So Zeus in his appreciate turned the two lovers into Oak trees. Their branches interwined and they spent the rest of their days in each other's embrace.
There was once a young man Lapithus and he met the beautiful Io in Carthage. They fell madly in love. They Gods, they grew jealous of their great love and condemned them to separate destinies. Lapithus to live only in the summer and Io only in the winter. Luckily Aphrodite she took pity on the lovers and thought of a way to reunite them. Well Aphrodite turned Lapithus into snow and Io into rain so in the winter when snow falls it's really Lapithus blanketing his love for Io and in the spring well the gentle rain that's Io caressing Lapithus.
Kronus was furious that Zeus was trying to usurp his power so he called all the Titans together in a great war council. Atlas was appointed as field general because he was the greatest warrior of all.
The Mystics
Every Solstice the Mystics come down from the mountain and they take a young girl. We never see them again. They're evil. Perverted cult that worships the Dark Brother of the Dream Gods. I was a mystic once, back when the order was good. A young maiden is chosen as Morpheous' bride and she loses her blood innocence. She'll go through a series of challenges. She'll be tricked into killing to survive. As soon as she does she'll be sacrificed. The fortress is hidden in the mountains and well protected by an army of warriors. It would take you months...days to fight your way in. By then, your friend will be dead. Unless...Unless you're the one. In a dream vision I had I saw a warrior who could travel the dream passage and could defeat Morpheus. You must be the one. A woman with a dark past, strong and brave.
Dream Passage
The world of dreams is made of many passages. It is possible to follow one from one location to another. Essentially, bypass the physical world. Everything from the dreamscape comes from your own mind. Once in Morpheus will know everything that you know. He will use that to try and stop you. Drink this and lay back. This is Incarma Oil. The instant your soul enters the dream passage your body begins to lose its life fluids. Incarma Oil will give you more time. Just a few hours at best. You must find the exit door at the other end of the dream passage. Once you pass through it your body will reunite with your soul. If not, the body dies. This is the fire of dreams! This is the key! He will try to use your own mind against you. If you can defeat him there you'll win. Don't be obvious. Remember this is your dream passage. The Gods be with you.
Alcton Head Mystic
Tomorrow we start the Grain Festival. From now on the only thing we'll sacrifice will be corn, thanks to you. From now on we'll worship the three Dream God Brothers the way they were supposed to be with joy not fear.
Pandora's Box
I was born into the wrong family and I'm paying for it now. My name is Pandora. No that was my grandmother we have the same name but yest I still carry the box. All the desires of mortals were released when my grandmother opened it. Except the hope of mankind. The hope of mankind was the one thing my grandmother managed to trap. It's why we still have hope. It's the rest of man's desires that are fleeting. The lock has to be reset before midnight or it opens itself.
The bards say that if Prometheus is ever bound then mankind starts to lose the gifts he gave us like fire and the ability to heal ourselves. If you want to free Prometheus you must go to Vulcan Mountain and enter the cave of Hepheastus. There you will find a sword, it's the only tool that can break the chains that bind Promethus. Warriors loyal to the Temple of Hera will try to stop you from freeing Prometheus. Don't take them lightly. They're fierce fighters and they're not afraid to die. Before you go I must tell you one more thing about that sword. The person who strikes the blow to free Prometheus turns to ashes.
Once a long, long time ago all people have four legs and two heads. And then the Gods threw down thunderbolts and split everyone into two. Each had then two legs and one head but the separation left both sides with a desperate yearning to be reunited cause they each shared the same soul and ever since then all people spend their lives searching for the other half of their soul.
I only remember one story told me when I was young. It was about two orphans who decided to search the world for their familes and it's all about their adventures and how they kept searching but the part I remember most is the end. When the first man reached the end of his journey he found himself at the beginning. The family he had sought had traveled the world with him. The only family he had ever know, ever needed, standing right beside them.
Summerian Treasure
The entire wealth of the Summerians is hidden away. More wealth than mortal man could imagine. There are four clues to finding the treasure. Four men each had one clue to finding the treasure. Legend has it that with the Summerian Treasure you can find the Titan key. With the Titan key you'll find ambrosia. And any mortal that eats it becomes a god.
A mad man that specialized in killing brides before their weddings. Not just killing he liked cutting people into little pieces. He loves torturing the innocents and rewarding the fiends.
The woe of hearts long dead pounds sounding in my head for a Warrior Princess lives the world a broken sieves?
There was once this king. His name was Liberius and he was a brave warrior and a great hunter. He was so proud of his hunting skills that he decided to test them in the Sacred Forest of the great Goddess Artemis. She was so angry with him that she turned him into a deer. He became the hunted, the worst thing that could happen to a hunter. That's what he thought at first but then he became fond of the peaceful ways of the deer that he actually grew to love them. Of course he still missed his friends and family which made him very sad. So Artemis took pity on him and turned him back into his human form. Actually it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He became a better king after the experience, much happier man. Cause he learned the true secret of life is to find peace in yourself and share it with the world.
The Lost Athena Of Antygis
It was a carving so beautiful that men swore she came to life in the moonlight. It has to be a full moon but the story is true.
How Athena Became Goddess of Athens
Poseidon and Athena both wanted Athens so a contest was held. The first citizen was chosen to arbitrate. (wasn't first citizen but minor point) Poesidon brought forth a spring on the Acropolis and Athena made a beautiful Olive tree sprout on the rocky soil. So the arbitror chose in favor of Athena. Nobody remembers that Poseidon was very angry or that the arbitror was reflecting the will of the people. Nobody remembers that Poseidon placed a curse on the arbitror or that the arbitror's name is Cecrops. Poseidon's curse was that I could never return to land until love redeems me. Athena decided to give me immortality.
When Cecrops Gave Up Hope
It was three days before the Summer Solstice, 27 years after Poseidon had cursed me that's when I gave up hope. Tryei, I loved him as no man has ever loved a woman. Whenever she looked at me her face lit up with the faith that she had in me. She had hair the color of the midnight sun, skin soft as silk and eyes so green and deep that you could fall into them and I did. I was on my way to see Tyrei when Poseidon arose from the waters. He cursed me at that moment. Tyrei was watching from the shores then Poseidon created Cribtus the mighty whirlpool as a reminder. For many years I stayed in the area sailing the coastline and every evening Tyrei would come to the cliffs and we would look at each other. Even as she grew older, she grew more beautiful. Then one evening she didn't come and I knew I would never see her again.
It isn't that someone loves me it's my love for others.
I sing of David the warrior poet of Israel.
His courage shown on the battlefield.
His gentle nature in his home.
His passion in his psalms and all he did he did
for the love of his family and his God.
(Failed to mention that he had a girl)
Exion was the father of the centaurs. When he had the choice of making them either wicked or noble he chose noble. All their evil is captured inside a stone. (Anyone that owns that stone becomes Exion by melting it down and drinking it which isn't a very pleasant experience and doesn't make you all pretty.)
The Horde
The first time my army went west we ran into the Horde. I had a scouting pary out looking for paths through the mountains. They were below a ravine when they attacked. Could only watch helplessly as my men tried to hold them back but they kept coming. I cna still remember the howl of the Horde. The screaming of my men. It took most of the day to get the rest of my army into that ravine but by then the Horde was gone. My men they were nothing but bones stripped of their flesh and tortured as they were skinned. Nobody knows what they want. Fighting one or two would be difficult enough but the hunt like a pack of dogs, surrounding their prey until they attack.
Winter Solstice Tales
Once in a land far away there was this rich but miserly man named Creecus and his heart was so hard that his servants begged the Gods to intervene. And he sent the Fates to separate the strands of his life so that he might see himself more clearly. Unfortunately Creecus didn't mend his ways. So the Gods turned him into a spirit, doomed to walk the earth forever, as an invisible to others as they were to him in life.
And from that day on we honored and celebrated it as a time of rebirth for our wishes and our dreams. A time of coming together in joy and peace. It's the shortest day of the year and the longest night. But on this special night a new light, a chance is born to us all. So it's a time for miracles and good will towards all living creatures. That's why the Winter Solstice means so much and touches us all so deeply.