Long flowing curly locks of gold
The Goddess of Love
Shooting sparks of love
Causing some mischief
A Goddess of Beauty
Good at heart
But occasionally can be quite naughty
 I'm like extremely versatile. No more hiding my talents. They're going to be out there for the world to see.
Time to find a new energy filed, alter my aura.
Super bummer but not my problem!
Hunting sucks. I mean what does everyone see in this? Hours and hours of looking for some huge ugly hairy pig.
But first the right outfit that's key.
But I love accessories and this matches.
Eat sand!
I guess if you can't stand the heat stay out of the forge.
Listen up there's no Goddess of Love anymore. So you don't want to go one on one with me.
You made me break a bootstrap. There should be like hazard pay to this job or something.
But I'm not into bondange.
Besides beauty's not just what you look like it's also what you are like inside.
I got a total case of the total blahs and somebody told me that bareback riding would lighten my aura.
Time to lose the doom and gloom and find a happy place hagsters.
I'll give these girls a new attitude.
I saw those hagsters doing their manhating mantra and I was like must these gals be so heinous.
I was trying to lighten the vibe.
I thought some shopping would take the edge off.
I'd rather lick frogs.
The bathroom's not a library you know.
God or now Lachromose is still a man. You should try a little sex appeal it's the only way to really entertain the weaker sex.
You know slumber party mode it's the only way to really talk about sex.
Haven't you heard that chocolate's an aphrodisiac?
Does Medusa have bad hair days I'm so there.
I feel like I've been basted.
I hate manual labor.
Sweetpea I am immortal you know I've got nothing but time.
Everyone shrinks as they get older. That's why old people are so short.
Don't let the blond hair fool you.
Although bombastic forms of circumlocution should be generally avoided one mustn't shy away from big words in the right context.
 Greek Goddesses
Hera- Chief Goddess, Goddess of Marriage
Hestia- Hearth Goddess
Demeter- Vegetation, Harvest Goddess
Persephone- Underworld Goddess
Anadyomene- Sea-born Goddess of Sexuality
Psyche- Goddess of Love
Aphrodite- Goddess of Love and Beauty
Heba- Youth Goddess
Artemis- Hunting, Moon, Fertility Goddess
Nike- Goddess of Victory
Nemesis- Goddess of Vengeance
Helen- Moon Goddess of Childbirth, Love, and Fertility
Penelope- Spring Goddess, Goddess of Fertility and Sexuality
Iris- Messenger Goddess, Goddess of Rainbows
Kronos- God of Fertility
Dike- Goddess of Justice
Akikia- Goddess of Injustice
Selena- Moon Goddess
Gaia- Earth Goddess
Hypatia- Goddess of Knowledge
Nyx- Goddess of Night
Hygieia- Goddess of Health
Mnemosyne- Goddess of Memory
Irene- Goddess of Peace
Hecate- Moon Goddess, Goddess of Pathways
Roman Goddesses
Juno- Chief Goddess, Goddess of Marrige
Vesta- Hearth Goddess
Ceres- Goddess of Grain and Fertility
Proserpine- Underworld Goddess
Minerva- Goddess of Wisdom and Arts
Diana- Moon, Fertility, Hunting Goddess
Venus- Goddess of Love and Beauty
Anna Perenna- Goddess of Sexuality and Fertility
Flora- Goddess of Flowers and Fertility
Victoria- Victory Goddess
Abeona- Goddess of Safe Travel
Luna- Moon Goddess
Aurora- Goddess of Dawn
Pomona- Goddess of Fruit
Maia- Earth Goddess
Felicitas- Goddess of Good Fortune
Abunantia- Goddess of Abundance
Fortuna- Lady Luck
Egeria- Fertility Goddess
Meditrina- Goddess of Healing
Discordia- Goddess of Dissent
Pax- Goddess of Peace
Unxia- Goddess of Marriage
Norse Goddesses
Frigg- Cheif Goddess, Goddess of Marriage
Frigga- Goddess of Feminine Arts
Freya- Goddess of Love and Fertility
Hel- Underworld Goddess
Idunn- Goddess of Immortality
Sif- Grain Goddess
Gefjon- Goddess of Agriculture
Fjorgyn- Fertility Goddess
Iord- Earth Goddess
Nanna- Vegetation Goddess
Ran- Storm Goddess
Sol- Sun Goddess
Vor- Goddess of Oaths and Pacts
Hindu Goddesses
Akupera- Goddess of Moonlight
Annapunra- Great Mother, Goddess of Abundance
Parvati- Goddess of Fertility
Lakshmi- Goddess of Beauty and Fortune
Kali- Goddess of Power and Destruction
Durga- War Goddess
Shakti- Great Mother Goddess who embodies feminine energy
Maya- Goddess of Creation
Indraini- Goddess of Wrath
Abhijit- Goddess of Fortune
Aditi- Mother Goddess, Guardian Goddess
Didi Thankrun- Goddess of Plague
Horta- Goddess of Sacrifice
Ardra- Goddess of Misfortune
Candika- Goddess of Desire
Dipti- Goddess of Brightness
Siddhi- Goddess of Success
Manasa- Snake Goddess
Malhal Mata- Goddess of Disease
Kaumudi- Goddess of Moonlight
Dharma- Goddess of Justice