's Gate, a group formed in the mid 1970's whose 39 members committed mass suicie in California in 1997; and the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, a millennialist Ugandan church, more than 900 members of which apparently died by mass murder and mass suicide in 2000
Source: encyclopedia.com

Yellow flower

Yellow flower

Initiation Into The Light Cult
Flowers can not blossom without the light of the sun. Nor can the human soul flourish without the warming glow of the eternal spirit. Gabrielle walke into the light and look no more on the darkness.
Helpful Tips
Be careful since things that seem too good to be true usually are.
Don't jump into something that you might end up regretting. Take your time before agreeing to join a group.
Your best friend may end up with a really bad ass kicking not to mention losing one of those good chewing teeth.
Got my butt didn't I? Well it serves me right for trusting someone who talks about being good all the time. Xena
Xena only kills when it's absolutely necessary. Gabrielle
And I only kill evil people why is she better than me? Najara
I lost one of those good chewing teeth but other than that I'm fine. Xena
Xena On Najara
She's too dangerous a girl to leave on the loose. She likes killing too much.
Seems your zealotry is less scary than my dark side. Xena

Can't shake the vision
Wanting to avoid it at all costs
Not sure if it's possible
Sees a way out
Leaves her behind
Though it grieves her so
For the best she thinks
Turns out not to be so
Finds out the truth
A pyscho holding her captive
Gives a good ass kicking
Loses a good chewing tooth
Has the same weakness
But it's also her strength
Ends up making things right
Gives as good as she got
Off they go together
Side by side where they belong
Quit preaching and fight. Xena
In the name of the light I smite down the darkness. Najara.
Got my butt whipped didn't I? Well it serves me right for trusting somebody who talks about being good all the time. Xena

A Vision
Flashes of the past
Blend in with the present
Using her tactics
Someone who was there
Failed at Corinth
A surprise at who it was
The loyal servant girl
Always with the ideas
Listening and learning
The birth of her chid
Who takes his first breaths
As his father takes his last
The truth was finally revealed
She was responsible for Borias's death
Helpful Tip: Don't assume a he is doing the trapping since it could very easily be a she.
How is easy. I studied you Xena all those years you thought I was this poor defenseless little slave girl you captured from Damaes the truth is Damaes was my partner, my lover, my mentor before you came along. Oh Xena the moment I realized you were in command I was ecstatic. Of all the people I've studied you were the most complex, the most brilliant of the minds I've defeated this far. You see Xena I never did have that much in the way of muscle never but I am a survivor. And I have this incredible ability to put myself into my enemies heads so when I realized this was my one chance to learn from the best. That's why I couldn't allow you to see Borias that night. Oh yes the night your son was born. You had just taken the sanjra flower potion and Borias' army attacked. But you were focused on the power Alti promised. You shouldn't have left Corinth you could have taken it.
He Comes For Them
Before Alti before all this we had love Xena. Maybe we confused it with power but it was there is still there. For the sake of our son and us I'm taking you away.
In My Head
What's the matter are you having trouble getting inside my head right now? Let me help you. You killed Borias the man who could have changed everything for me if only I had have let him. You killed the father of my child and if he had have lived then maybe my son...Getting inside my head now huh. I won't taint Borias' memory by killing you. You're not worth it.
Funny thing about destiny, you can't ignore it, you can't rely on it. Gabrielle


Cheese Wheel, Spinning

Meg's me and who's brilliant cause it aint' you Mr Stinky. Meg
Autolycus' Flaw
Well uh between you and me I have a problem with these Scythian double latched locks for some reason there not my forte.
Helpful Tips
Make sure it's Xena before you throw what you stole back. It could earn you a silly nickname.
Don't mention any weakness since it could come back to bit you although it could prove to be a challenge you're unable to resist
Teaming Up
On a mission
Meg dressed as Xena
Fooling Autolycus
Throws the ruby back
Earning a nickname
Mr Stinky from that point on
Unknown to the two
Her sights on a baby
With Joxer as the father
What she wants most
But unable to have
The Key To The Crown Of Athena
The key will point to the door, to the crown of Athena and more. Once the key opens the door the child is no more.
Helpful Tips
Be care with your finger since waving it in front of a baby may prove to much of a temptation and you may end up getting bit.
Strong cheese and pickles aren't baby food.

You know we'll go somewhere. We'll settle down just you and me and Joxer cause he's funny. You're the best baby. You're the first baby. You're the only baby I've ever had. Meg
Mr Stinky I presume. Meg
I got a shamrock and I know how to use it. Meg
Helpful Tips
Don't take your eyes off the baby since he'll just wander off and end up in a speeding chariot.
You should know the name of you weapon you have.
Just because it's a wooden chakram doesn't mean it can't be used.
Just throw it and you'll knock a person down.
Climbing up a tree to jump into the chariot is a good idea but don't jump too soon or you'll end up being pulled by the chariot.
While holding on keep your hands away from the face since that impairs the person's view that is sitting in front of you.
Don't poke a baby with a stick.
Change the end of the legend since it's not a good ending try will wet itself and drool on the floor or something like that.

Space Background 2

Meg's Maternal Instincts
They just don't understand pumpkin. Well they can't possible know how it is. See what I had it wasn't so good. My father well he died when I was really young. My mom she tried hard but well it just didn't work. Well I was left along to do what I wanted. I made all my own decisions and I guess I wasn't too good at that neither. Things are gonna be different for you. You see that star. When I was a little girl I used to think that all those little lights came from houses in the sky and each one of those houses had happy family around a cozy fire and the lights came from all the open windows. I used to think that at every window there was a little girl just like me looking out at the other lights. I wondered what it would be like to be one of them. Well one day we're gonna be one of those little lights. That's a promise
Helpful Tips
Watch out when whe grappeling hook is thrown up in the air since it could bang into your head.
Tugging too much will knock it loose and it'll have to be thrown up again.
Be careful for a wedgie is not a fun thing to get while throwing up the grappeling hook.
Use a person as a weapon and knock them into other people.



Xena With The Knowledge
The eyes of a child are innocent they can see the world in ways that we've long forgotten. Athena gave him the chance to learn and gain wisdom.
Athena made Cleatees young so he could see anew and she made Griffia old to teach her how to care.
Xena On Meg
You do you have a warm caring heart with a lot of love to give. Who do you think you're fooling huh you've got so much depth that it scares you when it comes out. Meg one day it's gonna happen for you and you'll have a family of your own not a borrowed one a family of your own. You did a wonderful thing here Meg. You helped a lot of people because you were able to love one child and I can't believe that with all the little lights in the sky that there isn't one waiting for someone like you.

A Lost Daughter
She's not dead
Very much alive
Part of the Horde
Lessons are learned
A war on the brink
Between two peoples
A young girl bridges the gap
Brings them all together
Taken as a small child
Ends up with two families
Not Horde Pomira. We Pomira. The sky and the earth. Kaltaka. All know Pomira. Serve Pomira. And Pomira give honor. Pomira honor life. You killers. You kill trees, earth, all and when we say no go from here you kill.

You stole my favorite shirt. It's the only shirt that goes with this skirt Xena. Gabrielle
Helpful Tips: A shirt can be used as a gag but beware of the consequences. Also if you are so upset up one lousy shirt missing it's time to go shopping to do a little stocking up.
Going Topless
Taking a shower
Not at all aware
Favorite shirt is taken
Going around topless
Forced to wear a sack
Brown is so not her color
Shirt used as rope
Although her underwear was safe


The Story Of Tyrella By Gabrielle
Once upon a time there was a sweet very young girl named Tyrella and she was happy even though she lived with her wicked stepmother the meanest most crankiest woman alive. "Palia come here sweetie." "Mommy look what my stupid stepsister did. She ruined my Calvinus Kleinus." "Tyrella." "Yes dear stepmother." "There's a creas in Palia's dress. Aren't you fogetting something?" "I swept the floor, washed the dishes, cleaned the attic, weeding the garden, and dug you a new well. I've been terribly busy." "Well get over it. You neglected your most important duty." "What could that possibly be?" "My clippings!" Tyrella's stepmother reached out with her long grotesque...Tyrella deals with her problems in a more positive way. "Mommy my stupid stepsister ruined everything." "Tyrella!" "Yes stepmother dear." "Can't you do anything right?" "There is nothing wrong with the dress. Your anger is misplaced. It's a convenient way to avoid your deeper emotions. The same way that your mistreatment of me and my belongings is your way to avoid intimacy. You both need to get into touch with your inner child." "Are you getting any of this?"
Aprhodite's Version
Here's what really happens. "If you can't take the heat boys tay out of my kitchen." "Palia where are you my vixen?" "Here mother I am dry as a lizard. Whee's the hagster to bring us some beverages?" "Good question." "Tyrella!" "love the outfit Tyrella." "Not!" "Hello you coo coo crazy chicks. I have a message from that royal hipster the prince." "Ooh the prince I knew I smelled money." The prince I knew he couldn't stay away frome me forever." "The prince wishes to invite all good looking chicks to his royal ball tonight. From those he's going to pick a bride. You dig!" "A bride!" "A royal party I'm so excited." "Ooh that chick is square baby." "Loser!" "Exsqueeze me what are you so psyched about? Honey the prince is looking for a babe not a heffer." Show 'em Palia." "Right mom!"
Gabrielle Cuts In
The men at Tyrella's house were swimming instructors. Well she really wanted to go to the party. See Tyrella didn't have anything really pretty to wear. Tyrella was hoping for a miracle.
Joxer Takes Up The Story Of Tyro
Well it was the night of the biggest party. Now he was very excited and his name was Tyro. "Tyro!" "Ow! Hello stepfather dear, stepbrother dear." "Tyro the clumsy strikes again." "It was an accident." "You were the accident. What's with that getup?" "Oh you like it I was sewing it all day for the royal ball tonight." "Well if that's the case those pants need adjusting right Palios?" "Oh you think I thought they might be a big long in the crotch." Palios gives Tyro a wedgie. "What do you say to your stepbrother?" "Thanks stepbrother dear." "Don't be an idiot, idiot. You can't wear that. You've got no way to get there. No social skills to speak of. In short you're not going."
No well I'm not much of a storyteller. I'm more a woman of action. Xena
Joxer's Story Continues
"Tyro the mighty. Kick a man when he's down." "I'm here to help. Course if you're not interested in going to the party then I can..." "No no wait I'd love to go

Spiritual Quest
Decided to go to India
Got into a fight
Some thugs came across their path
Cut by one of them
Smiled at the fight
Taking shelter in a cave
Gash in her leg
Hands like a sailor
Searching for answers
Going down a hole
A general term used for spiritual disciplines used in Hinduism and Buddhism, and throughout South Asia that are directed toward attaining higher consciousness and liberation from ignorance, suffering, and rebirth. More specificially it is also the name of one of the six orthodox systems of Hindu philosophy. Both Vedic and Buddist literature discuss the doctrines of wandering astectics in ancient India who practiced various kinds of austerities and meditation. The basic text of the Yoga philosophical school, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (2 century BC) is a systematization of one of these older traditions. Contemporary systems of Yoga, such as those of Sri Aurobindo Ghose and Sri Chinmoy Ghose, stress that spiritual realization can be attained without the withdrawal from the world characteristic of the older traditions. Yoga is usually practiced under the guidance of a guru, or spiritual guide. Pantajali divides the practice of Yoga into eight stages. Yama, or restraint from vice, and niyama, or observance of purity and virtue, lay the moral foundation for practice and remove the disturbance of uncontrolled desires. Asana, or posture and pranayama, or breath control, calm the physical body while pratyahara, or withdrawal of the senses, detaches the mind from the external world. Internal control of consciousness is accomplished in the final three stages: dharana, or concentration, dhyana, or meditation and samadhi. Through such practices yogis acquire miraculous powers, which must ultimately be renounced to attain the highest state. In samadhi the subject-object distinction and one's self of individual self disappear in a state usually described as one of supreme peace, bliss, and illumination. A common feature of different traditions of yoga is one-pointed concentration on a chosen object whether a part of the body, the breath, a mantra, a diagram, a deity, or an idea.
Hindu tradition in general recognizes three main kinds of yoga ynana yoga, the path of realization and wisdom, bhakti yoga, the path of love and devotion to a personal God, and karma yoga, the path of selfless action. Other classifications exist. Pantjali's yoga is known as raja or "royal" yoga. Hatha yoga, which stresses physical control and postures, is widely practiced in the West. Kundali yoga especially associated with Tantra, is based on the physiology of the "subtle body," according to which seven major  centers of psychic energy, called chakras, are located along the spinal column with the kundali, or "coiled" energy in latent form, located at the base of the spine. When the kundali is activated by yogic methods, it ascends the spine through the main subtle artery of the sushumma, "opening" each chakra in turn. When the kundali reaches the topmost chakra in the brain samadhi is attained.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia


Aidan's Way To Inner Stillness (AKA Turns You Into A Blue Statue)
Technically I guess you'd call it mind shifting matter. Oh no not just my mind you see breathing and meditational techniques the whole approach to..I'm babbling again.
Inhale. Exhale. Concentrate on the breathing. Who ever does but that's exactly where it starts from a single breath without breath there's no life right.
A small warning these breathing techniques the meditational techniques the whole approach to an inner stillness can stir up some thoughts and feelings you didn't even know you had some not so nice.
To really do this to reach that inner stillness you're going to have to clear a path and that means facing whatever comes up and releasing it.
Once you tap into that inner stillness you can do absolutely anything. You just envision it and make it real.
Here you can become what you really are deep down inside everyone does. You strip away all the layers and all that's left is your core self the real you.

There's one thing I've learned that anything that looks too good to be true usually is. Xena
Pure Essence A Radiant Light
If it's darkner instead of becoming stiller and lighter you become jumpy and a darkness starts to show inside you.
How It Shows
Changes in your appearance, mental lapses, delusions, spontaneous bleeding
It's all very unpleasant.
Xena's Thoughts
Just relax. We've come a long way the two of us. Lie down. And you taught me a lot about kindness and mercy and love. You've got a good heart Gabrielle. It's pure and it's honest and no one should ever hurt you. No one should ever hurt you.


Gabrielle's Thoughts About India
India is so different and yet there's this connection too ya know. So exotic. So mysterious. So look maybe that's India's way of rolling out the red carpet. India is completely different. It's such a strange place.
Went to India
A strange and exotic place
Declared a Devi
The unexpected happens
An eye was restored
Given healing powers
What she most desired
Not as it seems
Possessed by a demon
But saved in the end by the real Devi


Eli's Story
When I was thirteen my father's best friend collapsed. He had chronic convulsions. I was left with him while my father went for help and all I could do was stand there helpless. So I reached out trying to calm him I guess. I felt this kind of white hot surge going through me and when I touched him it stopped. Whatever or whoever gripped him let go. He never convulsed again. I'm sorry if I tried to trick you but I searched so long I just thought that if your friend found a way to ease people's suffering maybe she could share it.
Some people see evil everywhere. Xena


Gabrielle The Devi?
Whatever this is it wasn't bad Xena how could it be it was beautiful. I healed that is all I've ever wanted to do. That is all I ever dreamed about doing. Now that I have this ability I think I understand that power the power to control life and death.
Tataka Evil Incarnate
Conniving little demon who converted hundreds with her sweet face and deceptive good works. She cured the sick and the deformed only to send them to the slaughter against the great God Rama. Oh she's a real gem duping people who need her. Yeah she's a real pearl.
Some things don't bear too much thinking about. Some things you just got to take on faith. Xena

"What we sow in this life, we reap in our future lives. This is our karma."
The doctrine of karma states that one's state in this life is a result of actions (both physical and mental) in past incarnations, and action in this life can determine one's destiny in future incarnations. Karma is a natural, impersonal law of moral cause and effect and has no connection with the idea of a supreme power that decrees punishment or forgiveness of sings. Karmic law is universally applicable, and only those who have attained liberation from rebirth, called mukti (or moksha) or nirvana, can transcend it.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia
Future Lives
Sent forward in time
To fight a battle
Defeating Alti once again
An interesting discovery
Destined to be the Mother of Peace
The way of the saint
With an old friend at her side
A man this time around
Warrior named Shanti
Together through many lives
Separate but forever connected
Karmas are intertwined

The mendhi is the path to enlightenment. Feel it don't try to understand it.
The blood of an innocent gives power to no one. Xena
Xena On Fear
It's like heat radiating from your victim but fear is a flaw Alti. A subtle human flaw given to us by the Gods so they can exploit us. You think it's wonderful to have that power but it's not. 

Yellow flower

Green leaf

Gabby's Philosophical Stuff
I love rivers. There's a certain inevitability to a river. Nothing stops it from finding its way.
Avatar: A deity in human form usually destined to save humanity from a great evil.
Everybody loses focus sometimes.
Nor just that I lost focus it's why. Xena
Maybe I was shown my future life for a reason. Maybe I'm supposed to change the way that I'm living in this life here and now but either way a warrior can not ask these questions in the heat of battle. When the kill is there you have to take it. If I can't do that I can't be a warrior anymore.

Green leaf

Yellow flower

The Avatar
Given quite a gift
Ability to heal
Totally terrified
Knows The Truth
Sees all the pain and suffering
Breaks his heart
Follows the ultimate way
Claims he doesn't need help
He truly walks with the spirit



Avatars Of Vishnu
 1. Matsya: the fish that saved Manu from the flood.
 2. Kurma: the tortoise on the churning pole who rested during the churning of the ocean.
 3. Varaha: the boar that rescued the earth from the flood.
 4. Narashima: man lion the slayer of the demon Hiranyakashiu.
 5. Vamana: the dwarf that measured out the worlds in three strides.
 6. Parashurama: the destroyer of the warrior class.
 7. Rama: a prince.
 8. Krishna: cow herd and lover of the Gopis.
 9. Buddha: a form taken by Vishnu to corrupt the demons.
10. Kalki: rider on the white horse at the end of the Kali age.  


A street magician
Doing some illusions
A discovery was made
Was able to heal
Turned out to be an Avatar
Sure of his path
Following his way
Firm in his beliefs
Out to teach others
Spreading his love
With Gabrielle as his first disciple

The Competition
Athens Academy Theater
"The Women of Trachis"
Titan's Playhouse
Direct from Rome
"A Funny Thing Happened On
 The Way To The Acropolis"
Original Cast
Performing Arts
30th Smash Week!
"Oh Zeus"
A Divine Comedy,
Laugh Or Be Smitten!
The Apollo
Gabrielle and Xena
A Message Of Peace
Peace, Love, and Changing The World
Buffus The Bacchae Slayer!
It Has Been Slaying Audiences In Rome
Brought To You To Enjoy!
It's Time To Slay!

Alternative Titles For The Play
Springtime For Warlords
Blood, Guts, And Babes
Wild Boys In Rubber
Big Boys In Boxers
Show Girls
Mantra: In with love. Out with hate.
Gabrielle's Thoughts
Artists aren't supposed to care what the public wants. Gabrielle
No good playwright would have her art reduced to garbage for the sake of a few dinars.
A message means nothing if no one hears it. A flower in the forest is just a plant if no one sees it. We're going to need more blood. I want more skin. I want action. I want weapons. I want battlefields with beaten bloody bodies. We're gonna take this wallflower we're gonna cram it down their throats for their own good. It'll kill 'em all.
New Name For The Play
Faster Chakram Kill Kill Kill
A Joxer The Mighty Production
Gabrielle's Tip To Acting Like Xena
It's from the back of the throat it's much more gutteral. We have to believe the anger and the hatred for life ok. Now make the audience shiver.
You need to grin wildly like you can't wait to hack him into pieces before you chop his head off.
Back To The Original
Play Excerpt
Gabrielle: Xena fearless, noble a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle how mahy lives have you saved by your warrior heart once you have learned to empty it..
Interactive Theater: Everybody join in.
Ah it was stupid to think that people would want to hear about peace love instead of sex and violence. Gabrielle
Well peace might be boring but it's all anybody really wants. Xena
Minyas Realization
You made me realize something deep down inside that I guess I always knew but didn't dare admit. Yes I'm a thespian.  

A village in danger
She stayed behind
With her boyfriend Hower
Strong as a bull
Also able to read
A rare combinnation
Traded her frying pan
For Xena's whip
Changed her look
To recapture Hower's eye
A new friend made
Wants to be Xena
Crack some heads
With peeking hormones
Quite the character
Discovers she's a thespian
Goes off with her new pal Polly
Changed her life
By being in this play

First Kill
Joxer the Mighty
A warrior he's not
Though he likes to think so
Even has his own song
With a sword in his scabbard
Rarely used and never to kill
Everything changed one day
Killed a man to save a life
Haunted by what he did
Seeing the man he killed
Nightmares filled his night
Gabrielle's Smoke Compact
Xena that's the beauty of my new technique. I can distract them without hurting anyone best of all no killing.
Xena's Thoughts On Najara
New outfit, new religious, same old wacko beneath.

Joxer On His Life
It's alife you know my whole life. What kind of warrior kills someone and then has nightmares about it every night. That's it thought that's my point it's not natural. I killed someone so you know what that makes me?
The son of Kryton
Nurse told him stories
Of Kryton the Courageous
Very unlike the real man
Student at the academy
Gets the news about his dad
Out for vengeance
Wanting to spill blood
Finds out the truth
Wants Joxer as his first kill
Makes peace with it
Gabrielle On Fighting
It's funny but it seems when push comes to shove sometimes the only choice is to shove back but with this path that I'm on I can't do that.


Brown horse

Goddess Of Retributions
Discord's the name
Wanting to impress Ares
Looking for a killer
She likes it rough
Having fun with her nearly naked boys
Good in bed but hopeless in a fight
Out to have a little fun
Her patience is tried
Speeds things up
When the truth comes out
Argo's the killer
Did it in self defense
No one for her to impress Ares with
I don't do animals

A New Path
Met a man named Eli
Who changed her life
The Way of Love
Started to follow
No more fighting
Throwing the staff away
She found her path
Vows to keep trying
The First Disciple

Heart on fire

Heart on fire

High Above
Down he came
On his flying carpet
Snatched him up
Pushed him down
Swooped down again
Chased her down
Missed by a hair
He snatched her up
Off to Lanka they go
Krisna On The Way
 (The Way Of The Warrior)
You have to embrace The Way. You're wrong you're very close to The Way now however missing it by the width of a hair is the same as missing it by the height of a moutinain. In your next life you will walk The Way of the Saint. However you will never achieve that life if you don't follow The Way you're on now. Yes you must not hesitate to fight in a just cause. It is better to die following your own way than to live following someone else's. When you ride into combat act wihtout attachment and carry with you the confidence that you are fulfilling your calling in this life then you will know The Way. Then go rise up like fire and burn all that opposes you and if you're following the path of The Way call my name and the strength to defeat Indrigid will be given to you.
Gabby's New Way
Xena do you think I could have understood the power of selfless love if it weren't for our friendship. No you and I stay together. All rivers run to the sea. We'll end up in the same place I'm sure of it. 



Lost Scroll
Yoga didn't help
Can't escape her mind
One of her favorites
A newly written one
Examining their relationship
Through the prism of time
Unable to recreate the beauty and essence
She goes back for it
Opportunity to show on stage
Turns her scroll into a play
Didn't turn out as she planned
Best left in scroll form
And the very air sang with harmony as Xena lay down her sword and Humongous enobled by her gesture lay his down as well.

Play Excerpts
But Xena you've followed the violent approach in the past and what has come of it but more violence.
It helps if you memorize your lines and lose the scroll.
I didn't realize casting Gabrielle would be so difficult. There's this subtlety to the character. Gabrielle
You're right Gabrielle how could I have been so blind.
Flips will nail you the part of Xena.
Minya's Dream
I was born to play this role. As soon as I heard you were doing this I knew I was what you wanted.
Sophocles is the master of prose, of feeling, of plumbing the emotinal depths of human existence. Gabrielle
Play Excerpt
Gabrielle: So Remember Xena faith is not a jump in the night but a walk in the light.
Xena: Look it's King Whatsits approaching on his horse.
King Whatsits: Hello there friends Gabrielle and Xena. I seek your help. The warlord Humongous is behaving in a destructive way no doubt as a result of his impoverished uprbinging and societal factors beyond his control.
Humongous: I am the warlord Humongous. Are you Xena?
Xena: I am. Come sit down we wish to give you a message of peace.

Key, Turning

Key, Turning

How To ID A Bounty Hunter
1. No bounty hunter worth her salt would wear perfume of any kind. They'd smell her before she got close enought to pounce.
2. Tool's of the trade- Muzzles, leather bonds, mancles and chains
3. They never carry more than they have to.
4. They conserve supplies by drinking rain water.

Birthday cake

Another Year Older
Gabby's birthday is coming
Planning a party
As a surprise throw it early
But she was delayed
Came into a murder mystery
After a few close calls
It was finally solved
On to the birthday cake
Having some well deserved fun



Gabby On Knives
I should tell you it's a little known fact that every sheath bears the grooves of the blade it holds and since no two blades are alike this knife can identify it's owner.
Joxer Protects His Family
Hey when I left her she was stained but standing. It was only later when I went back to that room to get that little piece of scroll. Stealthy as a jungle cat I crept around the room searching everywhere. Sure my brother Jett is a cold hearted merciless killer but family's family.
Sophocles said that plagarism is the sincerest form of flattery.
Helpful Tip: When snooping around in someone's bag make sure you put everything back in the right place so no one will know you were ever there.


Long Live The Queen
Fighting against the Romans
Was struck down in battle
Saving a life and losing her own
Died as a warrior
The Queen is dead
Gabrielle must take her place
Tricky with her new path
Needed to lead them into battle
When it was all over
She turned over the Queenship
With words of advice
Think of what Ephiny would do
When you need to make a decision
Honor her memory and carry on.
Xena's Wisdom
You think you can find your answers at the end of a sword well you're wrong. Find the answers inside yourself.
We're not afraid to fight or to die. Gabrielle
We don't kill just for the sake of it. 


Amarice On Pretending To Be An Amazon
1. You need to dress the part. Look like a Amazon to become an Amazon.
2. Knowing how to fight is a big plus in being accepted. So invest in a good sword and for the Gods sakes know how to use it. A shiny blade with no nicks is a sign of being a total fraud.
3. Do your homework and learn the ways of the Amazons. Talk about your tribe and have stories ready.
4. Hook up with the Amazons and ingratiate yourself into the tribe. Maybe mention a tribe that sounds familiar. Give a pluasible story.
5. Be prepared to have someone find out your little secret at some point. You'll be lucky if it's someone like Gabby who will be discreet and add a bead to the necklace to make your status as an Amazon official since you have proven yourself.
6. Stay with the tribe since you can learn a lot from your Amazon sisters. You'll finally become what you pretended to be.
In my tribe looking first is like giving a warning.
In my tribe we never need to defend we always attacked.
Amazon justice for a killer in my tribe...
Execution: In my tribe it took a long, long time, as the life oozed out of you they'd talk with you, ask how it felt.
I betrayed my Queen I know the price of that.
Kick butt and take names later.


I just keep coming back in that way I'm more dependable than your chakram. My Lord sees everything Xena and you don't have to go through with this. I can arrange it for you and Gabrielle and all her peaceful little friends to just walk out of here and no one gets hurts. And you and Gabrielle can live happily ever after. Well there is a little thing you have to drop your sword and join Gabrielle in fulfilling her life of loving kindness. That's because  you haven't heard it all yet. I'm offering you complete serenity. There's a reason you can't allow you and your partner peace it's your guilt. It motivates everything you do. It torments you. Invite me into your soul. I can purge you of that guilt. I can cleanse you of that shame that drives you. I can give you peace if you let me. What's it gonna be Xena serenity and happiness or another ride in that wagon with your friend Gabrielle? Think of your vision.
Xena's Sticking To Her Way
You're trying to tempt me from my way by offering me peace. That guilt you're depending on put it all behind me. You see I know now what I have to do. I have to be the best warrior I can be. To redeem myself I have to fight evil with a sword and that's what I'm gonna do no matter what the circumstances.


Gabby Has No Regrets
I had a choice to do nothing or save my friend. I chose the Way of Friendship. Xena you brought out the best in me. Before I met you no one saw me for who I was. I felt invisible. But you saw all the things that I could be. You saved me, Xena.

Together Always
The vision came to pass
Each tied to a cross
A change occurred
Unable to bear
The sight of Xena being slain
On the ground so helpless
A sight most unusual
She picks up a sword
Killed right and left
Cries of stop were ignored
All of a sudden
She drops the blade
Together in live
So in death too

Gavel Banging


Don't give me that confident look. You're about to die like a slave and drag your friend with you and it's all right by me. Making Caesar dictaror was his main concern and once he's ruling making him an agent of my Lord will be easy. So while you lie her helpless he's declaring himself emperor.
Caesar's Final Words
Good senators, true patriots of Rome your attention please. I have an important announcement to make. To quell civil unrest I have decided to make an important change to our government. And I must supply the leadership so desperately needed. On this day the 15th of March I declare myself...

Past Lives
A huge fan of Xena
Believes in past lives
Once Xena she thinks
Goes to a past lives counselor
She gets quite a shock
Too disturbing for words
She starts to scream
Annie was actually Joxer
Further surprise in store
Harry her boyfriend was Xena
The vigalante at night
With Gabrielle the counselor
Ares up to his old tricks
Still wanting her after all this time
A fight ensues as usual
With yet another refusal
He goes away in a flash

Welcome To Who You Used To Be
Dressing the part isn't silly when going to a past lives counselor.
We encourage our clients to dress according to what they sense was a previous life. It often helps them make important break throughs.
The first past life voyage must be taken alone.
Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathe. Focus on each and every breath you take. I want you to feel it enter through your nostrils and through your diaphram and releast it out again.
We're going to send you back back to that time back back back...Now on the count of ten I want you to find yourself in another place, another time, another body 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Don't forget to soul meld which is where you meld with your previous identity.
Clarify Remembrance
Become your breathe. Your breathe is your spirit and it's your spirit that will take you to a previous life.
On the count of ten we'll find ourselves in another body 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10

Reincarnation's Real!
This is a fine time to learn this reincarnation thing is for real. All this time I think I'm running a harmless little scam in fact I'm poisoning my karma. Look Marco taught me the hypnosis technique and I never thought I'd hurt anyone. Now I'm responsible for getting the two of you blown up this is a karmic catastrophe. I'm gonna come back as a worm no a cockroach. No, a TV evangelist.

The occupation by the soul of a new body after the death of the former body. Beliefs vary as to whether the soul assumes the new body immediately or only after an interval of disembodiment. Although some religions teach that it may inhabit a higher or lower form of life, most believe that the soul is consistently reincarnated in the same species.
Source: Columbia Encyclopedia



Pompey's Final Words
Wait! If you kill me Caesar gains control. You know it and I know it. That's the balance I give you Xena. It's always been like that. You may hate us both but without one you can't control the other. Now if you let me live well we can't destroy the world if we're trying to destroy each other now can we?
Helpful Tip: Be aware that what you say can come back and bite you on the butt.


In Hell
Paying for what she did in life
Makes Tartarus seem like the Elysian Fields
Tormented by the one she hates most
With a man obsessed with her for eternity
Hears about her mortal enemy's redemption
Slipping away from Hell's grasp
An offer is made by the Lord
Knock Xena off her path
Help Caesar become emperor
Gain the Lord's favor

Wine bottle and glass

Wine bottle and glass

Callisto Back To Earth
I know everything about your life Caesar what it's been and what it can be. I'm here to help you get everything you ever desired. It's through me you finally fulfill your destiny. I can give you ultimate power and free you from your greatest torment. Yes Xena I can't tell you how much we have in common that way.

Helpful Tip: If you don't fight throw a rope at the guy and knock him off his feet into the water. Six million dinars on your head is a temptation for every killer so be prepared to do some serious butt kicking. If you do bring in a head at least make sure it's a woman to make it more believable.
Xena On Caesar
Gabrielle he's an evil man and he's trying to kill me. I have to take him out or die trying. It's the Way of the Warrior.



An Old Enemy
Don't bother you've already done all the damage you can to me. Thanks by the way. I wanted to cease existing and you did your best to help but as you can see it didn't take. They wouldn't let me off the hook that easy. I don't know whoever it is who does the final judging. They sent me to a place that makes Tartarus look like the Elysian Fields. They call it Hell. The one who runs things down where I come from is very interested in what happens in this life. He figures Caesar will be very valuable to him and of course he also figures that you might be an obstacle. Ah you know about the emperor thing. My aren't you the clever girl. Yes some people will be unhappy but everybody has their price even the honorable Brutus. Caesar's gonna give him Gaul natch he'll be smiling. But it's you my darling it's you that I'm worried about. I'm here to make you an offer. Afraid you'll be tempted? I'll give you a little hint. Gabrielle is in Roman hands as we speak. Do I? My Lord gave me a thorgouh briefing as to what's happened to you and Gabrielle since the last time we met. I know all about India and Eli. Ah so you're not the only clever girl now Xena are you? Gabrielle's on her way to a Roman prison in Abanines as we speak. So about my offer. Oh but I'm not going anywhere Xena.



You've both lost what's left of your spongey minds. Right I'm going to take these wires that lead to the bomb and I'm going to cut them with my teeth. Annie
Not a chance Ares. It's not a grudge it's a difference between right and wrong, good and evil. You just never learned that lesson. Xena
Things To Use When Weapons Aren't Around
A lamp is good for poking and using in place of a sword.
A phone book is cut easily but you could throw the pieces at the person
An umbrella is really handy because you can block things that are thrown your way and you can hit them back.
A crystal is good for throwing at a person.

Annie On Joxer
And another thing I went back when Callisto had you two tied up and you know what Joxer saved your butts. I saw if from his point of view and you would never have gotten the chakram if he hadn't come in the way he did. He had the heart of a lion and a really, really big one too. And he was a very underrated fighter. Oh um Harry I've been aware for some time that  you've been going into my underwear drawer at night and um it's nice to know it was in a good cause.
Life is eternal. It has no beginning and no end. The loving friends we meet our our journey return to us time after time. We never die because we were never really born. Gabrielle

Leaning tree