The Marriage
Joxer watched in horror as his best friends were taken away by Ares. Later Octavius told him that they weren't dead and he was relievede to find Eve safe and sound. Joxer had no idea where Ares had taken Gabrielle and Xena. He went to a tavern for something to eat and to hopefully figure out some way to find his friends. To his surprise he found Meg inside who he hadn't seen in a while. "Meg what are you doing here?" Just wetting my lizard babycakes." Joxer was so glad to see Meg since he could use a friend right about now so he filled her in on what happened. Old feelings stirred up even though she wasn't much help with figuring out what he could do. She was quite a distraction but he had to figure out what happened to his friends. He decided to go to Octavius to see if he could be any help and Meg tagged along. Octavius couldn't think of anything but gave Joxer some dinars to aid him in his search. Joxer decided to go to one of Ares temples to see if he could talk to him about Xena and Gabby. "Oh Ares God of War please come to me Joxer the Mighty." He got no reply even when he called Ares Jellybutt which worked before so he took off. Meg traveled with him and they got to know each other better. The attraction was there and he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Meg. While Joxer would always have a special place in his heart for Gabby he knew nothing would ever come of it. Besides Meg was a great girl. He kept running into dead ends even Aphrodite didn't know where he brother was. He knew that Xena and Gabby wouldn't want him to spend the rest of his life looking for them so he got up the courage to ask Meg to marry him. She said yes so they decided to get married quickly since Joxer was still determined to go looking for them some more. He wouldn't lose that hope that one day he'd see them again. Joxer asked Jace to stand up for him and was glad to spend some time with his brother. Jace as usual had on one of his flashy outfits and asked if he could sing at their wedding. Joxer was still baffled that his brother still had that bad accent but he was family even if he's different. Finally his wedding day arrived and the butterflies started fluttering. As he was getting ready Autolycus popped in. "So today's the big day big guy?" "Autolycus how did you know?" "Your brother Jace filled me in. What an interesting family you've got." "Are you making fun of me?" said Joxer with a puzzled expression on his face. "Same old Joxer. No you moron I hate to admit it but I actually like you. If you tell anyone I'll deny it" said Autolycus as he fiddled with his mustache. Joxer was ready and waiting for his bride. He looked especially sexy on this most special of days thought Meg to herself when she first laid eyes on him that day. Meg appeared and she was a vision as she glided towards him. He was so happy but he couldn't help but be reminded of Xena since Meg looked so much like her and of course Gabby too since they were his best friends in the whole world. They stood before the priest facing each other holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. Joxer never thought he could be this happy. The priest started the ceremony. "Dearly beloved we are gathered to join Joxer and Meg in the bonds of holy matrimony. May the Gods smile on this union and I ask for Aphrodite's blessing." As this was siad a shower of hearts rained down on the happy couple. Aphrodite was watching the ceremony and was getting misty eyed since true love always got to her. "Now Joxer and Meg have written their own vows." "Meg the first time I met you I knew that you were special. Sure I thought you were someone else but I felt this connection. When I found out your name I thought it was the prettiest word I'd ever heard. We have had someg reat times. This is but the start of a new adventure. I love you Meg and happily take you as my wife." The priest turned to Meg for her to say her vows. "Joxer I thought you were a lovely man from the first time I laid eyes on you. I never thought that I'd fall in love let alone get married. I always wanted a little light in the sky of my own and my wish has come true. You are the sweetest and kindest man I've even known not to mention sexy. I love you and take you as my husband. It's time for a toast so let's break out the wine." The priest said, "Joxer and Meg I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Joxer and Meg kissed. Aprhodite popped out sniffling, "I just love weddings." Meg grabbed Joxer and whispered in his ear, "I have a surprise for you so put this blindfold on." She led him out with Jace and Autolycus following them. When they came to a stop Meg removed the blindfold and he saw himself in front of a tavern. "Well I'm confused Meg where's my surprise?" "Look you moron" said Autolycus. Joxer looked and saw that the tavern had a chakram and sais so he walked inside and found it decorated with Xena and Gabby pictures, statues, weapons etc. "Surprise babycakes the place is our's and since you've bummed about your friends vanishing I decorated the place in honor of them. Mr Stinky and your brother were a big help." Joxer was at a loss for words and started to tear up. This was the happiest day of his life but he wished that his dear friends were here with him to celebrate. He vowed that he wouldn't give up on his search. They were out there somewhere. Joxer and Meg went upstaris where there was a new bed waiting along with plenty of wine and whipcream and cherries. Jace and Autolycus took off since Autolycus had heard about this rare jewel that he wanted to steal.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll Xena and Gabrielle were in a ice cave catching up on their beauty sleep while Joxer actually got the girl and had a family.
Eternal Love
When Gabrielle woke up she found a note from Xena saying that she'd gone fishing. "Oh that's good I should have plenty of time to get things ready." Gabrielle was planning a big surprise for Xena. It was Xena's birthday and Gabrielle knew that it wa time to reveal her feelings which she was almost certain that Xena would return. She was nervous so had a small nagging thought that she could be wrong but in her heart she knew she had to make her move. After a quick shower and breakfast she decided to call on Aphrodite for who better to call on regarding matters of the heart. "Aphrodite I need your help." Aphrodite appeared in a shower of pink hearts as usual with her barely there outfit. "I sense love in the air Gabby. So you're finally going to do it. All I can say is it's about time. So what can I do to help?" Gabrielle was thrown but figured that being the Love Goddess would give her insights into a person's heart. Gabrielle blushed and said, "Ok so you know and now it's time to let Xena know so I can find out for sure if I'm right or not." "So you want a romantic setting right?" Gabrielle had been thinking about this for a while so filled in Aphrodite in on her plans. "So can this be ready by sunset Aphrodite?" "No problemo sweetpea it'll be done in a flash." Gabrielle started making those dumplings that Xena loved. Aphrodite popped back with all the stuff Gabrielle wanted. "As a bonus I've made the candles scented like white chocolate which is a little secret of mine." Gabrielle placed the candles around the campsite. "Well I better get ready since Xena will be back soon. Thanks for the help Aphrodite." "No problem." They hugged and Aphrodite popped out. Gabrielle put on the sexy lingerie that Aphrodite got her. "I hope this works. Feet don't fail me now." Meanwhile back on Mt Olympus Aphrodite talks to Discord to distract Ares. Discord only agrees to help because she was still miffed about Ares wanting to have Deimos as his second. So Discord was only too happy to help out. She was to distract Ares by pretending to be Xena. "That boy will be eating out of my hands since he'll be thinking with his codpiece as usual." She transformed herself into Xena and went into his bed chamber. Gabrielle was all ready when she heard Xena coming so she slipped on a robe so the surprise wouldn't be ruined. Dinner was all ready when Xena appeared. Music courtesy of Aphrodite started to play even though no one was there to play it. The amazing things that Gods can do thought Gabrielle. "What is this?" "Xena I've cooked your favorite dinner. I know you hate birthdays but I wanted this to be special and I want you to know how I feel about you." "Gabrielle I already know." "I'm not sure that you do Xena but soon you will." Gabrielle led Xena over to a log and motioned her to sit. Gabrielle started dancing and slowly opened her robe. She spun around and opened it dropping it to the ground. She was wearing a black lace bra and matching panties. She turned around to face Xena who hand't made a sound. She was looking at Gabrielle with desire in her eyes. She started to rise and removed her boots, gauntlets, and dress so she was left in her panties and bra with a big smile on her face. She walked over to Gabrielle and kissed her. She reached out for Gabrielle's bra and released the catch so her firm round breasts were exposed under the moonlight. Next she reached for Gabrielle panties and pulled them down and Gabrielle stepped out of them totally nude. This was different from the other times that Xena had seen her naked. Xena stood there and looked at the beautiful nubile Gabrielle and reached out to grab her in her arms. As they kissed Gabrielle reached for the catch and took off Xena's bra. She next pulled down Xena's panties and Xena wiggled out of them. Gabrielle looked at Xena feeling such strong desire. She started kissing Xena's neck and worked her way down. They sank down to the ground. Gabrielle fondled Xena's plump and full breats and started licking the other in slow strokes. Xena moaned with pleasure. She worked her way down to the triangle of hair that rested between her legs. She stroked it with her finger. The hair was smooth and silky to the touch. She opened the lips and placed a finger inside. Xena was writhing in the throes of passion. Gabrielle bent down and placed her mouth on those pink moist lips and lapped at her with her tongue. Such exquisite pleasure bringing on such a powerful orgasm that just went on and on. Xena shuddered and screamed her pleasure calling out Gabrielle's name never having felt such intense waves of pleasure that flooded through her making her vibrate. Back on Olympus Discord was playing with Ares. Ares who was totally clueless for all he saw was his beloved Xena. For years he had tried but the closest he got was the time Callisto was in Xena's body. "Oh I've waited years for this and I just know that you're well worth the wait." He was lying on his bed while Xena striped for him and Discord had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't burst out laughing. She was amazed that he was so completely gone over a mere mortal. Oh well she thought to herself I may as well have some fun and he is a great lover and it's been too long. Ares reached out for Xena and said, "Finally you are mine!" Xena got up and looked down at Gabrielle. They stared into each other's eyes. "So beautiful," she whispered. A feather was near the blankets which Xena grabbed. She kissed her on the mouth and she darted her tongue around Gabrielle's doing a dance as the tongues swirled around in their mouths. Such pleaure that she never wanted to end. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over them going higher and higher. Xena reached down between Gabrielle's creamy thighs and placed her tongue on her clit and in slow circles she swirled around and Gabrielle was screaming and moaning. Xena worked out her tongue in and out over and over again inside Gabrielle who was vibrating with the pleasure she was feeling. Gabrielle called out, "Xena" and shuddered as she came in a big steady stream. After they curled up in each other's arms and went to sleep under the stars both with smiles on their faces. Dinner was left on the blanket untouched. On Olympus Ares was gasping for air and his well muscled chest was sweaty since Discord had ridden him over and over like a stallion. Discord started laughing and and said, "Have a good time lover." She left with her laughter exhoing and Ares had a puzzled look on his face. "Damn it!" He was so tired that he fell right back to sleep.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll Ares was once again foiled and didn't get Xena although he had a good time with the faux Xena. Gabrielle and Xena however had tons of fun and Xena decided that she didn't mind birthdays after all. In fact she decided to surprise Gabrielle on her next birthday by cooking her dinner. Don't worry she learned how to cook from a reliable source. No it wasn't Joxer since that would be a disaster not to mention cruel and unusual punishment. Although Joxer is much loved he just isn't the best of cooks unless you want to get at the bad guys then he's your man.
A New World
Gabrielle throws a torch at the Fates loom which destroys the world. A new world comes into place. She is in the woods and hears a horse comng. Xena arrives on Argo and Gabrielle hops on. At the same time they both say, "Joxer's alive." They head towards Athens but stop to make camp by a waterfall. There they find Virgil cooking fish. They all catch up around the campfire. In the morning Xena takes her morning bath. She hears something so she emerges from the water. "Ares," Xena calls and he pops into view. "Xena how lovely you look. That's a great look for you." She makes a fish to punch him but instead pulls in for a kiss. Gabrielle and Virgil awake to the sounds of voices and realizes that one of them is Ares. Gabrielle is confused so she rubs her eyes in case she wasn't completely awake yet. "No he's still there and they look quite cozy," whispers Gabrielle. "Virgil do you see what I'm seeing?" "Well duh Gabby, you know full well that Xena are Ares are married." "What?" shouts Gabrielle. She runs over to Ares and punches him in the nose. "What did you do to her?" she snarls. Wait a second she things to herself this is a new world and things here weren't quite the same as they were before. Talk about an understatement she says under her breath. It was confusing because she remembered everything including waking up in the ice cave to disvoer that twenty-five years had passed. "What is going on here?" Gabrielle is baffled by all these changes. Virgil is still around but he's Joxer's little brother instead of his son. "I seriously need my head read" Gabrielle mutters as she is overwhelmed by this flood of memories and passes out. Gabrielle wakes up to find Joxer above her with a goofy grin on his face. "Joxer what's going on? I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that Ares and Xena were married but that's impossible right? Xena would never marry Ares." "Sweetie my darling wife you know very well that there wedding was last week just like ours since we had a double ceremony." "Married?" Gabrielle got up unable to believe her ears. Joxer and her married and a double wedding with Xena and Ares it was just too funny. She doubled over in laughter laughing so hard that tears came to her eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you laughing my dearest? Lay back down you must have been hurt worse than we thought." "Joxer what are you talking about I'm fine. If anyone's nuts around here it's you thinking that we are married. Ha us married what a joke. I need to get some fresh air and think over things. Something is seriously wrong here." She walks outside and and is struck by a fresh flood of memories and recalls the wedding just like Joxer said. Everything turned stranged after she destroyed the loom. Something must have gone seriously wrong when the loom was destroyed. She decided to see if Aphrodite knew anything about what was goingo n. "Aphrodite it's Gabrielle I reall need to talk to you. Something is really wrong here." "Hi Gabby, congrats on your marriage. That boy does grow on a girl after a while doesn't he?" "Aphrodite don't you sense that something is off? It's subtle but things keep changing like Ares and Xena being married and me and Joxer what a laugh like I'd ever marry him." "Sweetpea what are you talking about? You changed the world from that cesspool Caesar created which is a good thing since that guy is way too full of himself." "I keep getting memories of changes like Virgil being Joxer's brother when I know that he's his son and that Joxer is supposed to be dead." "Xena are Ares are married get out no they but you of all people should know that by now. She's a fellow Goddess and they aren't even on speaking to one another." Gabrielle is bewildered by yet another change in this strange world. "Aphrodite come on you're a Goddess think about it." "Whoa major head rush you're right things are way out of whack. But honey I have no idea how to fix things but the Fates might." "Gabrielle we are the Fates and yes things are wrong in this world. You must go back since a few strands weren't destroyed when you set the loom on fire. We can send you back but it's up to you to finish the job. Now close your eyes and prepare to be sent back. Be careful and good luck for time is running out." Gabrielle closes her eyes and is hit with the memories of the worlds new and old rushing by as she falls back in time. When it stops she opens her eyes and finds herself alone in the woods not far from the temple where she set the loom on fire. "Remember Gabrielle that you only have until sundown to set the world right or this world will come bleeding through to the new one and chaos will ensue." Gabrielle hears something so she runs and hides. She sees a person coming and a familiar one at that but something inside her tells her to wait since she has a tendency of jumping into action before thinking which can get her into trouble. It looks like Ephiny but that can't be because she's dead unless she isn't in this world thought Gabrielle. "Gabrielle I know you're there so come out and take my hand so I can guide you to the temple. It is farther away than it looks." The voice sounds wrong but she goes out and is approaching Ephiny slowly. "Gabrielle don't it's Alti she wants to trick you so she can regain the power she had here." Gabrielle turns around and sees Xena standing there. "Gabrielle what are you looking at? We don't have much time. Take my hand so we can do this." Gabrielle looks again and still sees Xena and Xena tells her to will Alti's spirit away by closing her eyes. She does this and when she opens them Alti is gone so she turns around and finds herself alone. The temple is right in front of her so she walks inside and sees something on the floor which she picks up and puts down her boot. She finds the threads that weren't destroyed and sets them on fire and she falls to the ground. When she wakes up she finds herself at the waterfall laying by Xena and there is a third very familiar figure laying on Xena's other side. In the moonlight there is something glimmering in Gabrielle's hand. "Welcome home, "Gabrielle whispers and falls asleep.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll many strange things happened and Gabrielle saved the world from being strange and weird getting stranger by the minute like a marriage to Joxer. Only A Dream
Ares got his hands on one of Cupid's bow's and two of his arrows. "These will do quite nicely." When Gabrielle woke up she found Xena gone. She heard splashing and Xena called "Oh Gabrielle are you awake yet? Come on and join me." Gabrielle was taking off her clothes when she was hit by a arrow. Ares popped into view and told Gabrielle to join Xena. She smiled and jumped into the water. Xena had just caught a fish which she threw to shore. "What is up with that goofy grin?" A arrow hit her and Ares showed himself to Xena. "Ares" they both said. "Hello my beauties mind if I join you?" "Come on get your clothes off big boy." Ares stripped and jumped in. They both swam to him one on either side. "So how are you girls doing today?" "Better now that you're here," said Xena as she ran her fingers up Ares well muscled arm. Gabrielle was nibbling on his ear. "Oh this is the Elysian Fields on earth." "Ares let's get out of here before I get all pruney." They got out of the water and Ares said, "You two go first and I'll watch." "Oh no you're joining in you big hunk of man." Xena kissed his chest and neck. Gabrielle kissed Ares on the other side. They glided to the ground and Ares was pushed onto his back. "Oh yeah I'm loving this. This is good. Girls I want you two to dance for me." Music started playing a sensual tune. Ares had put harem outfits on Xena and Gabrielle so he could watch them strip. Gabrielle went over to Xena and they kissed swaying to the beat of the music. Ares was sitting on the ground with a big grin on his face. Xena started kissing Gabrielle's neck as she started removing Xena's clothes. The shirt fell to the ground and Xena removed Gabrielle's shirt. They stood there for a moment drinking in the sight of each other. Ares was so please that his little plan was working so well and he was fianlly getting what he'd wanted for so long. Gabrielle started sucking on Xena's breast as Xena threw her head back moaning. Gabrielle reached down and took off Xena's pants ripping them off. Ares got up because he couldn't stand not touching here. Xena removed Gabrielle's pants by ripping them off. Nude under the full moon they turned as Ares started walking towards them. He grabbed Xena and started kissing her. Gabrielle was kissing his back and stroking him. They moved over to the bedrolls with Ares in the middle. Gabrielle chewed on Ares ear. It was even better than he imagined it would be. He continued kissing Xena and worked his way down. He nibbled on her neck and she moaned. He couldn't wait any longer to become one with her. She was wet and waiting to be entered. He thrust forward and entered her. Their bodies melted into each other and rotated completely in synch with each other as he went in and out pushing in further with each thrust. They came at the same time and he shuddered as he spewed. He rolled off her and onto his back gasping for air. Gabrielle who had been waiting patiently for her turn went to Xena. Ares turned on his side to watch. Gabrielle got on top of Xena and started kissing her. Ares felt himself growing hard just watching them. Gabrielle licked her way down Xena's body till she reached between her thighs. She stroked the silker hair and opened the lips which were wet and pink. Xena moaned at each stroke. Ares couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed Gabrielle and entered her grinding into here and coming with a loud scream of pleasure. He was completely spent as he gasped for air. Gabrielle went back to Xena and started tonguing her moist pink lips. Gabrielle made her way back up Xena and they kissed with their tongues playing with each other. Ares grabbed Gabrielle and kissed her tasting Xena on her. "Turn around woman I want to enter you from behind." Gabrielle turned around without saying a word and stuck her firm round butt in the air. Ares who had been nibbling away at Ambrosia to give himself a boost since he wanted to take advantage of the time he had before the spell was broken. He sat there for a moment admiring the view. "Come here and plant that beautiful behind on my sword." He entered her and Gabrielle sat up so Xena who had been feeling neglected went over to Gabrielle who was thrusting as Ares went further up insie her. Xena kissed Gabrielle and worked her tongue around her nipples. Gabrielle was moaning as she kept thrusting. He came and pushed Gabrielle aside and took off because he couldn't take anymore. Gabrielle and Xena started kissing moving their bodies and grinding into one another. Intense waves of pleasure washed over them as they orgasmed. They curled up and fell asleep. In the morning they awoke telling each other about the dream they had. "What you had the same dream too?" asked Xena. They both looked at each other noticing they were both nude and wondered if it could have been real. "Well Xena you have to admit that it was a hot time and pretty damn good." "Gabrielle!" "What? I've got needs and wants as do you so just accept that we had some great sex last night." "Gabriell what has got into you?" "Evidentally Ares' penis." They both started laughing and got dressed ready to face a new day. Ares was still recovering from his romps with the Warrior Princess and the Bard. "Hmm Gabrielle isn't so bad after all." He went to sleep after having some more Ambrosia. "Wait a second Gabrielle Ares couldn't get enough of me not you so it had to have been a dream right?" Gabrielle couldn't hide a smile at the thought of last night. "Gabrielle he's been obsessed with me for years." "Jealous?" "Stop it we both agree right now that it was just a dream." "Yeah besides our dreams aren't totally alike right?" "Right. It was a full moon last night and wackiness ensued. Not a word to anyone!" "Yes." They both thought to themselves that it couldn't have been real but at the same time thought it might be since it was so vivid. They started walking not saying a word lost in their thoughts about that wild night. "Hi guys what's up?" said Joxer. They looked at each other and turned to Joxer and said, "Nothing." "I'm hungry let's go get something to eat. There's a tavern up ahead that has great food," said Xena as she continued walking with Gabrielle and leading Argo. Joxer scratched his head in confusion, shrugged and ran to catch up. Gabrielle whispered, "Dream or not he certainly looked mighty fine. A butt you could bounce a dinar off of." Xena turned to Gabrielle and nudged her." Gabrielle stop it. It was a dream so let's forget about it." Come on Xena you know it was a fun time." Joxer had turned around and asked what they were talking about. "Nothing Joxer let's go eat." Xena walked off leaving Gabrielle behind lost in thought about last night. "Dream or not it was a wild time. It was the best dream I've had in ages." She ran to catch up with Xena and Joxer. "It certainly was my dear." Ares watched them as they walked off. He popped back to his bedroom and took another nap since he still needed time to recover.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll Ares was up to his usual tricks but in a twist he got what he most wanted and whether she wants to admit it or not Xena enjoyed herself immensely.
Just Another Day
It started out like any other day a bath and some breakfast and on Xena and Gabrielle went to start a new adventure. Up ahead was a strange sight which caused them to stop and Argo neighed. "Easy girl," Xena said to calm Argo down as she petted her. "What is that Xena?" "I don't know but we're going to find out." They looked up and saw it was getting closer. It was this swirley thing that stretched out. Before Xena and Gabrielle could make a move they were sucked into the bendy thing. It spit them out and once they got their bearings they looked around. "What is this place?" asked Gabrielle. "I think it's that other world that Hercules and Iolaus went to. Both places are nearly identical but the people are the opposite of ours. Where's Argo?" "I guess she didn't come with us. So what do we do now?" Xena turned and Ares popped into view. Gabrielle and Xena had identical looks of confusion on their faces for this was Ares the God of Love and he was dressed all in white which was weird indeed. "You two girls lost I tak it? That portal keeps sucking in people from your world and stranding them." Xena and Gabrielle were speechless. It was one thing hearing about this Ares it was quite another to actually see him. "Cat got your tongues? Oh I get it you notice how much I look like your Ares. I am nothingl ike him. I am a lover not a fighter." "It's amazing and quite unbelieveable if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it," babbled Gabrielle. "So Ares how do we get out of here?" asked Xena. "First things first I think an introduction is in order. You know who I am but I don't know who you lovely ladies are. You with the blonde hair must be Gabrielle but you aren't exactly an exectutioner." "What?" Gabrielle cut in. "Your lookalike cuts peoples heads off for a living." "How delightful," mumbled Gabrielle turning to Xena. "I can see this is quite a shock for you so why don't I shut up and let you two talk." Gabrielle pointed to Xena and said, "This is Xena Warrior Princess. I must admit Ares that I'm curious about wht the Xena here is like." "Well Gabrielle she is quite the sex kitten but she's a clever girl so I'm guessing both have things in common since your Xena is quite comely." Gabrielle smiled at Xena and raised an eyebrown. Xena jumped in and said, "This is Gabrielle the Battling Bard of Potedia." "So Ares can you help us out?" asked Gabrielle who was still unnerved by this Ares. "Yes girls I will but first I have to ask something. No one will answer me when I ask. Do these pants make my butt look big? Your Ares is quite a handsome fellow so I was wondering about giving myself a new look although I'm not sure about the total black thing that he has." Xena and Gabrielle looked at each other and started laughing. They laughed so hard that tears came to their eyes. Gabrielle elbowed Xena as she composed herself and said, "I think he's serious." They wiped their eyes and looked at Ares who was standing there with his arms crossed. "Sorry it's just that you're so different from the other Ares" explained Gabrielle. "So do I get an answer or not?" "Ares you have a great butt. In fact I'll share a little secret with you that I never would with the other Ares." Gabrielle paused and Ares leaned forward eager to hear this tidbit. "Now this goes no further than here ok." Ares nodded eagerly waiting to hear what it was. "I've always found Ares to be extremely sexy and quite handsome." "Gabrielle what are you saying?" gasped Xena with a touch of jealousy in her voice. "Well it's true Xena and you know you feel the same. You've had some heated moments with him and had a few kisses too." "Ok he's sexy but not a word to anyone Gabrielle. Ares can we get down to business?" Ares was beaming and feeling quite good about himself. He thought about what he could do to help these two and thought of Joxer. "Oh I'll take you to Joxer because he's good at figuring things out." "Joxer?" Xena and Gabrielle said at the same time. "Girls remember this is a different world so this Joxer isn't like the one you know." Xena and Gabrielle looked at each other than turned to Ares and asked him to take them to Joxer. He was Joxer but he was different at the same time he looked exactly the same. "Ares what do you want?" "Well Joxer this is Xena and Gabrielle from the other world. I was thinking that you could help them make their way home." "Well you two come on in and have a drink." Xena and Gabrielle stepped through the door. Xen turned around to thank Ares but he was gone. They sat down and Joxer started telling them about the portal. It was odd to see this Joxer who was quite smart and confident when they were used to their bumbling but loveable friend in his pointy little hat. "So this portal thing keeps moving around and sucking people from one world to the other." "Is there a way for us to get back?" asked Xena. "Yes there is a portal that will allow you to pass but it's breaking down so we'll have to hurry." "But what about the moving portal? Isn't there a way to stop it?" asked Gabrielle. "I'm sure that once the portal stops working the portal will cease to exist and our worlds will be completely cut off from one another again." Gabrielle wasn't too happy to hear about that because she wanted to get to know this Joxer better. She thought to herself that maybe she could get him to go through the portal with them. The door opened and in walked Callisto. Xena grabbed her sword but put it back as she reminded herself that this wasn't the same Callisto. Joxer looked up and smiled. "This is my lovely wife Callisto." Gabrielle turned to Xena and mouthed, "Wife!" and Xena shrugged. This was a strange place indeed they both thought. "Hello can I get you anything to eat? I bet my little pookie has only offered you drinks." "Yeah some food would be great thanks," said Xena as she looked to Gabrielle. Callisto came out with some sandwiches and a pitcher of ale. Gabrielle had to keep reminding herself that this wasn't the Callisto that killed her husband. She turned to Joxer and said, "Joxer couldn't one of the Gods help stop the portal?" "Since Zeus insane he is most likely the reason why this portal is out of control." "Zeus is insane?" asked Xena as she reached for a sandwich. "Xena remember Hercules mentioned that but it is strange to hear it again though." "But isn't there someone else Joxer? Ares seems nice and all but he's more of a pretty boy than a brain. Fill us in on your Gods." Gabrielle was halfway through her sandwich when Xena reached for another one. "What I'm hungry." "Well Ares is the only one I talk to so let's ask him about his family. Ares can you come here for a chat?" Ares popped into view in a shower of hearts. "Hi all are we getting acquainted with one another?" "Yes thanks Ares," said Xena. "Ares is there anyone that can help fix the portal so it isn't spinning out of control?" "Xena my dear the only one that can do it is Zeus and he's bonkers." "What about Cupid?" "Don't mention that maniac's name. You don't want to meet him." "Isn't he the War God here?" "Yes Xena but he doesn't feel as fondly about you as Ares does." "He's got a point Xena this God doesn't love you like Ares does." "Ok Gabrielle do you have any ideas?" "Well I think we should hear more about Zeus and why he's insane." "He became insane after he had the labryinth built." "Why don't you destroy it so he can reclaim his sanity?" "Good idea Gabrielle," said Xena. "What are you still doing here Ares get to it and shoot some lightning bolts." Ares giggled and admitted that he wasn't a fighter but a lover. "Yes we know we know that's why you need to start practicing now." Ares went outside where Joxer set up some targets for him to practice on. The first attempt was pathetic since all it did was release a flood of hearts. Finally after what seemed like an eon he was able to throw some decent bolts. Ares was so excited that he clapped his hands and started doing a little dance. "Ares." shouted Xena which woke up Gabrielle who had fallen asleep while Ares was practicing. She smiled and surpressed a giggle at the sight before her. Ares calmed down and went off to destory the labyrinth. Right after he left Gabrielle couldn't help herself and started laughing uncontrollably and Xena joined in. Soon Ares came back and siad that the deed was done. "So is the portal under control now?" asked Xena. "I don't know but Zeus is sane and he's quite proud of me." "That's great Ares but could you find out about the portal?" "No problem I'll be back in a flash." Gabrielle walked up to Xena and said, "This has been an interesting day." "It sure has. What a strange world this is." "Well I like it and who knows maybe we could come back to visit." At this point Ares came back and told them that the moving portal was gone. "That's great now we can go thorugh the portal and get back home." "I'm sorry but the portal no longer works." "What? That can't be the only portal there has to be some other way" gasped Gabrielle. "What about Zeus couldn't he open a gateway?" asked Xena. "Hee hee I'll ask, Ares popped out and the wait began. Callisto came out with some lemonade. "This is so strange isn't it to to see nice Callisto?" Gabrielle whispered to Xena. "Have something to drink and let's chat," said Callisto. ""How long have you been married?" asked Gabrielle who was a little disappointed to find out that Joxer was married. "It's been two years since I've married my pookie." "It's so odd how you two are so different from the Callisto and Joxer we know." "I've talked to Ares and he mentioned that everyone has a lookalike that are the total opposite so guess my lookalike is pretty scary huh." Ares popped back in and told them that Zeus wouldn't help." "Wait a second isn't there another portal by the Sovreign's castle?" asked Callisto. "Right you are sugarplum I'll take you there now it's just down the road a few miles. Will you be all right alone Callisto?" "Ooh I'll stay so me and Callisto can catch up," said Ares. So Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer set off down the road. They found the portal and it was still working. "Well I guess this is it," said Gabrielle. "Thank you Joxer it's been interesting. Maybe you and Callisto can come for a visit sometime." "Xena is that such a good idea especially with Callisto who wouldn't get a warm welcome since it woud be kill first ask questions later." "Yeah Gabrielle you're right so maybe we'll come and see you." Xena clasped hands with Joxer and turned to enter the portal. Gabrielle gave Joxer a hug and kissed him on the cheek. She turned to Xena and together holding hands they jumped through. Joxer was waiting for them with Argo and two other horses when they came thorugh to the other side. "What's up Joxer?" "Hi Gabby, Xena what was that?" "Joxer did you want something?" "Oh yeah there's a warlord coming to Astonia to get Lord Krydon's daughter Katherine." "Who's the warlord?" asked Xena. "It's Craydon and he's bringing friends." "Let's go," Xena said as she jumped onto Argo. Gabrielle adn Joxer got on their horses and off they went. When they arrived Xena had Joxer take all the childen and those unable to fight to a cave that she'd used as a hideout in the old days. Xena gathered everyone to find out what weapons were available. The village had a catapult and about a dozen people who could shoot with a bow and arrow. Xena sent a village boy off to warn them when the army was coming. In the meantime they got ready to fight. All the bows and arrows were gathered and a fire was started to stick the arrows in. They were just about ready to set things in motion when the boy came running to warn them about the men coming. He took off to the caves. Those that could use a bow started dipping the arrows into flame and prepared the catapult to start firing fire balls. Clouds of dust announced the arrival of Craydon and his men. They started firing and several men were set on fire but they kept coming. Xena pulled her sword from her scabbard and cried out her war cry "Ay yi yi!" as the men came running. Gabrielle had her sais ready. A man came up to her and she clashed swrods with him. She kicked him as he swung his blade. She ducked and stabbed him in the stomach. She kicked another man coming her way. Joxer was stumbling around with his sword doing a lot of ducking but he got in a few licks here and there. "Craydon fancing meeting you here." "Xena aren't you over the whole good act of your's?" "I guess not so are we going to fight or continut with the chatting?" She swung her sword and they clashed. She kicked him and knocked him to the ground. He rolled out of reach of her sword and jumped up. Xena did a flip and kicked the sword from his hand. She sliced his head off. Another man swung his blade and they clashed. Behind her was another with his blade raised. Xena kicked the sword out of the first guy's hand and reached behind her and met the sword in midair. She spun around and stabbed him in the gut. She met the other man's blade and kicked him. He lost his balance and she slit his throat. Xena saw a villager in trouble so she grabbed a dagger and threw itinot the guy's chest. The remaining men from the army took off and the villager's cheered at their victory. Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer helped with the wounded. When everyone was tended to Lord Krydon went up to thank them for their help and invite them to a feast in their honor. It was just another day in the life of the Warrior Princess and her friends.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll Xena and Gabrielle went to a new world full of strange things but when they got home they got into yet another fight and saved the day. They ate and drank their fill and slept on nice beds for the night and woke up well rested sometime the next day. It sure beats sleeping on a rock which tends to make Gabrielle grumpy.
Gabrielle was exhausted so she tried to get some sleep. The boat wasn't rocking too hard so Gabrielle wasn't hanging her head over the boat. She jabbed at the spot on her wrist and decided to try and get some rest before the boat got back to Greece. She was still stunned about what had happened and decided to go back home instead of going to the Land of the Pharohs. There was no sign of Xena anywhere although she had been beside her just moments before. She tossed and turned all night long haunted by the sight of Xena's headless body. She got out of the hammock hoping that it was just a nightmare and that Xena would be there as always. She looked down at the floor to get her boots and spotted the chakram on her pack. "It was real." Gabrielle wiped away tears and tried to compose herself. She put her boots on and went outside. She could see land and knew that she'd be home soon. She went into her room and grabbed her stuff and put the chakram at her side. The boat finally docked and Gabrielle got off glad to be on solid ground again. She headed for the nearest templte to talk to Ares if he'd answer her call. "I hope he'll listen and help me find the Kronos stone." She walked for a bit and decided to call on Aphrodite to help her. "Aphrodite I really need to talk to you." "What's up Gabby?" Gabrielle who had been fighting back tears broke down. "Sweetpea let's get you somewhere we can talk." She popped them into one of her temples and walked her over to a couch. She gave Gabrielle a hankie. "Ok now you site down and tell Dite what's wrong?" Gabrielle wiped her eyes, looked up at Aphrodite and said, "I need to talk to Ares." "Ares." Ares popped in and said, "What do you want sis? What's she doing here?" "Back of Ar give the girl some breathing room. Ok can you tell us what's wrong?" "Xe Xe Xena" stuttered Gabrielle as she wiped away more tears. "What about Xena?" Ares looked at her face and said, "No it can't be she isn't dead is she?" Gabrielle could only nod. Ares turned away and covered his face. When he felt more composed he walked over to Gabrielle and bent down and asked, "What happened?" She told them all about Akemi and Yadoshi and how Xena died. Ares was horrified and Aphrodite reached for a hankie. Ares turned away to wip a tear that appeared at the corner of his eye. Gabrielle got up and walked over to Ares. She put her hand on his shoulder and he turned around with tears in his eyes. "I never thought I'd see the day where you'd be crying." "I love her too." "I know I'm sorry but I have an idea Ares. A loophole if you will that will bring Xena back and not affecto those souls she freed." "How" "Well I've heard about the Kronos stone and wanted your help in finding the last one so I can bring her back." "Sure on Olympus but how will that bring her back?" "Duh Ares! So much for the dumb blonde theory. She can use the stone to undo Xena's death. Wait a sec you don't need the stone Gabby not with moi and hoi over there." "What do you mean?" "Gods can travel back in time sweetpea." "Really you could do that?" "Yes and I'm sure Ares will be glad to do it. Come sit down Are so we can map out a plan." "Well Ares I th ink you should go to the time when Xena's ashes went over the cliff and landed on the ledge. They need to be put in the fountain but at an earlier time before Yodoshi corrupted it." "Hmm that sounds like it's work. Ok I'll do it and if it works I'll bring Xena back here." "Thank you!" Ares nodded and disappeared. He found the cliff and looked down to find the urn with Xena's ashes. The sun was starting to set. He looked behind him and saw Gabrielle fighting. "Wow you go girl I'm impressed" He popped down to the ledge and grabbed the urn. He popped over to the fountain a century past just to be on the safe side. The sun was sinking lower and lower. He placed the ashes into the fountain. Gabrielle rushed off to get Xena's ashes that had rolled over the cliff. She looked down and couldn't find them. She climbed down the cliff hoping to find the urn on a ledge or somewhere down below. She looked at the sun which was setting. "No I have to get her back." She dropped down but still found nothing. Gabrielle was sittting on Aphrodite's couch when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and found Xena standing in front of her. "Xena is that really you?" "Yes it's me." They hugged. Aphrodite blew her nose and wiped away tears and said, "I just love happing endings." Ares who was standing next to her put his arm around her and said, "This time I agree with you." "Careful Ar you're getting soft." "No I'm not," said Ares who was starting to turn red. "Cool down Ares." "I'm fine sis." "So let's leave these two alone." "But? "Ar you know you don't have a chance especially with Gabby in the picture or out of it for that matter. Just be glad that she's alive and happy. Ok?" She grabbed his arm and he nodded. "I can't believe you're really here. I thought I'd lost you forever." "Never. So I guess you're stuck with me." "Forever!" "So how'd you do it?" "I had some divine intervention. You have Ares to thank for bringing you back to me." Gabrielle turned around to find no one there. "Let's go get something to eat I'm starving." They walked outside and found Argo waiting. Xena walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey girl I've missed you. Argo neighed and nodded. "There's a tavern up ahead that has some great food." They walked down the road together again always destined to walk the same path.
Translated By Barbara Desmond
During the production of this scroll Xena was dead and brought back to life. She however was still redeemed for her past crimes and set off on a new adventure with her soulmate Gabby.
The Wooden Boy
Once upon a time there was a toymaker called Getrius. He was a lonely old man who had lost his wife in child birth. Getrius never remarried and spent his life making toys. His son Petrio lived with him until he went off to war. When he got word of his son's death in battle he was stricken with grief. One day he made a puppet a boy made of wood. He named the puppet Petrio after his son. The puppet bore a remarkable resemblance to his dead son. "Well my son at least you won't ever leave me" he said to the puppet. "I wish to the Gods that you come become a real boy so I won't be lonely anymore." Getrius went to sleep thinking of his wife and son as he did every night. In the morning when he woke up what he saw made him speechless. The puppet he had made with such love and care was walking around the room. "By the Gods you're walking around. Can you speak too?" "Hello. What is my name and who are you?" You are Petrio and I am Getrius and I am your father. I created you." Petrio walked up to Getrius and touched his hand and said, "You are so smooth and soft and I'm so hard. What is that?" "You are made of wood my dear boy." "Wood?" "Yes you are a special boy and I am your papa." Getrius made himself some breakfast and had Petrio sit down. "You will never know how much how very much I've wanted this. To have company after the death of my family."
Translated By Barbara Desmond
This scroll isn't a Xena Scroll but it was a story that Gabrielle started during the scroll entitled If The Shoe Fits. I am in the process of translating it.