Warrior Babes
Spike's Guilty Pleasure




I want to hold the hand of the one who could lead me places
And kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet
And I would fly on the wings of a bird I knew
To take me higher and higher
Breathe in and breathe out
Give me a life
You are the fire burning inside of me
You are my passion for life



Mix together three 12 oz cans of frozen lemonade, thawed and diluted. Add one bottle of ginger ale, one cup of frozen orange juice, thawed and diluted, and one quart of cranberry juice cocktail. Serve chilled with one thin orange slice per glass.
For an added kick I add blood and burba weed and a touch of whiskey.

Passions Fan Club
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Charlie (Jordan Baker)- Now this chick is one nut job and you kinda feel sorry for her because she is totally clueless about her beloved Bethie. She thinks they are going to live happily ever after with the birds flying and she's just being used. Poor thing she just needs a good shag and she'll be on to better and bigger things. She's totally nuts but I don't think she has that killer instinct in her since she's wimped out so many times so far.

David Hastings (Justin Carroll)- This bloke came into town with the claim that he was married to the Goody goody Grace Bennett. He is being blackmailed by Ivy. I wonder what this bloke did that he doesn't want to get out. Left a trail of body parts perhaps? Only time will tell.

Chad Harris (Charles Diven)- Little does this bloke know that he's madly in love with his sister and that Julian Crane is his father. The fun will certainly begin when that happens and his brother Fox is after his girl. Blood will flow when that happens but things can happen so damn slow in Harmony and now LA. What is that about? Every day is an eternity and I know something about eternity.

Antonio Brian Lopez-Fitzgerald  (Christopher Douglas)- The boy with no clue. He came back to Harmony with his fiancee who is actually his brother's dead fiancee. No one told him what was going on for the fear that he would dye. He ended up marrying his brother's love and is totally clueless about everything. I personally think he's brain dead. I suppose the car crash affected his brain more than everyone thought. I just want to bite him and drain him dry because he's a useless lump.

Rebecca Hotchkiss (Andrea Evans)- This hot mama is pure evil and is totally oozing sex. She is the proud victor of getting one of her competetiors out of the way by having her executed. You gotta love this old gal.

Timmy (Josh Ryan Evans)- This is a doll made into a real boy. I like this kid because he will do anything for the one he loves. Although I'm not so sure what he sees in Charity but to each his own. I would suggest the Evil Zombie chick but that's just me the Big Bad talking. Sadly he will be missed because he was tragically killed saving the one he loves which I can totally relate to.
You are missed both on and off the screen!

Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald (Galen Gering)- This bloke is the town hero and he's willing to bend a few laws when it comes to the one's he loves. I can respect that in a man. I just can't wait until he comes face to face with his brother and his Sheridan. Watch the fur fly when that happens.

Welcome To Harmony

Nicholas Foxworthy Crane AKA Fox (Justin Hart)- This is a good looking bloke that knows what he wants and goes after it even though his friend is invovled with the girl in question. He also doesn't know that if he knew the big secret he could successfully break them up without shedding a drop of blood but that wouldn't be any fun now would it?

Gwen Hotchkiss (Liza Huber)- This is the blonde bitch that stole Ethan away from Theresa. Ok they were together first but they have no relationship other than in the physical sense. She's all right but she is annoying and a bit stupid. I guess she is the reason why they say blondes are dumb since she isn't doing any good for the lot of us.

Sam Bennett (James Hyde)- This is the Chief of Police and the man that Ivy is totally obsessed with because they spawned a wanker. Whatever! He's a big hero type the bloody poofter.

Whitney Russell (Brook Kerr)- This girl is in quite a pickle being in love with a guy that her sister is lost over not to mention that they may be brother and sister. She reminds me a bit of Buffy since she watches out for her little sis even though she drives her crazy at times.

Theresa Lopez Fitzgerald (Lindsay Korman)- Now this girl reminds me a little bit of Dru. She's a bit crazy but you gotta love her. She's spunky and is even willing to die for her beloved. I personally don't see what she sees in that poofter but after all they say love is blind. It certainly is otherwise I wouldn't be a vampire in love with a Slayer.

John Hastings (Jack Krizmanich)- This is the pretend son that Grace never had. He's a bit of a goofball if you ask me. He does fit in with the goodie goodness of Grace though. He is clueless about Daddy totally lying to him. I bet he will show some teeth when the truth finally comes out.

Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald (Eva Tamargo Lemus)- This chick is all demure and sweetlike but she's got the hellcat in her. She is fierce and protective of her cubs. It would be nice for her to release the wild beast that I know just lurks within this one.

Liz Sanbourne (Amelia Marshall)- The cutie from the island turns out to be the good Doc's little sister and she is out for blood. She has thrown herself shamelessly at TC and I don't see what the appeal is. He has the appeal of a pice of cardboard. So much for her undying love for Brian or rather Antonio.

Ethan Winthrop (Eric Martsolf)- He's a lawyer but he's a total airhead. How did he graduate with that brain of his. Sure he can be smart once in a while but he was totally clueless about the whole Crane family being evil. Now that's what I look for in a family. He is now back with his bitchy Gwen but who knows what will develop in this strange town. He has been awfully naughty lately practically shagging with the girl he really loves. You got to love the fact that his little romp with Theresa was taped and is now being shown every ten seconds. This boy is gonna be in the doghouse big time if he makes it out alive because kitten's got claws.

Julian Crane (Ben Masters)- Now this bloke is entertaining to say the least. He is a total idiot but he's fun to watch. How stupid is he to think that he can go back to Harmony without being killed. Not too many brain cells although I wouldn't mind that cash. Just thinking about all the blood it would get me is making me hungry.

Beth Wallace (Kelli McCarty)- This girl is crazy but no wonder with that Mother of her's. Slowly the psycho within is coming out. She won't be happy when her honey's true love comes home and not dead. This kitten has some claws and I can't wait to see her slash and burn.

Hank Bennett (Ryan McPartlin)- This bloke is the younger brother of Sam and too tall if you ask me. How's the weather up there mate? He is quite pathetic really. But I guess the girls aren't falling over his dreamy good looks now are they.

Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald (Jesse Metcalfe)- There are way too many of this clan and there are more that could likely turn up. He's another hero type totally in love with sickeningly sweet Charity but she's been replaced and he's just not starting to sense that something is off with his beloved.

Tabitha Lenox (Juliet Mills)- A fellow Brit and a plucky old gal. It is entertaining to watch her and her Timmy. She's a Witch but I bet Red could show her a thing or too since she hasn't been doing much in the way of magick although it was impressive how she saved Timmy from that Snakey thing.

Edna Wallace (Kathleen Noone) Now this is one certified wacko but she's a funny old bird. It's amusing to see her with her bestest pal the monkey. It's a hoot to watch since this woman isn't half bad looking in fact for a person of her age she's rather attractive.

Simone Russell (Chrystee Pharris)- This girl is the clueless wonder. She thinks she has this boyfriend but sorry to tell you love that he's in love with your sister and you are nothing. Ha Ha! I just love idiots in love.

Syd Valentine (Alisa Reyes)- She is a  singer in LA that is hot for Chad's bod. She is a total bitch and a slut queen and is a piece of trash but she's good probably for a good shag or two.

Eve Russell (Tracey Ross)- The good doctor of town has all fooled. This one is hiding deep dark secrets not to mention her fling with Julian. Although I guess she can't be blamed for hiding that since he is such a scum bag. Hiding behind her persona of being Miss Perfect she has them all fooled especially her hot tempered husband.

Grace Bennett (Dana Sparks)- The amnesia lady who can't remember the first twenty years of her life. So it was quite easy for Ivy to create a husband and son for her. She makes a Tomato Soup Cake. What the hell is that anyway? The yokels seem to love it. What did she do drop a can of tomato soup in her cake mix one day and discover hey this takes good. Maybe a Blood Cake but not Tomato although I like the color.

Charity Standish (Molly Stanton)- She is out of the cave and as dull and boring as usual. She gave up her love to save her bitchy cousin's baby. I wouldn't do that because the girl is just playing into Kay's hands. Stupid this girl is but I would shag her in a heartbeat to get the beast within rolling. She just may be a tigress in the sack behind that prude exterior but I haven't seen her away from her boy toy.

Jessica Bennett (Danica Stewart)- Well this girl has once again changed faces and so far I'm just not liking her. She's horrible and she keeps talking about Mark. I could give a flying fig about this Mark bloke. Don't turn everything into a bleeding commercial.

TC Russell (Rodney Van Johnson)- This bloke is hiding a secret for sure. What is in his little shed? Some body parts of missing townsfolk. He has a wicked temper so I like this chap and he has tried to kill Julian so that gives him bonus points in my book. But he's mainly a goody goody like most of this strange town.

Sheridan Crane (McKenzie Westmore)- This girl has had so many attempts on her life that it's funny. She always manages to escape that final breath because she comes back in the end. She is quite spunky and very rich although she has no idea who she is. Well the real fun will start when the truth comes out. Man those sparks will fly not to mention the bloodletting that will take place. I for one can't wait.

Kay Bennett (Deanna Wright)- You got to admire this girl for all the evil she's done for her obsession with Captain America. She has totally gone over to the dark side and her soul's looking pretty black with all that she's done. She even pretty much raped the boy and got herself pregnant. Talk about the oldes trick in the book. I can't wait to find out what she does next.

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