The Adventures Of Dru And Spike Part 1
Dru and Spike decided to go off to Spain. They were off to cause mayhem and eat some humans. "Dru my sweet let's get something to eat I smell some fresh blood just ahead." They walked down the street for their meal was just ahead of them waiting to cross the street. A couple that were holding hands and totally oblvious to anyone and thing but each other. "They're perfect Spike. I'll take the girl she has such pretty skin." "Aww Dru you got the last girl." "Spike don't be a bad dog I want the girl please." Dru leaned up against Spike and bounced looked up at Spike with puppy dog eyes. "Oh kitten you know I could never say no to you. Ok this time you get the girl but I get the next one." "Thank you my dear boy." Dru grabbed the girl from behind and went into vamp mode. "Time to eat my sweet." She sank her fangs into the girl's throat draining her blood in a steady stream. Gushing warm sweet blood sending a tingle through Dru as it went down her throat. Before the guy could scream for help Spike in vamp face grabbed him by the throat and sucked him dry. He threw him to the ground and said, "I never get tired of doing that. I could use another bit pet. Let's go find another Happy Meal to eat." Dru dropped the girl sucking blood from her fingertips. "Oh Spike you always show a girl a good time." They walked down the street arm in arm looking for someone else to eat. They saw a park with people around although it was late. "Goodie look at the people all ready for us to eat." They came across a couple making out on a park bench. "Now my pet I get the girl this time." "Go ahead Spike I love watching you." Spike grabbed the girl and sank his fangs into her neck drinking vigoroulsy. Dru grabbed the guy for a quick nip. She snapped his neck when she had her fill. "Let's go my pet." They went to the house they'd been staying at. "Thanks for the hospitality," Dru said as she stepped over the bodies of the family that had lived in the house. "I must go see Miss Edith since she's hungry." "I guess I'll go throw out the trash." Spike grabbed the nearest body and tossed it over the fence. Dru picked up her doll and grabbed her by the hair. "Bad girl you've been naughty and must be punished. No feeding for you." She twisted the doll's head off and threw it against the wall. She threw the body to the floor and crushed it beneath her foot. Spike walked into the bedroom and kissed Dru. "My sweet I want to kill that Slayer. I want anohter notch on my belt and feel her warm blood flowing down my throat as the life spills out of her." "Why must you ruin my good time by mentioning that girl. You are obsessed. I'm out of here." Dru walked outside and jumped into Spike's car and drove off. "Pet come back. Oh bloody hell!" Spike punched a hole through the door. "She'll be back soon. She just needs to cool off. Yeah she'll be back because she loves me." Spike went back inside to wait for his precious to come back. He grabbed a bottle of Scotch and sat down on the couch and took a swig. Dru was singing along with the radio as she drove off to parts unknown. "I just love this song. Speak to me stars and point the way."
Barbara Desmond
The Adventures Of Dru And Spike Part 2
Dru continued driving led by the voice coming from the moon. "Oh speak to me friend. The moon that hangs in the sky watching over me." Meanwhile Spike was getting drunk waiting for his girl to return. Dru stopped the car and got out. She found who she was looking for which was a demon she'd had her eye on. She entered a bar called Levithan. Inside she found a chaos demon named Zorgon. Her eye had started to stary due to Spike's obsession with the Slayer. "It's unnatural so I must find my fun elswhere since Spike tastes of ashes when he gets all obsessive." Dru and Zorgon went to the back where they could have some privacy. "Dru my sweet care for some fresh blood. It's drained in the back room so no muss no fuss." "Can I watch please?" He took her into the back room where there were people tied up with terror in their eyes. A giant need which was attached to a metal contraption that held the victim in place with a arm with a needle that was injected into the victim. The blood come gushing out when the needle was inserted into a wine glass that was held under a spout where the blood was collected. "It's beautiful. It beats getting flesh in my teeth. They should have floss to remove bits of flesh. The blood is divine but the flesh is bad especially old people." Zorgon pulled Dru close as they watched the draining process. "Have a preference on blood type my sweet?" "All blood is wonderful but I'm in the mood for o neg." "Your wish is my command. A o negative for the lady Darger." "Can I use the needle can I?" "Of course you can." Dru drained the glass in a quick gulp. "Simply divine." She threw the glass against the wall with a giggle. She grabbed the needle and plunged it into the throat of a terrified girl that was silently crying. She stroked the girl's hair and put her finger to her lips." "Shh hush it won't hurt for long. Just let the blood flee from your body in a stream. Take your last breath knowing that your death allows another to live. So your blood will live in me since I'm eating you tonight." The glass filled wit blood waiting to be drunk. "I love this," Dru said as she threw the glass against the wall. "Had enough dear? Let's go hunting the old fashioned way." Dru started humming as she walked outside with Zorgon. "The chariot awaits my dear boy." "Nice ride where did you get it?" "I have my ways so don't you worry your slimey horny head." They hoppped into the car and took off. "I smell people up ahead. Turn left it's the house on the corner." "Ooh it's a frat house filled with tasty morsels ripe for the taking." They got out of the car and Dru skipped up to the frong door. The door opened and the guy saw Dru and smiled. "Is this where the party is?" "Sure sweet thing come on in and let's dance." Dru turning to vamp mode said, "Thanks dearie but I'm with someone." She sliced his throat open and watched the blood come gushing out like a fountain. She reached into his chest and ripped out his heart that was still beating slowly coming to a stop. She looked at it and gave it to Zorgon who ate it in one gulp. He burped afterwards. Dru turned to him and said, "Bad dog." Spike had drunk all the liquor in the house and had finally passed out. Dru and Zorgon partied all night with their reign of terror killing and drinking all in sight splattering the place with blood and body parts that were tossed aside. Dru felt the coming sun so she ran outside and sped off to safety from the sun's killing rays. Spike was on the floor dreaming of the day when he killed that pesky Slayer. Zorgon was so busy eating that he didn't notice Dru leaving. "Mmmm what a feast." His favorites were the hearts and the kidneys. He dove into each one savoring the taste as he consumed everything in sight.
Barbara Desmond
The Adventures Of Dru And Spike Part 3
Dru ran into the house just in time before turning into a pile of dust she was steaming because the sun was rising. "That was too close. Spike where are you?" Spike still on the floor stumbled to his feet still a bit unsteady with a blinding headache. "Spike what have you been doing while mummy's been away?" Spike brought his hand up to cover his eyes and said, "Stop yelling and I could ask you what you've been doing. Not anothe fling with yet another demon!" "A girl's got to have some fun and you've been no fun at all." "Come here pet I'll show you some fun." "I'm tired now so I'm going to sleep. Maybe we'll do something tonight after I've had a good day's sleep. I know this great bar I'll take you to." "Ok I need a drink to stop this bleeding pain. Sure pet we'll go out and paint the town red." "Good night my dear." Dru kissed Spike on her way to the bedroom. Spike grabbed a blanket and went out. There was a manhole cover so he was able to get into the sewers so he could get something to drink. He was quite familiar with the sewers so he was able to get into the liquor store without going outside. "Hello mate I could use a bit and I choose you." He went into vamp mode and drained the cashier. He grabbed a bag and filled it with bottles of brandy and scotch. He went back into the sewer and walked home singing. When he got back to the house he went into the bedroom where Dru was sleeping. He watched her sleep his Black Goddess. "I can never stay mad at you long my pet." He got on the bed and kissed her on the forehead and went to sleep. When Spike work up Dru was already awake and dancing around the room "Dru my love what's going on in that head of yours?" "My head is singing for the blood I'll be spilling tonight. Oh Spike you must see this machine that drains blood from a person. It's ever so much fun Spike. Plus no flesh getting stuck in my teeth which I hate." They got in the car and went to Levithan's Lair. "Come on my sweet." Dru grabbed Spike's hand and led him inside. Dargen walked up to Dru and said, "I thought you'd be back my dear. So who is this guy? Where's Zorgon?" "Not him again. Damn it Dru not again with the slimey one." "My dearie you were no fun so I had to go have some fun while you were thinking about her." "What's wrong with planning the killing of a Slayer? At least I don't go trolling off with every demon I spy with my little eye." "Stop obsessing about her or I'll be gone." "Ok pet I won't even say her name. You know you're my girl. We'll be together for all eternity." "Spike you say the sweetest things. Let's go bleed some humans for an appetizer before our hunt for the night." Dargen took them to the back room and Dru picked someone to drain with a big grin and a wicked gleam in her eye. "Isn't it beautiful Spike." "We need to get a house with a cellar so we can have a people cellar and this machine could come in handy but I do like drinking the old fashioned way." Dru drank the blood and licked her lips. "So Dargen where did you get this work of art?" "A buddy of mine can get one for you." "I'm placing my order since my girl will have so much fun with it and I can never deny her anything." They left to go hunting for some sweet blood. They found a house where a party was in progress. "Oh goodie another party Spike. So many party favors and so much to eat." "Let's go in pet I could use a good bit of violence." The door was open and a girl gestured for them to come on in. "Well pet it's not polite to turn down an invitation, said Spike as he got into vamp mode. He grabbed the girl and both him and Dru fed off her savoring the sweet nectar that fortified their lives. When they were done they pushed the girl to the side and joined the party. The music was cranked up and the booze was flowing. "Oh Spike let's dance I love this song." Spike grabbed Dru and they started dancing. Next to them was a couple that caught Dru's attention. Dru stroked Spike's face and pointed at the couple. Dru grabbed the guy and Spike the girl already in vamp mode. The music was so loud that no one heard their screams. "Oh Spike isn't this bliss?" "Yeah I always enjoy a good party with tasty morsels to snack on." He spun Dru around and looked around for another person to eat. "I want a castle Spike with a dungeon where we can chain up our food and play. Please Spike please!" Dru ran her tongue down Spike's cheeck and looked at him whimpering. "Hmm Spike can we get a castle?" "Good idea pet. First I need a bite to eat. Shall we?" Arm in arm they walked over to a couple in the corner. The drained bodies fell to the ground after Dru and Spike had their fill. "Let's go pet I'm full and this party is dead." Licking her lips she reached for Spike's hand and they walked out stepping over the trail of bodies. The music was blaring and no one had even noticed that some of the party goers were missing the vital ingredient of blood and were just lying there dead. They drove off into the night.
Barbara Desmond
The Adventures Of Dru and Spike Part 4
Back at the house Dru sparted spinning around. "Oh Spike I can see it and it's perfect." Shall we go my beauty?" "Yes let's go." They walked out to the car and drove off. Dru gave Spike directions which took them out to the countryside. "I love it no one will hear the screams." The castle loomed in the distance complete with a moat. Dru jumped out of the car and skipped to the castle. She pushed a button and the drawbridge came down. "Shall we check it out my darling boy?" Arm in arm they walked inside. It was dark and gloomy with an air of abandoment since the previous owners were long dead and buried for years and no one had ever purchased it so it was just sitting abandoned. "It's beautiful and soon it will reek of death." "Let's check out the dungeon to see if there are any shackles. I heard that there have been some pretty wild times in here since the owners died. I feel like decorating and shackles would look quite nice with the decor." They went downstairs and found a regular room of horrors. "Ooh we can chain up people and have ourselves a party." "Well we can't have a party without party favors." They went back to the city to pick up a few tasty treats. Once they'd gotten a nice selection of people that they stuffed in the trunk they went back to the castle. "Oh Spike let's have some guests over." "Who that chaos demon you've been stepping out on me with. "Oh Spikey you know that you're my precious dear boy." "Ok you're forgiven but he doesn't step one foot near here. I don't want to see that slimey dripping horned one ever." "I must go shopping. Ta Spike!" "Wait pet don't forget to get some Weetabix." "Sure dearie I'll be back soon." Dru went to the store and filled her cart with liquor, Weetabix, and bags of chips. When she got to the register she had her vamp face on. "Hmm I could use a bite right about now." She grabbed the cashier and drained him licking her and tossing him to the ground. The store was empty except for a woman with her little girl who were terrified at what they'd just witnessed. Dru found some rope and tied them up. She took them out of the store along with the shopping cart of goodies. She put the party favors in the back seat and dumped the contents of the cart into the trunk. "Hush we're going to a a party and it's in a castle. The Queen of Swords is baking a cake today." When Dru got back to the castle she called for Spike to help her. He took the two walking happy meals inside and chained them up in the dungeon. "Spike I want the little girl. I've always wanted a child." "Pet can't you choose someone older so we don't have a child for all eternity." Dru looked at Spike and went downstairs. "How would you like eternal life?" She cupped the child's chin. "I could be your mummy. Wouldn't you like that my sweet?" The girl continued crying her eyes wide with terror. "Dru come here I want to talk to you." Dru walked over to him with the girl trailing behind. Spike bent down and told the little girl to scoot over to the corner. "Spike don't do that you're scaring her." "Pet we can't turn her she's a child but we can eat her. Pick someone older someone we can have fun with." "But Spike I like this one." "Do you really want to take care of this kid? Remember all the birds and pets over the years that you kept forgetting to feed. I don't fancy seeing this kid turn all famine victim because you forgot to take her out to feed. Come on pet don't get upset we can find someone much better." Spike nibbled on Dru's neck. "Ok but we play with the little girl for a little while at least." "Dru remember that book you read about Claudia being turned into a vampire?" "Yes Spike it was ever so dreadful how they killed her." Well that wasn't just some story since it was based on an actual girl. Pet you don't want that to happen to you now do you?" "Oh yeah that wouldn't be fun at all because I like doing my own killing and no one kills my toys. I think I'll go take care of Miss Edith since I've been neglecting her lately and she must be awfully lonely all in the dark like that." "Let's go upstairs luv you can see your doll later. I have a few vamps coming over with some treats." The bell rang a loud gong that echoed thourgh the castle so Dru looked out the window and saw it was the blood draining machine. "Oh Spike I want to try it out right now." They both went to the door and Spike opened it to let them in. Dru was excited at the thought of trying out the new toy on the guests in the dungeon. "Speak of the devil I was just talking about you mate." "Hello Spike long time no see. How long's it been?" "Well I've bagged anothe Slayer sicne last we met and Dru has killed her first Slayer." "Wow I'm impressed you two. Now are we going to party or make small talk? I want to see this machine in action. Oh the dawn of a new millenieum!" "Oh my head is dancing at the thought of all the fun we'll have with this machine." Dru spun around the room humming. She went upstairs to get dressed for the party.
Barbara Desmond
The Adventures Of Dru And Spike Part 5
The machine was set up in the banquet hall where the main attaction of the part was to take place. Dru went to the bedroom to get ready for the party. She choose a blood red leather dress with a low cut neckline. Next she put on the garnet necklace that Spike gave her along with the matching earrings. "Spike I'm so excited about the party. We really should come up with a name for that machine." She spun around the room anxious for the bloodletting to begin. "Les went out for soem goodies. How about the Bloodinator?" "Oh Spike you silly boy." Dru reached out for Spike and danced around the room. "Spike I'm hungry can I?" The little girl had come into the room and was eyeing the machine. "Who the little girl but there's harldy anything to her. She's just a little bit." "Blood is blood Spike and I only want a small bite so she's perfect." "Oh Dru you know I don't like eating children." "Spike!" "Ok I'm lying what can I say I enjoy a tike now and then but why don't you have the mother and I'll have this little one since I'm feeling a bit peckish myself." Dru went downstairs to the dungeon where the mom was chained up. "I'm hungry so I'm going to have meself a bite" said Dru as she went into vamp mode. At the sight of Dru with her piercing yellow eyes and sharp fangs she let out a shriek of terror. "Hus I don't like chatty food." Dru sank her teeth into the woman's neck and drained her dry. "Thank you for a lovely meal. It was delicious." Dru patted the woman on the head on her way upstairs. While Dru was eating Spike took the kid outside and told her to scram before he changed his mind and ate her. "Spike is it time yet?" "Not yet luv." Les walked in with bags in his hands. Dru clapped he hands and started going through the bags. "Spike get me a big bowl." He got the bowl and put it on the table and Dru opened the Weetabix and poured it into the bowl. She looked over to the machine where a guy was strapped in. "You my dear boy are very important since every party needs snacks and you are one of them." She walked over to him holding the bowl and drained him holding the bowl so the blood would drain into the bowl. "Pet don't forget to shake the bowl so the blood covers the Weetabix." "Of course Spike I know you want them all bloody and crunchy." "Well it does give it texture and it's a nice change from just blood." "So what did you do with the little girl Spike?" "I turned her loose." "Excuse me but I ate her. Was she one of yours?" Dru growled and fell to the floor and curled up into a ball. "You fool that tyke was for Dru. I wanted it to be like a game of hide and seek." Spike grabbed Les by the throat and threw him across the room where he landed in a heap after crashing into the wall. Spike ran over to Dru who was still on the floor and pulled her into a sitting position. Stroking her hair he said, "Sorry baby but Spike will get you another kid to play with. Remember that time I ate that family and found the little one in the coal bin?" Dru nodded. "Well since that was such great fun I wanted to have the kid hide so you could hunt her down." Dru got up still holding onto Spike and said, "Oh Spike you always know what I like." Les who was now standing said, "Don't worry you two I'll get another kid or maybe two so you can play hide and seek. Sorry about the mixup." He ran into the guys outside and the guys filled him in on Spike's plan. Spike kissed Dru and said, "There pet we'll soon have some nice morsels to eat." "Shall we dance while we wait for the hunt to begin." "Excuse me for a second luv I just need to talk to the boys about your treat." Spike went outside to make sure the plan was set into motion. "So boys do you know what to do?" "Yes we grab some kids and hide them." "Go now!" Spike turned to Les and had him make sure that there were plenty of places to hide the kids. Spike went back inside and grabbed Dru and spun her around. "Luv I'm hungry let's have a snack while we wait." They walked over to the table and ate some blood covered Weetabix. "I smell fresh blood nearby. Be back in a minute luv." Spike went outside and found himself someone walking by. "Hi mate thanks for popping by!" He grabbed the guy and took him inside. "Lookie what we have here pet. Fire up the drainer I fancy myself a pint of blood with some burga weed." "Can I stap him in and flick the switch? Can I?" "Sure luv go ahead." "I just love doing this. He put the blood in a cup and stuck two straws in it so they could drink together. There was a knock on the door. Spike answered it and was told that everything was ready. "Dru let's go on our treasure hunt." "Oh goodie!" Arm in arm they went outside. On a nearby tree there was a note. Dru pulled off the note and read it. "For a treat that you seek walk ten paces forward. Turn right where you will find a bush. Inside awaits something sweet to eat." Dru found the bush and bent down. Cowering beneath was a wide eyed little booy. Dru went to Spike and kissed him. She grabbed the boy and drained him dry. "So where do we go next?" "Look he has a note pinned to his shirt." Congratulations for coming this far. A new treat awaits you under a willow tree. Look past the bush to the stand of trees and beneath the leaves sweetness waits for you." Dru made her way over to the tree and found a pile of leaves. She dug through them and found two little girls. "Oooh twins!" She drained one and picked up the second and walked over to Spike. "I want to use the machine and I'll even share her." "Sure pet whatever your little heart desires. Are there any more notes luv?" She went back the where the babies were buried and found a piece of paper. She read it out loud, "Well the hunt is done for today so enjoy your blood and maybe another treasure hunt will come again your way." "Well pet let's go inside you know I can't say no to you." They went back insdie and Dru put the little girl on the couch." "I want to keep her for a little while. Maybe she would like to meet Miss Eidith. Would you like to meet her little one?" The little girl just looked up at her with eyes that were growing wide as saucers. "Now luv you know how you get when you play with your food?" "Oh Spike I won't get attached. I'll play and then eat her with you by my side my dear sweet Spike." "Ok but don't forget to eat her." "Come on let's go play." The little girl cringed and curled up into a ball. "This is so disappointing. Maybe you're right. Oh well little one it's time to eat and no Miss Edith for you. Spike strap her in while I get Miss Edith to watch the show." Dru went into the bedroom and picked up her doll. Stroking her hair she walked back to where her treat was waiting. "I just love young blood it's so sweet." "I would like to propose a toast." They interlocked arms and Dru said, "To the sweetest blood of all. The blood of an innocent always makes me tingle."
Barbara Desmond
Spellcaster's Anonymous
Willow woke up one morning and decided to get up and go out. It'd been a week since she'd nearly gotten Dawn killed. Dawn was avoiding her and Willow didn't blame her in the least since she wasn't sure if she could forgive herself let alone Dawn forgiving her. Willow finally realized that she had a terrible problem but she regretted that it took something like this to wake her up. She had looked on the college's website and saw a group that she decided to go to which was why she even got up at all since she'd pretty much stayed in the room for the whole week only popping out for food and to use the bathroom. She took a shower and got dressed and went downstairs finding Buffy in the kitchen alone. "Hey Will you going out today?" "Yeah I thought I'd go over to the college to see about this group I found out about. How is she?" "That's great Will. Um she's doing better just give it some time." Willow's eyes filled with tears. "Buffy I I nearly killed Dawnie. It was all my fault. She's like a little sister to me and what I did was unforgiveable." Buffy walked over to Willow and hugged her and stroked her hair. "Will don't do this to yourself. Dawn still loves you we all love you and I'll be here for you every step of the way." Willow looked at Buffy and gave a little smile. "There that's better. I've done things that I'm not proud of either and I've been blind to what you've been going through." "Buffy you've had a full plate yourself with all the stuff you've had to deal with and I didn't help any." "Will you did what you thought was right and it was done out of love. I can't fault you for that and I'm just taking it a day at a time. That's what you need to do too. Well I'm off to DoubleMeat for a doubleshift. I'll bring you home a DoubleMedley or something." "Ok bye Buffy. I'm off to take that first step." Buffy smiled and walked out the door. Willow had a glass of orange juice before leaving. "Ok I can do this I need to do this." She walked out the door just as Xander was pulling up. "Hey Will what's shaking?" "Ooh perfect timing can you drop me off at the college?" "There's my girl off to do some learning." "Yeah something like that." "Well just hop on into the Xandermobile so we can head off to the place of knowledge." Willow opened the door and got inside and they sped off. Willow didn't say a word on the ride over but Xander kept up a steady stream of chatter. She wasn't really paying attention to him but she knew that it was most likely about the wdding. He pulled up to the curb and she got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride Xander." "So do you want me to stick around to give you a ride home. Some demon friend of Anya's is around so I'm not in a hury nope no hurry at all." "Sure but I'm not sure how long I'm gonna be at least a hour or so I guess. Just meet me at the library you know where the books live." "Hey I know where it is since the gang went there last year when that demon from space showed up. So I'll go some quality napping or maybe some reading. Nah I think I'll stick with the napping since the library is supposed to be all quiet right?" "Sure well I need to pick up a few books anyway so when I'm done with my meeting I'll find you." Sure no problem mi amiga." She went to Room 220 which was where the meeting was taking place. "Ok feet don't fail me now." She walked through the door and found chairs forming a circle around the room. She sat down and looked around as people came into the room and sat down. Pretty soon the seats were filled and the meeting was called to order by someone who looked familiar. "Welcome to Spellcaster's Anonymous. My name is Tina and I'm a spell junkie. Doing magick nearly destroyed me but here I stand before you as a living example that there is life without spells. So who wants to share?" Willow sat there and listened to people sharing their stories but didn't feel like sharing at this point. It was good to know that she wasn't alone in this battle which was most likely going to be the hardest thing she had ever faced. The meeting drew to a close with coffee and donuts. Willow grabbed a few for Xander and a couple for herself. Seeing Tina she walked over to her. "Hi Tina this isn't a lame line but weren't you at Wicca Group?" "Willow right yes I had the fun of being in that silly group until I dabbled with the real stuff and well you know first hand don't you? I should have stayed with that group since it was harmless." "So here we are in another group only funner. Just so you know that was sarcasm." Tina laughed and said, "You're off to a good start Willow since they say that laughter is the best medicine whoever they are." "They do have a lot to say but in this case I guess they have a point." "So are you coming to the next meeting?" "Yes I am this is good. This is what I need and it's not like I can look it up in the yellow pages." "Willow it'll take time but coming to the meeting is a good step and next you'll need to speak up." "Well I was going to but the time just passed by and next thing I knew meeting over." "Trust me when I say that it helps when yo share your story. Here's my number if you just want to chat. See you at the next meeting." "Yeah thanks. Oh who came up with the name anyway?" "I know it's kinda lame but maybe we could come up with a better name. Take care Willow." Willow walked over to the library and got the books she need and found Xander in an out of the way corner sleeping. She shook him awake. He muttered something before he woke up about china patterns. "Xander sugary goodness for you." "Thanks Will you're the best. So are you ready to go?" "Yup I'm all booked out." They walked to Xander's car and got in. "So Will how are you doing? I mean really Will this is me after all." "Well I went to SA and the meeting went well I suppose. I just need to take it one day at a time or maybe one hour at a time or minute." SA you're a sex addict!" "No it's Spellcaster's Anonymous silly. I think it should be a better name but I guess that isn't the important part." "That's great Will and I'm here for you so I'll be your driver to your meetings. I'm you man." "Thanks Xander I just may take you up on your offer." They pulled up to the house and went inside. "Will if you hadn't come out today I was prepared to go all caveman. Ok I wouldn't have bonked you on the head but I would have carried you out of here." "So do you want a pizza?" "Need you ask." "Right I'm on it." When Willow was in the kitchen Dawn came in. Willow mouthed, "Want some pizza?" Dawn ignored her and went to get a bottle of water. She went into the living room where Xander was sitting on the couch. "Hey Dawnie what's going on?" "Oh nothing just same old same old homework so I'm off to my room." "Wait a sec come join me for a minute." "What?" "Come on sit. She sat down beside him. "Look I know you're angry and you have every right to be no question about it but know this Willow loves you and she would never intentionally hurt you. She has a major problem and she's working on it. I myself feel like an idiot for not doing anything to stop this mess from getting out of hand." "Xander it's not your fault and I know she didn't mean to do it but she really scared me and considering the things I've seen that's saying a lot. I just need to be alone for a little while but I'll be down for pizza." "Yes you go up to your room and get some book learning done so you're head will be filled with the knowledge of the universe." Dawn went upstairs and shortly after Willow walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Cheer up Will I think I made some real Dawnie progress since she agreed to come down to eat which is a sart. You know how pizza brings people together." "Who says that?" I don't know but our little pizza party seems to be growing," Xander said as the key turned into the door and Buffy walked in. "Perfect timing Buffy you can join in the pizza fun." "Hey guys no double duty today so I'm footloose and fancy free and foodless. Sorry about that Will I just couldn't deal with the smell of those burgers. It's bad enough that the smell lingers and I have to bath over and over to get it out. Is it possible that it will just become part of my body odor." "That's between you and your body odor Buf." Xander got up to call Anya to see if she could come over and to find out if her demony friend was gone. He got really nervous around her demony friends especially the vengeance demon. It weirded him out to think that Anya was once like that so he steered clear when one of them came a visiting. Anya answered the phone and said she'd be over. "Will I hope you ordered much pizza since Anya's joining us so the whole gang's about to do some serious partying. Oh god Will I'm sorry I'm an idiot I guess Jed is paying yet another visit. Open mouth insert foot." Willow looked up at him and said, "Xander it's ok. I'm just glad that I have you guys to help me through this. I don't think I could do it without you." "Pizza the cure for everything well and chocolate too of course just not at the same time," said Dawn as she walked into the living room. "Unless of course it's chocolate pizza." Dawn walked over to Willow and hugged her. She whispered in Willow's ear, "I love you and I'm here for you." Willow started to tear up. "Will no crying allowed since no one likes a soggy pizza." "The pizza is coming." Buffy got up to get her wallet and ounf money along with a coupon on the table. "Ooh a visit from the pizza fairy." She opened the door and paid for the pizzas. "Ok let's eat I'm starving." They started eating and once they'd each eaten a slice and in Xander's case 2 1/2 the door bell rang again. Buffy answered the door and found Anya standing there. "Better get in here before Xander eats everything. I swear sometimes I think that boy is part anteater without the trunk of course." "I wouldn't say that Xander's very well..." "Anya pizza eat," Xander cut in before Anya could finish what she was going to say. Willow looked around at her friends and realized how lucky she was and thought to herself that she could make it through the darkness and back into the light and maybe one day she could get back with her love.
By Barbara Desmond