Treat An Arrow Wound
1. If the shaft hasn't gone all the way through it must be pushed through.
2. Next break off the tip and pull out the shaft.
3. Get a fire going and get a poker which is applied to the wound to cauterize it.
Accupressure Points In The Eye (Pinch and roll the skin)
The inner corner of the eye- treats menstrual cramps, sacrum pain, leg pain.
Lower outer bottom of the eye- treats stomach pain, rib pain, gallstone pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and lumbar spine pain.
Outer upper part of the ey- treats headaches, stick neck, ashtma, angina, palpitations, shoulder pain, and inflammation, cervical injury, and hand and arm pain.
Tai Chi- Stand relaxed and upright with feet shoulderwidth apart and hands held loosely by your sides. Gently stretch the body and concentrate on breathing, feeling the breath going in and out. Raise your bent arms up to your upper chest height and hold this position for a couple of minutes, still focusing on the inner breath.
Still focusing on the flow of Qi dpwm
Traveler's First Aid
Sunburn: Aloe Vera gel (may be purchased or squeezed fresh from the leaf)-Apply a thing layer over infected area, reapply frequently.
Bleeding: Use a tincture of amaranth or powder of tienchi- Apply directly to wound and internally as needed.
Infected Wounds: Use a salve of equal parts goldenseal, myrrh, and celendula- Apply to infected area.
Sore Muscles: Use a liniment of equal parts eucalyptus, bay, and rosemary, with one-quarter part lobelia- Apply to affected area.
Bites-Snake, Insect: Use a tincture of echinacea-Apply to bite; also take internally one teaspoon every two hours for venomous bites.
Repelling Insects: Use oil of pennyroyal and citronella-Apply to exposed areas, avoid cotact with mucous membranes.
Poison Oak and Ivy: Use a tincutre made with equal parts witch hazel, mugwort, comfrey root, plantain, and white oak bark-Apply to affected area.
Dysentery and Diarrhea: Use capsules of blackberry bark and capsules of equal parts goldenseal and chaparral- Take two of each every four hours.
Constipation: Use capsules of equal parts cascara, licorice, and psyllium seed-Take two of each every four hours.
Irritations: Use powder of equal parts comfrey root, slippery elm and marshmellow-For external use, add a little water and apply to affected area. For internal irritations, fill gelatin capsules and take two every four hours.
Hyper Acidity: Pieces of Calmus root- Chew a small piece.
Coldness: Use capsules of composition powder, angelica, cayenne or prickly ash bark- Take two capsules as needed, not to exceed eight per day.
To Induce Vomiting: Ipecac- Take as directed.
Menstrual Cramps: Use capsules of dong quai, cram bark-Take two as needed, not to exceed eight per day.
Headache: Use a tincture of rosemary-Fifteen to thirty drops as needed, internally.
Insomnia: Use a tincture of equal parts valerian and kava kava-Take one teaspoon as needed.
Fatigue: Use capsules of equal parts ginseng and astragalus-Take two capsules as needed, not to exceed eight per day.
Red Eyes: Use goldenseal preserved with tincture of benzoin-Make fresh before each trip, apply a few drops as needed.
Cold and Flu: Use oil of garlic and capsules of cayenne-Take a teaspoon of garlic oil and two capsules of cayenne every four hours.
Poor Digestion: Use a tincture of agrimony or gentian-Take one or two teaspoons before meals.
How To Carry
Put tinctures, linimnets and oils in small plastic containers with flip-up dropper spouts. Carry capsules in plastic, mulit-compartment containers like those used by fishermen to separate small items. Salves, gels and powders can be carried in small, tightly capped jars.
How Much To Carry
Bring at least one ounce of the tinctures and oils; at least two ounces of the salves, liniments and gels; and at least eight of each capsule, for each remedy you think you may need.
Other Things To Bring
Bandages, empty gelatin capsules, cloth and a small scissors.
Weights And Measures
1 pound: 453 grams
1 ounce: 28.3 grams
16 ounces (dry): 1 pound
1 quart: 2 pints
1 cup: 8 ounces (fluid)
1 teaspoon: 60 drops
1 tablespoon: 3 teaspoons
1 fluid ounce: 2 tablespoons
1 cup: 16 tablespoons
Capsules And Powders
15.4 grains: 1 gram
1 gram: 1000 milligrams
contents 1 "00" capsule:about 650 mg: 10 grains (well packed)
contents 1 "0" capsule: about 500 mg: 8 grains (well packed)
Two gelatin capsules: one teaspoon of the tincture

Arabic Gum Powder- Spirituality, purification, add to incense for good vibrations or smoulder alone on charcoal. Purifies area of negativity.
Beeswax- For make candles, base for herbal salves, seals; polish and protective finish.
Buckeyes Whole- For arthritis and rheumatism, divination, luck, attracts money and wealth.
Camphor Blocks (Synthetic)- kills germs, pain relief, heals skin lips, nose, burns, prophecy in dreams, purification, physical energy.
Catnip Cut- treats colds, fevers, colic, indigestion, flatulence, pyschic bond with animals, power, courage, love and happiness.
Chamomile FLower Whole- soothing sedative, treats indigestion, pain, luck, prevents lightening strikes, prosperity, meditation.
Cloves Whole- Eases tooth pain, ground cloves calm stomach, relieves gas, banish hostile/negative forces, gain what is sought, clears head, friendship.
Coltsfoot Leaf Cut- To disperse illness, pain relief, cough remedy, wealth and prosperity, love.
Comfrey Leaf Cut- Soothes stomach, heals sprains, strains, fractures, sores, rheumatism, arthritis protection.
Damiana Leaf Cut- Improves digestion, relieves coughs.
Dandelion Leaf Cut- Internally cleansing mild laxative, treats skin disorders/urninary trac infection.
EpsomSalts- Reduces inflammation.
Eucalyptus Cut- Kills germs and infections, eases lung congestion, heart stimulate.
Fennel Seed- Aids digestion, weight loss, relieves gas.
Galangal Root Cut- Take at onset of colds, sore throat.
Garlic- For colds/flu/infection, reduce blood pressure, cholesterol.
Ginseng Powder (Siberian)- Equalizes blood pressure.
Heal All Cut- All purpose healing, cures sore throats.
Hibiscus Flower Whole- Itchy skin, stomach problems.
Horehound Cut- Coughing/Bronchitis, Colds, Flu, Balances energies.
Jasmine Flower Whole- Eye problems.
Juniper Berries Whole- Digestion problems, cramps, diuretic, arthritis.
Lavender Flower Whole- Stomach problems, nausea/vomiting.
Linden Flower Cut- Do not use for long periods (heart damage). Remedy for colds, sore throats, flu, mild bladder/kidney problems. Gargle.
LobeliaCut- Relaxant, bronchitis, coughs, migraines.
Mistletoe Cut- Treatment of hypertension, elpilepsy, menstrual problems, headache and hemorrhage, improves circulation.
Mugwort Cut- Appetite, Digestion.
Mullein Leaf Cut- Expectorant, Lung ailments, diarrhea, hemmorhoids.
Nettles Leaf Cut- For anemia, skin disorders and allergies, restores health.
Nutmeg Whole- Use small doses (poison) appetite, digestion.
Orris Root Powder- Diuretic, bronchitis/coughs/sore throat. physical and spiritual protection.
Passion Flower- Relieves nerve pain, for seizures/hysteria, restful sleep, callming and soothing.
Pau d'Arco Cut- Antiviral to relieve pain, kill germs, increase the flow of urine.
Pennyroyal Leaf Cut- Repels insects, cals, itch, antiseptic, nausea, treat colds, stimulate menses.
Peppermint Leaf Cut- Upset stomach, heartburn, nausea, colds/flu.
Raspberry Leaf Cut- Pregnancy/childbirth, kidneys, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting.
Rosemary Leaf Whole- Circulatory, digestive and stimulent, headache, depression, halitosis, healing.
Red Rose Buds and Petals- For headache, dizziness, mouthsores and menstrual cramps, hear/nerve tonic.
Rose Hips Cut- Colds/flu, mild laxative, tonic healing to acne.
Sage Leaf Cut- Antiperspirant, wounds, digestion, muscle/joint pain, gargle colds and fever.
Red Sandalwood Chips- Bruises, indigestion.
Scullcap Cut- Tranquilizer insomnia sedative, drug and alcohol withdrawal and PMS.
St John's Wort Cut- Wound healing, immune system stimulant, insomnai, headache, menstrual cramps, colds, antidepressant.
Valerian Root Cut- Calms nerves, sleep aid, treats spasmodic/nervous conditons, reduces blood pressure.
Vervain Cut- For minor pains, restful sleep.
Wormwood Cut- Small doses (poison) stomach disorders, liver cardiac stimulant.

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