Warrior Babes
Gabby's Diary


Entry One
Dear Diary
What started out as a typical day in Potedia soon changed quite drastically when those men came. I thought we were goners for sure. I even offered myself if they would just let the others go. It didn't work but I didn't want Mother and Lilah taken and figured that it was worth a shot. This woman came and saved us. She fought off the men with this cool hoop thing. It was absolutely amazing. I wonder where she got that hoop thing. Her name is Xena and I made the decision to join up with her. I'm following her and boy what a journey it's been. I ran into a cyclops but thank the gods for dimwittedness. I got lost but finally I was able to get a ride to Amphipolis and I got there just in time since they were about to stone her but I saved Xena. Well I figured I should return the favor and I'm good at talking my way out of things. I guess my experience with the cyclops gave me some confidence. So we left and she went to visit her brother. Xena is obviously haunted by the sins in her past. That Draco guy was scary but Xena wiped the floor with him although I did help out a little when I tripped that guy which caused Draco to fall not that she couldn't have taken care of him I just help shorten the fight. So two villages were saved and Xena's relationship with her Mother is on the mend. I just love happy endings. Xena's allowed me to stay with her since she knows I'd only come back so this is the first of many great adventures with the Warrior Princess who is my friend. This will make a great story. I'm going to write about my travels with Xena and I have the perfect name for the first scroll. I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep. The Sins Of The Past will be the name of the scrooll about my first meeting with the Warrior Princess.
Entry Two
Xena went off and left me at this tavern. A smelly and very drunk guy started hitting on me so I came up with my plan of escape. I saw a cute guy who said I was my boyfriend and walked over to him. I surprised myself with my boldness. I sat on his lap and kissed him. Actually he was a pretty good kisser. We talked for a while and I started to think that he might by my tree in the forest. I finally hooked up with Xena and not wanting to miss out on all the fun I went with her. I learned two things about today. 1. Horses are too high of the ground. 2. I'm a lousy chariot driver. We crashed but no real harm was done. My tree turned out to be one of the bad guys but in the end he proved himself to be one of the good guys. That Darius seemed like a really good man and there were sparks between the two but Xena won't allow herself to be happy until she's made up for all she's done in the past. In her mind that day will never come. Whether she knows it or not she made a good impact on that family since her presence made that little girl talk again by just hanging around her. She's a good person but she doesn't know it or won't accept it. I wonder if she'll ever be able to forgive herself. I'm hungry and by the smell of that fish it's dinner time.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
I narrowly escaped being Morpheus' bride. He doesn't treat them well since they end up sacrificed. Thanks to Xena's advice I was able to avoid killing which is what they wanted me to do. I did punch that one guy that son of a Bacchae. So it was just another typical day. Darn Xena won't teach me how to use a sword and she took my breast dagger. It was so cute and it did come in handy. I still want to learn how to defend myself. Watching Xena in action should teach me a lot. I just know that I can learn so much from her. Hmm I wonder if I should go to a sorcerer to enhance my motives. I can't believe I told her about the extra toe on my foot when I was born. Like I'm the only one that happened to. It was taken care of so both foot only sport five toes each.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
I just barely finished writing about our latest adventure with Morpheus and I get kidnapped. I'm going to call it The Dreamworker. Ironically I've come up with titles while dreaming. Dreams can be very inspirational and full of meaning. We found a baby by the river and met Pandora. She wasn't the Pandora that opened the box but her granddaughter and she still had the box. Things worked out well since Pandora found a home and family in King Gregor and the baby Gabriel. That was so sweet of Xena to do that for me. What a cute baby and now he has a home. I'm already coming up with a title for this latest adventure. I want Cradle in the title but something's missing. I'll keep thinking about it and I bet it'll come to me when I start writing my next scroll. I better go see what's taking Xena so long. Did they have to hunt as well as cook my meal?
Entry Five
Dear Diary
Love is such a beautiful thing but it can also be very painful. A prince came to us about his kidnapped finacee. I'll admit that I was a bit worried about going back to her pals from the past to save the princess. I really should learn when not to talk because going to the King about his daughter didn't go quite like I planned. I should think things through before I act upon them. I nearly got us killed. Sadly Xena lost a man she loved whose name is Marcus. He died saving the princess. Unfortunately  people die but he died a hero's death and his memory will be carried around in Xena's heart. She has a beautiful voice. I was stunned when she started singing at the funeral. That girl has many skills.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Ouch that breastplate really hurt. I had to soak my hand in cold water so it wouldn't swell. Note to self when attempting to punch someone aim higer and stand on tiptoes if the person is taller or stand on something. I'm just glad that mess has been resolved and that those men aren't dead. That was clever of Xena. She outsmarted the God of War. Wow! My hand is still a little sore so I'm going to make this short. I'll think of titles and I'll start mentally writing my next scroll.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Well I won't be going into any caves and reading any scrolls since that didn't work well. Those Titans were really big not to mention a bit scary. So much for good intentions. Good thing nothing happened between me and Philipus because I wouldn't have been able to stop the Titans. The dark haired one was the mean one since the other two were all right and didn't hate humans. I got in way over my head this time. Thank the Gods they were turned to stone in the nick of time. I'm running low on parchment so I must stock up at the next village we get to. I'm tired so I'm going to get some sleep.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
This has been quite a day. I met Hercules and boy is he big. His friend Iolaus was really nice and so brave wanting to continue on at the risk of dying. I'm just so glad that Xena didn't turn to ash in order to free Promethus. Thanks to her quick thinking she was able to free him without anyone dying. Now everyone has the ability to heal themselves now. This will make quite a scroll in fact I think I'll start it right now while I'm waiting for Xena to come back with supplies. I hope she doesn't forget to get me some nutbread.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
I never realized just how important death is to the world. I met a really great guy named Talus who had a wonderful bedside manner. I wasn't having much luck helping out the guy till he stepped in. With a gentle touch and a story he was able to ease that poor man's suffering. It was something to aspire to because I want to heal people in body and soul. Hades tour out of the tree in his chariot and asked Xena to rescue his sister. Wow a God asking for a mortal's help. But Xena isn't just some mere mortal. I miss Talus but he had been suffering terribly. At least now he's at peace and on the other side in the Elysian Fields. I'm glad we met even though we only knew each other for such a short time. Now death whose name is Calesta is back in business where she belongs.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Who would have thought that walking through the woods would result in my becoming an Amazon Princess? It's really exciting and I now have this really cool staff. That was so sweet of Ephiny to give it to me. Now I can use a staff to defend myself. I'm getting the hang of it. I'm just so glad that I didn't have to kill Fantes. Thanks to Xena the truth was revealed and now the centaurs and the Amazons have made peace with one another. So now I have a new outfit.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
I got myself thrown in jail on purpose. There was a complication since that man took my tomato so I used gruel instead to dump over those guards. It is amazing that Salmoneus happens to know Xena. He saw the transformation of Xena when she saved that baby and w ent through the gauntlet. He is quite a character. I was able to sneak in Xena's chakram under my hat and I put her sword down the back of my skirt. That thing certainly comes in handy. I doubt if she would teach me to use it since it's like her favorite weapon. I doubt if there's another one like it. So another adventure comes to an end and another scroll will be written.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
It was nice seeing Perdicus again. Too bad it was during a war. It was surprising to find him fighting. At least the war is finally over. It has been going on for much too long. Ten long years of war because two men were desperate to possess Helen. Well Helen now has a chance to live her life out and make her own decisions. I wonder if anyone took the horse. It would have made a great keepsake but it was too big. Where would I put it anyway since it couldn't fit in my pack?
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
I decided to try out for the academy. I had to be a little sneaky but I was allowed to compete. It was so sweet of those guys to stick up for me by refusing to perform unless I could too. I totally wowed the judges but the academy isn't for me. It was a great experience and I met some nice people and all but I enjoy traveling with Xena. I suppose she's my muse in a sense because she inspires so much of what I write and I just don't want to lose that. I just know that Homer is going to do so well that it'll be hard to find a person that hasn't heard of him. I know that will happen one day now that he's telling stories in his own way and not how his father wanted him too.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Well that was quite an adventure. That was a surprise to meet Xena's ex fiancee. He must have really loved her to have kept the marriage bracelet. It's a real shame that he had to die. He obviously changed and wasn't such a bad guy after all. I'm just glad that that creepy assassin guy didn't get ahold of the ambrosia since that would have led to a major bloodbath mine included. I managed to put a few baubles in my purse before I was so rudely taken away. It was a room of treasures as far as the eye could see. All the good that could be done with all of those riches.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
Wow Xena has a double that's a princess. That was certainly interesting. So Xena got to play princess while I hung out with Diana. I think it was good for her to spend time outside the castle since she's been so sheltered. I'm so glad that she ended up with the man she loves. I just love happy endings. She certainly brushes her hair enough and she gave Argo a brushing that she's never had. Diana certainly wears beautiful clothes. Xena enjoyed her stint as a princess being waited on hand and foot. A girl could so get used to that kind of treatment. Those things that Xena ate were delicious. I wonder if I can get the recipe for them. Since we're spending the night just outside the castle I think I'll stop by the castle in the morning to talk to the cook before we're off.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
Well I met a dead guy except he wasn't at the time since Hades gave him 48 hours of life. That was such a wonderful thing he did even though he'd be condemning himself back to Tartarus. I'm glad that he's in the Elysian Fields thanks to Xena. That must have been so hard to kill him so he'd get a second judging considering that she loves him. I guess that's why she was able to even though it had to be horrible. Well the dead hear our thoughts and his memory will live on in her heart always.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Well I met the King of Thieves but I ended up with the ring. Autolycus is actually a really good guy since he left the money in that man's cart. I feel a little bad about swiping the ring. That headache made me feel like I was in Tartarus. That guy sure knew how to use pressure points for evil. At least Xena helped some with the thing she did. Maybe I should learn about pressure points. I think I'll ask Xena. There seem to be quite a few of them. They can be used to hurt and to help.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
I decided to go back home for a while. Lila was mad at first but we worked things out. In a way she was somewhat jealous but thankfully everything is fine now between us. I think she understands why I had to do it. I just feel bad that I waited so long to come back for a visit. Potedia is now safe and I'm happy to say that I played a part in it. I've learned so much from Xena which came in handy when Meleager was dead drunk. But he came through in the end and that's what's important. I really impressed myself when I used my staff to jump over that cart. I didn't know I had it in me but I thought about what Xena said about acting and not reacting and the next thing I knew I was flying over that cart that those thugs tried to crush me with.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
I will never take another drug ever again. That was really rotten to drug perfectly good nutbread. Now that is such a crime. I'll have to be careful the next time I have nutbread. My head felt like Monday morning in Tartarus. So that voice I heard was for real since I lost my loud talking thing. That Mael was pretty twisted to want to have his father sacrifice his youngest son to some God. Maybe that was the voice of a God since who else could it have been? I guess that will just remain a mystery.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
Now that was pretty scary to see Xena like that. Ares is like obsessed with her and knew the perfect way to tap into her dark side. I guess I knocked some sense back into her with that pitchfork. That was so cruel for him to pose as her father which was something she wanted so badly. He's bound to be back so this won't be the last time we see this God. Why couldn't it be Cupid instead? I'm sure he's a much friendlier God. I'm just glad that Xena didn't destroy the village when she was so enraged. I really don't like people or Gods for that matter to mess with those that I love.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
A very bad day turned into a good one. I thought that Xena was dead and that hurt beyond words. Thank the Gods that she's alive. Since she's so knowledgeable about herbs and medicines she knew not to fight the effects of that poison. I went into Xena mode and I surprised myself. I didn't do so badly if I do say so myself. I got over my thing about riding and Argo was such a great help. She is one amazing horse and deserves a treat. I think she is maybe starting to like me. It was amazing how Argo and that other horse wouldn't pull Xena apart. It was like Argo knew that Xena was still alive or something. That was such a scary moment. Now I can breathe easily now that I know she's ok. How does Salmoneus manage to stay alive with the messes he gets himself into?
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
The past came back to haunt Xena. She is so tortured by the things she did in the past. Although it wasn't totally her fault about Callisto's village since it was her second in command that destroyed the village. That Callisto is pure evil and she has no one but herself to blame for what she's turned into. Bad things happening doesn't give a person permission to become a bloodthirsty killer. She totally enjoys killing. You can totally tell that she gets off on it. You can't allow something tragic to change you into a monster. This cycle of hatred and violence has to end. The only way that can be done is through love and forgiveness. There simply is no other way at least that I know of. She's the one that shot Xena with that poison dart. It gives me the chills to think about how I almost lost Xena. I met a guy named Joxer and could he be a bigger dork. He tried to kidnap me for Callisto but I wiped the floor with him. He claims to be a warrior but I'm more of a warrior than he is. Well he's not a bad guy since he did refuse to kill me. Maybe he'll become a fisherman like I suggested. Hopefully this experience will show him that he's not a warrior. I did a real number on his nose. I'm getting better with the staff. Well like they say practice makes perfect.
Entry Twenty-three
Dear Diary
How diabolically clever of that Cortez to play at King and wage a war that makes him dinars. I still haven't gotten the knack of stopping arrows after that first time. I've been praciting and practice makes perfect. Xena is so wise in so many ways. She should totally write a scroll but I don't see that happening. It's just that I've learned so much from her. Xena's brother is a lot like her. He has a tough exterior but underneath he is a good man. I'm just glad that Torres didn't kill Cortez. It wouldn't have made him feel any better. I guess good fighting skills run in the family. That was amazing when she threw those two swords at Cortez and pinned him by his robes.
Entry Twenty-four
Dear Diary
That was quite an experience. I died but I came back. I saw my uncle and Talus but I knew that I wasn't done with my life and besides I knew Xena needed me. How cool I'm an Aunt. Ephiny had a beatiful baby boy that she named Xenon. So among all that pain and suffering came the beauty of a new life entering the world. Having a brief brush with death has made me hungry so I'm going to see what I can find to eat. There's a village not that far off. Maybe I'll go get some nutbread if I can find it.


Entry One
Dear Diary
I can't believe that Xena has a son. I really gave her the riot act but I realize now that she did the only thing she could do. She gave him to Calypus although it broke her heard and he couldn't love Solan more if he was his father. That had to be so hard to do to give up a child. I'm just glad that Xena got to spend some time with her son. He's a lot like her and best of all he no longer hates her. That must ease the pain somewhat but she didn't tell him that she's his mother. She's my friend so I'll support her decision even if I don't agree with it. Well that creepy Dagnon has been taken care of. The centaurs made the right choice because the Exxion Stone didn't exactly improve on Dagnon's personality and looks.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
This has been a fairly unevenful day. Xena saved a boy at the Fates Temple. Her experience will make a great scroll. I can't remember what happened bu she does. She's promised to tell me when she gets back with our dinner. I've even come up with a name. Remember Nothing. I find it fitting since I can't remember although she does. Here she comes now. I need to get some parchment out so I can take notes.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
I meet a cute guy and a fellow bard but he fails to mention his fiancee. I felt like such an idiot of course he has someone. Why shouldn't he have someone? He's a wonderful guy. He's handsome and sweet and writes such beautiful verse. Maybe I'll try to write poetry. They are stories of a sort only in a shorter form. I'll see if I get any inspiration which I'm sure I will. Maybe I'll just stick with stories but I won't rule out the possibility. I do enjoy Sappho's work so maybe I could give it a try when the mood strikes.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
I was a Bacchae and I turned Xena into one which was the only way she could kill Bacchaus so all the missing girls and us were returned to normal. I think it happened when that song was playing. It was so hypnotic and it like lured me outside. I got so lost in that music. Now that was a great song. I wonder what it's called. Maybe I'll get the words so I can include them in the scroll when I tell this latest adventure. It was strange to see a talking head but now Orpheus is with his love so it was a happy ending. They are the best kind.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
What was such a happy day turned into my worst nightmare. I married Perdicus and was the happiest I've ever been. We were out just basking in each other's love till she comes along and destroys everything. Callisto ruined everything including me when she killed Perdicus. Xena wasn't able to save him. Oh if only he'd had his sword so he would have had a fighting chance. I got a taste of bloodlust and forced Xena to give me a lesson on using a sword. I was so close and had the sword in my hand but I couldn't do it even her I couldn't kill. I nearly got burned at the stake but Xena got us out and now Callisto's dead. I will never love again and I'm so glad that she's dead. The pain is too great when you lose someone you love.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Well this has been quite interesting. There is another lookalike and her name is Meg. So now there are two women that look like Xena. Now Meg has the chance to turn her life around since the King hired her on as his cook. Thank the Gods that the King will be fine. Diana's baby is so cute not to mention brave with all that bouncing around and flying across the room. That was quick thinking on Diana's part to catch her with the curtains. So Joxer finally met a girl that likes him. Well there's someone out there for everyone so they say.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
How disturbing it is to have my best friend in the body of my worst enemy. I nearly killed my best friend. Thank the Gods that Xena asked about my dreams. This is so strange but I'll deal with it since Xena is my best friend after all and I'm not going to abandon her. There has to be a way to change her back to her body. She could dye her hair since that may help at least a little bit.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
Now that was a strange experience. I got a taste of utter rage and violence. It was surging through me like a drug. I went a little crazy but for the most part I kept myself together. I never did get my fishcakes. Joxer totally lost it when he went after that fly with his sword. Reciting that poem really helped but I don't want to hear it again anytime soon. Ares got his Godhood back and put Xena back in her body. Now that is such a relief since it was hard to look at Xena and see Callisto staring back at me. I'm not sure if I could have gotten used to that but maybe the hair change would have helped. So he actually kept his word which must have been a first for Ares.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
All in all this has been a pretty good Winter Solstice. It was wonderful how we were able to save the orphanage and reunite the King with his wife. He is a changed man and we didn't have to do much in the way of punching faces. Sinticles is such a great toy maker. Now he can make toys for the kids without cowering and hiding. It was so sweet of Xena to give me that wooden lamb. It's just like the one I had when I was little. Maybe one day I'll give it to my child if I ever have one. Well I'm gonna turn in.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
What a strange dream I had. It was set way in the future, centuries in fact. When I woke up I grabbed my quill and wrote all that I could remember so I could turn it into a scroll. That was such a vivid dream. It was about my scrolls and a woman that was related to me was looking for them. It was so strange but kind of cool since I had my very own whip or she did. I wonder if it could have been a glimpse into the future. Xena and Joxer were there too but not as themselves. Ares was locked in a tomb and as usual after Xena who did turn up in the lookalike's body. It ended with a bang as we escaped since I blew up the tomb. It was strange but Xena and me ended up together again as new people which came as no surprise. We have this unexplainable connection. Maybe we were together in a past life and this dream shows that we'll share future ones as well.
Entry Eleven
Whew now that was interesting. A man is Miss Known World. Why not he looked great in all the outfits. Such a tiny wasit the lucky guy. Funny that I'm jealous of a guy's figure. Well I guess if you got it flaunt it. Xena was right so I'll use a tasteful name for my latest scroll. I didn't think that I would get so into the beauty pageant since they are just a man's way of treating us like meat. I so wanted Xena to win and she did but she stepped aside as did the other girls. The best part is that I was able to have clams. I was able to stuff some in one of the saddle bags. I just love clams and I smell dinner so I'm done now.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
I really haven't had much time for writing lately. When Xena got hurt I was so focused on getting her to that healer. I barely noticed my own wound. That such such a rough trip and to have her die on me ripped me up inside. I had no idea how to go on without her. I met up with the Amazons and was made Queen. I was so sorry to heard that Queen Melosa was dead. It was really good to see Ephiny. Imagine my shock when Autolycus turned up. At first I though he was trying to steal Xena's body but Thank the Gods that wasn't the case. Xena's soul was in his body. That was a close call with the Ambrosia. But she was revived and she's back. I also got a taste of what it was like to be her and know that the world needs people like her.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
It was so hard to put up with Callisto but we needed an immortal and in the end it worked out perfectly. That was so scary to be hunted by Valasca who didn't die from the fall after all and got the Ambrosia. Now the two of them are stuck in that lava pit and won't be heard from again. I think I saw something in Callisto. I think somewhere deep within  she's sorry for the things she's done. It's the only way I can go on by forgiving her.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
What a day this has been. I don't think I'll be eating eel anytime soon. Where did Xena get that idea about putting parchment up in the air? That was so strange but it did work in the end. It sounded totally insane but I should have known that it would work. I tried out a war cry and I think I'll work on it. Both villages have been saved a new friend was made. It was bumpy when Hower fell for Xena. But Minya warmed up to Xena when she gave some advice to her. The giant has been toasted so a happy ending and a debt to a friend has been paid. Well I'm going to look at the stars a bit before I go to bed. I just love looking at them and all their shapes.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
I can't believe Xena just let me hit her like that. Her instincts are too quick to allow that to happen unless she wanted it. Well I got to be a hero this time around or really an overachieving sidekick. That was so strange to see Joxer turn into a sexy warrior and that kiss he gave me. I need to boil my lips because it was Joxer. It's Joxer for Gaia's sake. I met Cupid and Aphrodite which was a thrill. He's quite handsome but I don't understand why the Goddess of Love would do such a thing. Thank the Gods that Joxer wasn't killed. Xena's pep talk perked him up but the delusions remained and he started singing that silly tune. It's going to get stuck in my head.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
I knew that Meleager was innocent. My faith in him drew a rift between me and Xena. I had him on this pedastal and refused to think anything against him. We worked things out so no permanent damage was done. Even the best of friends are going to argue at times. Now that I think about it it really did look like he could have done it since he was drunk and couldn't remember. I'm just glad that everything turned out so well. I was so horrified when I thought Meleager had been hanged. That corrupt judge is now out of business. I guess I shouldn't turn a blind eye to different points of view. Xena figured out what happened and saved him. I should have trusted in the knowledge that she would do the right thing. You have to look at all the facts and not rule anything out even if it's unpleasant. So once again I learned an important lesson.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
What an ordeal I went through. I not only got kidnapped I got criticized too. My self esteem took such a blow. It wasn't a dream come true to be forced to marry a poor dead king. I nearly joined him when I was almost burned alive. Thank the Gods that Xena got me out in time but that's what she does. Her eyes were fixed so she can see again. It just shows how much she loves me with her risking the loss of her eyesight just for me. She changed the guy that took me so my opinion of him has changed. I can't even do a curtsy right and those shoes were impossible to walk in. Hmm I have dishwasher hands and I look like a scrubwoman which is what every girl wants to hear. Maybe I can us something on my hands to make them look nicer. Mud is supposed to be good for the skin but it's so messy. Maybe I'll look in the next village that has an Apothecary.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Well my first time on a boat didn't go quite as I planned. I got a major case of seasickness and that was before the waters got rough. We met this handsome man  named Ulysses. It was tough getting him to Ithaca with the Siren's song. He knocked me across the room so for a brief time I wasn't feeling sick. Xena sang him away from the Siren's call and broke the hold on him. When me made it to dry land I kissed the ground not caring that sand was going into my mouth. I was just thrilled to be on land and not bobbing up and down. I saw that things were heating up between Xena and Ulysses and she was so sad when she found out that his wife wasn't dead. So she put on a brave front and pushed him away even though it was killing her. So we left him with his wife so they could recapture their love. Poor Xena but she did the only thing she could do. How hard that must have been since I know she was falling in love. I'll be ok if we avoid boats for a while.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
I guess I got a peek at the Xena of the old days. It really scared me but I know why she did it. We were up against the Horde these really scary people. I was ok in the canoe since we were fleeing for our lives. Xena told me about her first encounter with the Horde and it was pretty gruesome. I know that she did it to protect us but it frightened me. I guess I knocked some sense into her and she came back. Since she was ready to die with a sword in her hand I decided to do things in my own way. I went outside the gates and gave the wounded men water. It ended the battle and a little was learned about the Horde. I had no idea that was going to happen. That big man looming behind me could have chopped off my head. Their men came and picked up the wounded. Some progress was made and it was thanks to a simple act that I did.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
The ship I was on crashed so I was pulled from the wreckage onto Cecrops ship. A cursed ship and just my luck. Xena made her way of board and showed me a way to stop seasickenss. I just jab at my wrist. The bad part was my tastebuds going numb. I ended up snacking on tons of squid. The curse was lifted when he found out how to break it. We even saw Poseidon which was quite a sight. He is all water and so very tall I'm not even sure how high he was up there since he was looming down on us with his trident. I'm glad to get rid of Altrax. Stalking a girl isn't tops on the list for what she looks for in a man.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
What a day this has been. Me in love with Joxer! How utterly ridiculous. I'm just glad the spell was broken. Maybe Xena does have a point about this love stuff being a pain. Well I think that it's worth the pain because the good outweighs the bad. I wonder if Draco will change while under that spell which Xena didn't have Cupid remove. Of all things to have baby Bliss flying around shooting arrows everywhere. I even saw a man kissing a cow. No one should be that closed to a cow or any animal for that matter. Well the Hestian Virgins are all safe and still pure. They are quite amazing since I'm sure that I wouldn't have it in me to follow that way of life. Not to mention the bell of course.


Entry One
Dear Diary
Ares struck again but Xena outsmarted him. It doesn't seem to take much since this isn't the first time and I'll doubt that it'll be the last. He just won't give up. That was brilliant how she convinced the Furies that Ares was her father and having me go into Bard mode. I'm just glad that Xena's back to normal because lunacy doesn't become her especially wit her fighting skills. It was a bit scary to see her like that but she was still able to figrue a way out of a very sticky situation. Poor Orestes is stuck in an asylum after that whole mess with his parents. It's like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
According to Xena the day kept repeating itself over and over again. It's a happy ending thanks to Xena. She stopped a feud and now the happy couple can get married and time will go on. Xena is so relieved I can tell. She much have been horrified until she saw that Joxer had turnips. It would drive me nuts to live the same day over and over again not to mention being the only one to remember it while my friends don't. It should make an interesting story so I've asked Xena to give me the details of each day. All of us including Argo died so I can't wait to start this scroll.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
Well two out of four isn't too bad. Two now have a second chance to make a fresh start. I do wonder if people become who they are  as a result of who they are around or it it's just a person becoming themselves regardless of who they are around. I have learned so much from Xena so I won't bother trying to figure that one out. I guess you just discover who you are as you go through life. You make choices and walk down paths and at the end you'll know what kind of person you are. Boy am I babbling a bunch of stuff that probably doesn't make sense.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
We are on our way to Britannia. Xena's going to help Bodicea against Caesar. He's the magic word because once Kraftstar said his name Xena got to fighting to free him. His escord didn't do such a good job. Kraftstar's talk about one God is interesting. He won't really tell me much about it. It looks like he has the same reaction to being on a ship as I do so I'm going to show him that pressure point for seasickness. Maybe he'll tell me more about this one God.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
I can't believe it although I know it happened. I had a child and her name is Hope. A beautiful little girl that I had to put in the river. There was no other choise. Xena would have killed her and I just couldn't let that happen so I lied. There was nothing else I could do. She's my Hope, my light in the darkness that's my life's become since killing Meridian. I can't believe that I was so guillible. The fact that he wouldn't say the name of his God should have made me suspicious. How can I ever forgive myself for the taking of a life? I commited murder in cold blood. I wonder how Xena is able to handle it. I guess you have to deal with it since there isn't any choice in the matter. I've put off sleeping since I keep having nightmares. A part of me is afraid that they'll never end.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
I did something that I never thought I'd do. When Xena left to catch a boat to Chin and Ares showed up I asked him to take me there. So I got there before Xena and warned Ming Tien about the attempt on his life. Things didn't go as I'd planned. I nearly got Xena killed. I thought I'd lose her forever but she forgave me and Xena was able to escape. She took Lao Ma's Book of Wisdom which we plan to take somewhere safe. She was a very wise and special woman to Xena. I guess I am a bit jealous of that. Well I better start dinner.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Joxer has a twin brother named Jett and he's an assassin. Talk about day and night but it's obvious that Jett loves his brother very much. It's kind of funny that Joxer's the black sheep of the family. It was so exciting to see Cleopatra and it was so sweet of Autolycus to back me up on my plan. He did have a point because by following my plan the guy on the inside was revealed. It wasn't a Xena plan but a Gabrielle plan that worked out in the end.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
What a couple of days this has been. There is another woman that looks like Xena and she's a Hestian Priestess. I've heard that everyone has a double but this is ridiculous. I came across Leah when she was about to be burnt at the stake. I thought Xena was testing me so I saved her. I wonder if I have a lookalike out there somewhere. It would be kind of strange. They may look the same but they are so different. Leah at first had a bit of an attitude at first. She thought I'd make a great virgin. I don't think so because I need companionship. Besides I wouldn't want to be one among many wearing the same outfit. I like picking out my own clothes. No that life just isn't for me. Well someone's stomach is grumbling so I better go see what I can put together for dinner. I don't want anything cooked by Joxer since I'm in the mood for something edible. I don't think I'd like having to answer to the ringing bells. That would drive me nuts.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
Thank the Gods that that enchanted scroll was filled up. I tried writing fiction but Aphrodite put the whammy on it so everything written on it came true. It was cool to do a backflip and have my abs like steel. I kicked those barbarians butts. Things got a bit out of control because my wording didn't quite come out right. I do woner why the scroll thought Joxer was a jerk. He's a total idiot but I do care about the guy although he can get on my nerves at times. I don't want that to happen again. I may give that fiction thing another try since it was fun. It was strange though to be chatting with Ares in a friendly manner when he was mortal. So this is the second time he's tasted mortality. Actually he isn't a half bad guy when he's a mortal. Did I just say that about the God of War? Xena could open a fish market with all that fish she caught when I sent her fishing. It's a good thing she enjoys fishing. Well I guess it's fish for dinner since there's still some left on the cart. Only Xena would use fish as weapons. I decided to gather all the fish and clean it up to give to the villagers so it doesn't go to waste. So it's fish fest in the village tonight.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
I'm in Tartarus. What started out good turned into a total nightmare. Callisto came back with the help of Hope. I can't believe my own child killed Solan. I did what I had to do although it was the hardest thing to do to poison my own daughter. There was no other choise. I didn't want to believe that a child could be capable of such evil so now I know that Xena was right about her having killed within hours of being born. Although we weren't standing that far apart at the funeral I felt this distance. I decided to stay with Ephiny and go through the Purification Ritual. Xena doesn't want to see me and I think some time apart will do us good and anyway I'm not so sure I want to see her. Ephiny's coming so everything must be set up for me.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
That was a very intense experience. I really should ask Ephiny what's in that steam. I could have sworn I saw Callisto in there. So much for the Purification Ritual if it conjures her up of all people. It turns out that Solan was the one that sent us to Illusia seeing as we wanted to kill each other. It allowed us to forgive and find our way back to each other. One thing was strange although I could say that every part of that place was strange was that everyone was singing. It was odd that it didn't sound like it was me singing. Maybe all that steam got to me. I'm certainly not going to ask because it's crazy. The important thing is that me and Xena are back together as it should be. That was very smart of Solan. I guess he took after his mother. I'll always have guilt over his death but thanks to him I think I can start on the path to forgiving myself for my part in it. It was a bit surprising not to mention scary to be so full of rage that I wanted to kill the one I love most in this world. It certainly isn't a good feeling and I hope to never feel that way again. I really should come up with a word to replace the word hope since it dredges up memories I'd rather leave in the past.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
All's well that ends well. That was a close call. I was so close to death but Xena saved me in the nick of time with the serum. Maybe we should have that on hand just in case not that I have any plans to get shot again. That was not my idea of fun. I was weak as a kitten and was barely able to tip over the boiling oil. That was so impressive how she fought all those men off. But that's Xena the best fighter I've ever seen well I geuss woman fighter since Hercules is no slouch although he has God's blood in his veins. I got my pair of boots and my ankle is feeling better. I guess I'll keep practing with a staff and I need to remember to start off on my right foot. I was just a tiny bit cocky but I want to do flips too.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
I must admit that I thought Xena was crazy for taking Tara under her wing but just maybe she changed that kid. I guess I was her inspiration and Tara reminded her of herself when she was younger. Hmm would I have liked Xena in the old days if she was as obnoxious as Tara. I guess having a piece of my ear bitten off didn't help me feel warm and fuzzy towards Tara. Hopefully she'll stop hanging out with those lowlifes. Tara did like the game I invented. I wonder what I should call it. I really need to take Xena to some plays so she can get some culture. I can't believe they couldn't figure out what I was acting out.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Thank the Gods that Joxer's going to be ok. It was so horrible to see him so badly beaten. I was afraid that he was going to die. When we started off I had him sing his silly song. Sure he can be a bit dumb but he's a great companion and friend. Yes he can drive me nuts but he's family. That was so like Joxer to get conned and making sure that Rafe and Elden stayed friends. He needs to wise up so something like this or Gods forbid worse happens. I've started my latest scroll and have come up with the name King Con.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
I surprised myself today by being indirectly involved in the killing of a man. Actually I was more the judge, jury, and executioner even though it was done by someone else's hand. I promised to give him back his imperial ring but I just couldn't after Virkinex told me about Carassas. I know that it was ultimately Caesar who had him killed but that doesn't really help with the guilt. I'm just going to see about working on a scroll. Maybe writing will help me forget at least for a brief moment. Thank the Gods that we'll soon be on dry land. Now where did I put my King Con scroll? Maybe Xena will know.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
That was pretty clever of Xena to steer me towards the Temple of Mnenosyne. It really helped me deal with stuff and resolve things in my mind. Pain is a part of life and I have to take the good with the bad. So it's a good thing that I was talking in my sleep. Even though it wasn't really Ares he did have a point when he said, "Pain is nature's way of telling you that you're alive." Well it was something along those lines. Good things happen and bad things happen and that's all a part of life. I couldn't let the memories of all those that I love go even with the pain. They are too precious no matter the pain and it isn't always bad since it's mostly good.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
So Aphrodite was up to no good. Spell or not we managed to get the Mystic Diamon back to where it belongs along with a fish. That was so strange to be totally obsessed with myself. I even came up with a song and sang it. Odd but this time it sounded like I was singing it. At least I wasn't obsessed with fishing. It's fitting that Xena was obsessed with it. She's certainly done a lot lately especially that time when I wrote her fishing. That was so gross seeing Joxer eating bugs but I don't suppose it'll kill him. I do regret the lose of my nightshirt though. He's back to his old self and as goofy as ever.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
I'm so glad that I left my scrolls with Joxer. We plan to meet him soon. We went on an unexpected boat trip. Autolycus was in a chain gang so I got on board and called for Xena. A Tsunami came which flipped the boat over. Xena came up with a really great idea. We filled up all of the wineskins with air so we could breathe from them on our way up. She even helped that nasty guy who fought with Xena after he dropped his wineskin. She gave me a fright while I was waiting for her to surface.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
Once again we went on a ship but I'm sort of getting used to sailing. The ocean is beautiful and with the breeze blowing through my hair should be enjoyable. The statue Pax was stolen so Autolycus wanted to steal it back. Xena went along with his crazy plan since he did save her life. The man turned out to be the merchant that killed Autolycus' brother. I still don't get why he gave Xena a mole to put on her face. A strange man but a good one. Well the statue is back in place and Autolycus didn't kill that man. Adar was thrilled and running around in his nightshirt which was quite a sight.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
What a mess this is. Seraphin who I've known since I was five is involved in a cult. At first we thought it was for Callisto but it's Hope. I so didn't expect that to happen. I guess it shouldn't be a surprise since her father is a big flame. I just can't let Xena kill her. Ares called in his debt and I can't let her die. I have to think of something. I have to think of a way to save Xena and get rid of Hope. I just have to think. So in that cult I'm called the Betrayer. I can't believe this is the same girl I knew. I need to talk to Ares. Maybe I can strike a bargain with him. I know Xena would gladly die but I just can't let her do it. 


Entry One
Dear Diary
That was so strange to see all that happened with Hope and the monster she gave birth to. It affected me even though I'd come to accept that my daughter was never really mine. I'm just glad that my family's safe after living with that monster. I feel lost but I"ll be ok with Xena at my side. We've been through some pretty tough times and this time wasn't any different. Well my plan worked so Xena was saved and it was worth the cost. It's so wonderful that Xena was able to release the souls of the Amazons that were trapped in the land of the dead. We're off to find Argo and our next adventure that awaits us. I'm glad that Hope is finally gone so she can't wreak any more havoc and endanger the world.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
Now this a really tough week. A crazy rabbit attacked me and a bush that I got entangled up in were the hightlighs of all we went through and of course my mouth going numb and being unable to feel my tongue. Xena got lice which she gave to me even though she denied it and kept saying it was dandruff. Sure it was just a miner scalp irriation that itched like crazy. For payback I did give her my fungus which was so gross. At least that green is gone and I've learned that the chakram makes an excellent back scratcher. Joxer actually stopped the Scythian army with his cooking. No surprise there but it did save the village. I'm never going to eat his cooking again.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
What a tough battle this has been. Such a loss with Flanigus dying and I wasn't able to save him. If only I'd thrown that spear better he would be with his wife and child. I talked to Temecula about his first kill because I know how deeply that can affect you. That memory is always with me just at the edges although it's gotten better with time. I hope I helped him even if it's just a little bit. The focus needs to be on the fact that lives were saved and these people will be able to rebuild their village.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
What a terribly constrained village that was. How ridiculous to ban dancing. That just drove me to distraction. I never wanted to dance so much in my life. I got my boots fixed and they should last for a while. I love traveling but it's hard on the feet and shoes. Those were the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. No wonder he just gives them out as loaners because no one in their right mind would pay good dinars for those dreadful boots. Xena's plan in bringing Autolycus worked like a charm and was really entertaining. Now people can dance to their heart's content. Tara has found a good home for herself and has people that care for her. She has come a long way from that annoying brat that bit my ear. She has a good thing here and I hope she doesn't mess things up.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
Xena was arrested and sentenced to Shark Island. She just allowed herself to be taken away. I can't let her stay there. I've heard horror stories about that place. It's such a waste for her to be in there when she could be doing so much good. I ran into a bit of luck when I saw the healer who had just quit. So now I'll be going to Shark Island as the new healer. Xena can't stay in that dreadful place for the rest of her life. I need to get her out of there.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
The girl that Xena supposedly killed wasn't even dead. Valasa was dead in a way but I helped her get in touch with herself. I think she's not going to let that anger and bitterness eat away at her soul as it obviously has over the years. Xena will never forgive herself. She's changed but she'll carry the guilt always. That was such a horrible place and I'm so glad that Xena's free of that place. Some of those guards were total bastards especially that one that I used the broom on. He so deserved that and probably more.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
We met this woman named Najara who seemed good at first. This was a case of appearances being deceiving. I fell for her act hook, line, and sinker but Xena didn't. I should have trusted Xena's instincts. I suppose that I want to believe that most people are essentially good so I believed her. She has been arrested and should remain in prison for a good long while. Even now I'm still a bit naive. Xena's coming back with food so I'll just cut this short.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
I can't believe that Xena is taking that vision Alti showed her so seriously. Who knows if it will ever happen anyway. It could have been some kind of trick since Alti isn't the most reliable source. It did show her that I wasn't dead. I did what I had to do. I wish she would stop worrying about it. The threat of dying in battle is something that I came to terms with. I'm not going to go cower at the slightest sign of danger. Xena can be so infuriating when she gets all over protective. I know it's because she loves me but she can't protect me from everything especially not some vision. What happens will happen regardless. I won't let this vision change the way I live my life. I don't even think it was real.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
This latest battle took its toll on Xena. She was haunted by images from the past. She found out that Cztrina was behind Borias' death. So sad that right as their child was taking his first breaths Borias was taking his last. I may not have understood when I first found out about Xena giving up her child but I think I kind of do now. She really didn't have any other choice because she wanted him safe. She ultimately did the right thing though it had to be one of the most diffucult. Although his life was cut down way too short Solan had a wonderful home full of people who loved him dearly.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Well I missed a lot while I was visiting my sister. It was great to see her although it would have been a sight to see Meg and Joxer fighting. I'm kind of hitting a wall with this story I've been working on. I have the idea but I'm having a problem with names. I'm trying fiction again minus an enchanted scroll. I'm still doing the Xena Scrolls but I just wanted to try something new. It's about a wooden boy.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
We learned more about the Horde. They are called Pomira and are more like us than we thought. Thanks to a young girl peace has been waged between two sets of people who have always battled the other. Pulee is the link to our new understanding of these people. I'm just glad that there won't be any more senseless battles. I had my doubts since it seemed to be a mistake to reunite Vanessa with her family but now she has two familys that love her and you can never have too much love in your life. So all in all I did pretty good for a sidekick.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
What a day this has been with twists and turns. I was taking a nice and refreshing shower only to have Xena steal my favorite shirt. So I had to wear a sack and brown is so not my color. My feelings were a little hurt when she referred to me as the Fairy Gods sister of dishes. I thought about it and know that she just meant that we are family and share a special bond. We've always found our way back to each other. I started writing that scroll about the wooden boy I told Xena about. I'm not sure what to call him but I've made a good start. I'll work on the story and at some point I'm sure I'll come up with a name. The man that makes the wooden boy is Petrios. I'm sure it will come to me eventually.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
So much for finding paradise. I fell down a hole and ended up in this beautiful place. This was a major case of looks being deceiving. It reminded me of Illusia. At first I was enjoying my time with Aidan and those statues were amazing. Unfortunately the statues used to be people and I was nearly one of them. It was amazing because it made me feel better doing those techniques. I felt so light which wound up turning me into a blue statue. Thanks to Xena we were able to escape that place and that poor man was able to go home. Hmm I wonder if I really do have hands like a sailor. Well it wasn't a total loss since I could use those techniques Aidan taught me. Maybe I could get Xena to do them with me.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
That was quite an adventure. What a strange place with people walking on hot rocks and a bed of nails. That man I saw was amazing. I hope to reach that level someday. I was possessed by a demon but Eli saved me since he was the devi and not me. At first it was wonderful especially after restoring that man's sight. I'm just glad that I'm back to my old self. I wanted to travel with Eli but he wanted to be alone. I wonder if we'll see him again. It's just too bad that that power came from evil but I feel that there has to be one out there for good. I admit that all that attention went to my head a little. I'm only human after all. I wonder what will happen next. I got a cool new outfit but it takes so long to dry. A new look in a new land.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
This has been quite a day. I talked Xena into getting a new outfit and we came across a funeral. What a strange tradition to have the wife thrown on the funeral pyre when her husband dies. So we rescued her and were sent to the future. Our souls are intertwined and we've shared many lifetimes which doesn't surprise me. I'm to be a man named Shanti, a warrior and Xena is the Mother of Peace. It was a bit strange to see myself as a man. Alti came back even though Xena killed her. Alti's been defeated again and at the cost of my hair. It'll take some time to get used to it but it feels good. A new hair do to go along with my new clothes. I saw that vision that Alit showed Xena and felt it as the nails were being driven into me. The Mendhi is quite powerful since it was key in getting rid of Alti. So we continue our journey side by side throughout the ages. We'll find our way back to one another in each lifetime.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
We ran into Eli. It turns out that he's an Avatar. It was amazing to watch him heal that little girl. The last part of our trip was very wild. Eli and I were kidnapped by the King of Demons. He stuffed us down into this carpet that he sat on and flew through the sky. I wouldn't mind flying one of those carpets without the evil guy and being pushed down inside it. I've decided that the Way of Love is for me. So I threw away my staff. I failed my first test but I'm going to keep going since Eli said that that would happen. No path is easy so why should this be any different. Xena's path is the Way of the Warrior which I've always known. The world needs people like Xena to protect those that need it. Eli's going home so Gods willing we'll see him again soon. I have such a wonderful story about our adventures in India that is nearly down. It'll be nice to go back to Greece.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Going back for my scroll was a good idea. Xena even did yoga with me. My scroll is going to be turned into a play. I'm so glad that I found it since it's a really good one. Zera liked it a lot and wants to produce it. I was flattered and refused at first but she talked me into it. It shouldn't be too hard to rewrite it for the stage. I've sent word to Xena. Wow I'm going to be the Director which should be so exciting. Joxer's helping and he's full of ideas. He's out putting up parchments for a casting call. I'm going to look over my scroll before the actors arrive.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
It turns out that plays aren't for me. Too stressful and it didn't help that the Queen of Cons suckered me. I feel like such an idiot. Well my play touched Minya just not in the way I was hoping for. You can't be interesting when you are preaching. I couldn't even cast Gabrielle. Besides I could never compete with Sophocles. No I'll just stick with writing scrolls. Like I said they are meant to be read. It just doesn't work well performed. It's way too intimidating and Sophocles turned out to be the guy that hit on me when I came into town. Such a disappointment but he's still a good writer it's the man that's a lech. It was exciting to have a centaur wanting to be in the play. I did created a new concept of interactive theather. The audience liked the play even though it didn't come out the way I planned. I suppose it's good to try new things.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
I was so sure that Najara had changed. She sucked me in especially after she mentioned Eli. I'm just too trusting but she was totally insane. Some people can change but others can't. Not to self approach groups with caution since they could end up being a cult. This was a brutal lesson that Xena ended up paying the price for. Well Najara will be taken care of and we won't hear from her I imagine. I really feel for Joxer who made his first kill. It stays will you but I will never forget and he won't either even though it was done in self defence. I'm just glad that Armand forgave him for killing his father.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
Just a wonderful way to celebrate my birthday trying to solve a murder. It turned out not to be a murder after all but self defense. Argo was just protecting herself from having her tendons cut. It was nice how all of our friends and family wanted to protect Xena. Everything was done in the name of love. Now that is a beautiful thing. I'm just glad that I had nothing to do with Ravinika's death. That birthday cake was delicious. In fact I think I'll go check to see if there's any left.
Entry Twenty-one
Dear Diary
I can't believe that Ephiny's gone. Well she died in battle as the true Amazon warrior she was. I've left the tribe in good hands with Shulapa as Queen. She'll make a wonderful Queen. Thank the Gods for Xena since she was a big help in arranging things. I wasn't able to think clearly and I'm not exactly great Queen material. A girl from the tribe named Amarice who's now traveling with us. I'm sure she'll learn a lot from traveling with us. She's trying to figure out who she is and where she fits. I sure know how that goes.
Entry Twenty-two
Dear Diary
Since I have some time I want to write down that dream I had. Xena went off to get some supplies. It'll be great to see Eli again. That was such a strange dream. It took place in a future far far into the future. I 've even come up with a name for it when I write about it. I'll call it Deja Vu All Over Again. I was in it and so were Xena and Joxer but we weren't quite ourselves. I was some kind of past live's counselor but it turned out to be a scam yet wasn't. Salmoneus was there but he turned into Ares. As usual he wanted Xena. Not exactly a shocker but the twist was that Xena's soul was in Joxer and his was in her's. Also they were a couple which was very strange but I ended up with her I mean him since we regained our memories of the past. Annie even came up with a song like Joxer did. I wonder if it was a glimpse into the future since we know now that we've shared lives in the past and will in the next. I'll be a man and a warrior while Xena will be the Mother of Peace. Maybe it was something I ate that caused me to have that strange dream. I did have that one dream before. Well I see Xena coming so I better get my stuff together.


Entry One
Dear Diary
Well we're back from the dead and we have Eli to thank. I certainly don't recommend crucifixtion since that was in no way fun. Thank the Gods that Amarice kept my scrolls for me since I have two more on the way. The one about our death will be called Ides Of March. So Caesar is dead and by Brutus' hand. That was quite a surprise to hear. The things you miss when you're dead. How strange that Xena is how I've always wanted her to be but it's not her. She's off balaance. We need to get her back to her old self. I wonder what happened to Amarice and Xena. They've been gone a really long time. I'm going to go look for them.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
Well that was a strange experience. Me and Xena shared a body and I got the night shift. Another pyscho bites the dust. You never ask Ares for help which turned out to be her fatal flaw. Not a very smart girl that Mavican. I sure didn't like that little dark room. I admit that I was tempted to kill her but that's exactly what Ares wanted. He tried to recruit me. Sorry but I'm happy with my current positon. That wasn't such a bad place aside from the fact that I was being stalked by an insane person. Well hopefully after this experience Xena won't underestimate me. If a group of bad guys come I want to have at least one of them to fight. That isn't too much to ask especially since I can take care of myself. Now that Mavican went to a sorcerer to enhance her motives. She'd have no problem floating in water.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
Joxer keeps staring at me but he totally pretends like he isn't. He said he expected nothing but he does. I love him but I'm not in love with him. Finally I get my own horse. It's about time too. Xena has Argo so it's only fair that I have one of my own. He's a beauty. We bonded over his injury. The poor thing got his foot stuck in a trap. Xena's pregnant and she has no idea how or when. Well I'm happy for her no matter how it happened. I wonder what other disgusting things she'll eat during her pregnancy. Raw fish and raspberry jelly? Well I did eat some strange things when I was pregnant. It was nice to do a little relaxing for a change.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
Once again Alti reared her ugly head. She tried to steal the soul Xena's baby and replace it with her own. It was so strange being in the spiritaul realm. I failed and wanted to try again but Xena wouldn't let me. I just wanted to protect the child that I love as my own. I ultimately knew that it would have to be Xena that fights Alti since I'm no match for her. That was quite a surprise to find out about Amarice. It's like that advice Xena gave about becoming what you pretend to be. I made it official so she is an Amazon in every sense of the word now. Amarice is staying with the Amazons. I think it'll be good for her although I'll miss her. The baby is safe and sound. Thank the Gods.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
We traveled to Chin which is such a beautiful place. I met this man named Lin Chee and he got me in touch with the bard part of me. I haven't been writing scrolls as much as I used to. It's like it just got buried since they used to pour out of me and onto the page. I guess he was right about once a bard always a bard. I do have a lot I could write about. Maybe I can recapture that bard that couldn't stop writing. I eventually over time just stopped and I'm not sure why. I think that spark has been reunited. I guess turning all those rabbits into stone came in handy. That was incredible how she turned all of Kahn's men into stone. That should make a great story.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
Once again Xena was in someone else's body. Aphrodite was just trying to help but even though she goofed it did wake Daphne up. I'm not sure which time was stranger this time or when she was in Callisto's body. I've been working on a scroll even though it's been a while. I just need to get in the habit of writing on a regular basis. The words are there. All I have to do is unleash them from inside me. I 'm going to see if I can get in touch with that part of me that loved opening a scroll and smelling it and just diving in to fill it up with my words. It may take time but hopefully it'll happen someday.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
Eli is dead but his message will live on. I couldn't bear to face it so I didn't watch. Like he said it was for the Greater Good even though it didn't feel like it. It's what he wanted and was so hard to do. Of course I felt guilty because I wanted to save him but my fighting Ares wouldn't have changed the outcome. Eli still would have died. He died following his path. It was really brave of him to go up against Ares like that. Not too many people would stand up against a God. So it was Callisto that gave Xena the baby and will be reincarnated into her child. That is kind of strange but oddly fitting since they have come full circle.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
What started as a total headache didn't turn out so bad. Draco is as obsessed as ever but Xena kicked his ass. Joxer has another brother named Jace. He has quite a flair for fashion and is a wonderful performer. He's quite the entertainer. I'm glad that Joxer went to talk things out with his brother. Family is important and Jace seems like a doll. Well I'm being called for dinner so I'll end here with the title I've just come up with for my next scroll which will be Lyre Lyre Hearts On Fire. I just don't know when it'll be w ritten. Hmm I wonder if that title might be a bit too long.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
I couldn't sleep so I tried working on a scroll but I was suffering from writer's block. Talking things out with Aphrodite really helped me. I was so inspired that after I picked up my quill and worked on a scroll for the first time in ages. I just haven't had the time but I'm going to make sure that I set aside time for writing my scrolls. I've just been hit with inspiration so I'm going to work on my scroll titled Seeds Of Faith.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Xena had her child but we had a Tartarus of a time reaching that point. We went to the Underworld and boy is that water deep. It was heartbreaking to see Solan in Tartarus. He wanted it that way so he could see his Mom but Xena put him in the Elysian Fields where he belongs. It was good to see Hercules too but it was too bad that it wasn't under better circumstances. On the bright side Xena had a beautful baby girl. Her name is Eve and Solan named her. I guess all that fighting we did helped her with labor pains. Only Xena would be able to fight while in labor.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
What a t ime this has been. Joxer nearly died but he's fine now. I was mean and feel bad about that. I really wish that I could return his feelings but I don't although he's very dear to me. I think he went off to see Meg. He'll find his happy ending one of these days and maybe with Meg. He deserves to be happy. We went to Amphipolis and the battle continued. I was stunned when I heard talk of giving up Eve. That really threw me that there would be people that would consider giving up an innocent child. Ares was in the thick of things as usual but he did fight against Athena. Hopefully we'll get to get some rest and relaxation with the Amazons. So Xena felt something with Ares. Strange considering all the things he's pulled over the years. At least she didn't have to do the dee with him.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
That was so strange. I was knocked into the water and woke up as a mermaid. I thought it was just a dream but I found the ring on my finger. It'll make a cute story and Eve seemed to like it. I was thinking that I lost my touch with kids but maybe I was wrong. Sometimes a baby just wants her Mom. Joxer actually s aved me. That is so strange but it's true. What was I thinking when I kissed him? I guess I thought it was Hagar. I wonder if he found his wife and worked things out. Was it real or not? It seemed like it was but how could it? I'm not a mermaid and I certainly can't breathe under water. I'll just turn it into my next scroll something light and fun.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
We went to visit the Northern Amazons. I wanted to give Eve my Rite of Caste. Bad news greeted us upon our arrival. Amarice and Yacoot are dead. I would have enjoyed seeing them again especially Amarice. They certainly have different rituals but thankfully they have been stopped. Remembering the past is a good thing but sometimes you just need to change things. There is no need to slaughter a horse to initiate a new member into the tribe. It was so fascinating to see the birth of the Amazons play out with that Utma dagger. Yakoot is now at peace. We're going to stay here for a bit since we could use a break. Here we are safe from the Gods and can just relax which is a nice change of pace. Maybe I'll be able to catch up on my scrolls. I've been writing more and what better place than here where it's quite peaceful and we aren't reaching for our weapons every ten seconds.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
It would be kind of nice to have a place to call home and it is beautiful here. Besides the girls need a leader. Xena agreed to think about it which is something. We'd be safe and we wouldn't have to be traveling all the time. So typical of Joxer to be an idiot so he's in the stocks right now. Maybe if we settle down we I can finally catch up once and for all on my scrolls. I've gotten really behind on them. I think I'll just take a steam bath and relax.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
I'm not so sure that was such a great idea about respecting their traditions. That Ram's horn isn't exactly my idea of how I want to be woken up in the morning. I'm not too thirlled to have to get up os early. Ok that was a setback when Cyanne mentioned the punishment for spying. That's not so great for Joxer but I'll come up with something. Now that is a pretty harsh law. It was great to see that Xena cleaned the place up. She's giving it a try so I can't do any less. I need to look through the Amazon Scrolls. There has to be a loophole somewhere. But first I think I'll take a nap. They woke me up from the best dream. Maybe I'll pick up from where I left off.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
That was a close call. I found a loophole to pardon Joxer but he broke another law. So much for Xena giving it a try. I'm just glad that things worked out. I'm leaving the tribe in good hands and anyway I'd miss traveling. I'd probably get writer's block staying in one place which would mean no more scrolls. I certainly won't miss howling at the moon covered in mud. Some of those traditons are ridiculous. Wow Xena finally read my scrolls. No this is for the best. I was able to help the tribe out and have those laws changed that were just too harsh. I guess Joxer wasn't lying about Reia after all. I'm just glad that he's not dead. Once again Xena and her genius had Joxer declared dead. Mighty clever of her using the pressure points. They sure come in handy. She really should think about writing a scroll about them. I guess not since that would be sharing her secrets for anyone to read. I won't miss those antlers since that wasn't a good look for me.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
Another mission has been completed. It's such a shame that Brutus killed Cleopatra. Yet another bad boy falls for Xena. Octavious is an idealist so that's a refreshing change from the other Roman Emperors. At least we'll be able to spend a little time sight seeing here. We're on our way to meet Cyrene and Eve. That Antony really got to Xena. Well he was very handsome so I can't really blame her. It would come in handy if we could when the need arose control our emotions since it would be really helpful in some situations. But feelings flow like a river and can't be stopped from pouring out no matter how hard we try to hold them back.
25 Years Later
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
There has been a lot to absorb after waking up and finding out that twenty-five years have passed. The plan wold have worked perfectly if Ares hadn't stepped in. He sealed us up in an ice cave since he thought we were dead. It's great to see Joxer again and he has a family. He got that happy eneding he wanted after all. He has a wonderful son named Virgil and he's a bard too. He writes epic poems. It is so strange to have had time stand still for us while time carried on for everyone else. Little Eve is all grown up and a bloodthirsty killer. Well Xena was able to change so I'm sure that we can change Livia back to Eve. Xena just needs the chance to talke to Eve and make her look within and realize who is she is.
Entry Nineteen
Dear Diary
I must admit that I'm torn about this. We're off to find Eve. I'm not even sure if I even want to help her but I won't leave Xena. I just can't stop thinking about Joxer. His death keeps replaying in my head. Can a person like that change and should I even care? I guess my grief over such a dear friend's death has my thinking clouded. I knew that Xena would try but wouldn't be able to kill her own daughter. Even though it seemed necessary there is that part of you that wants to find some good somewhere inside them. It made me think of my own daughter and how I poisoned her in an attempt to kill her. I nearly took the poison myself. It would have destroyed her. I'm supporting Xena and hope that things work out.
Entry Twenty
Dear Diary
The Furies played on my doubts and drove me to make an attempt on Eve and it nearly succeded. I saw Joxer which made his being killed coming rushing back. Xena has been given the ability to kill Gods. I never nearly died myself along with Eve. I've forgiven her for Joxer's death. He's at peace now and he had a good life. If she's anything like her mother she'll carry around that guilt along with all the other things she's done. Ares corrupted her but now we have her back. She has been intiated into the Way of Love and has been cleansed of past sins. We move forward into the sunset. Ares really surprised me when he saved us so Xena wouldn't be killed. He gave up the most precious gift. That shows me just how much he truly loves Xena. It turns out that Aphrodite helped by taking us all to Mt Olympus. I'm glad that Xena didn't kill her since there was no reason to.


Entry One
Dear Diary
As usual things got pretty intense. I never thought I'd find myself feeling sorry for Ares. Of course I'll always be grateful to him for saving my life and Eve's. That was quite a sacrifice he made and all done in the name of love. This latest adventure should make a wonderful scroll. Well the Furies won't be able to mess with anyone else's head. That was a horrible experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Wow how many Gods has Xena killed now? I'm a little bedhind on my scrolls but I'm nearly done with Motherhood. I'm glad that the Amazons let Eve go. The person that did all those evil things is gone. Although I can understand why they'd want to kill her but it would be a waste and a loss of all the good she can do. I've finally been able to totally forgive her for Joxer's death. He's at peace now and he had a good life with Meg and their children. I'm so glad that he was able to find love. We're on our way to see Cyrene. It's been so long since we've seen her. It'll be nice to see her and just relax for a little bit and Eve will be able to meet her Grandmother. Maybe she'll have some nutbread. I haven't had any since before we took that twenty-five year nap.
Entry Two
Dear Diary
I am worried about this situation. Xena killed the King of Hell and legend says that that person would take his place. There really was no such torment. She's at peace now as she should be. She does have a knack at getting out of tight jams. I'm just glad that the tavern isn't dripping blood and all that other fun stuff that is was before. Just what everyone wants their own personal portal to Hell. I'm going to go shopping for some new clothes. I had to burn what I was wearing when I was sucked in through the floor and was possessed.
Entry Three
Dear Diary
There's a new King of Hell. As usual Xena pulled it off quite beautifully. She was right about the rotten fruti since he went through all the deadly sins in the space of a day. I'm just glad that things were set right before things got too out of control. We're on our way to Potedia now. It'll be so wonderful to see my family again. It's been so long. I wonder if Lilah's married and if she has any kids. I'm so excited to go back.
Entry Four
Dear Diary
I finally get home and find a total nightmare. I just wish I'd come home sooner but I was on ice at the time. It seems like such an eternity since I was that girl that said to stop the cycle of violence was through love and forgiveness. I very nearly became a monster but after hearing that my parents heads had been chopped off I just lost it and was infected with bloodlust. Well Sarah is home now where she belongs. That monster Gurkhan is dead and all the girls are free. What an evil man to buy wives and collect them like possessions. I wouldn't have survived that beating that Xena took for me. It was just so horrible to see how badly beaten she was. I'm proud of myself for not giving into my rage and killing that bastard. I was really tempted though but it's only natural to feel that way. The important thing is that I didn't give into it when the opportunity presented itself.
Entry Five
Dear Diary
The beauty of the desert turned ugly. I wish I could turn back time so I could undo killing Korah. I was ready to die for my crime. My life passed before me images from my past. So much has changed in me from that day so long ago in Potedia when I first met Xena. I honestly believed that Xena was in danger. I went for the kill when I should have used the other side of my sais. Like Xena said mistakes are made and I'll have to live with them. I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself but it helps to have Xena to help me through. I never realized that she was ready to just give up when she met me. Well through the years we've both saved each other. It was strange though how those people worshipped us. It was a stroke of genuis on my part to make up that Amazon Code of Chastity. That may come in handy. Things came full circle when I was able to save Korah's father. Although it didn't really help I was glad to save his life since it was the least I could do. How does Xena live with all the things she's done? I guess it's something you have to learn to live with since you can't change it. All I can do is the best I can and realize that mistakes will be made. It helped that Korah's father forgave me. I just don't think that I'll be able to do the same for myself.
Entry Six
Dear Diary
I'm coming to terms with my dreadful mistake. I can't see his face every time I fight. It got me hurt and Virgil was in serious danger. That was much too close since I was nearly dinner. That stuff they slathered on me was so disgusting. I thought it would never come off. Now this area is free of those wretched cannibals. I don't understand how human beings could eat other humans. It makes absolutely no sense to me. That little man was so strange and boy did he ever pack away the food. The key to surviving cannibals is to stop eating so you won't be eaten.
Entry Seven
Dear Diary
I know Xena wouldn't have done this if she didn't feel this was something she had to do by herself. I debated whether to respect her wish. I can't. Her path is my path. I've been following her now for weeks. Her trail has taken me north, due north, farther north than I've ever been. I don't know the details of Xena's mission but I'm beginning to understand her goal. She wants to correct some great wrong she did in the past. My dear friend's curse is to spend the rest of her life seeking a redemption she'll never allow herself. Maybe Brunhilda will be able to help me find Xena. She told me about the time Xena spent as a Valkryie. It seems that she's made a study of her life so maybe some light will be shed on where Xena has gone.
Entry Eight
Dear Diary
I just knew that Xena would come for me. I dreamed about her while I was in that ring of fire. That was so amazing how Brunhilda turned into this flame to protect me. So I spent a year sleeping and Xena didn't know who she was. I'm just glad that Beowulf found her and brought her to me even though I'm certain that she would have come for me eventually. Our souls are too closely tied to have permanently lost each other. Married and sentenced to death all in the same day is pretty intense. What a pig to take advantage of someone like that. Xena returned the rhinegold and restored Brinhilda to human form and as a Valkryie. Even though she did this she still won't forgive herself. ALl the memories are burned into her mind as if it happened moments ago. The important thing is that we are back together where we belong.
Entry Nine
Dear Diary
Xena and I decided to set Ares up in a new life. It's the least we could do considering the sacrifice he made. Every  warlord he crossed is after him. So we went to Xena's farm. It's a fixer upper but it's charming. We'll stay around and make the place nice so he'll be safe. It'll be nice to stay here for a while and have a much needed break from things. That little guy was funny. Hey aren't I supposed to be the Battling Bard? He wasn't a Battling anything. He actually made me feel tall for a change since people tend to be taller than me. Maybe I need a new pair of boots. I wonder who or what is stealing our stuff.
Entry Ten
Dear Diary
Ares is all set up on the farm. He actually bonded with the dog and gave him a name. It was actually kind of sweet. I think he actually cares about Horace. It was funny to see him out there trying to kill a chicken. I'm not sure if he's cut out to be a farmer but he's safe now. It was nice to spend time there with Xena and Ares wasn't half bad. He seems to be adjusting to immortality. Now we're off to see Marga and the other Amazons. I'm thinking that Varia won't be so welcoming. I wonder what Marga wants.
Entry Eleven
Dear Diary
Marga was killed and Varia is to take her place. What kind of man hunts people like animals? All the lost Amazons are surely dead. Xena saved the rest of the Amazons since this guy was going to continue to hunt them until they were all gone. There are just some people that I'll never understand. Sure part of being a warrior is killing but not for kicks. Marga asked Xena to prepare Varia to be Queen. She couldn't find a better teacher. This is great they have nutbread here. I am finally having what I have been craving for ages. It turns out to be a favorite among many of my sisters.
Entry Twelve
Dear Diary
Now that was such a close call but that is such a common thing. I'm so glad that the bond was broken between Caligula and Aprhodite. She has her mind back but she's mortal now. Even though things seemed pretty dire I knew that Xena would figure out a way to get rid of Caligula even without the ability to kill Gods. Now that was someone who shouldn't be a God. He was totally out of his mind. So Ares still has his sister. He truly cares about her and she's one of the few members of his family that he has left. That was terrible of Michael to try and kill Aphrodite. He deserved to get knocked around a bit and it was understandable that Xena would want to kill him after what he pulled. Now we need to get Aphrodite her Godhood back so we're heading back north.
Entry Thirteen
Dear Diary
Our mission worked even with that irritating little man. Such a typical thing for a reporter to pop up when you least expect it and try to twist things around. So Ares and Aphrodite are restored to God status which is where they belong. I never thought I'd say that about Ares. They keep things in balance since you can't have one without the other. It was so strange not feeling love especially towards Xena the one I love most in the world and have silly arguments over absolutely nothing. Seeing that reporter reminded me a little of Salmoneus and all his crazy schemes. I could just picture him wanting to be an agent or offer to write Xena's life story. But of course he's long dead by now and I'm the writer here. It's sad but I heard that he died in jail. It was something to do with tax evasion.
Entry Fourteen
Dear Diary
Alls well that ends well. Eve has been saved and Varia saw the truth. Ares was up to his old tricks. Not a surprise really since that's what he does. I can understand how persuasive he can be. He nearly got to me too. We decided to stay for a longer time with the Amazons. Varia packs a mean punch. She must have fists of steel. She did have an unfair advantage over me since she got some fighting lessons from Ares. I didn't do too badly though. I've come a long way from that day I challenged Melosa all those years ago not realizing what I was doing. Eve is heading for Chin with her message of peace. I wonder if Xena and I will ever get back there since it's such a beautiful place. I am so pleased that the Amazons have all united. There will be a coranation for Varia. So there will be a lot of ceremonies and unfortunately Xena can't attend. I think they should make an exception but it's Amazon Law and I'm not Queen.
Entry Fifteen
Dear Diary
I find myself losing pieces of myself with each battle. Xena was so right when she said that war is tough on the soul. I just lost it and became so enraged. I just couldn't get those images out of my mind of those Amzons being blown up. The blood spilled on the beach soaking into the sand. So much death littered on the beach. I allowed a human being go off to a certain death because it was needed. I never thought I'd be capable of doing such things but it had to be done to save the others. One life for the lives of others even though it tears away at my soul. I've forgiven Varia since she did basically the exact same thing as I did. So I leave this tribe in good hands. I was able to get some nutbread for the road. So off we go to parts unknown. Traveling our way through life side by side where we belong.
Entry Sixteen
Dear Diary
What a day that was full of mixed emotions. That was a total change of roles since I just wanted Xena to just kill Beleach. I'm glad that she didn't. Too much blood had already been shed. It was so strange to see Ephiny but great too. Wow Xenon's all grown up with his own beautiful family. It seemed fitting that I was there at the birth of his child as I was for his but fully conscious this time. Xena saw her own ghost since Beleach looks exactly like his father. It's so tragic that nearly all the centaurs were slaughtered. That's why I wanted him dead because it sickened me to see them all dead in that pit. The last two centaurs will be safe so maybe one day the centaurs will thrive again. A proud and noble race they were and may be again one day.
Entry Seventeen
Dear Diary
So typical of Caesar to want to play with everyones lives to fulfill his destiny. Well I pulled the rug out from under him when I destroyed the loom. There was a risk but I was willing to take it since that life was so empty and lonely even though I was a famous playwright. The thought of living the rest of my life without Xena after finding and remembering all that we shared just didn't appeal to me. I had a feeling that things would be made right again and if I died at least I'd be with Xena in death. Even though we couldn't remember our hearts knew. My birthday's coming up so I'll need to be on guard since Xena will be up to her usual tricks.
Entry Eighteen
Dear Diary
Pranks aside I'd have to say that was the best birthday ever. A poem written by Sappho who I love and getting to fly was awesome. That is so wonderful that Genia is turning the temple into a shelter. I will never understand that virgin sacrifice thing and it's always men doing the killing and the women being sacrificed. I wish we could keep the helmet but no such luck but it was fun while it lasted.
This is where the diaries ended.