Entry One
Dear Diary
What started out as a typical day in Potedia soon changed quite drastically when those men came. I thought we were goners for sure. I even offered myself if they would just let the others go. It didn't work but I didn't want Mother and Lilah taken and figured that it was worth a shot. This woman came and saved us. She fought off the men with this cool hoop thing. It was absolutely amazing. I wonder where she got that hoop thing. Her name is Xena and I made the decision to join up with her. I'm following her and boy what a journey it's been. I ran into a cyclops but thank the gods for dimwittedness. I got lost but finally I was able to get a ride to Amphipolis and I got there just in time since they were about to stone her but I saved Xena. Well I figured I should return the favor and I'm good at talking my way out of things. I guess my experience with the cyclops gave me some confidence. So we left and she went to visit her brother. Xena is obviously haunted by the sins in her past. That Draco guy was scary but Xena wiped the floor with him although I did help out a little when I tripped that guy which caused Draco to fall not that she couldn't have taken care of him I just help shorten the fight. So two villages were saved and Xena's relationship with her Mother is on the mend. I just love happy endings. Xena's allowed me to stay with her since she knows I'd only come back so this is the first of many great adventures with the Warrior Princess who is my friend. This will make a great story. I'm going to write about my travels with Xena and I have the perfect name for the first scroll. I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep. The Sins Of The Past will be the name of the scrooll about my first meeting with the Warrior Princess.
Entry Two
Xena went off and left me at this tavern. A smelly and very drunk guy started hitting on me so I came up with my plan of escape. I saw a cute guy who said I was my boyfriend and walked over to him. I surprised myself with my boldness. I sat on his lap and kissed him. Actually he was a pretty good kisser. We talked for a while and I started to think that he might by my tree in the forest. I finally hooked up with Xena and not wanting to miss out on all the fun I went with her. I learned two things about today. 1. Horses are too high of the ground. 2. I'm a lousy chariot driver. We crashed but no real harm was done. My tree turned out to be one of the bad guys but in the end he proved himself to be one of the good guys. That Darius seemed like a really good man and there were sparks between the two but Xena won't allow herself to be happy until she's made up for all she's done in the past. In her mind that day will never come. Whether she knows it or not she made a good impact on that family since her presence made that little girl talk again by just hanging around her. She's a good person but she doesn't know it or won't accept it. I wonder if she'll ever be able to forgive herself. I'm hungry and by the smell of that fish it's dinner time.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
I narrowly escaped being Morpheus' bride. He doesn't treat them well since they end up sacrificed. Thanks to Xena's advice I was able to avoid killing which is what they wanted me to do. I did punch that one guy that son of a Bacchae. So it was just another typical day. Darn Xena won't teach me how to use a sword and she took my breast dagger. It was so cute and it did come in handy. I still want to learn how to defend myself. Watching Xena in action should teach me a lot. I just know that I can learn so much from her. Hmm I wonder if I should go to a sorcerer to enhance my motives. I can't believe I told her about the extra toe on my foot when I was born. Like I'm the only one that happened to. It was taken care of so both foot only sport five toes each.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
I just barely finished writing about our latest adventure with Morpheus and I get kidnapped. I'm going to call it The Dreamworker. Ironically I've come up with titles while dreaming. Dreams can be very inspirational and full of meaning. We found a baby by the river and met Pandora. She wasn't the Pandora that opened the box but her granddaughter and she still had the box. Things worked out well since Pandora found a home and family in King Gregor and the baby Gabriel. That was so sweet of Xena to do that for me. What a cute baby and now he has a home. I'm already coming up with a title for this latest adventure. I want Cradle in the title but something's missing. I'll keep thinking about it and I bet it'll come to me when I start writing my next scroll. I better go see what's taking Xena so long. Did they have to hunt as well as cook my meal?
Entry Five
Dear Diary
Love is such a beautiful thing but it can also be very painful. A prince came to us about his kidnapped finacee. I'll admit that I was a bit worried about going back to her pals from the past to save the princess. I really should learn when not to talk because going to the King about his daughter didn't go quite like I planned. I should think things through before I act upon them. I nearly got us killed. Sadly Xena lost a man she loved whose name is Marcus. He died saving the princess. Unfortunately people die but he died a hero's death and his memory will be carried around in Xena's heart. She has a beautiful voice. I was stunned when she started singing at the funeral. That girl has many skills.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Ouch that breastplate really hurt. I had to soak my hand in cold water so it wouldn't swell. Note to self when attempting to punch someone aim higer and stand on tiptoes if the person is taller or stand on something. I'm just glad that mess has been resolved and that those men aren't dead. That was clever of Xena. She outsmarted the God of War. Wow! My hand is still a little sore so I'm going to make this short. I'll think of titles and I'll start mentally writing my next scroll.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Well I won't be going into any caves and reading any scrolls since that didn't work well. Those Titans were really big not to mention a bit scary. So much for good intentions. Good thing nothing happened between me and Philipus because I wouldn't have been able to stop the Titans. The dark haired one was the mean one since the other two were all right and didn't hate humans. I got in way over my head this time. Thank the Gods they were turned to stone in the nick of time. I'm running low on parchment so I must stock up at the next village we get to. I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
This has been quite a day. I met Hercules and boy is he big. His friend Iolaus was really nice and so brave wanting to continue on at the risk of dying. I'm just so glad that Xena didn't turn to ash in order to free Promethus. Thanks to her quick thinking she was able to free him without anyone dying. Now everyone has the ability to heal themselves now. This will make quite a scroll in fact I think I'll start it right now while I'm waiting for Xena to come back with supplies. I hope she doesn't forget to get me some nutbread.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
I never realized just how important death is to the world. I met a really great guy named Talus who had a wonderful bedside manner. I wasn't having much luck helping out the guy till he stepped in. With a gentle touch and a story he was able to ease that poor man's suffering. It was something to aspire to because I want to heal people in body and soul. Hades tour out of the tree in his chariot and asked Xena to rescue his sister. Wow a God asking for a mortal's help. But Xena isn't just some mere mortal. I miss Talus but he had been suffering terribly. At least now he's at peace and on the other side in the Elysian Fields. I'm glad we met even though we only knew each other for such a short time. Now death whose name is Calesta is back in business where she belongs.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Who would have thought that walking through the woods would result in my becoming an Amazon Princess? It's really exciting and I now have this really cool staff. That was so sweet of Ephiny to give it to me. Now I can use a staff to defend myself. I'm getting the hang of it. I'm just so glad that I didn't have to kill Fantes. Thanks to Xena the truth was revealed and now the centaurs and the Amazons have made peace with one another. So now I have a new outfit.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
I got myself thrown in jail on purpose. There was a complication since that man took my tomato so I used gruel instead to dump over those guards. It is amazing that Salmoneus happens to know Xena. He saw the transformation of Xena when she saved that baby and w ent through the gauntlet. He is quite a character. I was able to sneak in Xena's chakram under my hat and I put her sword down the back of my skirt. That thing certainly comes in handy. I doubt if she would teach me to use it since it's like her favorite weapon. I doubt if there's another one like it. So another adventure comes to an end and another scroll will be written.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
It was nice seeing Perdicus again. Too bad it was during a war. It was surprising to find him fighting. At least the war is finally over. It has been going on for much too long. Ten long years of war because two men were desperate to possess Helen. Well Helen now has a chance to live her life out and make her own decisions. I wonder if anyone took the horse. It would have made a great keepsake but it was too big. Where would I put it anyway since it couldn't fit in my pack?
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
I decided to try out for the academy. I had to be a little sneaky but I was allowed to compete. It was so sweet of those guys to stick up for me by refusing to perform unless I could too. I totally wowed the judges but the academy isn't for me. It was a great experience and I met some nice people and all but I enjoy traveling with Xena. I suppose she's my muse in a sense because she inspires so much of what I write and I just don't want to lose that. I just know that Homer is going to do so well that it'll be hard to find a person that hasn't heard of him. I know that will happen one day now that he's telling stories in his own way and not how his father wanted him too.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Well that was quite an adventure. That was a surprise to meet Xena's ex fiancee. He must have really loved her to have kept the marriage bracelet. It's a real shame that he had to die. He obviously changed and wasn't such a bad guy after all. I'm just glad that that creepy assassin guy didn't get ahold of the ambrosia since that would have led to a major bloodbath mine included. I managed to put a few baubles in my purse before I was so rudely taken away. It was a room of treasures as far as the eye could see. All the good that could be done with all of those riches.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Wow Xena has a double that's a princess. That was certainly interesting. So Xena got to play princess while I hung out with Diana. I think it was good for her to spend time outside the castle since she's been so sheltered. I'm so glad that she ended up with the man she loves. I just love happy endings. She certainly brushes her hair enough and she gave Argo a brushing that she's never had. Diana certainly wears beautiful clothes. Xena enjoyed her stint as a princess being waited on hand and foot. A girl could so get used to that kind of treatment. Those things that Xena ate were delicious. I wonder if I can get the recipe for them. Since we're spending the night just outside the castle I think I'll stop by the castle in the morning to talk to the cook before we're off.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
Well I met a dead guy except he wasn't at the time since Hades gave him 48 hours of life. That was such a wonderful thing he did even though he'd be condemning himself back to Tartarus. I'm glad that he's in the Elysian Fields thanks to Xena. That must have been so hard to kill him so he'd get a second judging considering that she loves him. I guess that's why she was able to even though it had to be horrible. Well the dead hear our thoughts and his memory will live on in her heart always.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Well I met the King of Thieves but I ended up with the ring. Autolycus is actually a really good guy since he left the money in that man's cart. I feel a little bad about swiping the ring. That headache made me feel like I was in Tartarus. That guy sure knew how to use pressure points for evil. At least Xena helped some with the thing she did. Maybe I should learn about pressure points. I think I'll ask Xena. There seem to be quite a few of them. They can be used to hurt and to help.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
I decided to go back home for a while. Lila was mad at first but we worked things out. In a way she was somewhat jealous but thankfully everything is fine now between us. I think she understands why I had to do it. I just feel bad that I waited so long to come back for a visit. Potedia is now safe and I'm happy to say that I played a part in it. I've learned so much from Xena which came in handy when Meleager was dead drunk. But he came through in the end and that's what's important. I really impressed myself when I used my staff to jump over that cart. I didn't know I had it in me but I thought about what Xena said about acting and not reacting and the next thing I knew I was flying over that cart that those thugs tried to crush me with.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
I will never take another drug ever again. That was really rotten to drug perfectly good nutbread. Now that is such a crime. I'll have to be careful the next time I have nutbread. My head felt like Monday morning in Tartarus. So that voice I heard was for real since I lost my loud talking thing. That Mael was pretty twisted to want to have his father sacrifice his youngest son to some God. Maybe that was the voice of a God since who else could it have been? I guess that will just remain a mystery.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
Now that was pretty scary to see Xena like that. Ares is like obsessed with her and knew the perfect way to tap into her dark side. I guess I knocked some sense back into her with that pitchfork. That was so cruel for him to pose as her father which was something she wanted so badly. He's bound to be back so this won't be the last time we see this God. Why couldn't it be Cupid instead? I'm sure he's a much friendlier God. I'm just glad that Xena didn't destroy the village when she was so enraged. I really don't like people or Gods for that matter to mess with those that I love.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
A very bad day turned into a good one. I thought that Xena was dead and that hurt beyond words. Thank the Gods that she's alive. Since she's so knowledgeable about herbs and medicines she knew not to fight the effects of that poison. I went into Xena mode and I surprised myself. I didn't do so badly if I do say so myself. I got over my thing about riding and Argo was such a great help. She is one amazing horse and deserves a treat. I think she is maybe starting to like me. It was amazing how Argo and that other horse wouldn't pull Xena apart. It was like Argo knew that Xena was still alive or something. That was such a scary moment. Now I can breathe easily now that I know she's ok. How does Salmoneus manage to stay alive with the messes he gets himself into?
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
The past came back to haunt Xena. She is so tortured by the things she did in the past. Although it wasn't totally her fault about Callisto's village since it was her second in command that destroyed the village. That Callisto is pure evil and she has no one but herself to blame for what she's turned into. Bad things happening doesn't give a person permission to become a bloodthirsty killer. She totally enjoys killing. You can totally tell that she gets off on it. You can't allow something tragic to change you into a monster. This cycle of hatred and violence has to end. The only way that can be done is through love and forgiveness. There simply is no other way at least that I know of. She's the one that shot Xena with that poison dart. It gives me the chills to think about how I almost lost Xena. I met a guy named Joxer and could he be a bigger dork. He tried to kidnap me for Callisto but I wiped the floor with him. He claims to be a warrior but I'm more of a warrior than he is. Well he's not a bad guy since he did refuse to kill me. Maybe he'll become a fisherman like I suggested. Hopefully this experience will show him that he's not a warrior. I did a real number on his nose. I'm getting better with the staff. Well like they say practice makes perfect.
Entry Twenty-three
Dear Diary
How diabolically clever of that Cortez to play at King and wage a war that makes him dinars. I still haven't gotten the knack of stopping arrows after that first time. I've been praciting and practice makes perfect. Xena is so wise in so many ways. She should totally write a scroll but I don't see that happening. It's just that I've learned so much from her. Xena's brother is a lot like her. He has a tough exterior but underneath he is a good man. I'm just glad that Torres didn't kill Cortez. It wouldn't have made him feel any better. I guess good fighting skills run in the family. That was amazing when she threw those two swords at Cortez and pinned him by his robes.
Entry Twenty-four
Dear Diary
That was quite an experience. I died but I came back. I saw my uncle and Talus but I knew that I wasn't done with my life and besides I knew Xena needed me. How cool I'm an Aunt. Ephiny had a beatiful baby boy that she named Xenon. So among all that pain and suffering came the beauty of a new life entering the world. Having a brief brush with death has made me hungry so I'm going to see what I can find to eat. There's a village not that far off. Maybe I'll go get some nutbread if I can find it.